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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by RSREED53

  1. 13 weeks postop. 39.5 lost--another 40 to goal. Feeling good, but some foods I don't tolerate well. Going to start walking tomorrow.

  2. 2 goals by next Wed.: Officially hit 30 pound loss, and get to 180s. I want to at least meet the first goal when I see my dr. Been hungry.

  3. 2 months postop. 35 pounds gone! Working in the 180s. Baggy clothes, Looking for work. Substitute teaching in about 3 weeks. Starting graduate school next week. Amazing sleeve! Life is great, indeed!

  4. Feeling good! Gosh, I am 15 weeks postop now--40 pounds gone! I am trying to go below 180 by my birthday on Oct 16th that is 3 weeks away. Over the weekend, I got all of my smaller clothes out, tried them one, and laundered them, so now I have a wardrobe again! Yes, most of those things fit me--discovered I am between sizes 16-18 mostly. Another 10-15 pounds off, I should be wearing the 12-14s in nothing flat! It feels great!

  5. Gee, I am 2 months postop. Going to see the doctor Wed morning. Weight loss today is 32.5 pounds! I am just shy of the 180s at 190.5!! Hooray!!!

  6. Happy to report that I am 4 weeks postop now. Today was my check with the dr. I have lost 27.5 pounds now!! Gotta beef up exercise, but am active in and about my house. The incisions are almost gone and healing nicely. I get to see the dr again in Aug. Starting to eat solids, and dr. says no grazing or piecing meals!!! He fears that would wreck my sleeve. So, I am doing all of my supplements, liquids, and eating at appropriate times. I am really feeling swell!!!

  7. Have never had so much tech probs as I have had with this laptop and new printer. The two would not communicate for about a week and a half. Finally got printing activity back and the scanning feature, too--super neat stuff! Naturally, the HP tech tried selling me a new unit--I want a new one later, but as long as I can "make do" with this laptop it will be OK. My PC has some intermediate viruses on some files, but the security software I am using this year is making it harder to get to s...

  8. I am BUMMED!! Surgeon is leaving the state!!

  9. I went to the doctor for my checkup. I have lost 30.5pounds now. He was very pleased with my progress. Found out I was not taking enough vitamins tho. Gotta repent on that ! Also looking to exercise once the heat leaves. I am excited--my wardrobe is baggy, baggy! I am very well and beginning to look well. Looking forward to returning to work the end of this month. Hoping all sleevers are doing well!!

  10. Looking forward to losing more weight. Been a little stall, but I am working to get all the needed nutrition in each day. The incisions are almost completely healed now. Amazing!! I have lost 26 pounds.

  11. Pruned 4 large bushes in my front yard this morning! Was delighted to see my weight at 193.5!! 29.5 loss!! Goal=be at 30 pound loss by Wed., 8/3. That is my appt with the doctor for check up.

  12. Saturday night and terribly hot outside. Doing well with recovery from surgery--26 pounds gone, and below 200!! WoooHOO!!!

  13. Spent some time in ER for an infection last evening. Lucky all is great with my surgery! Dr said I picked up some bug, but was really sick! Glad to be feeling much better! Taking antibiotics now. Almost 40 pounds down and will be postop 3 mos soon.

  14. This morning I am 42.5 pounds lighter! Friday was my 4th month postop anniversary! Feeling good! Went to my cardiologist last Wed and he was super happy with my progress! I get to see him in a year! I love that kind of medicine! :) This sleeve is a real tool for weight loss, and I don't miss all the terrible stuff I was consuming--caffeine, sodas, sugars, gluten,lactose. Since I eliminated those things or reduced my consumption of them, my health is much bett...

  15. Two months postop--35 pounds gone and am in the 180s. Clothes are baggy. I am eating semisolids quite well, but will rely on protein shakes for my lifetime--I love them! My grad school classes start next week, and in 3 weeks I will be returning to substitute teaching if I don't get permanent work right away. I feel like my life is renewed and that I can tackle most things with the vigor and savvy necessary. I feel very well, and am so glad I had surgery. This Sleeve is awesome!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
