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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Raine

  1. When I told my brother what I was going to do, he questioned me and said things like this: Well you will still have the same bad habits. Just don't eat as much. You don't need sugery to do that. You've lost weight before. I told him "Since you are my brother and have known me my whole life, when have I EVER been able to lose it and keep it off? and as for the bad habits, well work on your own before you tell me about mine, and then we'll talk." I listen to me and my research and my doctors lol.
  2. Raine

    Well meaning people

    Some people, especially thin people to overweight people think they have the "right" to give advise on something they have no idea what they are talking about. "if you did this" "if you do that" blah blah blah. They do not know the struggle of being overweight and what it does to a person inside and out. It is as shame. No matter how much weight we have to lose whether it be 50lbs or 250lbs it is a battle and you have chosen to fight that battle with the right weapon. You are doing great! 100lbs is such an accomplishment and I have no doubt you will make your goal and then some. I know its hard, but don't let her or anyone else discourage you on your journey. Congratulations on your success so far! Raine
  3. I can't wait till I can eat an egg or even half an egg. My doc won't approve anything until the first post op visit which is the 12th. But on that night I am having an egg damnit!!! lol
  4. I am one of those people who will read everything there is to read about something that I am going to be doing to myself. I want to know every detail of what I will be going through. Thats just the way I am. So when I found this site I was like yayyy and read until I went into overload. I will say it prepared me for a lot of what I should expect and then some, but not what I actually went through. I am not writing this to scare anyone but just to be informative. My husband told me that if I had read what I went through I wouldnt have been so scared. April 27th at 7:00 am scheduled for surgery. Got to the hospital and checked in by 5:00 am. Everything is going according to schedule and am excited to be there because I know that this is the first step to making my life better for me and my family. The last thing I remember is giving my hubby and son a kiss and telling them I love them and I'll see them in a couple of hours. Fast forward to recovery, pain, pain, pain, they move me over to another bed and that is more pain. I was expecting this because I have had other surgeries in the past. Everyone is calling my name to make sure I am coherent and I keep thinking I'm going to hurl on these people if they are not careful, and hurl I did. But what I hurled was blood. Apparently there was some internal bleeding in my stomach and what built up had to come up along with a giant clot that they saved for the surgeon to see. Scared the bejeezus out of me because I hadn't read where anyone had gone through that! So they monitored me through out the day and I kept spitting up blood and unfortunately both my husband and son saw it at one point too. Wish they didn't have to see that but what are you going to do. That eveneing they let me have some ice chips and OMG what a god send, ice never felt or tasted so good. Through out the second day, I was still spitting up blood just not as much as day one, which the doc said was a very good sign. He said he has seen this happen before and everything will be fine. Then as they are monitoring me, they realize my oxegen levels are really low and put me on oxegen. Ok, tube up the nose and breathe in breathe out. On Clear liquids and had broth, Jello and ice pops to eat. They decide they want a chest xray done to make sure all is good there, and low and behold I have the begining of pnemonia. So they treat me for that as well. Day three, I am much, much better, keeping the liquids down nicely, and they put me on a full diet, broth, Breakfast Protein drinik and a clear flavored drink as well. No more blood, yayy, I want to go home now thank you very much. Day four, the doc tells me everythinhg is progressing nicely and says he could send me home but he is not going to because he wants to monitor my blood work for another day. Fine, I'll stay another day. Day five and I can come home. I feel really good except for the achy breaky feeling of being kicked good and hard but that will pass. I am doing the liquids pretty good so far but I know I'm not getting in the protein that I need and have to work on that. They already dicontinued me taking 3 meds twice a day and that is the reason I wanted to do this. In the end, I feel good, and I know I'll be fine because my body is telling me so. It is also telling me when I put too much liquid in as well, weird feeling too but I am getting used to that too. I don't regret the decision at all, even with the complications. I know in the end this is what needed to be done. So thank you all for your support and advise here. I will keep everyone updated and unundated with questions and observations as they happen. Raine
  5. Raine

    Sleeved and Steady

    Thanks everyone, I am on day 9 and doing great! Haven't had any real issues since the hospital other than some pain in my left side. Called the docs office the said it was gas but took some gasx and a heating pad and that didnt work. Took some of the liquid pain killer and worked like a charm so I think its muscular like aother post I read on here. Pain killers do not work on gas LOL
  6. Oh boy, I'm trying with that stuff! Not so great but only bought one tub of the unflavored. I think I'm just going to add a little bit to to stuff with a lot of flavor so I don't taste it as much lol. Thanks, all!
  7. Day 9 and feeling GREAT! A little left side pain that they thought was gas, well uh nope, pain killers don't work on gas lol Its muscular and getting better!

