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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ses

  1. What is going on with this site? I've been here for YEARS... since before my surgery... Technally, it is lagging like anything. I have to open up notepad, an external typing program, to just WRITE. I can't write anything in the forum now, it lags so bad, 1 letter per 10 seconds bad. It's slow, Jerky, incredibly hard for the computer to load again and again... I am in AUSTRALIA. Why am I being shown all these American adds? There aren't just a few adds... I am counting 29 alone at the moment! I bet these are what is screwing with my use of the site! ALl these adds re-download everytime I change pages! Holy cow... I really don't want to leave after all these years here, but I'm starting to wonder if I have much choice anymore. (At least it keeps reminding me why I treasure our public healthcare system!) It's funny but before the adds loaded, it was easy to type in this new thread creation... now I have to go back to notepad.
  2. Yesterday an interesting thing though is that when I was going home (three hours travel!) anything I ate or drank tasted sweet. ANYTHING. Dad was eating potato chips. I tried them... and they tasted sweet, like they had suger coated on them. My Water, filtered bottled water, tasted sweet. The sandwiches from the hospital tasted sweet. My tongue felt weird too. Anyone know what that was about? I hadn't eaten or drunk anything for 22 hours, was that it? My forehead felt really weird too, really numb, I couldn't feel much. It's all gone now, but my tongue still feels weird and numb.
  3. Yesterday an interesting thing though is that when I was going home (three hours travel!) anything I ate or drank tasted sweet. ANYTHING. Dad was eating potato chips. I tried them... and they tasted sweet, like they had suger coated on them. My Water, filtered bottled water, tasted sweet. The sandwiches from the hospital tasted sweet. Anyone know what that was about? I hadn't eaten or drunk anything for 22 hours, was that it?
  4. Ses


