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Posts posted by Marimaru

  1. The law sees the legal entity (the marriage) having the responsibiltiy of rearing the child....just like ALL debts in the marriage...even if 1 party did not charge on the card or know about the purchases.

    Weird, huh?

    My mom took on a PILE of debt she didn't even know my dad had created in her Quest to get custody of us. She worked her butt off to get it paid off so we could move on from that. I was in a situation VERY similar to what bonniep listed as her childhood, watching my mom work all the time, while my dad didn't pay child support (or airfare for visits or anything like that). I have two younger sisters, and we all 'manage him' differently, but you can clearly see that we were all affected.

    I do think that adults need to think more about what they are doing to their children, in cases of divorce and whatnot, but I also don't believe that staying with someone you want to divorce for "the sake of the children" is the best answer either. I think I would have needed more than 3 years of therapy to get past it if my parents had stayed together another 15 years. Yeesh.

  2. I agree with the statement about fake people. My father is maybe the most fake person I know. I'm not even sure HE knows who he really is. His side of the family is much the same. Other than that it's people I work with. Whenever someone badmouths someone else to you, you gotta wonder what they say about you to someone else.

  3. I like Yellowtail wines. They aren't very expensive but they are pretty good. I've only mostly had their reds, I got one sparkling white wine and it wasn't all that great in my opinion. I can get that at my supermarket. I don't know if you have a store where you live, but at least in California there is a store called Bevmo (also bevmo.com) that has wines sorted by region as well as type.

  4. If it's been 8 months what are they still waiting on? The most lengthy insurance requirement I've ever heard is a 6 month supervised diet?

    Maybe you should see if you can get a list of their requirements and how long that would take them. That might give you a better idea what they really have to go through with their insurance, etc. But, if someone in my family really wanted, and I could pay for it, I probably would. Also, another thing you could look into is paying for it so they can get it sooner and trying to get reimbursed by their insurance.

  5. I have (had?) a friend who was my best friend in high school and for a couple of years after. I moved an inconvenient distance away and we didn't see each other much, but still kept each other posted with what's going on. Every since I've been banded, I've heard from her even less. Most recently she didn't even tell me personally that her cancer had rebounded, I had to find it out through her blog. My mom said it was because her and I were 2 fat chicks together, and my doing something about it said to her that it's "not okay".

    Other than that, guys have looked at me more, which is weird. The only attention I got from guys before was being laughed at or whatever, so this is different. Women don't really treat me differently yet, if they're going to, but I'm not "skinny" by any means.

  6. Eating right (portions AND foot types) and exercising are the ultimate answer. Diets are just a fancy way to try and get you to do it. Pre-cooked meals, or shakes, or whatever, they're all a control mechanism for the eating right part. Unfortunately the exercise part is a bit harder, and I lack motivation in that department as well, but that doesn't mean it's a sham or it's any less necessary. My opinion on that part of the subject, anyway.

    As for WW specifically, I'd rather just count calories than try and figure out how many 'points' something has. I'm also leery of the things out there that have substance (a Soup commercial comes to mind) that have 0 points. If you eat enough 0 points, you're consuming enough cals to not lose weight, I would think.

    Besides, I've never been a fan of being embarrassed, so if I didn't lose, or even gained on the program, I'd just not go to the weigh in to avoid that shame.

  7. Having someone as family is a good reason to try for a relationship even if things are hard. But it's not an excuse to treat people however you want, just because you think that your family can't get away from you. I would definitely consider a restraining order if it were me. Although I personally would let my husband make the ultimate decision about whether or not he'd continue seeing her, being his mother and all.

  8. I know my views are WAY out there to most, but I don't believe in child support. I think children of divorced parents should go to the parent who wants them most, not the one who wants to get paid to take care of their own children. Yes, fathers should contribute; I'm not disputing that. However, if my husband and I got divorced, I would be happy to have my children...period. I would rather have my children 100% of the time with NO money, than anything else and receive child support.

    I get what you're saying, as far as a theory... my mom got us as kids after their divorce, and my dad never paid child support. It was very rough for a while, but she managed. She could have gone after my dad, and since he was broke he probably would have ended up in jail, but mom didn't think it was worth it. But there are people out there who want their kids more than anything, however cost is a considerable factor when you're faced with whether or not you can pay the rent, based on whether or not you get the child support you are supposed to get.

