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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Raine

  1. Yes it is easy, easier to only swallow 3 pills a day rather than 20, easier to work out, easier to walk, easier to smile, easier to face the day, easier to have sex, easier to work, hmmm just all around easier, so I think taking the easy way out is worth it, don't you???? LOL
  2. Raine

    TMI and loving it!

    haha that is great, isn't it
  3. Raine

    Too cold - post op

    Ditto for me lol. I hope it lasts for a little while though, I live in the south and 90+ temps don't bother me at all. Internal air conditioning is great, however am not looking forward to the winter months, I can't even imagine how cold I'm going to be then!
  4. Today has been what a day, I tell ya! I was talking to this guy at work today about weight loss, and told him I have about 25 more pounds that I want to lose, he looked at me and said he can't see where I'm going to find 25 more pounds LOL. Then I found that video and sat there and watched it like 10x in row because like I said in an earlier post today, I now see the difference. We get so used to seeing ourselves as fat that we tend not to "see" it when it starts to fall off. I was looking at the BMI chart and I am officially no longer obese, I am now overweight. I didn't think that would affect me as much as it did because I believe the BMI chart is a bunch of BS lol, but I was just so happy about that, that I had to joke about it and tell everyone that would listen to me. The best of all is I got my blood results back from my surgeon. Pre op when not on meds, my triglycerides would range in the 1000's, no meds for the past 4 months and they are 433. Still high and I'll have to take a pill for that but I knew that going into this. My cholesterol, on medication would range about 250ish, now no medication for 4 months and it is 236, my doc said it is so close to normal that she is going to wait until my next test to determine if I need anything for that. And the best of all, my A1C was 6.4 withouth medication for the past 4 months. And that number is skewed because when I tried to quit smoking I was taking Chantix and that spikes the blood sugar big time. So we both figured that had I not taken the Chantix, my A1C would have been around 5.5-5.8 which is amazing because I used to take 4 pills a day for this and now, nada! It has been a day of wonderful, fantastic, awesome, brilliant (for my friends across the pond ) tremendous, fabulous, hmmm insert adjectives here LOL, day. Just thouight I would share my happiness with you all.
  5. There is a maintanence thread on here somewhere search it, you will find that a lot of them have issues with maintaining goal.
  6. Raine

    I Need Food...

    I am 4 months out and just last Friday night I went out to dinner with a friend. I had steak with sauteed squash. I ate about 1/2 the meal and took the rest home to hubby.
  7. Raine

    First negative comment

    Well done, Pasquini. Unfortunately, ignorance is bliss as they say, I say it should be painful, this way maybe people will stop and think before doing or saying things that show just how ignorant they are.
  8. Raine

    I'm overweight!!!!

    Holy moly batman! You are doing great!
  9. The first time I did it I was thrilled and like you didn't even realize I did it. Now I do it all the time just because I can LOL
  10. Great job so far and welcome to the board.
  11. You are right, now is your time, enjoy it!
  12. Raine


    The restriction will help you keep to what you have to do too. My issue was quantity, I could eat healthy but too much of anything is not healthy regardless LOL. I think you will be fine, it will take time for you to understand your new stomach but in the end it will help you do what you were never able to do by yourself.
  13. Tiff all the hard work paid off! Congratulations on the new home. VERY happy for you!
  14. When you finish your fitness kickboxing class and think...thats it??? When you cut 10-15 minutes off of your 3 mile walk from work to home!
  15. I wonder each and every day that once I get to goal, what the hell am I going to do to stay there. I have been reading the Maintanence thread and they have the same issues, just a different color so to speak. I'm hoping to "learn" from it as they go so that I don't freak out when I am there. But, that being said, I have never been skinny so I don't know what skinny people think like. Maybe they constantly think about how they are going to stay there lol ... who knows.
  16. Raine

    Medical NSV

    *does the happy happy, joy joy, dance* Woohoooo that is amazing!
  17. Sometimes I focus too much on the number on the scale so thanks to LilMissDiva and many more here I started making little goals for myself. Lose a couple of inches here, fit into a specific size there, do more exercises, etc. To date here are my goals met: 1) Now this was the main and most important goal because it is why I did this in the first place. I went from 20pills daily to two. 2) I have gone down 40 inches (chest, arms, waist, hips, thighs) since I started my journey. 3) I am able todo my work out classes and not look at the clock and think will this ever end LOL. Now when it ends I'm like thats it??? 4) At the begining of the Summer I bought some size 10 pants at the thrift store and some large shirts and have been trying them on periodically and as of yesterday they fit perfectly! 5) I went to dinner with a friend Friday night and had a normal meal, and was able to eat like a normal person. She is a size 6/8 ish and very fit, and our meals were relitively the same size and we ate approximately the same amount and we were both full at the same time. Pre-surgery, I would have finished mine and moved on to desert. We both rolled our eyes at the thought of desert! I even had a glass of wine with dinner. 6) My family is getting healthier in the process because my hubby cooks to serve my needs and hardly ever makes rice Pasta and potatoes anymore. I feel great! I look great! And damnit, I am starting to believe that I am great! Haha can you tell I am having a good weekend?
  18. Raine

    Ok man to man Question here

    Yeah, not a "bloke" either LOL, however my hubby has this issue, thanks for the tip, I am going to tell him about it!
  19. Yeah, the taste sux, but like they said, up your carbs and that will go away. As for the chest pain, its you being full or rather too full. When I pushed my sleeve and ate too much I would get that feeling right in the center of my chest and it would not go away until I digested.
  20. Raine

    9 Weeks Post Op

    Very very happy for you! Congratulations on your levels going back to where they belong.
  21. I think its a combination of your stomach getting used to being smaller and healing and just in general all around pissed at you lol. The first two weeks my tummy talked to me A LOT! To the point of my hubby looking at me like are you all right. It rumbled when I didn't eat, it rumbled when I did eat . It just seemed to be the course for about two weeks. It still rumbles and makes those gurgling noises sometimes now and I am 4 months out.
  22. When you weigh yourself and you can look straight down without BOB (big ole' belly) getting in your line of sight to see the number!
  23. Raine

    Boyfriend's Leak

    I don't blame you for being pissed off! I would be too. Hopefully they will do what is needed for your BF going forward. Thank God he has you take care of him. You have my prayers as well.

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