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Posts posted by SunnyinSD

  1. So it’s been 3 weeks since my VSG surgery. And can I tell you, WHAT a 3 weeks it’s been. I feel like a completely new person!!! I have energy, I willingly take my kids swimming (in a bathing suit… gasp!) and I look forward to the gym. Now for the (impressive, if I do say so myself) weight loss stats: I have lost a total of 22 lbs in 3 weeks!! I have stalled for the last week or so, but I’ve lost inches, so I’m not super concerned. In fact, I’ve more than 4 INCHES off of my waist in 3 weeks. So yeah, awesome to say the least!!! And I've experienced literally ZERO hunger since surgery. food just isn't exciting to me anymore.

    I did the 2 week pre-op diet, had surgery and had to modify my eating after surgery and I had to deal with my husband and other family members. I’ll go ahead and describe each of those items in a bit of detail. First, the pre-op diet: I had a strict 3-4 Protein shake menu, plus 1 small “Lean Cuisine” type meal per day. All in all, my diet is less than 1,000 calories per day. Since I had done the HMR diet in years past, which was surprisingly easy for me, I just went ahead and did that diet again – 5 shakes and 1 small pre-packaged meal. Very easy. I’m not saying that I never got hungry or had cravings, but with the volume of Protein that I was ingesting, it was hard to stay hungry for long. And I had a big goal in mind – my surgery date of 8/8/11.

    Right after starting the pre-op diet, I attended the pre-op class. It was ALL DAY and went through blood tests, hospital check in, the post-diet surgery, the hospital stay and all post-op prescriptions. It was very thorough and thankfully they gave me a binder with all the info in it, because there was a guy in my class who (I kid you not) was the most annoying person on earth. He interrupted the doctor and nurse about every other minute with some personal concern (I knew his entire life history after this class), and he asked the same question multiple times. Now, I GET wanting to get your questions answered, but I made sure that I had asked all my personal questions ALONE with my doctor during my individual appointment. Anyway, it was hard to listen to what they were saying when that guy kept talking – I sort of stopped listening. But when I got home, I made sure to review the binder in detail.

    The day before surgery, I was allowed to eat a REAL Breakfast but only liquids after that. I was too nervous to eat honestly, so I just had my normal Protein Shake day but I skipped the “real food” dinner that night. I also had to shower the night before with Hibicleanse antibacterial soap, sleep on clean (washed in super hot water) sheets and PJ’s, and then take another Hibicleanse shower the next morning. They weren’t taking any chances with infections, thank goodness.

    I was scheduled for surgery at 8 am the following morning and I had to arrive at the hospital at 5:30 am. I ended up having a coworker drive me to the hospital and drop me off (she’s totally awesome, like an older sister that I never had). My husband had to get our 2 little girls ready for preschool that morning, so he was going to come to the hospital when I was still in surgery. So, I arrive at the Sharp Memorial Hospital at 5:30 am and I’m called back to the “S.P.A.” area to get prepped. Basically, I took off my clothing, they made me take another pregnancy test and they hooked up my IV. Then I sat and waiting for another hour or 2. The anesthesiologist came in to talk to me. Now, the one thing I made SURE to do was to tell him that during my last (and only) other surgery, I felt awful for about a day afterward because the anesthesia had made me so nauseated. Like I couldn’t walk without barfing – think seasickness or morning sickness times a thousand. And with a surgery on my stomach, I imagined that throwing up was NOT a good thing. And thank goodness I did that – no nausea at ALL after surgery. It was night and day different from my last surgical experience! Then my doctor came in, made sure I had no questions, and we were off to the operating room. I then moved over to the new bed in the room and the doctor told me he was giving me something to make me calm down a bit. Boy did it ever! I felt a bit drunk for about 2 minutes…. Then I woke up in recovery!

