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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by YellowRose

  1. Just got back from there yesterday ... VERY nice people. I was by myself and a little afraid. It is a little intimidating at first, but they are so very nice and it will be okay. Prepare for changing rooms, moving around, etc. Pack light & relax. The day of the surgery and the day after will be a little rough - but walk, rest, nap, and walk some more. It will pass and you will begin to feel better. SWEET SWEET caring people. And the facility, although small, is SPOTLESSLY clean and efficient.
  2. YellowRose

    It will kick your butt

    Just spent the past 45 minutes typing out the rest of the story. Hit "reply" and it dissappeard. sigh. will try again later.
  3. YellowRose

    It will kick your butt

    ... He was sort of at a loss because she just stayed in the bed. Hopefully she got up after a while! I did sleep and rest a lot myself. LEAK TEST 101 Yiyeeee. Not as bad as getting a nail in your foot, but not in the top 10 of things to do. I guess it depends upon the person. This may or may not work for you but I was willing to try anything. It IS going to make you nauseated so ask for an anti-nausea shot when they give you the little bottle of purple dye. It sort of has a slightly metallic taste. Then go get your most favorite Popsicle from the freezer. Okay... Find a cool, comfortable spot and allow plenty of time. We were told we had 1 hour so I sipped, sucked, and then relaxed. S-l-o-w-l-y. I remember a friend telling me one time about how to take tequila shots - he said inhale first, drink, then exhale. That way the smell is blown out which lessens the taste. Lol. It worked. Guess that made the popsicle my "salt lick" lol. I got almost all of it down but left a little bit in the bottle. Just ran out of popsicle and couldn't do it.
  4. YellowRose

    It will kick your butt

    The reality of the pain. Pain is a relative term. I have a very high pain tolerance. I was a little surprised that I felt so weak. I couldn't catch my breath. For the first day and 1/2 I kept hoping I was going to feel better sooner! I had gas when I had my tubes tied many years ago. The gas settled in my shoulders and it was painful. For ME, this time around, I did not experience that. The "gas" pain was just general pressure. And yes, the slow walking and moving helped. So to some people that pain is bad. I kept waiting for "bad" but I only got "weak" feeling and could not take deep breaths. Three ladies there a day before us were able to go shopping and such. It gave me hope that I WOULD feel better in a matter of hours. The reverse of that, AFTER the "shopping" ladies left to go home, two new ladies were brought in. One was trying to do what the rest of us were doing, but the other one went to bed. I KNOW what she was thinking.... " what in the heck have I done". She didn't want/feel like talking. Her husband was with her looking kind of bewildered. Everyone told him what she needed to be doing but bless his heart he was
  5. YellowRose

    It will kick your butt

    Wow. I have been sleeping! It has felt great! I'll go back to Mexico in a bit for my story because there's a LOT more to cover, but WARNING must be given. I'm not trying to be funny or gross but it is just a fact. You may have diaharia as a result (drinking juices). I WAS concerned on the plane ride home. If I had known I might have worn a pad or something just in case. I did not have a problem until I got home, but there was a definite risk factor!!
  6. YellowRose

    It will kick your butt

    Okay next part. The patio and the friendships. There was a nice private patio outside. A little bubbling fountain. The sound of peace. Many of us were put there walking and talking. Even though I was alone we sort of felt a commerdaderie of friendship. The condo has a cook, a nurse, and a couple of assistants. I cannot emphasize enough how kind they were. Sylvestry gives massages for $30. I was planning on getting one but ran out of time (another crazy story to follow) so I tipped him $20 and he at least massaged my shoulders. Ahhhhhh!!!! (I'm about to board the plane home in 10 minutes - 3 hour ride. See you on the other side)
  7. YellowRose

    It will kick your butt

    Okay ... Where was I ... I was up and down peeing all night by myself mostly. It was not easy, but I was tough and just did what i had to do. Around 9am. We were told that we were moving to the recovery house. That was it. I asked , "in the hospital gown?" was told "Si". So I looked down the hall and everyone was dressed. SO I rapidly began pulling stuff out of my bag. I put on a knit dress/gown and a light robe, my Sandles, brushed through my hair and headed to the waiting van. The recovery house would have made a nice vacation home - but not for the 12 people everywhere. The hospitality, gentlness, care, and concern MORE than made up for the cramped quarters but it was a eye opener. At night people (workers) were on the couches, and even a mattress on the floor. There is No air conditioning but fotumately the air was cool. One night got a little warm but the night-time meds took care of that. WALK WALK WALK. SIT, rest, WALK MORE. Keep repeating that. I napped, then walked, napped, & walked. Oh don't be shocked when you walk into the amazing Aroma of the most incredible food you have ever smelled. Some were repelled, others were cruelly assaulted by the food! Lol. ...as we were offered juice, Water, and Popsicles. Popsicles were the BEST!!! They went down better than ice chips (which made me nauseated). These ESPECIALLY helped when I had to drink the purple dye for the leak test. I sipped purple, then sucked orange. It worked. OH - and ask for anti-nausea shot right before you do this!!! Worked for me. Anyway... Let me take a break and sip some watered down OJ before I continue.
  8. YellowRose

    It will kick your butt

    Okay part 2. In the truck on the way back I went to my " happy place". Lol. I realized I was in a nice vehicle, with a chauffeur, riding around Tijuana naked. Suddenly Talking Heads song "As the Days go By..." came on the radio. I asked him to turn it up. He did. It was a surreal moment forever etched in my brain. So, got back and was led to a room to lay down, get IV Hooked up and WAIT. I ended up going last. Now must explain. My shoes were in one room. My carryon bag was in another, my purse was locked in Dr Bettencourts office. I am scattered all over the clinic. So I'm am led to the surgery room. Smells very clean. I laid down, said hi to the anesthesiologist. And I was OUT. NEXT thing I remember is hearing my name and trying to sit up. I think they laid me back down. Not sure. Next memory was needing to pee. They helped me with that. I was brought a shot containing pain meds a anti nauseous meds. Worked great BUT WARNING!!!! they must put it in the IV slowly or it will burn like Fire. Night nurse was not quite as patient with this and I yelped once. For some reason during the night I decided I wanted my stuff. I had asked about it but was told it wad "locked" up. It was not. So grabbed my IV pole and headed down the halls. Found my shoes, found my bag in another room but since I couldn't carry it I pushed it on the floor with my feet. FINALLY a helper heard the noise and carried to to my room. I just wanted my stuff around me. I was all by myself. Ok. Going to take some gasx and sip Water. More in a little bit.
  9. YellowRose

    It will kick your butt

    First part messed up. I'm on pain meds and just getting ready to pack for the flight home. It will make more sense when I get on my laptop. Want to tell about pleasant surprises but unexpected realities. More later b
  10. YellowRose

    Surgery Yesterday

    I shared the room with Diva Dee and we were both a little shocked about the pain. I was a day behind her so was encouraged when she felt better. Hey Dee! I'm getting on a plane on 4 hour and hope the diarrhea is about over!! Yikes!!

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