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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ravenjeh

  1. Yeah, I guess you're right. It would be my luck to drive the 250 miles to my surgeon just to be turned away due to an infected tooth! Hopefully, it won't cost too much. The bad thing is, our A/C died today too. And it was only 101 degrees down here today, and still 90 degrees in our house tonight blink.gif. Ughhh, when it rains, it pours! Guess I will have to push my surgery back a couple of weeks due to this week's luck.

  2. Ughhhhh, here I am saving up the last bit of money for my VSG next month, and I get a toothache in the back on my mouth. My gums on that side are red and inflammed. So, I touch way back there and it feels like under my gum is a "point". And if it is the point of a wisdom tooth, it is coming in sideways angry.gif. So I'm popping advil and painting my mouth with orajel in hopes of it not being a wisdom tooth. How much does it cost to get one cut out anyway? I had one cut out a few years ago, but I had dental insurance then and also used general anesthesia. Definitely won't be spending the extra money for that now. I'm 29, I thought I was past the age of wisdom teeth. Grrrrr, this could not be happening at a worse time.

  3. My consultation is FINALLY here! Tomorrow my husband and I will be driving the 4.5 hours to see my surgeon and to get a surgery date! Woo hoo!!! biggrin.gif

    For the past month, I have been jotting down questions to ask him. Here they are:

    -What bougie size, and does he oversew

    -What is the post-op diet

    -Does he use a catheter

    -Does he use a drain

    -What Vitamins and acid reducers do I need to use post op

    -How soon can I take my regular medications (anti-depressants) after surgery

    -Do I need to change my anti-depressant (Effexor XR) because it is extended release

    -What gallbladder risks are there and do I need to take a gallstone preventive pill (Actigall)

    -Does he perform a leak test

    Did I miss any important questions? Any advice would be awesome smile.gif Thanks, guys!

  4. I have fun just going to the mall and looking at all the cute clothes that I will hopefully be able to wear. In fact, just today my mom and I waddled into Victoria's Secret and used a couple of free panty coupons that we got in the mail. I felt a little awkward walking around in there with it being blatantly obvious that I could not fit anything they sell, but I picked up a size Large and a size Medium panty. I came home and hung the large one on a hanger by my bathroom mirror so that I can look at it everyday for inspiration, lol.

    While it wasn't a distraction from my obsessive vsg thoughts, it was really exciting and fun biggrin.gif

  5. Thanks, Tiff! That makes me feel better smile.gif

    Since barium is NOT Water soluble, my surgeon doesn't use it. He uses gastrographin solution.

    If it would not have been for the leak test, my leak would have gone undetected. Grant it, I was a revision patient so my risk for a leak was quadrupled.

    There are several very experienced, well-known surgeons that only perform the one in the OR, and nothing post-op via a swallow test.

  6. Have you guys heard the latest snack craze the kids are eating these days? They are called Pickle Pops. They are just frozen Pickle Juice. I had never heard of them until my mom's foster son came home from school telling us that they sell them during break. I don't really think its a very good idea to feed our children so much sodium, but if you guys are dying for a little taste, I'm sure a bite or two of one wouldn't hurt ya. Google "frozen pickle juice" and you'll find some recipes.< /p>

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