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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mango24

  1. I just went to the fill nurse last week because the band had tightened. I told her, THIS IS NOT WORKING FOR ME! She took out 2ccs, I had 8. She sent me for the fluroscope. I don't see the dr. till Thurs., so I don't know what he'll say. I hope nothings wrong with the band, cause I was cash. If he tells me somethings wrong I do not know what I'll do. I seriously think I may go to Mexico. I morgaged my house to get the freakin band.

  2. Hi Everyone,

    I just got the Beck book at Barnes and Noble too. I'm glad I went there instead of getting it online. It was in the bargains here too. 5.98, so I bought a book light too. I'm going read. Well right now I'm listening to my beautiful daughter bitch about where I put my coat like she owns the joint.

    Janet- you think someone really took it, that's horrible! Too bad you don't have a self destruct button for it.

  3. I had my surgery in July 07. I could have written the paragraph you wrote. I have been trying to lose weight so I could go back to my doc., but I just can't and I was too embarrassed to go. I finally went last Fri. I told the nurse, "This does not work for me." I diet and am losing nothing. The weight is slowly coming back instead of going down. The band tightened recently too. I am never full. I either can't eat and puke, or I can eat and I feel like I'm choking. She took out 2cc. I had 8 in a 10cc band. She sent me for a flouro. I went on Mon. I have the film, and I have an appt. with my doc. next Thurs.

    Go to the doc. Tell them you are not happy. This is not working.

  4. Hi Everyone,

    I did the fluro on Mon. I have an appt. with the dr. next Thurs. I would hope if something was wrong they would have wanted to see me right away. They sent the report to the dr. I have the films. I have looked at them 10 times. I hope the dr. is not POed about my fingerprints all over the place. I'm obsessed. I've been googling problems. It looks ok to me. Who knows?

  5. Hello Everyone,

    Mardi Gras today. I only went to one parade on Sat.

    I went to the fill nurse last Fri. She took out 2 ccs and sent me for an upper GI. I had it Mon. I have the films to bring to the doc. I been googling what the band is supposed to look like, but I can't tell in the film. It looks fine, it don't look fine, it looks fine, it don't look fine....... IDK

    Phyl- hope you feel better, sorry about your Mom and GS

    Karla- Sorry about your Dad. I agree with your sister, he will decide it's time when he's ready.

    I'm gonna get the Beck book. DH got an Amazon gift card for Christmas. He said I could have it.

    Me and DH went see Avatar last night. I liked it, and thought it was beautiful. We saw Imax 3D

  6. Hi Marcie, nice to hear from you. I'm gonna have to google that op to find out about it.

    Candice- I waited all week for the opening ceremonies. I started watching, and it wasn't much. I was kinda disappointed. The countries walked out and I figured I was gonna go to bed. So I wash my dishes and start up the stairs. DH still has the tv on. So I go back and look and I see some show starting after the countries are done. So I sit and watch.



    ALMOST AS GOOD AS WINNING THE FREAKING SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!! :thumbdown::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

  7. It's because you still we be able to graze all day with a band. If you're a 3 square meal person, your 3 meals will be a lot smaller.

    Gastric bypass is not just restrictive. It also doesn't allow the body to absorb many of the calories you consume. If you are a sugar addict, gastric bypass also may stop that, because of dumping. You get sick with sugar.

  8. This is my personal opinion.

    If you eat a lot of food. I mean a lot, and cutting down on quantity will cause you to lose weight than a Lap Band may be a good choice. My friend is doing great with hers, she was a BIG eater.

    If your problem is junk and sweets, than a Lap Band is not a good choice. These foods are high calorie for small portions, and they still go down just fine with a Lap Band. If you can't stop eating sweets, the Lap Band will not work.

  9. Hey Everybody!

    Phyl, I hope you're feeling better. Loved the lizard pic the best! Ya'll look like a post card. My friend got the same fish in Houston at an authentic Mexican rest. I have pics too. I wanted pics cause of the 80's song. " Fish heads, fish heads, rolley polley fish heads, fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, YUM" It used to play on MTV, back in da day.

    Happy Birthday Kari!:bored::thumbup::rolleyes2::lol:

    I went to Gatlinburg this weekend with some friends. One friend has a lapband, and she is doing great! She said she loses at least 10 lbs a mt. I never lost more than 2 a mt. She does low carb.

    I couldn't eat everytime we went somewhere I PB. I have to go to the dr, but my principal broke her foot jumping up and down for the Saint's win so she's out this week. I can't leave. I feel like telling her to take all fill out cause I want to start over. I haven't lost a pound in over a yr. I figure I paid at least 350 dollars for each lb I lost. I am never full. I am either choking and PB, or I'm starving. However, sometimes I can eat.

