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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by new_beginnings_

  1. I just saw this, but I highly advise against Depo. That shot was the beginning of my nightmarish weight gain, horrible periods, and other side-effects. Plus, I've seen way too many women go on it after WLS and A) their weight loss stopped B) They gained weight so I'm absolutely against Depo.

    As for what I would do if we hadn't been TTC, I would have gone with the non-hormonal IUD. I'm kind of weird about having stuff in my body after the band, but at the same time, my husband nor I are huge fans of hormonal birth control. We were a strict condom couple until I was cleared for TTC, and while I know it kills the mood, makes it so unfun, I wasn't willing to put my body through something else. We also used the spermicidal inserts, and those worked really nicely until he developed some sort of sensitivity to them. So, back to condoms we went. Again, I know it's a hassle, takes away from the experience, but pregnancy and having a baby before we were ready would have been very traumatic for us LOL.

    Thanks for responding Tiffykins! We have not used condoms for probably about 8 years so I don't think we could go back to using them. :huh: We have never tried spermicide so that might be an option. I am definately going to check into it. Me and my husband want kids soon but like I have been telling him, my parents, and his parents :rolleyes: I want to be healthy before I try to bring a child in this world. But I can feel the clock ticking...

  2. I hate to be the Party Pooper here, but I can not state strongly enough--HAVE YOUR sleep STUDY. sleep apnea is NOT a "forget about it" issue. My SO denied he had it for years. Finally when he ended up in the hospital with CHF, he had a sleep study done. Not only did he have sleep apnea but ignoring it for so long seriously damaged his heart.Sleep Apnea is a silent killer. One may not have ANY symptoms that they remember. Meanwhile your heart is being damaged. I say what is the point of rushing into having a sleeve to improve you life, just to cut that same life short by refusing to wear a CPAP at night?

    Think about it. If it's the cost of the CPAP, call around: Catholic Charities, your local hospitals, your insurance company, your doctor's office, your sleep study department, medical equipment wholesalers, medical supplies stores.

    It also might be that you may not need a full CPAP. You might just need some O2 at night. That you can get with an O2 take, regulator and hosing. --and once you lose weight you may lose the sleep apnea.-- Not always, but sometimes

    PLEASE, stop and think about it...


    Valentina, I agree that sleep apnea is not light matter but this particular doctors office that we are talking about sends ALL the patients to one of two sleep disorder doctors. One of the doctors is his sister and this is the one that they recommend the most. I spent a conserable amount of time and money going through the sleep study and I had NO change in my quality of sleep afterwards. And yes I did follow the doctors orders. I think this is another way for this doctors office to make money on it's patients. I have family members that have very severe sleep apnea so I know how important it is to be treated, IF you need it. I did NOT need it so I was very resentful that I spent probably a total of $500 for something that I used for less than a month.

    Sleep apnea is mostly due to excess weight so if you get the sleeve done and lose the weight you will not need the cpap machine. I personally would change surgeons as you have lived this long without a problem. It seems to me that every person who does a sleep study is diagnosed with sleep apnea. Makes you go hummm. Is it being over diagnosed?

    I am in complete agreement with you. Like I said in my previous post, I have never met anyone that had not been diagnosed with sleep apnea after a sleep study. Not that it's never happened, but I think it is pretty rare. I had NO symptoms and they told me that mine was pretty severe. :huh: My grandmother and my brother have it and I know what they sound like when they are asleep and I have never sounded anything like that. And the bad part about it was that I had to wait forever to get an appointment and then it took a couple weeks to get back in the office just for them to tell me I had it. Yeah I had to make an appointment and pay a co pay for me to be in the office for 10 mins so they could tell me I had sleep apnea, after they already told me during my study. I think they are exploiting people that are having weight loss surgery because they know they can.