    I know of one person who gets child support, and yet her daughter has never been to the dentist. The entire point of child support is to take care of the child's needs. Whenever I hear about this woman getting something knew and rather expensive, I get really angry (an ex's ex). Of course, my ex would rather pay the money than have his kid, so he doesn't do anything about it. (let's not go into reasons he's my ex, heh)

  9. 1- I can't really say. I was on Depo before I was banded, and that all but stopped my period. I had about 1 every year. After surgery I had 2 within six months. I switched to the pill, and got regular very quickly, and have been ever since.

    2- Yes. A) it's easier to be naked. I still don't really like what's there, but it's a hell of a lot better than it was. :hurray: The drive itself is strong. My DH I'm sure wishes it was stronger still, but oh well.

  10. From what I've been told, even if child support is overpaid (by way of garnished wages when checks are also being sent, or whatever), the parent caring for the child wont be required to pay the money back, because that could put the child in a position of suffering. IE; even if this guy gets out of paying child support, he will probably never be reimbursed, because the money was for the good of the child, and creating that kind of debt for the mother is NOT for the good of the child. Maybe they should do something in a way of deferred debt... like she owes it, but isn't required to pay (and therefore doesn't affect her credit) until the child is 18?

    Now, if I was that guy, and I was forced to pay child support for a kid that wasn't mind, AND I had not been in the child's life really as their "dad" or whatever, I'd be hunting down the child's real father so he can be made to pay support going forward. Assuming the woman even knows who it is.

  11. You have the right to a non-hostile work environment. If you haven't, you need to ask her not to say things like that anymore, whether she's for "friend" or your "boss". It doesn't matter what the relationship she thinks she has with you, if you're in the work place, she's your boss and she needs to behave as such. Then, if she says anything else, go to her boss, explain what happened, and explain that you asked her to stop and asked her to be professional. You should also document everything, maybe even make your complaints via email, or letter. This allows you to get all of your thoughts down without missing anything, in an appropriate way. You should follow up with a conversation, but it's good to get it all down so you don't get flustered.

  12. I had a doctor tell me that walking was useless for exercise. I just said "well, it's better than sitting my ass like I was doing before". My current doctor says "at least walk briskly 20 minutes a day, something is better than nothing". My previous doctor also told my mom wants "not to eat anything with eyes" just because her cholesterol was a little high. A bit of an extremist I guess.

  13. Just wanted to say about the 2nd house. Even if you're looking to sell it, it wouldn't be a bad idea to sign a 1 or 2 year lease on it. Right now is NOT the time to sell. It isn't going to change overnight. May as well get GOOD renters, for 1-2 years, paying enough to at least cover some of your current mortgage on your house, and re-visit selling it when the economy is back up.

    Especially since you could get more for your house once the recession is over.

    This is exactly what I was going to recommend. I hope it all works out for you.

  14. I've started a deal with myself where if I want a snack at night, I have to drink a glass of iced tea first. Often enough that'll pass some time at least, if it doesn't satisfy me by itself.

    But you need some hobbies! I draw, or try to crochet (not good at crochet yet). I try to do something that evolves my hands so they can't be heping me snack.

  15. I'm glad you got the result you wanted. I went from depo to the pill about a year ago. When I was on depo, I hardly ever had a period, and didn't give it much thought. On the pill I'm regular like clockwork, except the day I start varies a little. Anywhere between Thursday and Sunday. Along about Sunday I'm always freaking out. I never say anything to my husband, because I'm good with the pill and whatnot, and I'm not really "late" since I know it varies like that. I just wish I knew why I was freaking out every month!

  16. My advice is about the same as Green's. I think you have to approach it, because seeds like this can grow into nasty situations if they are ignored, but approach it from the angle of her being in pain, not of her purposely try to attack you, you know?

  17. I wish that these shows would show someone who lost that kind of weight and has kept it off for any period of time and then told us how they did THAT.

    I firmly believe that anyone can LOSE weight, it's the keeping it off that people have trouble with.

    And, any woman who loses 125 lbs is a superwoman... all the people on this site included. :rolleyes2:

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