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Heather~ Sweetdreams

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Heather~ Sweetdreams

  1. Thank you!!! I was told the same thing. That they would only look at the first BMI, I just hope that they don't deny me cuz i didn't lose that much weight.

    Did you keep a food journal that you turned in???

    I used myfitnesspal.com to keep up with my diet and exercise. Every month when I went to the doctor, I turned in that months printout of my food journal and exercise journal from that site. It was easy since they have an easy print out version. You can even backtrack if you want to start using it now. Just go back to when you started and complete each days info with the things you have journaled already. When I had completed everything, (nut. visit, pscyh eval, surgical consult) they turned ALL of that in with my journals. I got approved first try. Oh, and I only lost 14 pounds in my 6 month preop stuff. So I wouldn't worry to much about that. Just make sure you have EVERY single thing they require before they even consider sending it to insurance for approval.

  2. Hello freinds!!

    Sorry if this has been brought up before but i couldn't find it anywhere on here.

    I have BCBS federal and I'm in my second month of my 3 month required supervised weight loss management. I haven't really lost anything during these 2 months. I started at 220 and am at 216 right now. Is that going to affect the insurance's decision to approve me?

    I'm really trying to lose weight!!!! If I go any lower, i'll be below a 40 BMI. :( I'm so confused and I don't know what to do.

    Has anyone ever been denied because they didn't lose weight during their weight management??? my paperwork gets sent to the insurance company next month and I'm freaking out that I can't lose anything.

    someone please help with any experiences, information or advice that you have!!!


    I have BCBS of Texas, I don't know how different they are from yours, but they made it clear to me that my beginning BMI would be the only one they looked at. The 3 months you are doing, I had to do 6, all of which were supervised by my PCP, and only lost 18 pounds the entire time. I was approved first try, and had my surgery on July 14th! I did call my insurance and ask as many questions as I could think of. I had an entire list. That poor womans computer had probably never had so much typed into it at one time! LOL. Best of luck and hope this helps!!

  3. It's been so awesome!! Yesterday was my 3 month Surgeversary, and I celebrated with a Zumba class and a healthy brunch with my sweetheart. I've lost 70 pounds so far, and am down from a 26/28 to a 16/18! I haven't been a size 18 since 1994!!!!! This has been one of the most exciting things I've ever had happen to me. To watch my body shrink and change practically daily has been amazing! Everyone comments and it feels so good to be noticed for something other than being a fat girl with a pretty face! I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!! I LOVE MY LIFE!!!

  4. Hey Tracy! I think a lot of people have stalls, and then there are a few of us that just keep on trucking. I am super glad I am in the latter group, except, I'm having skin issues already, and I still have 80 pounds to goal. I started out at 310, and hit 250 on Saturday! I'm thrilled with my weight loss, but not so much about the loose skin. Keep your chin up, you're doing great!!!

  5. I agree with kemo46, education is KEY! Perhaps he isn't as aware of the benefits, and the need you have on an emotional, and physical level to have this surgery. I feel bad, because my boyfriend of almost 3 years was so supportive, he stayed in the hospital with me day and night both days. Although, I have to say, that every single thing I learned I shared with him. He went to the visits with my PCP and my surgeon, as well as my initial nutritional visit. Try gathering information and leaving it places (like the bathroom) where he may actually pick it up and read it, if listening to you is not something he is too keen on. Please don't back out on this... It truly is the best thing I've ever done for myself and I just know you will feel the same way!

  6. I went through something very similar.. And I agree with Indymom, once I added some fruit to my diet, the " what is wrong with this food" taste bud problem pretty much went away! I started with low sugar applesauce, and then moved on to watermelon and peeled grapes. I'm now 2 months out, and can eat several grapes at a time, skin and all! food tastes so much better now, and I eat whatever I want just really tiny portions! I would try some fruit, and give it a week.. I'm sure it will get better! Good luck!