  8. That is fantastic!!! You will lose more too, you can betcha a** on it
  9. Hello Ladies, I have to say you are all a God send to me. I am just post op 9 days now and no where near where you are, but I know I will be one day. The main reason I did this was for my health. Prior to surgery I took 20 pills daily to try and maintain my numbers and one day post op and I was down to 10. I expect that to go lower too! Going through this as you all know is an emotional roller coaster. One of my biggest fears was what if in the end just like every other time I couldn't maintain it? What if I can't control how much I eat etc. I know I will be able to this time because of the tool. I started this journey last June at 240lbs, this and that and that and this happens and was not able to have the surgery till April 27 this year. In the meantime I was determined to at least lose something while all the "stuff" was going on and by the time I did my pre-op diet I was 206. Not bad but at the same time I knew in my mind that if I didn't get this done that it would be just like the last time and the time before that and so on and so on and I would gain it back again. I read everything and anything about the surgery and what to do and the possible complications etc. Now, my mind has caught up and I am reading all the NSV's and success stories and how to maintain and their trials and tribulations. My goal weight is 140lbs ... for now. I'll see what my numbers are then and how my body feels at that weight but this time its not a matter of if I'll be able to do it but when I'll get there. So after all that I will be following you all as I have been doing for the past month, and grabbing all the inspiration you share! On a side note, I am going shopping this weekend for shoes for my sisters wedding and decided I was going to buy a "little black dress" in a size 8. Nothing crazy revealing, I am 44 years old! But I have ALWAYS wanted one and never thought it "appropriate" for someone my size through out my life, anywhere from a 16 to a 22. It will hang in my closet until I am able to fit into it and then I am going to make hubby take me out for a night on the town! LOL Again thanks for sharing everything that you do! Raine
  10. It is different for everyone. The fact that you can is great! Keep yourself hydrated and you will start to feel better in a few days. I am on day 8 and am feeling really good now so it does get better. Congrats on your sleeve!
  11. Raine

    Jersey in the house!

    Well you found the right place! You will get a lot of good info, support and insight on this site. I think its great that you two are doing it together! Good luck! and welcome aboard.
  12. It does get easier and better. You may want to try crushing some ice in a blender and just munching on that initially, it will soothe your throat and its Water .I did that for like 3 days. I am on day 8 and I keep a little 12 oz bottle of water with me all day long. I try to make it through at a minimum of 4 them daily. I wasnt able to do that until day 5 but I kept trying. In the first few days I don't think I got more than 10grams of Protein in, now I am up to 30 with my shakes. I have one for Breakfast instead of coffee, and it takes me about two hours to finish the whole thing and one around early evening. I am going to try and start doing one in the evening but not sure if I'll be able to get the whole thing down. Inbetween that I have SF ice pops and Jello. I have no appetite either, don't feel hunger what so ever, so I feel your pain there when for the first time in our lives, we are not hungry but we HAVE to eat/drink. Good Luck! It does get better and you will do great! Raine
  13. I am calling my Doc today, I was sleeved on the 27th and have been really good but got the same sounding pain in my left side. Nothing else is bothering me so I'm hoping its the same thing. It doesn' seem to be getting better either. Hurts a lot when I move but its the only thing that "hurts" so I'm leaning towards what you have too. It does go away when I take the pain medicine they prescribed. So we'll see. I'll keep you posted.
  14. My best to you! I am sure you will do fine and feel better. If in the end you have to wait then you wait, remember you are doing this to help yourself and your body needs to be up to the challenge too. We know your mind is and you are strong! I'm sure you will be fine for your date.
  15. Raine

