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Posts posted by Marimaru

  1. Amy, with all the weight you've lost since October, your body may just be readjusting. If you keep going your course, you'll likely wake up and the scale will have jumped down a number that seems impossible over night.

    But you might consider changing up your diet. Since you are counting calories, I'll mention that I simply cannot lose weight unless I eat less than 1300 calories a day. You may just need to go down a little. Looking at what you have above, the easiest way to do that probably would be to have solid Protein at lunch instead of chili.

    Do things like calculating your loss per week, etc. That helped me in the beginning when I would get stuck.

  2. Yikes! I hope it goes down soon. It definitely sounds like the 100 calorie pack Cheez-its must be different than the normal ones. At least you noticed before you ate the whole thing!

  3. Definitely shop around. I went to Mexico 3 1/2 years ago to save some money, and also because I liked the reputation of my surgeon. Prices nowadays are much more competitive, so you might find something just as cheap but local. But I would highly recommend going to someone who has at least a few hundred band surgeries under their belt, you know?

  4. For once, I decided to jump into a diet, and did it THAT DAY. No waiting, or anything like that. I'm counting calories, and I'm trying REALLY HARD not to justify going over on Sundays. I went over one Sunday, I had been logging everything for 2 weeks, and wanted one drink that would take me over and decided to do it. This past Sunday I almost went over, but I had to make myself stop. There's no reason to have a "free day" really. Of course by "over" I mean like 200 calories over my 1300 limit, but if I allow it one day, then it'll be 2 days...

  5. Wheetsin, what do you do for sweetener? Do you use anything at all? I've been using a ton of splenda lately, because iced tea has been my new "get my Water in" addiction of late. I really can't stand it without sweet stuff, but I don't want to add sugar to it. :mad:

    What about something like Stevia? Does that have the same effect as Splenda? It's interesting you mention that thing about it causing stalls. I've been watching my calls for the last few weeks and I was losing nicely and it just stalled (although I wasn't doing Atkins). Any tips would definitely be appreciated!

  6. If I want to lose weight, I have to count calories. For the most part, if I want to maintain, I don't need to pay any attention. I gained some weight after my wedding and over the holidays that I am now dealing with, but I am counting calories to do it. If that's my band reality, I'm totally fine with that, because I have help in maintaining, even if I have to do the work to lose. It's still different, because if I hit a rut, when I get out of it I can still pick up where I left off. I could probably be at goal by now if I was more diligent like a lot of the people here, but I guess that's just not who I am, and so I'm a slow loser. :mad:

  7. I used to be really bad about letting my scale affect my mood. Then I just made myself quit weighing until I could get on the scale and not be pissed off all day just because it hadn't gone down. Now I just take it for what it is; one piece of information that tells me generally how I am doing. If you are letting it affect your mood, don't get on it in the first place.

  8. stretch marks are basically scar tissue, so there's not a whole lot of elasticity there. My stomach skin has a lot of stretch marks, but it still has come back a decent amount. I think once I get to goal, if I wait a year or so, it'll be more "squishy" than "hanging skin" if that makes any sense.

    Areas without stretch marks have a greater chance of firming up better, but it's not guaranteed or anything.

  9. I don't own the business that I work for, but my mom does. Her and her boyfriend work here, as well as my sister and her husband, and myself and my husband. My husband and I don't work at the main office, we telecommute from a client's office in Oregon (mom's office is in CA). I think a lot of it has to do with compatibility, DH and I are much happier working together than we were when we had different jobs. My sister likes having her husband where she can see him, but I think HE might be happier if he could get some space away from her, lol.

    DH and I just kind of know when we need some space. I make a point to tell him if I'm feeling moody, or PMSy so he can decide whether he wants to deal with it, or kind of hide out until I'm in a better mood, and he can tell me when he's irritable, though that doesn't seem to happen much. I think the biggest thing is being open with each other. DH and I have worked together for 4 years or so now, and it's never really been a problem. But I think you have to be able to say (nicely) "I need to not be near you right at this moment". For me that often means "I'm going out, I'll be back in a couple of hours" or something.

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