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Posts posted by BeachWithMyBabies

  1. My first tip: Do NOT watch videos of this surgery on YouTube.

    Too late! They are awful! My surgeon specializes in reconstructive surgery after significant weight loss, so he's very familiar with the possible nutrient deficiencies. He actually did a presentation at my hospital before I had my VSG. Insurance is payed 100% of my VSG and is coving 25% of my Lower Body Lift (they cover 100% of the paniculectomy)

    You are right about Vitamin deficiencies. In fact, I'm inefficient right now on my D and B12, so I'm amping those up. Thanks for the link to the other supplements.

  2. I guess I'm just a little shocked that you need all that when you've only lost 56 pounds.

    My highest weight was 240 lbs after the birth of my daughter. I got down to 213 before I had VSG. Obviously, reconstructive surgery is a personal decision based on many factors, so you may not feel you need it when you hit your goal weight. I'm a very muscular 165 right now - and all that extra skin on my upper and lower abs, my hips - basically my "spare tire" is just hanging off my muscle. I literally have to fold it into my workout clothes or pants. I also avoid form fitting clothes because it shows all of the flaps. With my insurance covering part of the procedure, I decided to go get all of my loose skin taken care of in one full swoop. Although I am very nervous about the procedure and the recovery, the idea of not having my own butt spank me when I run or have my stomach skin fall out of my leggings when I do a jumping jacks sounds like heaven!

    But to be honest, it seems a bit harsh to say "only lost 56 lbs". Pounds are pounds and everyone has their own journey to walk. Morbidly obese is morbidly obese and to suggest that I didn't work as hard or had an easier journey than someone else is unfair. I've literally worked my ass off. Weight is not the best gauge of fitness. If it helps to clarify, I went from a size 24 to a size 10 - that's a lot of fat gone and muscle gained.

    Just stick to your guns and follow your plan and you'll be at goal soon! Then you'll have some tough decisions to make - but just follow your heart and do what's best for you.

  3. I am going in for a Lower Body Lift on the 25th of this month. I would greatly appreciate any tips or advice on how to prepare my home and mind for recovery. I've been hitting the gym and running like a madwoman because I'm determined to heal quickly and I want to be as fit as possible. I've had 3 abdominal surgeries before (2 C-sections and VSG) but I've never had anything done around my back before. My doctor does not believe in compression garments, but I will have 4 drains. He also does not want me in a shower for 3-4 weeks - sponge bath only. I'd love to hear about recovery tools, sleeping tips, healing aids, food/diet post and pre surgery tips, wound care (especially tips on how to avoid seam separation), hospital prep, etc. Lay it on me.

    For those who aren't familiar with Lower Body Lift - it is essentially a Tummy Tuck, a Butt Lift and a Thigh Lift all rolled into one. It's gonna hurt, but it should yield great results.

  4. I just had my plastic surgeon consultation on Monday. He presented me with 3 options - panniculectomy, a Tummy Tuck or a lower body lift. We discussed the differences in depth and I'll share with you what he said. I also go over it on my YouTube channel "BeachWithMyBabies".

    Panniculectomy - this is skin and fat ONLY. There is no readjustment of the belly button (will usually look like a frown after). There is no address of the muscles. This is also a medical procedure, not a cosmetic one. It does not address loose skin or fat above the belly button. I've been doing research and there is a good percentage of people who are unhappy with the results and wish they had gone forth with the TT. Scar line runs from hip to hip. There may be "dog ears" where the scar ends and fat remains. However, insurance WILL cover this procedure.

    Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) - this is skin, fat AND muscle addressed. They remove the belly button and relocate it at the end. The stomach muscles are woven back together if separated. More fat removal and body contouring done. Areas above the belly button are addressed. Scar line is exactly the same as is the recovery. The risk for "dog ears" are the same if you have fat along your hips. Insurances WILL NOT cover this procedure because it is cosmetic, however the WILL cover part of it since the Panni is included. So you can get your surgeon to get part of it covered. My additional cost for a Tummy Tuck with insurance covering the Panni is $6K.

    Lower Body Lift - This addresses everything with the Panni, the TT, AND it extends to your back, lifting your buttocks and sliming your outer thighs. It does not address your inner thighs. The surgeon removes a belt of skin and fat from around your middle and pulls them together, effectively lifting the loose skin on your buttocks and smoothing and sliming your thighs as well as the TT improvements. This is a longer procedure and you are under general anesthetics longer. There are also a few more risks associated with this and your scars could be more prominent at pressure points during healing. You will have a scar along your back. This removes more fat and skin, as well as addresses separated abdominal muscles. Insurance WILL NOT cover this as it is cosmetic, but can put in for your Panni since they will be addressing this during this time. My additional cost for a LBL with insurance covering my Panni is $10K.

    I will be having my surgery the start of June. I am currently trying to decide between the TT and the LBL. I am leaning towards the LBL - I'm very athletic and the feeling of my butt hitting the backs of my legs when I run is less than "happy place." I'm looking forward to finally seeing those 6-pack abs that I've earned but have never had the chance to show off! I'm 5'4" and 165 lbs. AFter surgery, I should be at my fitness and weight goals.

  5. Using my insurance (Western Health Advantage) and going through UC Davis. panniculectomy is fully covered (skin and fat below the belly button only). Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck - skin, fat, reattach separated muscles, work above the belly button and re-sculpting) is $6K extra. Lower Body Lift (tummy tuck plus hips, buttocks lift and outer thigh smoothing) is $10K extra. I got these numbers yesterday. Just FYI since I'm also doing my research.

