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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Raine

  1. Raine

    Blogging it all

    Renee', I feel you and I hear where you are coming from. I want you to hear about my "story" so you know that I know where you are coming from. I would have loved to be thin like my sisters growing up but that was not my lot in life. I was my Mom's daughter to the bone lol. She had two skinny babies before me and then I came along and she was carrying around this bubble cheeked baby that had the all the little rolls and loved every minute of it. She had three more skinny babies, 2 girls and a boy. I have been obese my entire life. Basically a very well proportioned woman and always carried my weight well, even at my biggest of 280+ in my 20's. I think it bothered me more when I was a teen ager more than anytime in my life but hey, I had my fair share of boy friends and had my sisters who always had my back. So basically realitively happy and amazingly healthy up til i was 29. At 29 my hubby and I got pregnant. Then all hell broke loose. Let me say right here and now that I love my boy more than life itself and wouldn't change anything I have done to have him. He is my joy and my pride and one of the sweetest boys you could imagine. I think my husband and I did a great job raising him so far. We have never been pregnant since so I know my choice was the right one. When it was confirmed that I was pregnant of course like every other woman I got everything checked. I was diagnosed with T2 Diabeties, cervicle cancer, and found a tumor on my left ovary. The Doc said that if I had other children she would suggest an abortion. I told her right then and there that was not an option. I do beleive in choice but that was not a choice for me. My thoughts were I am 29, never had a scare, never was pregnant before this and I am having this baby come hell or high Water. I truly believed that I was meant to be his mother, lol I even knew from day one that the baby was a boy. My husband was petrified for me and was scared of losing me. He wanted what was going to make me healty. So, lets take care of business and figure out how to deal with all this. Week 6 of pregnancy was put in the hospital to deal with and learn the ins and outs of the diabeties. Done. Week 1 of my second trimester, the hospital again for sugery to remove the tumor because it was growing out of control because of the hormones etc. Done. Through out the pregnancy saw an oncologist to monitor the cancer and it stayed in control for the most part. Nothing we could do while I was preggers. August 19, 1997, had my beautiful baby boy via c-section. 8lbs 2oz 21 inches long. Done. 3 months after my son was born back to the hospital for another surgery to remove 3/4's of my cervix. Done. Cancer free for almost 14 years now. I should be ok, but I have never been able to get the diabeties under control since the pregnancy. Have had my gall bladder removed, had several bouts with pancreantitus due to a hereditary malfunction with my tryglicerides seems they are abnormally high and without medication they will go into the thousands. The first bout with pancreantitus they were almost 7000. I was diagnosed with hyper tension and high cholesterol as well. I am 44 now and pre VSG I was taking 20 pills a day for all my conditions and lost any sense of what "normal" felt like. Nothing felt good, everything felt bad. Whether it was from aches and pains, mentally lethargic or just plain tired of all the BS and side effects of all the medications. The last straw was that my kidneys were being affected now and had to see a nephrologist on a consistant basis and had to get a biopsy to see how much damage had been done. Luckily there was some but not so much that it would hurt me right now. I have a collegue that I have known for the past 15 years and watched him down slide from his diabeties, lost part of his foot, was going blind and went on dialysis. Scared me to say the least. Another collegue, I know had just recently had the RNY and when she came back to work we talked about it, she wasn't diabetic anymore or hypertensive and her cholesterol was in good standing. These two things right next to each othter made me do the research and here I am 2 weeks post op from my VSG. So far I went from 20 to 10 to 6 pills daily, my diabeties haven't exceeded 120 in th past 4 or 5 days and have been as low as 75. My doc suspects that if things progress like this I should be off the 1 diabetic pill within the next couple of months. My blood pressure is stabalizing and we'll see in a couple of weeks how the other numbers are after my month post op visit. I did the surgery to help my health and stay alive, and hopefully get rid of some of my conditions, the weight loss, well thats just a happy side effect On the way home from the docs today, I grabbed my hubby's hand and kissed it, I was crying because for the first time in about 14 years I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I know I will know what normal feels like again. I know that I will live to see my grandchildren and grow old with my husband. I feel you and I hear you, Renee', you are not alone. I get pissed too when I hear the trivial sounding thoughts of others too, but then I take a step back and think, I don't know their whole story, so let them be. You will get healthy and this surgery will be the first step towards that goal. Wow, this turned out to be a long one and I started crying while writing it. I hope you and anyone else will walk away from this thinking that we all can become heathy or even just a little bit healthier in the end. Raine
  2. Thanks, Renee'!! Had my mashed potatos hubby made for me and they were delish! He even made them extra smooth for me Had a burp and pushed the plate away lol. Feel fine, didn't over do it.
  3. I just dont see how at this point you are healed enough. I would wait too. Good Luck.
  4. Raine