    Recovery: Now this was weird. I knew where I was and what was going on, I could hear everyone talking (nurses and doctors) and my brain felt like it was working OK… but I couldn’t open my eyes. Very weird! I lay like that for a few minutes before I was finally able to open my eyes. Then I got some pain medication, even though I wasn’t in pain, and fell asleep again. I woke up while being moved to my new room. And let me tell you, my room was AWESOME! Totally private and in the new wing of the hospital, and it was a corner room with ceiling to floor windows that overlooked pretty much all of San Diego. I totally lucked out with the room! My nurses were great, too. I was up and walking within an hour or so of getting to my room, and I had little to no pain. It was very surprising and, like I said before, a completely different experience from when I had my gallbladder removed 2 years prior. I had 5 very small incisions that really didn’t hurt. I was able to suck on ice chips for the first day with no problems, and then I was moved to Propel Water the next day. I did manage to disconnect my IV line (there was a connection in the middle of the line from the bag to the needle in my arm) while in the bathroom. I didn’t notice until I saw blood everywhere on the floor. That was a bit scary! But the nurse came right away (like within 10 seconds) reconnected me without having to run a new IV and I was as good as new. I was discharged the next day.

    OK, now for the family drama. I didn’t tell anyone about the surgery with the exception of a few people – my husband, my awesome coworker, my boss and my Aunt who has gastric bypass a year ago. That was it. I didn’t tell people because of my husband’s reaction. He was 100% completely and TOTALLY against the surgery. We fought about it for over 6 months, and he went so far as to schedule a shoulder surgery the WEEK before my surgery in an attempt to get me to cancel. (A side note, he’s needed shoulder surgery for years, but he decided to do it right before mine at the very last minute). Poor guy – not only did I not cancel, but he was left taking care of 2 preschool girls with one arm in a sling. That backfired for him badly. Anyway, now that the surgery is over and I’m not dead (that was his big concern obviously) and he can now see how great I feel, how much more energy I have (especially for certain “things” that I didn’t have much interest in before.. wink, wink) and how much better that I look, he’s much better about the whole thing. He’s turned from 100% NOT supportive, to completely supportive. Thank GOD! The other family drama that I had was with my Aunt. She knew I wasn’t telling anyone – I made it a point to tell her right off the bat that I wasn’t sharing with ANYONE until I was ready- but what does she do?? She calls my SISTER and tells her. So my sister was frantically trying to reach my husband to find out what’s going on with me, how I’m doing, etc. So now the cat’s out of the bag. My sister is very supportive, and I was going to tell her, but I wanted to do so on my own time, and I kinda wanted to surprise everyone in a few months with the “new” me. Now I also have to tell my parents because they would be devastated if they found out second hand. But, whatever… nothing I can do about it now.

    Anyway, that’s my story in a nutshell. I really can’t believe I’ve done it, and it was SO incredibly easy for me. I was expecting some problem, some complication or lots of pain, but I got nothing. No energy loss, pain, nausea, nothing. I was back to work a week early (after only a week) and I actually worked from home starting on the Thursday after my Monday surgery (I was bored and I’m a bit of a workaholic). This whole process has been a dream. I just wish that this DAMN 3 week stall would let up!!!

  2. Good to know. I also have BCBSIL and had surgery on the same day as you. I've only seen the bill for the anesthesiologist (all paid), not for the surgeon yet, but I'll be on the lookout for it. Maybe that's why it's taking so long for my claim to show up as paid. Maybe my doctor's office is going back and doing some revising of the coding.

  3. I'm doing well. Today is 1 week post-op. I really feel almost 100% back to normal. No pain, no hunger and I'm back to about 70% energy. I'm getting in most of my fluids. Today is my first day on Protein Shakes and I've managed to get in 70 grams (yeah) so far today. The weight does seem to be coming off (I've lost 9 pounds this week but I started at a lower BMI - I was 34 at surgery), but while the scale isn't moving all that fast, my meausrements have changed drastically - over 8 inches this week alone!!! This is the most awesome thing that I have ever done for myself and I don't regret it for a minute. Come Christmas, I will be at goal!!!

  4. Yes, I was on a liquid diet for 2 weeks before the surgery and I had a bowel prep the day before surgery (NASTY). I don't feel like I have to go, but it is making me nervous that I haven't gone in 5 days. I'll pick up some Milk of Magnesia just in case, but I think I'll wait it out for now. I guess the bowel prep really did clean me out and since I haven't had anything other than clear fluids in the last 5 days, there's nothing for me to "go". I know my insides are working (Ehem... farting and peeing just fine) but I was just worried about the lack of #2.

    Thanks everyone!

