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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Heatherr

  1. Heatherr


    MIne uses a 40 which seems to be on the larger end. Studies have shown that bougie sizes don't correlate to weight loss the way we'd think.
  2. Heatherr

    surgery and TOM

    I'm due to get aunt flo right around surgery day. Is it possible I could skip it because of anesthesia and dieting? My cramps and pain can be horrific to the point that I cannot sit, walk or function and the nurse told me to take Tylenol for menstrual pain. Seriously? This is one of the main reasons I went with the sleeve - so I COULD take NSAIDS. There has to be something they can give me until my sleeve is healed enough, right? I just don't think those who have never had issues with their period get how dibilitating it can be. Taking Tylenol would be like suggesting a band aid on open heart surgery. And this is coming from a woman who has had 5 natural child births with the shortest labor being 10.5 hours. I can take pain, but I'm not sure I want to be awake and endure how I know it can be with just Tylenol. Also, I have a very heavy flow, how is that going to go? I'm going to have to ask the nurse to change my pads, really? I wear a super plus tampon and an overnight pad at night and still leak all over the first couple days. Ugh. It's just Murphy's Law that it would have to be now. Thoughts, suggestions?
  3. Surgery is Tuesday and I cannot wait!! I had my final appointment with my surgeon today - it was the first time I've met him, and all I can say is "wow." He is the sleeve expert of the practice and so enthusiastic (and ridiculously handsome - as in makes McDreamy look like pond scum) and is sooo perfect for what I wanted in how he operates. He uses a size 40 bougie which I am thrilled about. I don't feel like I need the extra restriction with the smaller one, and I was worried about strictures and what not. The other surgeons I met with earlier were all old farts. I could tell they were not big advocates of the sleeve and could barely walk. I was always nervous about that. I mean, if you're so aged that walking is difficult and your hands shake, how should I trust your hands to not nick my liver, know what I mean? He explained that he leaves the lower part of the stomach a little wider to avoid a stricture where the muscle is the toughest to stretch and closes the top more narrow where the stretchier part of the stomach is. If I could have written my own surgery, this is how I would want it. I'm soooo sooo happy. And the BEST thing is that he told me I could eat!! Omgomgomgomg. The liquid diet has me sooo hungry. I was drooling over a piece of asparagus last night. He said because I've been dieting for months that it wasn't as big an issue and that if I was that hungry to go ahead and have a little something to eat, but that I should keep it to fruits and veggies. FINE by me, Doc!!!! I had a shake for Breakfast and dinner, but I did have a side salad for lunch. I cannot tell you how much better I feel just from being able to eat that little bit. Jury duty tomorrow, but they'll excuse me for the surgery. I just have to show up. I just found that out today and have been worried for weeks about it. Hope everyone is doing well.
  4. My husband said to me last night "You're wasting away right before my eyes. " He said this as he was rubbing my back and feeling my hip and rib bones. I haven't even had surgery yet - still one more week, but I'm thrilled the weight loss is being noticed. He meant it as a complement and it was well received.
  5. Heatherr

    Spouse or Sig other

    Why? Honesty is always best. You were far more kind in ending it than stringing her along for years while you both were miserable. Whether it was about the weight or lifestyle change, you were no longer compatible. <shrug>
  6. Heatherr

    wasting away

    TY! Good luck to both of you as well. We're all really close in surgery dates - cool.
  7. Heatherr

    Surgery Date

    1 BigSexxy, MamaMcKinzie, Gaylebco, heygirlfriendB 2 brookb, Heatherr 3 zetagirl210 4 Julie76 5 6 7 8 SunnyinSD, Ladybug86, MeMeMEEE 9 Wondering1, nurselisa22 10 Indymom 11 Jimmy James, missjanab 12 Ms.girl 13 14 15 Treequeen, WyomingMountainGal 16 17 ITSMEMRSJ 18 19 20 21 22 JELLYBEANS, pamblan, blkhulagirl, mimimermaid 23 24 KristeyK, KristinaRN, Intime 25 Jenny A. 26 27 28 29 30 Lisha, CT Fats 31
  8. Heatherr

    All-Stars Preo-op diet thread

    I'm on day 3 and it's pretty flipping intolerable. I'm angry and mean and just want some food. And I have lost 47lbs dieting on my own over the last few months, so it's not like I've been eating much food anyway. I would kill for a couple shrimp and some asparagus. I salivate at the thought of salad and the idea of steak is like porn at this point. <sigh> .....off to have another shake before bed
  9. Heatherr


