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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ses

  1. Ses

    Acid Issues

    I've been waking up a lot lately with stomach acid burning my throat. (And had to flush it out of my foodpipe/throat with water.) Has anyone else had this problem?
  2. Two problems I went to see my surgeon today and we decided that because I could still apparently eat normal sized portions and that I hadn't lost any weight (which is also a problem) my third fill today, 2mls, and now I have 6mls in the band. But when I got home and tried to eat, I could only manage three bites of chicken before I started to get severe pains in my throat and ear, something I thought meant 'too full down here!' and needed to throw up some. And now tonight, I can't put a mouthful of Water into the pouch without feeling that same pain. And it really really hurts, on a scale of 1-10 it is probably 8. And the other problem- I haven't lost weight. I am eating less. I don't have the same foods as before, I don't eat bread, I don't eat white rice anymore, I take multivitumns ...or I did before these pains started... and I have been pretty good about eating the right things. But I've only lost 1kg in the past three weeks even though my portions were only a third of their old amount. And I am sure that my body is changing somehow, I'm now wearing a top I haven't worn since I was 15 and it fits when it didn't fit right a week ago. So has anyone got advice? I think that maybe I should do that swallow test again... but I don't know what to do, it's 10pm and I'm still feeling that pain ten minutes after drinking one mouthful of water.
  3. Omg, since last Wednesday, I've lost around 7kgs. I was 147kgs, then yesterday I was 140kgs, today I'm 141kgs... but wow. o_o Talk about falling off a cliff... And I'm wearing clothes from when I was 14! My warm jackets fit again! (Too bad it's summer. Heh.) And I can almost fit into my boardie shorts. O_O Has anyone else noticed that soem areas of the body are loosing it faster than others? My legs are slimming down much faster than the torso, but maybe that's because they get all that exercise carrying the torso around.
  4. I'm still having pains so I'm going to go see my surgeon in a few hours. But I've lost 5kgs since Wednesday! O_O
  5. I think it has something to do with me eating chicken a few hours after the fill. But the surgeon said it was okay. And now just having a quarter of a cup of clear soup hurts. Urrrrgh. The fill was only yesterday so hopefully it'll calm down soon.
  6. Ses

    Left shoulder/neck pain

    I get that pain too, but it also goes right into the back of my throat till I'm literally grabbing at my neck in pain.
  7. I've been having troubles with fills and I'm starting to wonder how good my surgeon is as far as helping me. Even though he is the head of the bloody gastric surgery department or something... he's been forgetting to tell me some important details. And I've only lost 11kgs.
  8. Ses

    Sexual Assault Accusation, Please Help!

    I wish I could know what to say to make you feel a bit better. It might be that she hasn't any idea what she's accused him of, or that something terrible did happen. But I think your girl will have to find out sooner or later, and she's old enough to notice that you didn't tell her straight away. Would it be an idea to break it to her in small amounts? Like, 'Dad is in a bit of trouble with the cops' then a few days later, 'He might need to go into a trial' and just say 'accused of assault' or something. I know that when I was around 15, I heard that my Dad had been accused of assult by his wife and had the cops chase him and the whole works, and had gone missing... it freaked me out, not so much the idea that he'd been aggressive, but that I didn't know what was happening and where he was. Not knowing what was going on was the worst part of that. You know her far better than I do but 12-year-olds are pretty observant. I will pray for you and I believe you'll find the right path, even if it's too dark to see at the moment.
  9. Wow, seriously? My surgen kept insisting on 2mls every two weeks... which is hard on me, that's $130 a fortnight when I only earn $400 a fortnight, but I was lucky and got the first two done free with the MRI at the public hosptial under the public healthcare... but yea, he insists on doing it quickly. Would explain why the chicken went down so badly.
  10. I had the surgery at 8am and checked myself out around 6pm... but I was stubborn about getting the hell out of there, even when I was muddled with the drugs, I was trying to get the nurses out so I could dress again. hehe. Well... if you feel you'll heal better at home, you could do what I did and say you'd rather go home. They might just being careful.
  11. My surgeon never said that about having to go back onto liquads which annoys me a bit... but that does make sense. In fact, he even made a point about solid foods, listing off all the forbidden 'if it doesn't need chewing then don't eat it' foods that I shouldn't have. Urgh! A bit off topic, but I'm suddenly wondering what the hell he's thinking. o.o First two attempted fills, he just jabbed the needle in there and tried to feel around for the port. Which hurt like crazy. (We ended up having to do it under MRI) And yesterday, when I asked him about what type of band it was... you know, size, how much mls, there's different types... he looked at me with a 'She has a band but she doesn't know what it is?!' look and proceeded to pull one out of his desk to show me a lapband. -frustated- And after the surgery, he forgot to tell me that you had to ignore the pain and cough up the gunky stuff... I found that out a few days later from this forum.
  12. Ses

    Why isnt it working?