  3. Ashley, I know what you are going through because I went through it with Dr. Miles when I had my band surgery. Their office is pretty strict when it comes to sleep apnea and if you go in for a sleep study, more than likely, you will have sleep apnea. I have not known one person that did not have it. It took me alomost 3 months just to get my sleep study done and get my results back. It cost me a small fortune to rent a CPAP machine just so I could have my first surgery. I'm not saying that sleep apnea is not serious but I know if I had it, I did not really suffer with it like some of my other family members. As soon as I had my surgery, I sent the machine back and have not worried about it ever since. My husband says I don't even snore and he has never heard me stop breathing while asleep. I'm not sure how your insurance works but Dr. Touliatos' office at Trinity did not require a sleep study for my sleeve surgery. I have United Health Care and had NO problems. I had my band removed and sleeve done within a month of my initial consult. You are required to meet with a nutritionist, physical fitness, and psycologist but they are in the same office which makes it so easy. You also have to attend a class before your surgery. There is a program fee of $300 which covers your follow up appts for 6 months. Honestly, I have had such a great experience with their office, compared to Dr. Miles and Schmitt, I would recommend them to anybody. I hope this helps and if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask! :)

  4. Hi all,

    So to make a long story short, I had the implant, Implanon, placed about three years ago, which is the life span for it. I was really happy with it for a while and then last year, I started noticing more and more side affects. And now since my surgery, which has been about 2 months ago, I have been on and off my period every other week. No seriously, on a week then off a week for two months. :blink: I'm not sure if it's from the surgery or if it's because my implant is due to be taken out. Anyway, i'm going to make an appointment with my GYN and I was wondering what kind of birth control I should be looking into. I was on the Depo for a long time, about 4 years, but that was the time when I was gaining weight also so I don't know if there is a correlation. Also my doc said that the depo causes bone loss over time so that was the reason I switched to something else. I have heard some people on here say different things about the hormones in birth control and how that affects weight loss so I definately don't want anything that is going to slow my progress. I would love something that I don't have to take everyday but I'm kinda lost when it comes to this stuff. And I want to start trying for a baby within a couple years. With all that being said, does anyone have suggestions for a good birth control that might check some of these boxes for me? I would appreciate any advice given! Thanks in advance!

  5. I don't think its fair to ask him to change his eating habits because you have to.

    ^^^^ I disagree with this statement on a few levels. She's not asking him to change is habits completely, she's asking him to not do it in excess around her.

    Personally, I think it's time to have a "come to Jesus" talk with the hubby because he is either the biggest jerk ever (which I doubt) or is just not full comprehending what he's doing. <<<much more likely

    By the logic that he shouldn't have to change his habits, you're saying it would be ok for him to constantly smoke in her presence and buy her cigarettes and offer her cigarettes if she were trying to quit smoking? Would it be ok for him to bring her home wine and drink beer all night while he watched tv if she were a recovering alcoholic? Of course that wouldn't be considered socially acceptable, so why is his overindulgence in food and always throwing it in her face more acceptable?

    If he wanted a stuffed crust pizza that badly, he could have gone out, especially considering the time frame. No, the family shouldnt have to give up everything, but there are simple manners of decency and love involved.

    Thanks Heatherr, I think it really hurt my feelings that he was being so inconsiderate because usually he is a very good husband. He has supported me 110% the whole way so I guess I just expected a little more cooperation from him considering we had already had the talk about him bringing junk food in the house. It's definately easier now that I am back on a regular diet because when I posted this, I was still a restricted diet. Now, if I want to eat a little bit of sweets, I do and I don't feel terrible about it because I know that I am working really hard and I deserve a treat every now and then. I think the biggest thing is that I am learing how to put myself first, which I haven't done in a long time. ;)

  6. Hi,

    I know you must be so frustrated. Did you ever think he is scared that if you lose this weight that he might lose you? It is just a thought. Sometimes if you start a conversation with him and phrase it like this. "you know when you eat or bring things into the house that you know I can't have it makes me feel"--then tell him how you are feeling--be real honest and real clear about YOUR feelings. Don't attack him and tell him how wrong he is, but tell him how he is making you feel.

    He may be trying to sabotage you as you say--now is the time to find out just why???? If he is overweight the he may not want to face his problem and want to keep you fat just like he is. Sometimes people just aren't able to deal with the own problems and they want a partner in crime to continue on with the overeating. Let him know you are strong and you are not going to cave in. Tell him that this is ABOUT YOU and NO one else and you have ever intention of being successful at your weight loss. Ask him for his support and tell him you need him to understand this is about your being healthy so you have more years to spend with him. You did the right thing by coming on here and asking for advice and also saying how you are feeling.

    Ask him what his fears are; he might open up. This is down right ugly if he is trying to sabotage you. I was lucky that my significant other was there 200% with me. Keep me posted. I am always here to support you.



