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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Raine

  1. When I started the pre op diet I weighed 206 and my goal is 140 so that is right there with you at 66lbs. I was 240 last June 2010 and wasn't sure if it was going to happen then but was determined to lose some weight. So over all my goal was to lose 100 but by the time I was able to be sleeved (4/27/2011) it was to lose 66lbs.
  2. You can absolutely see it! Great job and kudo's for your SO for sticking by you. It is so important!
  3. Everything you are feeling is NORMAL. Your stomach will stretch a little bit but not a lot, from like 3 oz capacity (because of swelling) to around 6 or 7 oz or mabey a little more. I watched a vid on youtube and saw an xray of the stomach 4 years post op and it looked like it went from an airless long tube balloon to one with half air in it if that is a good visual. You will be able to eat normally. I am only 6 1/2 weeks out and at my sisters wedding on Friday was able to eat my whole prime rib and a couple of bites of veg. I still felt the restriction but I didn't feel like I was missing out so to speak. I too am not an emotional eater but do so because I like it. You will be able to enjoy food again as well. Enjoy the "honeymoon" period of the weight loss afterwards it will still come off just not as fast.
  4. That is fantastic! I can't wait to see your pics and 45 lbs is so great. Welcome home and good job on living life to the fullest!
  5. Isn't it amazing? I would walk around in the winter with my coat open because I would sweat so bad. I remember a trip to London in January and walked around the city with my jacket wide open because closed I would sweat so bad. I could never ever sleep at night in the summer because it would be too hot and I would sweat all night long. Now, just the opposite of everything, cold a lot more and actually where a fleece jacket around the office and at home because I get cold LOL. Don't care how or why but sure am glad it is!
  6. One of the things that stands true for the medical community is that like everyone else, they have opinions and most non-surgeons think that any kind of sugery is "barbaric". This is the term my husbands cardioligist used when my husband was having issues, and wanted to know if a bypass would be more beneficial than stents. Just because we do not have medical degree does not mean we do not know how to do research. You have done your research and came up with the right decision for yourself. Personlly I don't like the idea of the lap band because of having something foreign in your body that has to be constantly adjusted. Besides the fact that my research has shown me that it is not all that effective and the complications out weigh the benefits in my opinion.
  7. Hi Tamz! Focus on your liquid intake and the Protein will follow. I don't think anyone (correct me if I'm wrong people ) has reached their 60 grams of protein until around 2 weeks or so. I know I didn't and my doc wanted me to focus on being hydrated more. You are doing everything you need to do, and keep asking as many questions as you have, information is the key!
  8. Raine

    MD as a patient

    You know, I think its fantastic that you are here. I also think its great that as a doc you understand and know the benefits to what this will do for you. Congratulations on your decision and good luck to a speedy, and complication free recovery!
  9. You are doing so great! I loved your heading too, it made me laugh out loud for real I wish I could divorce my scale, I really should, its a mean old bastard. LOL
  10. Thanks guys! I feel great too. As a matter of fact I haven't felt this good in over a decade. The sleeve has saved my life.
  11. Why the hell would anyone blast you for that, Bisquit!!!! Well done, and if anyone can't take it in the context its given, well then they need to just get over it!
  12. Raine

    After 5 months

    When your at a lower weight you tend to lose the weight slower is my observation so far. I lost about 30 lbs before my start of pre op diet and then on my surgery date I was 193 on 4/27/2011. After one month post op I was only down 17 lbs. Keep in mind that once you get closer to goal it comes off slower. That being said, drink your water, be strict with what you eat and put some more exercise into it if you want to see faster results. I personally think each person approaches this at their own level and will succeed but at their own pace. Good luck!
  13. Raine

    Staying Hydrated

    In the begining I had an issue with water by itself but what did help me a lot because as everyone knows, the sweet stuff tends to get a bit on your nerves, was beef broth cubes in a hot mug of water. It gave me a savory flavor that I was craving and it went down nicely. hope this helps!
  14. Raine

    6 weeks post op pics

    Ok, get glasses Alice! LOL, it is waaay noticable. I see it in your face and in your tummy. You look great. Keep up the good work.
  15. That is awesome! I know how you feel, rock that sleeve!
  16. Raine


    I'm just glad I have a neck now LOL. I noticed the same on mine too.
  17. So glad you were able to get it done! Congratulations!
  18. Home safe and sound, what a great wedding!

  19. Went shopping today for something to wear to my sisters rehearsal dinner. Found a shirt and a skirt, and grabbed an XXL top ( I have wide shoulders) and a size 12 skirt ( And to offset those shoulders II have chicken legs!) BOTH were too big on me. So I grabed a sixe XL, mind you this is from the regular section and not the misses section, and a size 10 for the skirt, yes a 10. IT FIT PERFECTLY. I am officially a size 10 skirt. Whouda thunk it ... I love my sleeve and am loving life right about now, stall or no stall LOL. :thumb: :bananahuge: :rapture: :rockon: :rofl: :roll: :party4: :shocked:
  20. Coops I know exactly what you mean when you say no one else really gets it! I bought a skirt for my sisters rehearsal dinner and the 12 was too big, The 10 fit perfectly and I was thrillled with myself, told people and they were like "thats nice" but everyone here knows what it took to get there and how excititng it really is. GREAT JOB!! We do get it!
  21. My doc said that I could have 1 cup of coffee per day now. I was so excited until I had a cup and it tasted terrible. So not addicted to caffeine anymore but I really used to enjoy the taste. Not so much anymore. Maybe it was just an aquired taste. Ohhhh well.
  22. Raine


    My doc told me 1 cup a day after the 1 month mark but only if you get in enough Water because I was told it also dehydrates you.
  23. Leaving tomorrow for my sister and her partners wedding, can't wait to see my family!

  24. Raine


    Kelly, Your doctor was trying to scare you and succeeded. Yes there are risks involved with smoking and surgery. I have had 4 surgeries prior to this one (all unrealated to eachother) and with each one I healed fine and was fine and I smoked before and after all of them. I am not saying to smoke and if you can quit then by all means quit. I was one of those people that couldn't and the 2x I did quit, I went back to smoking just as much. I will try and quit again because I know its what I should do. But like others have said and this stands the same for me I really don't want to.
  25. Raine


    I am a smoker too. My doc required that I quit three months prior to surgery. I have been smoking since I was 13 and am 44 now. So I know as well as many people do, what you are going through. The only thing in the past 31 years that has helped me "quit" is Chantix. I've tried cold turkey, the patch, the gum and even hypnosis. Nothing worked. I have actually quit 2x on the Chantix once for almost a year and the second time for 7 months. There are side effects to this so beware of them and if you choose this let your doc know if you get them. My doc did a carbon test on my blood to see if I was smoking. I got seriously stressed on a business trip to Chicago in October (quit in March 2010) and one cig led to a whole pack. I didn't tell my surgeon that I started again, not sure how he could not know to be honest with you. I am still smoking and have been since I got home from the hospital and I have had no complications since being home. Hope this helps.

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