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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Heatherr

  1. I'm 3 weeks out and can eat fish and soft chicken with ease. I can easily eat 1 egg plus 1 egg white scrambled. By 7 weeks I assume I'll be able to eat fairly normally, just in small quantities.
  2. Scale moved again...finally. I'm now down 15lbs since surgery. But the week I wasn't losing I did shrink and fit into clothes I couldnt the week before. No complaints.
  3. Heatherr

    What is your REAL age?

    Real age is 33. I am 37. Cool.
  4. Heatherr

    Is this full or sick?

    Every new stage was like this for me, but it was short lived. It will get better but be a reminder to take small sips and bites. I gulped water after working out one time...not thinking....ouch. It was that same feeling you described X10.
  5. Baked sweet potatoes or squash, cheddar ale soup, scallops... I made chicken and tuna salad but used avocado in it as well as mayonnaise. IT cut down on the saturated fat but helped it puree nice and mushy and it was delicious. I made shrimp stir fry one night for the family. It smelled so good, so I took 2 shrimp and some of the broccoli and pureed it in the magic bullet with a little teriyaki sauce and some chicken broth so it would puree well. Delicious. I live on cottage cheese. My tummy likes it and at 14g of Protein per serving, it's an easy meal. One night I made eggplant parmesan for the family and it smelled so good that I wanted a taste. I pureed up well. I added some extra grated parmesan cheese to it for protein. It wasn't the best choice, but oh em gee was it devine. One night I made goulash for the family. Before I added the Pasta to the meat sauce, I took a couple of spoons full of the meatsauce and tossed it in the magic bullet so the meat got really ground up. I then added some grated parm cheese for extra protein and it was yummy. French onion soup, puree the onions in the broth, delicious. Salmon cakes (I suppose crab cakes and all fish cakes really) can be made with little carbs. Yu don't need tons of binders and an egg and a little mayo will work as well as breadcrumbs. I love the tang of miracle whip but have found that if i use the light mayo with olive oil and a little bit of sweet relish, it gives the same tang with half the fat. I eat this with tuna or chicken almost daily. Fat free refried Beans....sprinkle some cheese on top and bake or microwave. Season to taste. I spice mine up and then use greek yogurt as a sour cream. It cools down the spice and adds more protein. HTH
  6. Heatherr

    Low carb versus low calorie

    I do total carbs and tend to stay under 20g, but I'm still early out and don't eat much. Once I can eat more and will be able to add veggies back into my diet, I'll probably aim for 50g total carbs.
  7. Heatherr

    Hospital stay ???'s

    My surgeon typically does a 2 night stay if all goes well.
  8. Heatherr

    Pre-op diet headache question

    I cut out the caffeine and carbs right away. The headaches were absolutely from that and I felt icky for a few days. It was short lived and by the time I was on my official pre op diet, it wasn't an issue at all. I craved salad and chewing, not carbs and caffeine.
  9. How exciting! Makes ya want to mortgage the house to go back, huh? Enjoy your new wardrobe.
  10. Heatherr

    Protein and Purees

    I am 2 weeks post (almost 3) and could get all of my protein from food, but I still have one shake a day because it helps me get my fluids in. The protein from meat adds up so quickly. Last night, I made shrimp stir fry for the family and just purreed some of it for me. It was still tasty and ended up being 15g of protein in 1/3C of food. I couldnt do it if I used Beans and cheese. I couldnt eat enough of it to add up, but I typically have 1/2 C cottage cheese (14g protein) and 1 pureed meat meal per day. Add an egg or some greek yogurt and it adds up quickly.
  11. Man! I'm still stalled. 20+ pounds sounds wonderful, I'm jealous. Oh well, let's hope it doesn't last long. I have been able to get in all protein and fluids since a couple days out, but my doc uses a larger bougie. Maybe that's why? <shrug> I am looking forward to exercising again, but boy o boy does my body let me know when I"ve over done it. Keep plugging along everyone.
  12. Just be careful! I had lobster bisque and got so ill. It was delicious, yes, but I think all the fat was too much for my new tummy that had been used to low fat and carbs for months.
  13. Can you do eggs? Order a scoop of egg salad, tuna, seafood salad and just much it up really well before you eat it. If they don't offer a scoop, order a sandwich and just eat the innards. I went out to eat and ordered lobster bisque thinking it would be a good option since it was creamy and full of Protein. It made me sooo ill, so I'm going to suggest being careful with foods that are really rich or high in fat. French onion soup without the cheese is a good lunch option. You can often get a side of cottage cheese or apple sauce at most chain restaurants, though the apple sauce is likely the high fructose corn syrup kind. Some restaurants offer baked sweet potatoes or squash. chicken soup, just eat the chicken and the broth. The chicken should be moist enough to mash it up really easily with a fork. Cheddar ale soup, pate....if you go Italian, order a side of meat sauce. Smash it up really well and add some parmesan cheese to it. I would also suggest buying some pre made Protein shakes to bring along. GL
  14. Heatherr

    Is this Normal???