    I'm your August 2nd sleeve buddy - gosh, that's so soon. I didn't have any type of diet to do before hand other than the pre op liquid diet to shrink the liver, but I also wanted to lose as much as possible and to date am down 47lbs!! The no food thing is getting to me, so I hid in my room for a few hours today trying on clothes. OMG, most were tight, but they were starting to look good, even a few regular size shirts (not plus size) I am so motivated and ready right now. Stella ain't got nuthin on my groove. Uh huh!
  10. I love the syntax sample pack. I tried the pina colada one last night and it was delicious. I want to order a big jar of that.
  11. Seems some of those are lacking in protein too. Once you hit goal or close, you'll be able to eat more and have to adjust so you stop losing.
  12. While we're on the subject....I have never had an issue with low iron. IN fact, mine is always well above what it needs to be. We have well water which has a lot of iron in it and I always wondered if that was helping. Because of that, I have been lazy about taking my iron daily as I did not want to over do it. I am still pre op, but now I wonder if I should be more diligent about taking the extra. Ideas or comments?
  13. I should have read ahead. You ladies are a wealth of knowledge. <shrug>
  14. I take a Centrum multi with 18 mg of Iron daily, 1200 mg of Calcium citrate, ^^^^ Didn't read ahead, so I'm not sure if someone posted this or not, but you need to take iron and calcium citrate at different times, hours apart for best results. I'm not even sure why they put them in the same pill.
  15. Heatherr

    August Sleever looking for buddy/mentor

    I'm getting surgery on August 2nd. I vote that you should start an August sleevers thread for us all to keep up with. I'm 36, married, mom of 5 ages 12,11,9,6 and 4.
  16. Heatherr

    Spouse or Sig other

    It doesn't matter and won't on either side in my marriage. My dh is average and will never be a large man. My dh likes curves and probably prefers me at a siz 10-14, but beng larger and smaller hasn't changed anything. He is jealous of the men buzzing about again.
  17. Just an idea, but mashed sweet potatoes and mashed acorn squash would be equally satisfying and less carbs.
  18. How about something like refried beans with some melted cheese or cheese sauce? That would have more calories and still have protein. Add some plain protein powder to cream soups or chowders, soemthing hearty and caloric. You're not starving yoursef because you have plenty of fat stores for your body to feed off of, but I get how exercising is tough when your caloric intake is so little. Still, instead of doing mad cardio and burning 400 calories, just do some muscle toning to keep them strong and from withering away.
  19. Heatherr

    Hunger--the time game

    How are you shedding 300 calories by only walking a mile? I have to run a mile and walk uphill at least another half mile to shed 300 calories.
  20. Heatherr

    What do you think?

    If he has a medical need to drink, they cannot deny him that. I get the whole air of professionalism needed in his line of work, so while they may not want him to have a drink at his table, they may consider another way of allowing him to sip. The only way he'll know is if he asks. Maybe they'll have someone come take over for a hand or 2 every hour or two? I don't know. It's a tough job to be able to work in the drinking for sure. He should bring it up now and not spring it on them, so they have time to come up with an solution the casino feels is acceptable.
  21. And this right there explains why we should all tackle our food addictions BEFORE surgery. I still shake my head over the lady that suggested eating a lb of bacon in one sitting or half a dozen eggs was a good way to lose.
  22. Days, though I did change my mind about what type of surgery as I researched....twice actually.
  23. Heatherr


    Make extra when you cook. I grill a ton of chicken once a week. We eat it as a dinner the first night when it's fresh off the grill. Then I use the rest as leftovers for salad, chicken salad, quick snack etc. Maybe make a few side salads already preportioned so they are a convenience food. The boiled egg idea is a good one. My lunch will be a palte with a string cheese, a couple deli turkey roll ups, a strawberry and some pepperoncinis for example. It's all easy, but looks gourmet on the plate all cute and delicious.
  24. Heatherr

    First NSV

    Good for you! It will be fast now.
  25. I do a multi, biotin, b-12 a few times a week and calcium citrate a few times a week. I took D-3 last month, but my levels are fine now. I don;t need iron or I would be taking that too.

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