    It is great for me. :thumbup: I've had it for two and a half years... lost 60kgs (although my band did slip last august and am still waiting for repairs on it! ) It isn't easy... and I know people here say it's mostly the persons fault, but some of us have bodies that are very stubborn. It took me walking 8kms a day to work and back just to really get it to happen, for the weight to come down. But you will be okay. For most people, it's simple stubbornesss about and you'll find that with the band, you'll view food differently.
  5. Okay, so here's what's been happening... I ate celery because I was on pre-op diet which had no crunchies... should have ate carrots, you're right!... and I craved crunchies. Will remember them next time. Peas... yeah. I eat them raw which makes them easier. Uncooked pea skin is really easy to get through, but if it's cooked, I have issues... same goes for corn kernals. Anyway, it seemed that fluids stayed down after I gave the stomach a moment to relax. And then I ate softness once more. I think something got caught... which is amazing, the band was totally empty of fluid! So today was supposed to be the day of reposition/replace if nessasery. -siiiiiiiiigh- Did exactly what they wanted. No food/water after 10pm. Arrived at 6:30am, waking at 3:30am to make the long trip. Waited one hour in the admissions clinic. Waited another two hours in the reception of the day surgery clinic. Dad, who came with me, asked the receptionist what the delay was and we were told that there were six lapband patients before us that morning! It was about 9am, maybe 9:30ish when they finally let me into the pre-surgery ward and got me dressed up in the sexy purple hospital gown and disposable panties. Oh yeah, did I feel hot. At least it was kimono designed... tied up at the side. So I lay down. Waited. Dozed. Waited. Dozed. Watched people get wheeled out. Waited. Dozed. Heard snippets from nurses. Found out woman in bed beside me was getting a lapband put in. Waited for fancy socks (to help encorage blood flow) but the nurses forgot them. Heard nurses, that nearly half the lapband related operations were repositioning or replacing. (Christmas related? Hmm...) I was starting to get a bit cranky by 1pm, have to admit. I'd told the nurses that I had to tell the surgeons about some complications, I knew they'd want to know about the vomiting and stuff, but hadn't even seen the anesthesigolist yet... just nurses wandering past without a word. Bright lights in ward were burning brain and making forehead numb. It was also fricken cold with air con going. Yeah, I know I sound whiney but it really was getting tiring. Anyway, the lady beside me got wheeled out at about 1:30pm. So I waited more. And more. And more! It was about 2:15pm when I was FINALLY wheeled into holding room for the OTs. Dad went downstairs to wait. We both thought 'Hooray, this is it, surgery by three!' So I waited. Nurses in the room waited. I watched, again, as patients were wheeled in and out within 15mins,as I sat there, and sat there.... 3:30 came by and I watched as surgeons started to go home. A guy who'd been there the entire time as me, a Chinese man, had gone into the OT some half an hour before me. I heard the nurses get a call, half an hour after he left the holding room, that the poor guy had been canceled. They were complaining, as he already had his lines and stuff in! I kind of paid attention to the bad feeling at that point. It was at 4pm when, after being in the hospital all day, that I heard the nurses in the holding room start to complain without naming my name: 'What do they mean, there's no beds? They knew that at 9am! What, they didn't book one?' I KNEW they were talking about me now. The nurse came back and wheeled me back to the pre-op ward. Surgeon came out and was really appologetic. Turns out the anesthesiologist didn't want to operate on me without an intensive care unit bed... which he hadn't booked... and even though I had a 23 hour ward bed booked... and the surgeon had been trying all day to get me a bed. He nearly had one but it was grabbed. I did get to tell him about the brown stuff in the vomit, and he told me it was blood and to not eat 2 hours before bed... which is why I am awake now... so I think he'll kick their bums harder to get this fixed! But now I have to wait 1-2 months before I get a new date. Anyway, they gave me some sandwiches and a cup of coffee. Poor Chinese man was also given the same, his arms bandaged... he goes back on tuesday, but because my surgery is 'elective', it isn't urgent... Bah. Oh man, I am exhausted. 22 hours without food and Water, and then 8 hours lying there in hospital garb waiting for the operation, it is amazing how much that drains you. My body's going to be repaying me for all that stress all night. So now I just need to get through a month or two of slipped lapband. I suppose the best thing is to eat slow, small portions, and to avoid danger foods, right? :smile2: I will go to my GP this week though and see if I can get him to do something to check the inside of the stomach. If it's bleeding inside, it might just be scratched, but it might help push the surgery from being 'elective' to important.
  6. No one has any advice or support or anything?
  7. I was wondering the same thing... am going in for repositoning surgery next week and I think it's going to have some embarrassing timing... -blush- >.>
  8. Holy crap! Heads have got to roll over this one!
  9. Hey! :thumbup: So I've had the lapband. Aug 07, exact. It worked slow at first, sped up after six months, I lost 50kgs overall... then it slipped. Anyway, to make a saga short, it took 6 weeks and 3 docs to get it checked with a barium swallow, another 2 weeks to see my offical surgeons, ect. I knew it'd slipped... I knew to the very minute it happened! So anyway. Confirmed it slipped. Went on waiting list for replace and/or reposition. They had told me four weeks, it ended up being another six weeks... and when they realized ,the rushing started. I was rushed onto preop diet (before I could afford it and told a few days after it was supposed to start) and rushed in for preop checks. So I got home from hospital after preop checks. Woke up the next day, 12 days till the surgery, feeling that 'uh oh, the back of my throat is really dry... head cold or flu...' feeling... I did try and tell my father, whom I'm living with at the moment, whod idn't believe me. Haha, whatta know. The day after, when Istarted the Optifast, I also started a nasty flu of some sort. So now here I am, two days into intensive Optifast, fighting a nasty flu that's in the nose, throat, lungs. I know that I should stick to Optifast exactly... But I also know that Optifast's effect on the body- forcing it to eat its own fat stores- oonly happens after four (or so) days. So basically, right now as I have this flu, my body thinks it's being starved. And the flu is trying to get worse. I'm wondering if anyone had this before their operation, or has suggestions for me. The docs will NOT let me delay the operation. I have to somehow get over this before then... and I'm so nervous already, because of previous breathing tube/anestheasia complications!
