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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jjod

  1. Hi everyone,

    I am 5 days out and I have this feeling that maybe I shouldn't have done this surgery.

    I hate the taste/smell of Protein and the Vitamins. I have no idea how I will get by with everything. I have always been a picky, southern eater. Did anyone else have these thoughts or feelings? Is it just because I'm in the beginning stages? Thanks!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Yes it's because you are in the early stages. Everything changes especially your taste buds. Trust and believe in the process. You are starting over. A fresh beginning. This too shall pass!

    I'm a year out and 100 lbs down. Stay in contact with others.

  2. I can relate to boobs that are flat pancakes. In fact when I lie down, I only feel ribs. But I love having ribs and hip bones too.

    My goal was to be the highest healthy BMI which is 25. For me that was 140 which is where I hope to stay. My 800 cal/day has been raised to 1200 now that I'm on maintenance. It does seem like a lot and I'm trying to stay calm and not go nuts.

    I learned how to log my food from my support group. I would strongly recommend using MyFitnessPal otherwise you won't know why you're losing or gaining.

    I don't have a prayer of maintaining without it.

  3. post-157119-14675243340506_thumb.jpg

    I've hit my goal of 100 lbs and being under 25 BMI. Woohoo! Thank goodness for gastric sleeve, MyFitnessPal and low carb eating.

    It was fun changing the settings to maintenance mode.

    Before: calories 800, carbs 40, fat 30, Protein 80.

    Now: calories 1200, carbs 80, fat 60, protein 90.

    So much easier. The extra carbs are supposed to come from veggies.

    I'll never feel like "I've got this". I'm addicted to simple carbs and will have to avoid or my hunger will return. Also I have to continue logging my food so that I don't mindlessly eat.

    How are or will you all handle your maintenance???

  4. Hi October group. Great to read where you're all at.

    I've learned so much and have loved this journey.

    Stats. Highest weight 236 5'3" BMI 40+

    Surgery weight: 200 10/27/15

    Current wt: 146

    Goal: 136?

    Who knows about goal. Nut says 115 which sounds insane.

    Maybe I can't judge so I've been hoping to be a healthy BMI 25. This would put me bw 136-140.

    It's all such new territory, right.

    So I'm down 90 and would like to reach a total of 100 lbs down.

    The key lessons:

    I'm a carb addict and not necessarily a food addict. Carbs are not worth it and i don't want my hunger back.

    Must get my Water and Protein.

    Must walk 10,000 steps.

    Must get my Vitamins.

    How would this be possible without MyFitnessPal?

    In my support group, people that are trying to get back on track have to go back to these basics.

    I never want to reintroduce carbs. To me it would disrespect my sleeve. NOT worth it.

    I also get crazy reactions from people. Positive and negative. And I have weird emotions surfacing. That's the best part of support groups and forums. Few outsiders get our journey.

    My mantra:


    Protein is.

    MyFitnessPal is.

    Congrats to you all.

  5. Skip the first bite. It's not worth it.

    I'm having an identity crisis too. But I don't miss my fat blanket. I like being more normal (whatever that is) and shopping in regular stores. I focus on the lack of pain in my hips, knees and feet.

    Emotionally I'm surprised that I'm the same person fat or thin.

    You might be self-sabotaging but more likely you're reacting to the carb addiction.

    No first bites.

    Veterans in my support group seems to fight difficult moments with Protein, protein and more protein!!!!

  6. I'm stalled... I'm not getting enough rest at night and it's throwing it all to hell. I'm going to school 4 nights week, work full time and I'm having issues getting to the gym. I live in an apartment (2nd floor) so I'm worried about jumping around at home. I need to get over that, but then I'm not sure what I should be doing at home. Any ideas? Anyone know of a DVD or something I could do?

    I feel good. But I feel like the scale isn't moving or matching how I feel. Lacking motivation and time. Any support our ideas will help.

    Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App

    More Protein and less carbs!

    Go for walks including your stairs.

    I've been walking around the mall where I work during my lunch breaks. So much easier to include exercise into my normal routine. Also it's free.

  7. Surgery date was October 26 2015. Starting weight 280, surgery day weight 222. Today I'm at 169.3, meaning I'm only 9 lbs away from goal weight suggested by surgeon. I'm so excited!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G530AZ using the BariatricPal App

    You are similar to me.

    Starting weight. 240

    Surgery weight. 210. Oct 27, 16

    Current weight. 168. Height 5'3"

    Goal. 140-145. BMI 25

    We are getting close very quickly.

    It's SURREAL!!!

    I'm almost to my high school weight and people often don't recognize me.



    I keep my carbs to 40 daily

    Calories to 750-800

    Walking to 1.5-2 miles

    I really believe that I will stall, lose my honeymoon phase, and/or regain my hunger if I reintroduce bad carbs.

