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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by litn_bug

  1. WOW! I thought I had troubles.... Sounds like I've had it pretty easy so far! I was sent home with a "nausea band" to wear on my wrist to make sure I didn't vomit (and boy did it work great). I've not been nauseated at all! I wore it the night of the surgery and most of the next day and that's been it. Plus, the gas in my chest more or less subsided the second day after surgery. Now I've got it rumbling in my lower parts but I have no discomfort other than an occasional spasm or the usual soreness. I'd be a happy camper at this point if the diarrhea would stop and I could eat something...

  2. I haven't really had that much pain, other than major soreness and bruising and my stomach definitely hasn't felt full because within a half hour after eating broth, it goes right through. I don't have that problem with Jello and popsicles. I have an appointment Wednesday. Hopefully I can make it til then. How much broth are you eating at one time? Maybe you're trying too much at once. (Beats me... I'm new at this too!)

  3. I was banded Wednesday, May 4th and have been on the "liquid diet" since. I know that's only 4 days but I'm having a MAJOR problem with diarrhea. Is there anyone else who has had this problem? Is that normal? Should I call the doctor? I know it sounds stupid but I can't keep ANYTHING on my stomach and I'm getting really weak and shaky from it.

  4. Thanks guys! I went today for my pre-op testings and I feel better about it. I guess I just have the same concerns you've all had before the actual date. I've enjoyed reading everyone's journey over the past several months. I've seen alot of people who were starting in September at the same time I started trying to get mine... most all of them have already gone through it and are at point where they've become somewhat comfortable with their bands and eating. I'm using their experiences as my comfort food!

  5. After months of dealing with the refusal to pay, my insurance company has FINALLY come through! Last week I went for my psyc eval and then got my approval letter via fax the day after... (If I'd known that's all it took I could have visited the psyc sooner!) Last Thursday the nurse at the Wt Mgmt Group told me that the doctor's schedule was booked pretty heavy and it would most likely be the end of May. (I'm working on a pretty tight schedule at that point since my insurance is changing June 1st!) Well, I got the call Monday letting me know that my surgery had been scheduled and it would be May 4th! That's next week... I wasn't quite expecting that! After all this time waiting, now I'm starting to get those jitters. Not because of the surgery but because of the "unknown". Can anybody give me some input on what to expect the day of, the day after, the days immediately following? I'm going today for my pre op testing and I'm sure they'll answer some of my questions but I'd feel better knowing it is coming from people who have actually been through it.

    Thanks a bunch and good luck to all you out there who've been waiting, and waiting, and .....

    Keep your fingers crossed and your eyes focused!

  6. More news! I heard from my primary physician yesterday that the appeals dept from my insurance group had called and they've requested a psyciatric evaluation. She said that once they receive the reports back from that, she sees no reason why I shouldn't be approved! I called the Weight Management Group and they have me set up for my psyc eval Monday!!! YYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH! What's the next step after that?

  7. Thanks guys! I talked to the head of our HR Dept today and she urged me to keep pushing for approval. She said that they haven't decided on a new provider yet but will definitely have one in place before the July 1 deadline. I asked several questions regarding the changeover and she specified that nothing could be considered pre-existing (as you said earlier, Alexandra) because I have proof of prior coverage for the past 18 months. She said that "if" I get approval by the current provider but can't get the surgery scheduled before the change, the new company has to cover the surgery, no questions asked. She also mentioned that with the letters that have been provided by all four of the doctors involved, along with the information in my medical files showing that this is a medical necessity, will qualify me for the surgery even if the policy excludes coverage of weight loss treatment. She said she'd seen cases where legal systems had to get involved but if the doctors state that this is a life or death situation, she was sure it would be approved somewhere down the line. I just have to have patience and keep trying. Now, I'm no expert on the subject so I don't have a clue but it does make me feel a little bit better since I talked to her. It means more to me though that you guys responded so quickly. I've been a member of this forum for about 7 months now and have read alot of great messages from people. I love the idea that people can share their experiences with those of us who are just starting out. It makes it alot easier to deal with the stress when you know that so many people have been through the same ordeal and that the sun's shining brighter on the other side...

  8. I have been trying to get approval from my insurance company since October 2004. They finally determined that there was insufficient documentation presented showing where I'd been on a 6-month doctor supervised weight loss program. To make a long story short, I have had numerous medical problems over the past 2-3 years, which include hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, gerd, sleep apnea, etc. The symptoms have all worsened in the past year. I have letters of recommendation from an internal medicine MD, rheumatologist, pulmonologist, and endocrinologist. I've had accidents caused by sleep apnea where I fell asleep at the wheel, can't get out of bed a lot of mornings and am in excruciating pain from the fibro. I'm currently taking 9 different medications (some 2-3 times) daily and the doctor/hospital bills keep piling up but they want to harp about a 6-month doctor supervised weight loss program! I've submitted an appeal and am awaiting their response but I was given news a couple of weeks ago that our insurance will be changing effective July 1. Now what? Do I let them know up front that I've been battling approval? Will they consider this pre-existing? Has anyone had this or something similar happen to them? I'm just devastated! I keep hoping that I'll get approval before the change and the doctors can rush me in.... who am I kidding? Do you really think they'll consider approving an operation of such knowing that they'll be dropping us in another couple of months? I need support here.........

    Current weight 348; goal - way below 300!

  9. No, Tricia. I'm actually in the very southeast corner of TN near the GA line. I'm hoping to use Dr. Jaime Ponce in Dalton, GA. I've noticed on some of these boards that he also does the surgery in Tijuana. I'm basically waiting for my office visit to start the process. I have only gone to the seminar and have began gathering letters from all my doctors.

  10. Thanks in advance everyone for all your support in this endeavor. I never thought I'd have something in common with so many people. Isn't it funny how when you're so much overweight and have all these medical problems, you feel all alone in the world and then... .voila.... I found the lapbandtalk forum and it seems like everyone in the world has been right here in the same boat at one time or another. I'm looking forward to being a member of the family!

  11. PamRN, I went to a seminar last Thursday night that Dr. Jaime Ponce conducted in Dalton, GA. He told us that he would not do the first fill until 6-8 wks after surgery regardless of how hard we begged. He also said that after that initial fill, it would be totally up to the individual weight loss as to how often we would need another fill. He did state that we shouldn't need more than 3-4 fills during the life of our band but he put great emphasis on the fact that it would be determined by the amount of Proteins that we eat and how little liquids and sugars we eat (after the first few wks of liquids of course). Have you met Dr. Ponce yet? He's a great guy! I can't wait to have him band me.....

  12. Hi, Katey... I'm new here also! I went last Thursday for the lap-band consultation. I've registered with the doctors and have started the long journey toward insurance approval. I'm thoroughly convinced that this is what I need. I've been coming to this site for about 3 weeks now and I have found it to be very informative. I love reading everyone's ups and downs so I'll know what to expect. This is by far the best forum I've found yet on the subject of lap-band.

    Good luck in your decision.

    ps.... I'm also from TN.

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