  5. Hi there, I'm about 5 days out from surgery and I haven't pooped since the day before surgery. Now I know that I haven't really eaten anything (I'm still on clear/creamy liquids and no Protein Shakes yet) since before surgery... but I'm getting worried about being constipated. I've been taking the Lortab liquid and I was warned that it causes Constipation, so I guess I'm wondering if either I am constipated because of the Lortab or if I'm totally overreacting and I shouldn't expect to poop at all until I go onto the Protein shakes (at the very earliest). What do you think?

  6. I went in today for an all day final pre-op class. Finished up the remaining bloodwork, got the instructions for post-op, met with the surgeon for a final time and just basically finished everything. My surgery is scheduled for 8 am on August 8th but I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am. Now that I've officially registered at the hospital, everything seems VERY real. And now I'm getting nervous. It doesn't help that my husband scheduled shoulder surgery for 5 days before my VSG surgery and we have 2 little girls at home. But he assures me that he can handle it. We will see!!

  7. I started my pre-op diet yesterday. I can have 5 shakes/day plus one prepackaged meal and one Protein Bar, but a minimum of the 5 shakes per day. Thankfully I've been doing this diet for the last 2 weeks "unofficially" so yesterday wasn't bad at all. I just need to make sure that I don't "cheat" here and there like I was in the last few weeks. Can you tell that I was excited to get this show on the road? I actually started my diet early on purpose :)

  8. I am in the exact same boat as you. My husband is absolutely against surgery because he thinks that I don't have the willpower to follow through and I will regain the weight - and that it's not worth the risk. And while I agree that I need to have the willpower to stay with the diet and that there is a possibility that I could regain the weight, I don't think that I will fail.

    I know how he feels, and that's OK. We are going to disagree on this - and my DH understands that, while I want his support, I will still have the surgery even if he doesn't like my decision. This surgery is for me and my health... not for him. And I don't need his approval to make a decision about my health. I also understand that the main reason he doesn't want the surgery is because he's afraid that I will die. That's really why he is so against the surgery. He has done his research, but he still doesn't like my decision. BUT just because he doesn't like it, doesn't mean that he doesn't love me, doesn't want me to lose weight and won't help out. He will, and I'm guessing that if your husband really loves you, he will support you even if he doesn't agree with you.

    After all, my husband married me because I have my own thoughts and opinions and because I'm strong-minded - which means that we occasionally disagree (even on the big stuff like this). But we are still a team and he's going to love me no matter what. And I'm betting that your husband feels the same way about you.

  9. I'm so sorry! This REALLY sucks. Did they tell you what they were looking for specifically? I know I was told by BCBSIL that I HAD to do my weight loss diet period with medical supervision, which meant checking in with a doctor once a month. I just submitted for approval to them a few days ago and I'm hoping that I don't run into the "not enough documentation" problem. Gosh that would suck!

    On a side note: I was denied 3 months ago when they switched from a 3 month diet to a 6 month. And the extra 3 months go by really fast. So, you'll be submitting again before you know it!

  10. I started the diets backin January. And I sincerely hope that a NUT visit will suffice, because I've only met with a doctor twice. But it was my understanding that "medicall supervised" means doctor or NUT. But I'll find out soon enough.

  11. I'm submitting to BCBS of IL for approval today. This is the 2nd time that I've submitted - the first time was a week before they made the change from 3 months to 6 months of dieting. They denied me because the new requirements went into effect before they had made their determination (but after I had submitted), so I had to wait the extra 3 months.

    Hopefully I'll have some good news soon!!!

  12. Just curious - has anyone (besides me) appealed their denial because BCBS of IL switched from the 3 month diet to the 6 month? I'm just wondering if it's just me. Also, I'm hoping that they make their appeal decision faster than the 60 days that they have to decide. Becuase if they wait the entire 60 days, I might as well have not appealed and have just went ahead with the additional 3 months of dieting.

  13. I'm SO SORRY. I'm in a similar boat - my BCBS of IL just changed their requirements from 3 months of dieting to 6 months - and they changed it AFTER I submitted for approval and yet I was still denied. So I feel your pain. But at least I only have another 3 months of dieting. And I have work commitments in the summer also, but not for the next 3 years. I'm not sure that I have any advice for you except to try to appeal. And honestly if I were in your shoes I might think about postponing either starting grad school in the fall or seeing if you can do a leave of absence for a medical condition (a lot of programs will allow you a certain amount of flexibility in making up for missed classes because of an illness). The worst that the school and insurance can say is "no" but you have to be willing to FIGHT!

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