    I fit my goal pants already...

    You look amazing! Absolutely fabulous! Marvelous! Hmmm and any other adjective that describes how awesome you look! Great Job!
  5. I absolutely intend on doing just that! She is and will always be very special to me. My life is better with her in it. Good luck on your sugery tomorrow! Please let us know how things are progressing once you are up to it.
  6. Hi Meggie, Glad you're home safe and sound. As for the Protein drinks, you might want to try the Atkins low carb/low sugar. They are 15 grams of Protein, 6 carbs, 2 sugars, 160 cals, 11 oz. I was able to get to 4 of these a day by the second week. You can buy one and see how you like it. Sometimes the grocery store has sales with a buy one get one free. Feel better! Raine.
  7. Raine

    12 things...

    13) To be in the front in a picture and not hide in the back ground for fear of me looking bigger than everyone else.
  8. Raine


    Dixies Mom you HAVE to let me know how that goes! Me, hubby and son were supposed to do that in August (to Alaska) but other things intervened But we are planning for next year for sure! Have a great time. Sunny D I see a tankini in your future!!
  9. Took that walk today at 11:45 and didn't come back til around 1:00 . Walked a little, had my shake and my kindle with me. Felt much better when I got back to the office. Didn't think about the food except when I went for the walk because of why i was doing it lol. Other than that it really helped.
  10. Seems I have good and bad days and sometimes the weirdest thing is that those sometimes happen to be the same day. Yesterday was one of those days. I think about 5 different people that didn't know about the surgery asked if I was losing weight. That felt good because being reocgnized for the hard work that goes into it really helps in this journey. When I got dressed yesterday morning my clothes were way too loose and me thinks I'm going to have to go shopping for a couple of pairs of pants! The bad, I wanted to eat, eat, eat! I wasn't hungry mind you, but I just wanted to eat everything, and i think it stemmed from being in the office at lunch time and hearing everyone talk about what to get for lunch and then of course all the smells that come along with lunch time. I have come up with a solution about that one that I think will help, rather than sit there and drink my shake, I am going to go out at lunch and take a nice long walk even if its just in circles lol. I'll get some exercise in and not have to deal with all the food. Thursday I see my Doc for my first post op follow up and will advance to mushies, at least then I'll have a little more variety in my diet! But I am down 24lbs since the pre op diet and I am feeling great over all and couldn't be happier.
  11. I dont have a drain but other than that I am in line with FindingMe75. I was sleeved on the 27th so two weeks ago today. I feel really good no pain anymore other that a little muscle soreness on my left side that is less and less each day. I have no hunger at all, just a "weird" feeling when I know i should have a shake. I see my Doc tomorrow and will progress to mushies. Looking forward to some texture.
  12. Raine

    Food Funeral

    Yup, did that for the two weeks prior to my pre op diet. It was scary! But I don't regret it. It was almost like saying goodbye to old frenemy's. Think about it, these foods have been there for you for most of your life and now you are cutting them off or out depending on how you look at it. I think its absolutely normal to do this. Good luck!
  13. Raine

    12 things...