    DH went to the doc today for his knee. He wants surgery. He tore his ACL a couple yrs ago. Now he hurt it again. He limped all weekend in Tenn. He's in pain.

    Karri- Congratulations on the raise. I betta get one this year, or I'm may go postal.

    Did ya'll hear the Super Bowl had the biggest TV audience of any program in history? That game was freakin awesome.

    Two more days of work, then off M, Tu, and W for Mardi Gras. We party like big dogs down here! It's freakin cold again. Actually I'm freezing, I hate it!

    The cabin had a gas log fireplace. Gas logs are now on my wish list. We never use our fireplace. I'm sitting next to it now, unlit and freezing.

  10. Hi Everybody,

    Karri, OMG scary, take care of yourself. I'll be praying for you to get better.

    Janet- your BD is not on my FB page. I can't figure out how to add people to my list. I don't even know what my list is and who is and who's not on it. I tried to send you a card, but the app wouldn't let me cause you're name wasn't on the list. Anybody know how to add people? or even where I look to see whose on it.

  11. Hey Everybody,

    Going back today was delightful, because it was grown ups only. I actually had the energy to come home and cook. This is supper:

    Italian Sausage Soup - All Recipes

    They like it, and it was easy to make. I had to put mine in a blender. I can't eat. This has happened before, no big deal except this time it hurts to swallow. I don't know what that has to do with a lap band. It hurts in my throat.

    Karri- to sleep what about a xanax or valium?

    That should put you out with no side effects. Sorry about your pain. It will get better. I am taking the acibacillus tablets (the Pearls) while taking antibiotics. The pills have more of the bac you need than yogurt. Well i was taking them, i can't swallow now.

  12. Hey Everybody,

    Today is my last day of freedom. I have to go back to school tom. Ugghhhhh

    Karla, when I did my masters, I did everything with a buddy. We took all classes together, we helped each other with everything. I can't imagine having done it without her. Can you do that, or is it a loner thing. The first class I took, me and 2 other girls buddied up.

    Steph and Janet- Thanks for the compliments. He is my trophy husband.

    Steph- in the pictures you had posted before, you couldn't tell your DH had a weight problem. His face is slim. When you would talk about him getting surgery, I would think huh?

    Candice- I mailed that card before Christmas. Man, it took a long time to get to you.

    I am cooking chicken cacciatore. A local resturant sells their sauce in a jar, I just add chicken thighs. I just cracked some raw eggs in the gravy. My Mom used to cook raw eggs in our spaghetti gravy. I like em!

  13. Hey Everyone,

    Karla- love the rugs!

    Kari- a opening under a boob is pretty common, did you ever go on makemeheal.com?

    I was afraid it would happen to me, but it never did, although one side took a looooong time to close all the way.

    Steph- so glad you had a nice time, your pics are beautiful. I vote sleeve. It scarier, but I think more effective. Dr. Oz talked about it today. The part of your stomach that makes the hunger hormone ghe.... will be cut off.

    Phyl- hope you feel better soon, I'm probably gonna have to switch to something stronger than Keflex

    Janet and Candice- great job with the exercise:thumbup:

    We had a hard freeze here last night, and we will have one again tonight. We haven't had a hard freeze in several years. I'm definitely gonna lose some plants.

    I don't know how you northern gals do it, I can't stand it. Mischief has his sweater on, and the spoiled rotten dog is still shaking.

    I forgot to tell ya'll someone stole my credit card number when I used it over the holidays. It's actually my debit/credit card. I have the card which mean someone I purchased from actually stole my number. It was used twice near Disney. I have to file a police report to get my money back. Thank God only about 300.

  14. Happy New Year Everyone!

    I've been sick since last Tues., on Keflex, and still sick.

    I don't go back to work till Thurs. Good thing I was off, cause I woulda missed several days. Phly when it was really bad, the back of my head hurt severly.

    Me and DH's 26th anniversary yesterday. We didn't do anything. We will later. I need to check out Willie Nelson tickets.

  15. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

    We had a nice day. I went get Mom this morning, and I just brought her back about 1hr ago. I'm really tired, I'll probably go to bed early. Don't think I'm gonna go shopping tomorrow. I could start getting presents, but I just don't feel like going. I still have painting to do.

    Now I have to start thinking about the Christmas decorations. This holiday stuff is a lot of work.

    Glad you had a nice birthday Phyl.

    Candice, you look lovely. But you are a bit obsessed, there's not a damn thing wrong with your lovely nose.

    Have ya'll decided where ya'll are getting together this year? When?

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