  10. Before I ask for advice, I better explain why I'm having trouble reaching surgeon... I lost my job in April, and then when my roomies decided they didn't want me either, I lost that home and ended up at my fathers. He lives isolated on an island community, and while that sounds great, it is also a small fortune to get to the mainland particually when you're on unemployment and jobless. The surgen seemed to think everything was okay, and seemed to be okay with me going through GP most of the time, and didnt' send me out a next appointment... Anyway, so this is what has been happening. About six weeks ago, it suddenly started. Literally, after a meal, I was suddenly unable to eat. I threw up anything solid, or mushy, and even drinking tea was a problem. And at night, I'd have to throw up just to sleep, the acid wouldn't stop coming otherwise... This lasted for about a week and it was when I had a cup of tea, and had to throw it up, when I decided that I needed to do something... so I went to ER. ER was a bit of a disaster. I hadn't slept the night before, due to the acid, and when I got there the nurse seemed to mistake 'Haven't eaten solid or mushy food for a week' for 'haven't pooped for a week' after I mentioned that I did have a bit of constepation. So when I got in there, the doctor ignored the band and tried to prod around in the other direction. I got upset, being tired and having just spent a week drinking tea and watery Soups, and made sure he didn't get near me with that stupid gloved hand. Said that I didn't understand what my bottom had to do with the inability to eat or a lapband problem. So they did an xray and they THOUGHT it looked okay, but then, they also didn't know that a lapband could slip downwards so... The doctor told me to come back to the ER the next day. They didn't have the right doctor, sorry. Couldn't help me. Gave me some pills for the acid reflux, with no instructions, and being tired and upset I went home. Didn't go back the next day, couldn't AFFORD to go back for a second day in a row. ( As I'd told them.) Since when do people go to the ER for anything other htan what might be a big problem? SO I decided to be super careful, didn't want to keep throwing up fluids, so I went on a Fluid only diet for several days to be really careful and gentle on the stomach. It seemed to work and soon I could manage solids again. The acid kept on coming at night but not so much, so well rested and partly well fed, I refused to complain. Or go back to the bottom probing hospital. Then about two weeks ago, it got worse again. I either had the 'vomit acid' which meant I would wake up with nastiness in my mouth and in my throat and would try and throw it all up... but that was easy, seeing as it was 'natural vomit acid'. Or it was the 'gluggy acid' which I couldn't wash down with Water, or swallow down, or cough up, and it would burn me so bad that I'd wheeze and cough for air and feel pretty freaked out that maybe it might close up my airways competely. THAT only could be pushed down with plain weetbix, with no milk, thick and plain and wheaty.... So this time I went to the island's GP. It was so bad that it hurt to drink a cup of tea or to breathe. He reassured me that the band was probably okay, and proscribed me nexum, saying that I'd probably been damaging the espohagus for years but had only just felt hte pain. It worked for about three, four days? But then the acid slowly got worse and worse again, and nothing stopped it... not nexum, not weetbix, nothing. So last night it was so bad that I woke up every ten minutes till I just gave up on sleeping. I can eat all right... just can't lie down. I don't know what to do now, or what is going on. GP and hospital told me everything's okay, but this was so sudden, and I can't sleep! Should I go back to GP and ask for a barium swallow, even if he thinks it's okay, or call up surgeon directly and ask for an appointment... or what? Also, has anyone experianced this? Esspically the gluggy acid! I would love to know what I can do in the middle of the night to fix it, as my 'midnight snacks' cause a few arguements even if they are on bland tasteless weetbix. (Wheat processed then made into rectangles, a sugerless ceral.)
  11. I'm in Australia, Queensland. Okay! So I FINALLY managed to get to a big hospital. I mean, the biggest in Brisbane. With my test results and all of that... Anyway, long story short, the band has slipped and I'm on a shortlist for surgery to fix it or replace it. 2-4 weeks. And also, my port was apparently not stitched to the muscle... so I had a wonderful five minutes with a port needle in me as they tried to hold it still and jab it. I think they got the muscle and/or organ underneath then sucking ...a few too many times. Took two doctors. I think they plan on fixing THAT too. But anyway, they've taken all the Fluid out. (Fluid was pink?) I can eat normally now. ...well, you know, as normal as I can. Trying to stay on tiny meals and following the right habits, no drinking after meal, slow eating, ect ect, so I stay 'practiced'... What a relief though. ._. I didn't realize how bad I'd started to feel... On the downside toall this, I was 110kgs about six weeks ago (a few weeks after the slip) and now I've gained 20kgs... so not so good.
  12. It feels for me like yeah, bad stomach acid that wakes you up, really nasty stuff. And a weird tugging feeling on the throat. It hurts, but not a OW hurt, like a pinchy discomfort that increases and increases... then it becomes an ow hurt, and I need to throw up. 2 hours? :thumbup: I've been waiting a week already! Luckily, the appointment's next week now, when I mentioned the blood, ... but even though they knew it'd slipped, they had me for the 30th of September just to SEE the surgeon in an appointment. x_X
  13. And now I've found out that no one besides my surgeon knows if it's the 10cc band or the other one. Or how much is inside. Bah.
  14. I went to get it checked and it HAS slipped. Something about it being at a 4oclock position. I saw a new doctor as soon as I saw the tests, someone who I was reassured could take Fluid out of the band, but he sort of ummed and ahhed and prodded around with his finger for hte port. Then said 'I don't feel confidant to do this, you will have to go get it done under xray. Till then, eat solids.' x_x So, that being on a friday, I had to wait till monday. Called up the clinic he told me that would do it, one that's reachable frome where I live (I live on an island), but it turned out that they DIDN'T do it and there were only two clinics that DID. Further away. Private clinics. I needed a public healthcare clinic. (And any anti-public healthcare Americans, don't assume I don't love it and you guys are better off without it, because I got the band thanks to it! This seems to be something with this particular state of Australia.) So now I've found out that I probably can't go to those clinics and I'll have to go back to the doctor. Maybe he better try it 'blind'. It's been getting worse too. I think there was blood last night when I vomited, not much, just a drop or two. But it feels 'stretched' in my throat and I feel sort of breathless. I'm coughing a lot too.
  15. Okay, so basically my surgeon gave up on me in Melbourne. He would see me frequently, but he didn't think I was loosing weight fast enough and gave up on me. x_x And then I got a job in Brisbane, so I had to move. I asked him to refer me to someone up here and ...well, he didn't. o.o He just sent a letter saying that I was unco-operative and that was about it. I don't even know where I packed the stupid thing. It's been months since I saw a surgeon now, and I know my band is a bit too tight, but it wasn't till a few days ago that I realized that I DID know where toa sk about it >.> So if anyone has a surgeon in Brisbane, or knows of one, that deals with the public patients who got a lapband, please let me know.
  16. August 2nd, 2007. So it's taken a fair bit of time...at least by lapband expectations. lol
  17. Thanks! :wink: My surgeon was frustrated, I think, because I wasn't loosing weight as fast as he expected. ._. I was kind of shattered by his bad report though. I HAD been trying. I'd been trying to get the band since I was 16, no way was I going to let it slip by.
  18. Does it cover it for us? :S If not, what did people have to pay? Is private better for it?
  19. lol, I was banded on the public system in Melbourne. I was on the waiting list for about three years. Now I'm looking ahead, to fixing the rest... I want to look my age, darnit. >_<
  20. Ses