    Sleeved and Steady

    Thanks all! I am doing great so far. Still not enough protein but I am staying hydrated so that is good. I haven't been sick at all except when trying to take my pills. But hubby got that figured out for me, jello shots! hahaha The losers bench is a comfy place to be, let me tell ya!
  16. My docs say it HAS to be crushed and I have been in search of a solution to the not gagging and vomiting from taking them lol. Ta Da!!! Thanks, to hubby, found it! Good Luck!
  17. I am using Jello Shots now and it works great! Thanks for the suggestion, Bill. Empress, me too. I guess when our bodies are ready to say hayyyy ...... NOW! We will know lol.
  18. For two weeks before my pre op diet started I ate all my favorites, and I didn't feel guilty. I knew once the pre-op started I would be a good girl! and damnit if I wasnt picture perfect. I have a multitude of medical malfunctions as well and was on 20 pills daily, day 1 out of the hospital and I am donw to 10. Once they do additional blood work on the 12th, was sleeved on the 27th, I'll know what else can be stopped as well. Even if you are not required to do a pre-op diet you might want to do one anyway to make it easier on yourself and your docs when the go in. Good luck!
  19. I dont think cottage cheese is good for the pre-op. I am told that would be good for the mushies. Empress, I tried it your way and GAGGED big time, thought my sleeve was gonna split on me it was so bad lol. Hubby and I were talking about it and we are going to try Jello shots! Crush the tab and put it in the middle of a jello shot and swish down it goes. Wish me luck, I'll let you know how it goes.
  20. I did the same with the egg drop soup from the local Chinese Restaurant lol. It was heavenly.
  21. Raine


    I hope you find a happy medium! It is hard but you are doing your best right now and everything is so brand new. I think in time it will get better, I don't think its sabatoge, I think its the Y chromozone, just dont ask why. Everytime my son sits down to one of the many great meals my hubby makes he looks guilty and says "Sorry Mom" I tell him don't be. If it gets too much for me I go somewhere else in the house or outside. They love me and want the best for me just as I am sure your husband does for you, but we are sensitive right now being so soon post op that everything will seem like a personal afront. I wish you all the luck! You are doing great and keep up the good work. Sometimes just venting helps
  22. Raine


    To get your numbers down by the time you go for surgery, make sure you do the pre-op liquid diet to the letter. I was on the pre-op diet for 2 weeks and when I did and my sugars on the morning of they were 77 which is great for me. I'm hoping for the same thing to happen, no more diabetic medicines. I dont think it will happen over night for me but in time I believe it will get better. I have been T2 Diabetic for 14 years and am already seeing a difference. It is very scary to be diagnosed and to have to deal with all of it, but think of it like this, you are on the right road to making it all better! Good Luck!
  23. what about re-heating something after you have already mixed it with soup? Thanks,
  24. Thanks, Empress! I am going to try that I have been putting the crushed tab on the applesause and taking it that way but that bitter gross taste is still there. I'll try the desolving them in it and see how that works! Down to ten pills so far daily. I have eliminated the 4 fish oil, 2 gemfibrizols, 2 metformins and 2 Niaspans for the next two weeks until they do additional blood work to see how things are. I shouldnt complain lol from 20 to 10 in one day not too shabby!
  25. The two weeks pre-op isn't as nasty as it sounds. You will just need to find the Protein that you like to get through it. I like the Atkins low carb/low sugar drinks, mostly the dark chocolate. When you drink other things, mix up between fruity for fast drinks and the savory for when you need something salty. Beef broths have been my stand by for that, get a hot cup of Water and disolve a boulon cube in it. At night I would have a strained Soup different flavors. Hope this helps! Bill, I was sleeved last Wednesday, was told I could do the full liquids on the Sunday afterwards. Doing ok so far. No real bad things going on except having to take my damn pills which is seriously gross when you have to crush them. lol Hope everyones journey goes well, it will be a bumpy road here and there but so worth it in the end when you see, feel and hear the difference in your body! Raine

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