  6. I've also been into low fat cottage cheese (I'm a Knudsen snob - it's the creamiest) and then stirring in 1 tablespoon of sugar free preserves (Smuckers strawberry or apricot). Another good mushy option. Just don't go overboard on the fruit spread because the alcohol sugars could upset your tummy or trigger dumping if you eat too much. Find me on Pinterest to see my "Weight Loss Surgery Tools" board. I have a ton of other ideas pinned there.

  7. I take the BEST B-12. It's a chewable, so you could have it sooner than later. I think my surgeon started me on Vitamins beyond Finstones about 6-8 weeks out from surgery. It's a lemon flavored chewable by Jarrow labs. I get them at Whole Foods. I use a pill cutter to cut them in half - supposed to take 1 every other day but I'd never remember that way. Just got my labs done and my B12 is perfect!

  8. I had to be hospitalized for dehydration a few times. There is no shame in it - you need to do what is best for your body. If you're constantly nauseous and heaving, you are most likely already deep into dehydration. Dehydration can make you very sick and keep NOTHING down. Go to the ER and they will put you on an IV. Once they start it, you're body will become more hydrated and I bet your nausea goes away and you can once again tolerate liquids. This process can take up to 4 hours or more, so bring something to read or a computer for TV.

    Once hydrated, you're work begins. You need to drink one ounce of Water EVERY 15 minutes. This is your full time job. You fill a giant jug with 8 cups of Water and you just shoot it back every 15 minutes. Rent a TV series, sit on the couch, and hydrate.

    Your doctor should be ashamed of sending you away. This can become very serious and even life threatening if you let it go to long.

  9. I find it's a fine balance between calories being low enough to lose weight and too low, causing a stall. Totally frustrating. @Escape - I have been considering switching back over to almond milk for some of my needs.

    For those of you who use Almond Milk exclusively - how do you get all your Calcium? Has it effected you labs? I am all for change, but I worry about my bone density later in life. What do you eat/drink to get in your Calcium, if not dairy products?

  10. I'm 8 months out and eating around 1200 calories a day. I'm losing slowly at this point. Like, 1-2 pounds a month kind of slowly. I workout 3 days a week. So I think the 1200 calorie range is probably good for maintenance for me. Right now, I'm working on getting my calories and carbs down a tad more - but hunger is a factor now for me, so it's harder than in the past. I drink a lot of milk, so my carbs are normally under 100, but it's never as low as 40 as some people on here are maintaining. I also eat a lot of veggies, which have carbs. I honestly don't know how people keep their carbs so low! I'd be curious to see what they are eating.

  11. The brains perception of its own body is such a strange phenomenon. When my doctor suggested I have gastric bypass, I was shocked. I knew I was heavy, but I didn't think I was that heavy. Turns out, I was, and insurance was able to cover my surgery - I ended up with a sleeve by choice. I've documented the whole process on YouTube. When I recorded my first film, I knew I looked big, but I didn't think I was morbidly obese (which I was). That being said, I liked the way I looked in the mirror, but I HATED the way I looked in pictures. Watching myself on film was cringe worthy - but again, still didn't totally see it.

    Now that I'm 53 pounds down, I rewatched that earlier version of me and now I can see how really big I was - my arms, my face, my neck, my chest. It still shocks me.

    Shopping is a whole other story. My largest size was a 24. Now I'm a size 10 (sometimes 8). I STILL will default to larger sizes. I am convinced a 10 won't fit, I grab the larges or extra larges, and it still flabbergasts me when I chose wrong and I need a size smaller. I look in the mirror and don't see a medium. It's totally surreal and shopping is always a weird adventure.

    I have days when I see my success and days when I'm clueless. It's really hard not being the fat girl everyone knew me as for years. And sometimes I think it's hard for others to see me too - especially some girl friends. Every day I redefine myself a little more. Some day my brain will catch up. But it's not today!!

  12. Iron locks me up pretty bad. My bariatric nurse recommended FerroSequels and I've had good luck with them thus far. They are a pill, however, so it won't be ideal if you can't swallow them. You can find them at any drug store - green box. I find that I only need them during "that time of the month," and I just do Flinstones chewables with Iron for the rest of the month. Hope that helps!

  13. Just curious. Can we take a tally of the following? I think it would be helpful for some of us and give some perspective:

    1. How far out from surgery are you?

    2. Current weight/height or BMI

    3. Amount of calories on average that you eat a day

    4. Amount of carbs on average you eat a day

    5. Amount of Water in ounces that you drink every day

    6. Amount of exercise you do a week

    7. Weight loss status (losing, stall, gaining)

    For me:

    1. 41 weeks out

    2. 166/5'4 - I think BMI is on my ticker

    3. 1200

    4. 80 grams

    5. 48 ounces (need to work on this)

    6. 40 minutes/3x (circuits and running)

    7. Slow, but losing approx. 1 pound every 2 weeks (want better, hence the inquiry experiment)

  14. My typical order: Hamachi sashimi (slices of raw Yellowtail) and/or Sake sashimi (raw Salmon) with Wakame (seaweed salad). I love raw fish, so this might be too fishy for some. It's 100% Protein and greens, with a bit of sesame oil and seeds. Very good for you. I may order Miso Soup as well if I'm still hungry. I can't do the rice much anymore - fills me up too fast and the carb to protein ration for the meal can't be done on a regular basis. This order is something I can do frequently and not botch my diet.

  15. Did an experiment and did a hybrid of the 5 Day Pouch and Diva's Boot Camp. 2 days of liquids (shakes, Soups, sf Jello and pudding) followed by 3 days of high quality protein's she recommended and greens (treat for me, cause I love greens). Over the 5 days, I lost 6.8 pounds - all and more of my holiday gain! A week later, happy to report I'm up a tad, but still lost all my holiday gain. Pretty sure the weight I lost and gained was Water, so there you go! Success in my book! Did I mention I just put my ass in a size 8 jeans?? Thanks Diva!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