  7. Just before surgery I started posting notes on FB about my WLS... here is the most recent:

    I haven't updated in a while... I went back to see my surgeon on the 12th of September. Everything is right on track. As of that day I had lost 58.9 pounds, and to date I've lost 60 pounds!!! This past Thursday, the 15th, was my 2 month surgiversary.. so 60 pounds is a lot. I was released to start working out. But, was told to take babysteps. I have been on log walks, climbing outrageous hills everyday this week. I'm still counting my protien, and probably will for a long time. I can eat pretty much whatever I want, no restrictions. However, having WLS involves changing a LOT of things about your eating habits. It is automatic for me to read labels now. Carbs are bad.. especially from bread and potatos and anything starchy. I do enjoy fruit, especially grapes and watermelon...mmmmmmm.. I eat a ton of cheese, and chicken. Thank goodness I love it. I don't require Protein Shakes anymore unless I don't get my 60 grams in a day. Which I'm very thankful for because I've gotten to the point where I can't stand them, and the thought of them make me sick to my stomach. I've still not ever thrown up, or had any nausea. Things are truly going great and I am looking forward to watching this life long weight continue to fall off of me. I am continually thankful from the support I have received from my family, friends, and co-workers. This has been one of the most fullfilling experiences in my life!!!! I just hope that more people that feel the need to do this make sure they get all the information they need. There was, and still is, so much to learn about WLS and what you have to do to live healthy and happy.

  8. I'm still trying to find the comments made by TexasTeacher and Tiffykins that were supposedly rude.... I've been on this board for a few months and have never seen them give anything but sound advice to anyone that has asked. Now, others may not like what they have to say, but realistically, no one likes to be told (especially adults) that they have made bad choices. The simple fact of the matter is, this is a PUBLIC forum. So, if a question is asked, ANYONE can answer it. You don't have to like the answers you get, but you also don't have to start pointing fingers and throwing tantrums because you don't like to be told "no, you made a bad choice". Both of these sleevers are correct in letting you know that you made a poor choice in food. One even offered an alternative to the bad food choice. Call me crazy, but I do believe that is what ADVICE is.... 2 weeks out of surgery, a new sleever should be focusing on changing the habits that put them in the position to have to alter their physical being in order to get healthy. We've all done it. And, we've all made a fair share of our mistakes.... however, when I did eat that half a chocolate chip cookie that my daughter couldn't finish the other day, I KNEW it was wrong and didn't have to ask anyone if I'd made a mistake. Just saying!

  9. Everyone in my NUT class was told at least 60 grams a day. I varied up my Protein Shakes, used different brands in hopes I wouldn't burn out. I'm 8 weeks out and have only been drinking one a day, and basically eating Protein the rest of the day.

    Thank you everyone! I am 7 weeks out and would love to be done with these Protein Drinks. My dr has me on 90 grams of protein which I am thinking is a crazy amount (not to mention unattainable). How much protein is the average patient on?

  10. Everyone's pre op diet is different based on what the doctor requires. Mine was a 7 day liquid diet.. I became a Jello junkie. broth has a lot of sodium, and while I drank a ton of it the first 2 days I gained 5 pounds in Water weight! The shakes are a good source of supplementing a meal. It sucked bad! Had my boyfriend not been around to stop me, I don't know that I could have done it.

    Congrats on your success!

    Thank you for the advice and words of encouragement. My surgery is this Saturday so right now I am struggling with the pre-op diet. I get very hungry, sometimes shaky and other times nauseous. Any advice for the pre-op diet? My BMI is 42.

  11. Hi Kids!!

    I want to start this out by saying CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME!! With that out of the way, I would like to offer some advice that I found to be extremely helpful when I was going through all of this back in July! First, as hard as I know it is, try not to get too worked up the days before surgery. Your anxiety gets the best of you, and your hormones go all crazy because of it. This can cause some emotional distress, and make you grumpy, when you don't really have to be.

    Second, when packing for the hospital, don't go crazy. Chapstick is a MUST, a small firm pillow, clean undies, and a change of clothes. You will be in a hospital gown the entire time and it really is the way to go since they will be coming in and checking you regularly. Third, remember, you WILL feel like crap for up to 3 weeks after surgery. You may have pain, you may have gas, you may not be able to keep anything down. You will have a hard time getting your fluids in, and you FOR CERTAIN will not meet your Protein requirement. IT'S OKAY! Just try to get your fluids, and walk as often as you can. Even when you REALLY don't want to, walk a bit. It really does help! I'm 7 weeks post op and down 56 pounds!!! While this seems to be an extraordinary amount of weight loss, I never thought I would be one of the ones that was so lucky. I was miserable the first 3 weeks and wondered if I had screwed up, but at the end of the 3rd week, I was in an innertube floating down the river rapids in South Texas!! I wish you all the best of luck and am happy to answer questions you may want to send to me in a personal convo, that you may not want to post on the board! Keep on smiling!!!!