    I look forward to maintenance when I can increase to 1200 cal so that I can have veggies.

    I don't feel like an alcoholic who has to have a little alcohol to live. I feel like a CARB addict who can thoroughly enjoy food as long as it is Protein and veggies.

    This is not a huge sacrifice bc it is such a BLESSING not to be hungry and to feel normal size for the first time ever.

    I deal with body dysmorphia which is super common. I felt huge in high school at 150. And at 51, didn't see all the fat in the mirror at 240. Only saw it in pix.

    We are so blessed. I genuinely don't fear regaining weight as long as I avoid carbs.

    Any other carb addicts out there?????

    PS. With all this Protein, I definitely have to take Benefiber and a little Miralax daily.

  8. I am pre-op (surgery on Thursday) and right now I am so scared of the general anethesia during the surgery, I am almost in tears when I sit and dwell on it. I've had a C-Section, but it's not the same. I have every faith in the fact I'll be fine after surgery, it's just the getting there that's the hard part for me. I really hope that there will be some anxiety help for me on Thursday and I'm scared of looking like an irrational drama queen, but I just can't help it. :/

    My main fears for after are regain and loose skin.

    Good luck!!

    I found the surgery ten times easier than my two cesareans. Plus I got to rest afterward and not take care of a newborn.

    Remember the rewards are huge!!!!!!!

  9. MyFitnessPal is ESSENTIAL and also local support groups.

    I fear the hunger but at my support groups they say to combat it with Protein. For me it's even better than Water. I also find that my new reflux makes me feel hunger pains so I have to keep up with my Prilosec.

    All this is totally worth it. My surgery is one of the greatest gifts I've ever given myself. I feel so free without the extra 64 lbs.

  10. If bypass seems daunting, it's not for you. Everyone picks the surgery that seems right for them. I had sleeve 3 months ago and bypass always felt weird to me. Reflux is a small price to pay. I take Prilosec morning and night. Worth it.

  11. I had surgery on 10/15. I'm down 51lbs! 21 prior to surgery and 30 since. HW421 SW400 CW370. I haven't really felt a huge difference yet, because my weight is still very high. It will take a lot before I begin to really feel the effects. I've had more good days than bad as I am still trying to figure out what I can eat and how much I can eat. I have every confidence this is going to work and I am going to get to my goal of being under 200 pounds. It does take a while to figure everything out! It's definitely a life changing experience but it's a change for the better.

    Did you have gastric sleeve or bypass?

    Sounds like you're doing great. We are all finding our way. Truly resetting our eating and life!

  12. I've finally been able to hit all my Protein in a day. I just need to force myself to stay awake all day. I was still sleeping in so late. That's when I realize I don't get enough fluids or protein.

    I think I figured out the reason behind my stall. I started my girly crap. So hopefully that's it.

    My mother in law signed us up for a 5k thanksgiving morning. I told her I would try and walk it but I'm not too sure how well I'll do. And she goes, you had this surgery to lose weight you need to be walking! Which obviously I know and I do. But I can't go from walking around the block to running 3.2 miles with a whole day planned after that... I get so tired easily. I end up getting physically ill. Body aches, fever, etc. I'm trying to work it up but just the sound of a 5k makes me want to not get out of bed.

    Please tell your mother-in-law NO. She doesn't have a clue that you just had major surgery. I was told not to exercise for 4-6 weeks. She's didn't sign you up thinking of your needs.

    Outside people don't really get it!!!!

  13. Several observations.

    Since losing 40 lbs, I'm freezing cold all the time. Too funny!!

    I weigh less than my drivers license says (200) and I lied about that at the time. Weird.

    My joint pain is gone. Woohoo.

    I have reflux for the first time. Now I know what my husband's been describing all these years.

    Still low energy after 2.5 weeks.

    Very grateful. Body starting to feel less foreign.

  14. @@60&goin4it thank you for the recipe. I was actually looking for a different one. Also do you have a smaller version? I am the only one in my house that eats chili and I think that recipe would be too much. My parents are coming up today and I think I will get them to make me some chili and freeze some and let them take the rest home. I may get them to make some egg salad and vegetable Soup without corn. I would like to try that Ricotta Bake as well.

    @@s0rda I went back over all the posts and I saw where you posted something about Bariatric Advantage Vitamins 250 and 500. The flavors interested me but I could not figure out what 250 and 500 meant. I went to the Bariatric Advantage website and could not figure it out there either. Can you provide a link to the Bariatric Advantage website for these products? Thanks.

    250 and 500 refers to mg of Calcium. I take these and they are super yummy. I also like the Bariatric Advantage advanced multi EA. They are chewable.

    So glad that you're better!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
