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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ElizabethObviously

  1. It can be scary to think about but just imagine where you would be if you had done it the first time. You could be 50 or even 100 pounds down if you had. Do you want to look back a year from now and say should woulda coulda? Everyone is afraid of change. Everyone is afraid of the unknown....in our case the unknown just happens to be eating normal portion sizes and being healthy.

    Take a deep breathe and just trust... in your doctors, in your support team, in your personal higher power, but mainly in YOURSELF. You are a strong person. You would not have made it all the way to not be.

  2. Just keep reminding yourself that you are becoming healthier. Maybe he is just trying to test your will power? I know when I stopped drinking soda ( cutting back from a 2 liter of Mt Dew a day habit to NOTHING) on Jan 1st, hubby would buy himself a soda....but the longer I have went without it, the less he drinks. Yes, every now and then he will bring one into the house and I just want to beat him up and steal it from him but I keep remembering, if I drank any soda my streak would be over. I am on 4 months without soda now! Why ruin that for a 15 min sugar high?

  3. So it started out with me being stubborn, shaking my head no no no. I would not could not have WLS. And then I went to the information seminar and I started to rethink it. The sleeve procedure really spoke to me. It clicked. And then I tried to start the Protein shakes...I made it through 2....Made the mistake of using skim milk and whey powder....don't do this if you are lactose intolerant or lactose sensitive....if you do, stay close to a bathroom. And it got me thinking, if I can't even make it through a day of not eating, of a liquid diet, HOW will I ever do this for 3 weeks pre-op? Now, granted I have not even been to my initial doctor's appointment (June 2nd) so I do not even know if I will have to do this. ..

    The thing is...I honestly feel like I am being forced to do this. I understand my family is worried and they don't want me to die....but when people start to push me or force me into something, I dig in my heels and start to resist. The harder they push me, the more I will hold back and block them. I know I should do this WLS for myself, to better myself, so I can watch my daughter grow up....I just feel very conflicted.

    *sad sigh*

  4. I am wondering why you decided to choose the sleeve instead of band or RYN.

    I know for me, at the informational session I attended yesterday, I had my wall up, I kept my arms crossed. I was in the mindset of a rotten spoiled 2yo...no no no no.....

    But when the doctor started talking about the sleeve it seemed like things just clicked. To me, it seems safer than the GB because there is no rerouting of the intestines, and there is less risk of losing Vitamins.

    What are other people's thoughts?

  5. I am new to this site, to this thread and to the idea of sleeves!

    I am 28, married for about 8 years, mommy to 1 7yo daughter. We live in Southern Illinois and my 2 younger sisters, 26 and 24 are starting this journey with me. We had our informational session today. We were the youngest 3 and it made me realize that if we don't get on the ball and do this now, our future was staring at us from the other chairs. People who have had open heart surgeries, stints in their hearts, several people with oxygen tanks, canes, walkers, a wheelchair...

    I want to live. I hate watching life pass me by. I have so much more to offer, so much more passion and drive than what I am capable of right now. In 5th grade I ran track. It amazes me that I could actually run a mile without stopping. Now, I can barely walk 1/4 mile and that is with 2 breaks. I kick my butt every day for quitting track.

    My initial doctor's appt is June 2nd. So a little over a month!

  6. So my family has been really into the exercise thing for the past couple weeks. Me, my 26yo sister and my 24yo sister all went to our informational session today. It actually relieved alot of fears when I saw the sleeve and the differences between that and the RNY. I think my 2 sisters are getting that but I feel the sleeve is more my style. Our doctor is Dr. Ahuja, in Southern Illinois. He looks pretty young in person, about 17 actually, but he seems really laid back and very one on one with people which I really like. Something he said that really clicked was that we are basically marrying him and his bariatric staff because we will be seeing them alot for the rest of our lives.

    So to introduce myself a little (because I have a feeling I will be here alot)...I am Elizabeth. 28. Married. Mommy to an almost 7yo daughter.

    I will openly admit right now...I have a weakness for pizza. That is actually my ONLY food weakness. I went from drinking a good 2 liter or more of Mt Dew to NOTHING since Jan 1,2011. Somehow I avoided the caffeine withdrawal headaches. Now i just need to change my mind frame about pizza. I suppose I associate it with my childhood.

    I plan to start the Protein Shakes NOW, even though I don't even have a surgery appointment yet! I figure any weight I lose now is an added bonus to the surgery weight lose. Plus it gets me in the habit of life after surgery! I'm sure it will make the liquid post-op diet easier to handle.

    My initial doctor appointment is June 2nd. My sister also has her appt that day and my other sister's is June 9th. I still need to make my psych appt which should be fun...considering I was a psych major. I will TRY to refrain from telling him what I think is wrong with me and let him do his job.

    I am hoping to get down to about 150-175. I have a long way to go but I have already taken the first step.

    And now I leave you with a poem that really hit me as far as staying strong, being confident...I'm sure you have heard it...

    With nothing to lose and the world to gain

    Plain arched its back and did proclaim

    That plain would never be the same

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