  12. That's funny, I wondered if I was the only one who had become addicted to lunchables! They have had them on sale at Walmart for $1 each, so I grab 5-6 everytime I go in, and snack on it throughout the day at work. It's worked out great so far... or at least until I burn out on them. I have found that I burn out on foods quickly. I can't stand Protein Shakes anymore. I'm hoping that staying off of them for a little while will help me get back to being able to tolerate them a little later on.

    I was off for 3 weeks so when I returned I was eating pretty well. I took Starkist tuna kits, peanuts, and Austin Peanut Butter crackers. I would snack on a little of each when I had time. I am addicted to lunchables right now. I eat half for a snack and the other half for lunch. They are easy and quick to eat. I throw in a banana occasionaly. Wishing you the best!

  13. I promise it gets better! You will forget all this bad stuff down the road. I already feel like I didn't have it quite as bad as I thought I did and I'm only 7 weeks post op! Try and be patient ( as hard as it is) and just know that you JUST had surgery and it will take a while. Keep up the good work!

    I'm not sure if I'm doing this right but I'm supposed to drink one ounce every fifteen minutes. Which leaves no room for anything else. LOL the pain in the incisions are breathtaking, and my stomach feels like it's cramping sometimes. Im in more pain than i thought id be. Ive noticed that I can drink about one and a half ounce before I get full...super full. And I notice that i don't have any cravings... But I would like a crunchy taco right now, just to have that crunch sensation.

    I promised my doctor that I wouldn't weigh myself before I see him again. My appointment is on Tuesday. But already I can tell that I've lost some weight, just by looking at my neck. One chin down, one more to go LOL.

    Getting my Protein in is a HUGE challange. liquid stuff is Disgusting. But... If I mix New Whey Protein tubes with Water it tastes like crystal light....go figure.

    One thing I can't stomach is Jell-o... Ugh gross.

    But other than this I am doing well. Ready to get some cream Soups cause this broth ain't cutt'n it :-)

  14. I'm right there with you girl! I was 7 weeks this past Thursday and can't believe how fast the weight is coming off! I still have quite a way to go before onederland, but I'm excited to watch myself get closer and closer to it!!! Way to go, and keep up the good work!!

    post-6937-13813657341361_thumb.jpg post-6937-13813657339235_thumb.jpg

    So I just had to share.....

    I'm 10 weeks post-op and i'm down 55lbs!!! I am so thrilled with my results already!!! NONE of my old clothes fit anymore.... I had to go shopping the other day!!! I went from a 4X Top and 24/26 pant, to a 1X top a size 20 pants!!! Next on my list will be new bras and panties...hehe!!! I'm 29lbs to ONEderland!!! AGGGHHHH i'm so excited!!!

  15. I was utterly miserable the first 2 weeks after surgery. I went back to work on day 12 and thought I must have lost my mind to have thought I could go back to work so soon when I was so tired, and so sore. By the end of the 3rd week, the transformation began. food tasted good again, I was finally able to quench my thirst, and almost all of my pain was completely gone. I still had some pain and pulling in my left side until my 4th week. I promise, you are not the first person to post that you are feeling miserable a week out. It really does get much MUCH better! Just rest all you can, pile up in your bed and tell everyone to fend for themselves if you must! Make sure you are getting up and walking as much as you can, but just walking. It was so hot here in Texas this summer, that I literally took walks up and down my hallway, 10 minute walk every hour. I had my surgery July 14th, and I feel SPECTACULAR now!! I'm amazed, because I was sooooo very miserable. It will get soooo much better, and you will be typing this same thing out for someone else in the future!

  16. There is a GREAT website called MYFITNESSPAL.COM that can help you count calories, they even have it as an app for iphone and andriod. I used it for my 6 month, and pre op diets.. It's a GREAT GREAT tool for counting calories. While protiend are great, if you are doing your shakes, you should probably look into eating veggies, since you are getting Protein from the shakes. A salad at lunch is probably going to be more filling than a couple slices of Jerky. You will do great!!!!

    Thank you for the positivity everyone! I woke up today in a much better mood, and ready to knock out day two of the pre-op diet. My surgeon told me it didn't have to be all liquids he just wanted 800 calories, or as close to as possible.