    1) Not have diabeties, high blood pressure, high cholesterol 2) Stop taking 20 pills a day 3) Lose weight and not gain it all back again plus some 4) Cross my legs 5) Not come in almost last in a 5k 6) Have control over how much I eat in one sitting 7) Not hear "You have such a pretty face" 9) Own a little black dress that isn't a tent 10) Shop off the rack 11) Be comfortable in ANY plane seat 12) Love what I see in the mirror I could probably go on . Thanks, Ybnormal, great exercise!
  14. I'm on day 2 weeks out and can consume a lot of liquids too, however, this morning I was in a rush to get to work and didn't drink my Protein drink slowly and my stomach decided to revolt! I usually take between an hour and an hour and half to drink a 12 oz Atkins low carb low sugar Protein Drink with 15 gr of protein (I try to get 4 of these in a day but usually manage about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2, and today only did it in about 35-40 min. I was ill for about a good hour after that. Didn't actually get sick but that "sick" feeling stuck with me. Water goes down smoothly and no problems. Looking forward to the mushie stage after my doc gives me the ok on Thursday. My first post op visit, and it cant get here soon enough!
  15. My Mom used to tell me if you can count on one hand how many TRUE friends you have in your life then you are a very lucky person. I feel so overwhelmingly lucky for the friends that I have in my life. They are truly my sisters from other misters LOL.
  16. Today is my first day back at work. Oh boy! Hope all goes well and I have enough energy to get through it. Oh well, if not I'll come home early and take a nap! LOL A womans gotta do what a womans gotta do to stay healthy. :)

  17. I was sleeved on April 27th, my diabeties was getting out of control too, not that it has ever really been under control. SInce the surgery, I am on one diabetic pill daily, Glipizide, and my morning sugars range from 90-104 and dailies have been at the highest arond 150, the first few days and 120 the last few days. I expect it to go away altogether eventually. Not to mention my blood pressure medicine and others. Good luck on your journey, you have made the first step in taking back your life!
  18. It is amazing how fast things get better. Another day gone and another couple pounds as well. I am feeling great! You would never knowt hat I had a major portion of my tum tum removed a week and a half ago LOL. This is the best Mothers Day gift I could have given myself. LIFE!

  19. For the full liquids strained Soups are fine. I use the Campbells soups and strain the bits out. I also use Water to make them instead of the milk it says. Had some cream of potato concentrate, made with water and strained out the potatoes. I added a little salt and pepper for more flavor. I was able to eat about a little more than half a cup. On the 12th I am graduating to mushies and cant wait to eat some mash potatoes with gravey mmmmmm. Today I went with a girlfriend and got my nails done, By the time I got home I was exhausted and took a nice long nap. Then took another one a couple of hours later. I start back to work on Monday, hopefully I will be able to get through it ok. If not I'll go home early. Wish me luck. Good Luck, it does get easier!
  20. The directions says to mix one scoop into your favorite cold beverage or add to your Soup, not hotter than 130 degrees. Um, that is a huge scoop to disolve! Any ideas or suggestions with this stuff? 7 days post op and I know I'm not getting enough Protein so I thought I would try it, then I saw the size of the scoop, holy cow Batman!!! :/
  21. Raine

    April Update from everyone

    Hi Guys and Gals! I was sleeved on the 27th and didnt get home until May 1st. On full liquids since the hospital. Doing pretty good so far and I go back to work on Monday. Trying to get all my liquids in and can't wait to get on the mushies after I see my doc on the 12th. MMmmm the heavenly mashed potatoes await me! Its not that I am hungry, just the idea of putting something in my mouth a little more substantial than a shake or water lol. I too had left side pain for a few days and it is getting better now. My docs office said it was gas so I bought some gasx and a heating pad and no help. Read a post here about the same type of pain being muscular as stated above and used the liquid pain med they prescribed and it went a way for a little bit. It is almost completely gone now. I am getting in about 30-40 grams of protein everyday now and since my hubby figured out the jello shots to take my crushed meds that has gotten SO much better. I think I took one sip too many yesterday because I got sick for the first time since day 2. Was a weird, dizzy headed feeling, thought I should go lay down and the poof, good thing the bathroom was on the way to the bathroom! But over all doing great and feeling even better. Hope everyone else is feeling good too!
  22. Hardly any left side pain anymore, yayyy! Going with my friend to get my nails done this morning :)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
