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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Frank

  1. My wife and I had surgery 1 year ago by Dr. Sanchez. We were very happy with the Doctor and his staff. The Hospital was as nice as ones in the US.
  2. Frank

    It been 1 year

    1 year ago we left Chicago and flew to Monterrey MX and got the Band. We have had a good year. I would have like to have lost more weight. My wife is already below her goal and has set a new goal of 180lbs. We just had a fill last week. Our web site has picture update.
  3. Frank

    It been 1 year

    Has anyone lost much weight the second year.
  4. My wife was very sick the first week. She said warm drinks was the only thing that help.
  5. Frank

    True Confessions Of A LapBander

    I always drink with meals (wlyers diet) Snack to much (nuts) Eat PB and eat again and PB Think I need to finish all the food on the plate Eat at night
  6. Today is My wifes birthday so instead of a expensive dinner We went for a fill. October the 4th will be our 1 year band day. This has changed our life. We have been so blessed to have had this surgery. It has been 7 months since out last fill. I have gain able 5 lbs this last month. Deb has not gained but has not lost anything for a month. Deb has reached her goal of 199lbs but has decided to try to loss 20lbs more. I would like to loss 20-35 more lbs.
  7. After dieting and then Lapband surgery. My wife has done it. She has gone from 314lbs to 199lbs. That was her goal. Anything below 200. I believe she will try to make around 180lbs at 5' 10" She has gone from a 28-30 dress to a 14. I am so proud of her. I am so thankful to be able to do this with my wife and best friend all in one. I still have a way to go I've gone from 406lbs to 235lbs and I'm 6'3". I would like to get to 220. We are 10 months post op.
  8. This is our most recent picture. Deb is at goal and I'm close.
  9. Frank


    You have had great sucess this year.
  10. Your support has been so great. We all do have like struggles. So of you ask for more details so I post of lapband web address. We have not updated for a couple months though. Rev. Dow F. and Debbie Moses Auroara IL http://www.arkwebshost.com/family/debmo/
  11. Frank

    So tell me about you.....

    10 mont post op I am wearing 38 waist deb is wearing size 14
  12. Frank

    Question for Experienced Bandsters?

    My wife and I are 10 months post op. We eat out almost daily. The first weeks are the worst. Now we eat about anything. Meats first, salads and soups. I find myself eating much more meals with ground beef. It goes down easier. We have trouble with dry meats like chicken breast and steak. We share a meal or a starter. Laterly we have been bad. We share a patty melt and share an ice cream (got to stop that). The worst thing we do is go to buffets. I always try to eat more at buffets. Bad habits are hard to break. Dow
  13. I have been gaining and lossing the same 10lbs for 3 months. I can not keep most meats down. I almost always PB my first meal of the day and then it seems I can eat like a pig. I think I am to tight for a fills but I am having trouble reaching my goal. I am 9 months post op. And I am so happy with my weight loss, but could use help in getting off the last 30 lbs.
  14. I was thinking that maybe I needed a fill to keep me from eating the soft food, but maybe you are right if I could eat more solid food I would eat less. I will probably not take any out right now. I will just try more solid foods if I can keep it down. I'm cheap. The fills cost so much. LOL
  15. Frank

    Please send a Prayer

    she is in our prayers
  16. Just an update. My wife and I have been on a long battle with weight loss. The last 6 months since surgery has made a big difference. In the last 3 years we have lost 273lbs together. In the last 6 months since we had surgery we has lost 128lbs. We are getting so close to our goals. I had a NSV this week. I started out in a 60long suit. I bought a 46long this week. My wife was a size 28-30. I bought her 12-14 for mother's day. The last time I was this size I was 15 years old. Dr. Sanchez put us on his success stories this week. All you support has been such a great blessing. Thanks Dow And Debbie Moses
  17. When did the price change. We went there 6 months ago and it was over $19000. per person. If this it true I would like to know. I know some people thinking about surgery.
  18. Frank

    Back but not so hot

    Katie I pray the worst is behind you. Please remember that you are working on your future. Remember it took years to gain the weight. So take it one day at a time.
  19. Frank


    You have to do what is right for you. Our story was a little crazy. We waited until after surgery to tell anyone. We where going to Mexico. So you could guess how crazy they would tell us we were. When we got back we told everyone. I am a Pastor I told my church during my sermon the sunday I came back. They thought we when to mexico for our 20 year anniversary. If you could have seen there faces. It was over so it didn't matter what anyone said. We were so bless to have each other support. We had not even told our child or our parents. Some of them were upset but they got over it.
  20. Frank

    Katie's Band

    We pray that she is doing better and will be home soon. The first few weeks are the worst. Support one another as you go through this life changing journey.
  21. I am so proud of my wife. Today was weigh day and she has lost 49lbs in 6 months since surgery. I have lost 53lbs. In the last 3 years we have lost 253lbs. My wife is only 13lbs from her goal, but I have a long ways to go. This is a picture we took sunday.
  22. We are bad about doing exercise. For 3 year we have been on a low carb lifestyle. Deb no longer takes meds for diebeties and her blood pressure meds are cut in half. I'm sure weight loss helps them both. We feel like our weight loss has been slow. We have been working on it for 3 years and in my mind I'm still that 400lb Man. Picture are a blessing for the first time in many years. They remind us it is working. Plus ad the new closes. LOL And Darla I do like her as a red head.
  23. I can not think of but 1 negtive of doing it together. We have 3 children. So coming home after surgery was tough having to go right back to work and taking care of the family. If we had it to do over we would do it the same way. It has been so great working on it together. Our progess has been so different I needed a fill as soon as I could get one. Debbie waited over 3 months. I now have had 2 with 2.8 cc Deb only has 1 cc . We are all different, but having support this close is great. Dow
  24. Frank

    Vera has a new band

    Vera you are in our prayers. I hope Dr. Sanchez takes good care of you. We wait to hear from you.
  25. Frank

    Just my Luck, Back to Mexico

    Vera We are sorry to here about your problem. We also went the Dr. Sanchez. I hope they take good care of you. Keep us updated. Deb and I will keep you in our prayers. I am amazed a how much weight you have lost with all the problems you have had. You seemed to be so head strong about your weight loss. That will carry you a long ways.

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