    <FONT color=#9932cc face="Lucida Sans Unicode">Thanks for the reply Suzanne! Fortunately for him, my husband doesn't have a weight problem. He can eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound.

  7. I am glad you are doing better. :)

    I am in agreement with the thought that he is somehow responsible for what you eat or get tempted by is unfair. This is a personal journey. Not fair to make him change or get mad at him for not doing so when it has been years in the making. If what he eats is a temptation, it is your job to walk away from it, not his to give up stuff he likes. Believe it or not, he is grieving too. food was obviously a large part of your relationship and something you bonded over. His adjustment will take time as well. You are a different person to him now simpy from not eating the way you used to. He is going to have to get used to that. All you can do is model good behavior, praise the devil out of him when he is supportive, talk to him very vulnerably and emotionally about the journey you are on , about how happy you are and how good you feel and speak words of love to him all the time so he knows he remains important and that good things are on the horizon for your relationship, with or without pizza.

    Yeah things are better now, i've come to the reality that I control my own destiny and it is always my decision to put food in my mouth. Of course my sleeve makes that decision so much easier for me. ;) My husband was just saying last night that he was so happy that the sleeve is working so well for me. He has been the only one to really know what I went through with my band so he can see how much better I feel. I love my sleeve! :D

  8. I would love to hear updates from everybody... I know I still have alot to loose and I'm so scared about the loose skin. I am already doing weight training along with my cardio but from my understanding, it will only do so much. I will keep you guys updated on my progress as well... fingers crossed for all of us...

  9. Hi Patti! Welcome! You are definately not alone. There are alot of us former bandsters on this site and most will say the sleeve has been the best thing we have ever done. I know I feel that way everyday. I am only about 7 weeks out of surgery and can tell you that I feel so much better then I ever did with my band. I still experience some discomfort when eating certain things but from my understanding, that will go away for the most part. I love the consistency with the sleeve compared to the inconsistency with the band. There is no wondering what I will be able to eat or not eat from day to day. No more getting stuck and throwing up all the time. I'm SO loving my sleeve! Good luck with your decision and if you have any questions, I will try my best to help. :)

  10. I may be interested in some of the items you have. I'm trying to prepare for my pre-op diet and don't know where to start. May I ask, why are getting rid of this stuff? Did you not like it? Are you eating all regular foods now?



    Honestly the New Direction stuff is not that great. My doctor required it for the pre op diet so I HAD to buy seven boxes of it to last me two weeks. After the first couple days, I could not drink anything but the chocolate shake and they would not let me return any of it. I would not get this stuff unless you have to, like I did. I didn't really care for the unjury Protein powder but I know alot of people that really like it. I had bought the sample pack off their website and only tried two of the flavors and I just did not like it. I'm back on a regular diet now so I really don't have to rely on Protein Powder any more, thank God. ;)

  11. Hi, I was wanting to see if anybody out there might want or need some nutritional supplements that my doctor required me to use on my pre op diet. They are made by New Direction Weight Control System. I have shakes, Soups, and bars. I spent about $130 on this stuff and I don't want to just throw it away, so if there is anyone that is interested, let me know and we can work something out.

    I have:

    Shakes- strawberry and chocolate with Fiber

    Soups- Creamy Tomato and Cream of chicken

    Bars- Crisp 'n Crunch Bars; Fudge Graham and Peanut

    Also, if anyone is interested, I have a few powders? utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury sample packets.

    Thanks! :)

  12. My aftercare instructions said I could have milk the day I came home from surgery. I drink skim milk and absolutely love it (always have, ever since I was a kid). Let me just tell you how relieved I was to see that I had not developed the dreaded lactose intolerance that I see some people talking about on here... :)

  13. I took mine out when I got really sick and was having x rays done all the time. I got tired of the nurses coming in and asking me all sneaky-like "didn't those hurt when you had them done?!" and I could only imagine the snickering going on when they were all standing around as the xrays came back. :embaressed_smile:

    There was no way that I was taking mine out (if I could help it), I just had them done back in December so I knew that if I took them out, they would prolly grow up. It was ok though, I put acrylic jewelry in and told all the nurses that I had them so there wouldn't be any problems. Most of them told me that they see them all the time, so it was nothing new to them. :rolleyes: I was told to put bandaids over them so if they pulled anything over my chest during surgery, they wouldnt get caught. So it all worked out, but let me just say, those bandaids hurt like hell coming off. :blink:

  14. First and foremost, Congradulations on the 100 pounds lost! You are such an inspiration to me! You have gotten alot of good advice in this post but let me just say, don't let anyone steal your joy! You have worked damn hard to get where you're at and I think that meal looked great personally. :D Just keep doing what you're doing and don't pay attention to the 'haters' because they are everywhere, big or small... Keep up the good work! :grouphug:

  15. Thanks....Im gonna get strict and see if i can get things fired up. Gonna stick with straight protiens and try to get my fluids in and hope for the best. EVERY morning for 3 weeks have been dissapointing which makes me not try. I throw in the towell before the day even starts. Maybe if I can get this going a bit more and lose Ill get more dedicated to tracking what im eating. Thanks...

    And there lies the paradox, If you don't get strict, you won't lose the weight; but if you don't lose any weight, you aren't motivated to make the right choices. Kinda like the chicken and the egg. Which came first? Believe me, I know what you are going through... you have to make a commitment to yourself to make good choices and exercise even if you don't see the scale move right away. Maybe put the scale away for a bit so that you aren't so focused on the numbers... If you keep doing the right things, the scale WILL move...

  16. First off, let me just say CONGRADULATIONS! My revision has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and you will feel the same way after you get through the first couple days. As for your questions:

    1) Did anyone come home with a drain? I had one on my stomach side that was removed this morning. Had a fatty tumor (lypoma) removed Tuesday, too. It ended up being quite an ordeal and I still have a tube in it. I knew it was big, but it ended up the size of a small loaf of bread and was sending fingers down to the major muscles! Wow!

    Wow! Sorry, I can't help you with this cause I did not have a drain...

    2) When did you guys start drinking shakes?

    It was several days before I could stomach a Protein shake, for some reason, they all tasted and smelled disgusting to me, just focus on staying hydrated and you will know when you are ready for Protein.< /span>

    3) On returning home did you go straight to 60 grams of protein per day?

    No, it was several days before I could really get any protein in and I don't think it was any where near 60 grams, don't stress about the protein your first week. After that, you will probably feel good enough to start incorporating it into your diet.

    4) All suggestions are welcome!

    Just try and stay positive through this first week... I know I had the 'WTF did I do to myself?' moment several times, but everyday will get easier and you will be able to eat a little more. You can do this! Good luck and best wishes! :hug:

  17. Hi, I have seen some of your other posts so I know that you have been struggling... I know you don't want to diet, but for me, I have to, in order to be successful... If I don't know the fat and calorie content, I look it up so I know whether it's worth it to eat it, basically I just try to watch what I'm eating because I know if I graze or snack alot, it all adds up... I'm probably eating between 600- 800 calories a day but maybe a little more some days. I don't go crazy trying to count carbs or calories but I do try and keep up with my Protein so that I make sure I'm getting enough. I have been working out fairly hard (at least 45 mins of cardio and some weight traning) so I know that really helps my weight loss. I'm sorry that you are not getting the results you wanted and I know how frustrating it is, I was a bander also and I went through it with my band. Don't get discouraged, I know you can do this! Try to get back to basics and you will see the weight come off... best wishes!

  18. I hope you find a happy medium! It is hard but you are doing your best right now and everything is so brand new. I think in time it will get better, I don't think its sabatoge, I think its the Y chromozone, just dont ask why. Everytime my son sits down to one of the many great meals my hubby makes he looks guilty and says "Sorry Mom" I tell him don't be. If it gets too much for me I go somewhere else in the house or outside. They love me and want the best for me just as I am sure your husband does for you, but we are sensitive right now being so soon post op that everything will seem like a personal afront. I wish you all the luck! You are doing great and keep up the good work. Sometimes just venting helps :)

    Yeah I really needed to vent the other day and thanks to all the responses, I know i'm not alone in this. I hear that all this weight loss can make you extra emotional so I've been struggling with my mood lately. You know how it is sometimes, you can fly off the handle over something stupid. I just keep thinking how great i'm gonna look so i'm trying not to let the junk get to me.:D It's what got me here in the first place...

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