    I had Protein shake for Breakfast, two pieces of beef jerky for lunch, a strip of tri tip and a two strips of pre cooked steak meat for dinner, lots of Water and some pudding for an evening dessert. I have no idea how many calories that is, but I am sure it was at or about 800.

    I'm gonna be terrible at counting calories, I just know it.

  17. I put a package of splenda in my Isopure and that helped some. Of course, I'm a bit of a splenda junkie, so it may have been that too. The first 3 weeks were REALLY hard for me. I had horrible pain in my left side, and it was days before I could even get up off of the bed on my own. I went back to my surgeon on day 4 to have my drain removed and barely made it from the parking garage to the elevator! My boyfriend thought he was going to have to carry me back out of the building! But, I'm 6 weeks post op now, and amazed!!!! I've lost 55 pounds (18 were pre op) and am down from a size 24/26 to an 18/20. I can't believe it happened so fast. I've not been sick at all, and my left side pain finally went away by the end of my 3rd week. Everyone has said it get's better, and it really does! Wishing you the best of luck!

  18. I think we all go through the "ANXIETY OF THE WAIT", some more than others. I was a crazy lady! I would be out shopping with friends and spot a "health food store" and make them go with me to see what sort of Protein items they had! I was looking up recipes for "mushies" and making my boyfriend try them with me! It was insanity I tell you. Now that it's done, the 5 weeks since surgery seems to have flown by! At 3 weeks out I went on a tubing trip with my friends down the Guadalupe River! It's an amazing thing I tell you! You have EVERY right to be excited about it, and even somewhat consumed with it, because it WILL change your life! Best of luck!!!

  19. The first two weeks are the most miserable. I could not get over the pain in my left side. I shuffled instead of walked, and it was frustrating trying to get fluids in. I'm 5 weeks post op now, and I FEEL AMAZING!! Pain is gone. I'm able to go shopping, work, play with my dog, go for walks, life is normal again! It all gets easier as you progress. I stressed about it the beginning of my 2nd week, thinking I should have already been feeling better. But, we all heal differently. Wishing you lots of luck!!!

  20. I've always been a chicken junkie, but I am even more so now! I eat a lot of chicken, and since I have the best boyfriend in the world, if we go out to eat, he doesn't mind getting a chicken dish so that I can have a little of his. I eat a lot of eggs, and cheese, and am also still having to drink a Protein shake, or, I've found the Isopure fruit punch isn't completely unbearable. I've even devoloped a little sweet treat recipe with it!

    1 tub light cool whip

    1 small package sugar free cherry Jello

    1/2 cup Isopure fruit punch

    1 can sugar free cherry pie filling

    WHIP the cool whip, Jello, and punch together until blended well. Mix in pie filling. This is a great little snack, and a good pick me up! It's perfect for summer! I've made 2, and you can use any flavors that you can find sugar free products in. I guess you could also use fruit in natural juices (like peaches) with the same flavor jello.

    I also LOVE turkey sausage. My sleeve adores it!! I am almost 5 weeks out, and can't believe that I'm already eating regular foods for the most part. I can't do salads yet, and still overcook any veggies I try to eat. Oh.. and as of yesterday I am down 50 pounds from my starting weight!!!

  21. I'm late calling "PRESENT!" but I'm here too! Had my surgery July 14, and am 4 weeks out tomorrow. My weight loss is going AWESOME! I've been busy, and we went on vacation last weekend with 15 of our closest friends, so I haven't been around much! Vacation was great, everyone cooked out Friday night, burgers and dogs. Since beef is still a bit of a hard task for my sleeve to handle, I thought ahead and brought chicken, watermelon, and cottage cheese for me for the weekend. We spent an entire day on the river... it was so nice. I'm down 46-48 pounds depending on which scale I get one (ha!) and am absolutely ECSTATIC about that! I've still not had any nausea or vomiting, and my left side pain is FINALLY gone. My sleeve and I have an understanding. I will put lots of Protein enriched foods in it, and then I get to have a Breyers 3 carb chocolate fudge bar in the evening. If you haven't tried them, they are AWESOME! I'm so busy during the day that I haven't realy developed a routine, and scheduled my meals. I will have to start soon with school going back into session in a couple of weeks though! Hope everyone is doing great, and good luck to all the upcoming surgeries in August! It's the best thing you will ever do!!

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