    Ice Cream horror

    If your chest hurts then putting icecream down there will only releve the pain. It won't fix what's causing the pain. If, as i think might be the case, food is getting stuck or your food acid is in your food pipe, you MUST eat less... the band might slip, you might damage your foodpipe... Warm tea is good. Between warm and hot, not so much for keeping down, but if your stomach is blocked then you drink as much as you can and 'pour' it back up... it's not really vomiting, it's clearing out the food pipe quickly. It works better with some things than others, and it should only be used as a last resort, but it WILL help flush the painful parts out if there's too much.
  21. lol only have headshots. I think I deleted the others >.> 2007, before surgery. Got banded in August 07 2008, about November-
  22. Ses

    Ugh....ladies only

    From what I can tell, that time of the month, your body craves food because it needs something. So figure out what IN the food you're craving, and go for that, try and find a low fat opition. Also, avoid anything with artificial calories. Your body CAN tell. It won't let up on suger cravings, it'll get worse. lol, I spent all my teens having it two or three times a year because my body was unhealthy. As much of a pain as it is, it's the first time in my life for me that it's NORMAL. I'll just enjoy it for a while. :cursing:
  23. Ses

    Ice Cream horror

    Actully, icecream makes it tense and get worse. The coldness makes the entire thing contract... but it soothes the feelings. You need something warm and soft if you feel that. It'll relax your band and sooth it at the same time.
  24. Ses


    lol so I have been working my fat off as a trainee... I didn't have energy for ANYTHING. But I was thinking about all of you. :cursing: I have been... well... um. Dunno. I moved up here for the job. And I asked my surgen to refer me to a surgen up here. But he sent a letter saying 'Ses has been extremely unco-operative and difficult' for a new surgeon and that was it. So yes people, word of warning. If you don't do the weight loss at Dr. Stephan Blamey's expected speed, and he wants SPEED, he gives up on you. Competely. But maybe that's a public patient thing. Maybe he is very sweet to the private patient people? So I moved up here, aware that I had no doctors, it was my first job, my first time moving out of home, and my band was still giving me issues. But lol, what else could I do? Anyway, then I worked. Lots. Full time job, superviser didn't like me from the moment she set eyes on me, but I've just been trying to work anyway. I've lost a lot of weight through the job... 20kgs... I was 143kgs, and now I'm about 123kgs, which I think isn't bad. :cursing: I still don't have a surgeon and I think the band is too tight still, but I have no idea what to do about that, other than go to a hospital if it breaks or my esohagus falls apart under the strain of food acid or something. o.o But if anyone in Queensland, Brisbane, has a surgeon who deals with public lapband patients, feel free to let me know or them know or something. It's probably really stupid to do it like this. I just currently have no clue what else to do. :cursing:
  25. I've been having real problems. I can't handle anything too solid, I think I've been on semi-permanent mushies for a few weeks now, and I can't help vomiting even then. It's sort of 'tip out' vomiting from the esophagus, if that makes sense, not 'force it out of the stomach' vomiting. But I've still only lost 4kgs in the past few months. REALLY frustated by this. -sigh- So I've been avoiding the surgeon because he'll look at the lack of weight loss and tighten the band (and when it was at that tightness last time, I lost 10kgs in under a week because I couldn't eat anything that wasn't liqad) and I've been avoiding the doctor because she'll send me to the surgeon anyway. But I'm tempted to go to the surgeon anyway and get it tightened if only to start loosing weight again. :eek: Even if it does mean I go to full liquid diet. So that's why I've been avoiding here!

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