    I am doing well, no complaints, but I seem to have hit that early stall early. Grrrrrrrrrrr. I've weighed the same for days and days.
  15. Heatherr

    Boob question

    I'm gonna post pictures now, so there! <laugh> I've lost 65lbs and gone from a DDD to a DD. I expect to be a D when I'm done because that was my normal size in my teens and 20's....of course I've had and nursed 5 babies since then.... <sigh> Time will tell.
  16. And that right there is why I advocate for breaking the habits pre op. Recovering is hard enough without having a devil on your shoulder. GL OP
  17. ^^^^ and to add menopausal women. Last I knew men couldn't be in (peri)menopause or have PCOS. It can be very different for men and women.
  18. Na. I think many of us who frequent these boards are mostly talking about the simple white carbs when we say carbs. My 20-30g of carbs come from dairy and vegetables. I simply do not do simple white carbs, but I am very early out. When I am in maintenance, the plan is to have a more normal diet, just in smaller portions. That's why I chose the sleeve. Just to also play devil's advocate, my husband who has the 150g od carbs a day and loses is getting his carbs from sugar and pasta. He's addicted to carbs and used to have 300g a day. If I had 300g a day nomatter what type of carbs they were, I'd be a fatty Mcfatterson. That's why I made that point. Our bodies are just different. Period.
  19. Please folks, can we dump the "carbs are bad" mentality? It's just not that simple. If you carb-deprive yourself, you'll end up tired and grumpy. Careful. While you may be right on some levels, you have to understand that it is different from individual to individual and can be quite different for men than women. Some of us females are very carb sensitive and do need to pay close attention or it does effect our weight loss. For what it's worth, I haven't had more than 20g carbs since surgery and was at around 30g before surgery while actively losing and I was never tired or grumpy other than the first 3 days while my body transitioned over. I also gave up caffeine at that time, and I did feel icky for a few days, but never again after that. 20g of carbs and I still play Mom to 5 active kids, do housework, go to school and go to all of their extra curicular activities. I am not tired and grumpy and feel like i have plenty of energy....aside forma little cat nap needed since surgery 2 weeks ago, but I suspect that won' be needed very soon. I feel great....on 20g of carbs. I will slowly add them back into my diet as I near goal weight. My husband can have 150g of carbs a day and still lose.
  20. Heatherr

    Always so thirsty!!

    Keep track of your fluid intake. If you are getting in enough fluids then don't worry. It is likely caused from yur body going into ketosis. You are burning your fat instead of carbs/food for energy now. It makes your kidneys work extra hard and thirst is a side effect. It usually only lasts a few days, but I remember how annoying it was. Hang in there.
  21. Heatherr

    Is this Normal???

    The mushies and liquids slide easier, so you can't eat more. You followed your pureed foods with tomato soup (a liquid) It probably helped was the purees right out of your sleeve. That's why you were able to then eat string cheese....er....so I'm guessing. <shrug> I am able to eat over 1/2 C of cottage cheese and greek yogurt, but last night I tried salmon and could only get down 2.5 ounces and was tight and full. You'll feel more restriction with the more dense foods.
  22. Heatherr

    why no carbs phase two?

    Plain greek yogurt does not have that many carbs. I'm thinking you got the sweetened kind. Get the plain and add sf syrup as pp suggested. It's also nice to use as a dip. Just mi seasonings in it, dry ranch dressing, dill, garlic and herbs, etc. and it makes a great dip for veggies or meat.
  23. Is it maybe all the iron you're taking too? I only take my iron like 3 times a week for that reason. I've never been even close to anemic, and feel great.
  24. I dont have diabetes and have only lost 12lbs since 2 weeks ago when i was sleeved. I'm stalled. I get all protein in and about 600 calories a day. It is what it is. I wasn't expecting a huge loss right away since I didn thave water weight to lose. I lost 53lbs pre op by just dieting and exercising, so there was no grand shock to my body. There are too many variables to make such assumptions when we all lost differently in the beginning, had different pre op diets and exercise differently.
  25. Yes, you need more calories. You NEED to make sure to get your protein in. Do this and your body will adjust and gt back to losing.

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