    God, I hope it's too tight. -points at other thread- That would be easy to fix, painful and expensive, but easy. The only thing I can eat are those dried pea Snacks.
  13. And I can't give up on the band because it is my last hope, if this fails then I'd rather remove the stomach completely than to continue on like this.
  14. Ses

    Why isnt it working?

    That's what's happening to me too. I never ate 'fat food' before the lapband, even though I got a BMI of 53, and even now three months after the band... And I'm having the same problems with the throwing up and pain. I think my surgeon thinks I'm cheating too, he can't believe how bad I've done so far.
  15. Ses

    October Exercise Challenge!

    Name: Ses Exercise Goals: I'm gonna walk the long way around the neighbourhood three times a week.
  16. ...what is the wisest thing to do? See, my doctor made it clear that I was to avoid yogurt, milk, Soups, ect. and to watch diet like a hawk... but I'm sick with a very bad cold/flu that's lasting for days now. And I'm not sure if I should continue with his guidelines or just follow instinct and have soups, lemon things, garlic in things, ec till I recover. Anyone else been through this?
  17. I don't know... I'm unemployed and biiiig. I sometimes wonder if being employed, and having money to go to gyms and get the band early (public heath care paid for the band and it was a six year wait), would have helped. But maybe it also depends on your job!
  18. Ses

    Diet... misnomers

    See... those were things I was wondering about. For example, my nuteritonist reccomended diet soft drinks... and artifical sweetners instead of suger/honey. But I've been wondering if the chemical alternative really is better. And I was sure that honey had some really good properties to it. (I just felt like I'm not exactly in a position to question that while I'm at a crucial part of teh weight loss.)
  19. Ses

    When you're sick...

    Another thing that worries me too is that whenever I cough too much, my stomach tries to jump out of my throat. (It tries to vomit.) This won't risk the band, will it?
  20. Ses

    My Doctor Let Me Down!

    I think at the early stage you're at, what's important is that you recognize the sensation of physical fullness... even if you do eat a little more... so that when you're on normal food and starting to get fills, you know what sensations you're supposed to be on the lookout for. But I have no idea what he was thinking, that's just the way I see it!
  21. Ses

    First Fills!

    Has anyone been given their first fills yet? I went in for my first fill a few days ago and it was HORRIBLE. He couldn't feel the port, so he kept prodding and prodding till the area started to hurt. Then when that didn't work, he jabbed the needle in me hoping he'd feel it that way... and wriggled it around a little. I know he knows what he was doing but urgh. But anyway, that didn't work either so I'm here with a sore stomach (again!) and an appointment to get my first fill under X-ray or something:heh::nervous:faint:
  22. Ses

    First Fills!

    The needle he gave me to take to hospital is about three inches, I think. I suppose they sometimes put the port deep so that when you loose weight, it doesn't show up too much.
  23. I don't know if this is the right place to ask about this... but then, we've got different groceries and stuff to America. And a different and much smaller selection of things to choose from. Currently I'm doing the Optifast diet... and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips from their time (like how to ignore the horrible food that's suddenly a new and huge temptation) or any recipes from the slim pickings we get to choose from... or anything? And is there any types of Optifast besides the chocolate powder? :/
  24. I am doing great! If there wasn't the port there, I'd hardly believe that I was banded. ...well, apart from the whole 'restricted food' thing. But it's odd, you'd think that the food amount would require mental adjustment and for me, that sudden change in volume is second nature. Maybe I just needed the physical sensation? But I haven't done so well with food at times. >_< I found that if I made sushi 'for later' (it is mushy enough for the mushy stage, apparently?), it was impossible to have it sitting in the fridge without eating it... so I had to throw it away. And I've still not gotten used to wasting food. lol

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