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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by c_gargano

  1. Done! Got rid of the scale! Thanks for putting it all into perspective for me :-)

    Hey there, Rome wasn't built in one day either. . . and i'm sure you didn't gain all your weight overnight neither. . . it's a process not a race. . . so sit back and enjoy your sleeve, let it help you, don't stress over it. . . gosh haven't we done that enough in our lives already? just follow the doctor's advice and honey. . . GET RID OF THAT STUPID SCALE! only weigh yourself at the doctors office on your appts. . . don't become a slave to that dumb scale. Just a suggestion! Bet you'll be a lot happier!

  2. Hi again,

    So I started thinking a lot about this whole Hair loss thing and based on most of the responses, it seems like the hair loss is basically due to the shock that your body goes through in the weight loss process, right? Well, being a person that has battled obesity since I was 13 years old, I wonder...I've gone through so many different diets and exercises that lead to substantial weight loss, as much as 80 lbs in a short time of about 4-5 months! Of course, my age and metabolism lead to the rapid weight loss as well as the super duper crash diets I would put my body through. However, throughout it all, I know I didn't lose any hair. Not during or after! For obvious reasons, I gained it back but does anyone have a clue as to why it didn't happen then, yet it's so prone to happen now?

  3. So prior to my surgery I was smoking about 1 pack of cigarettes a day (quit about a month before surgery of course and I am about 2 months out so far)! Yet for some reason, I zero interest or cravings to go back to the smoking. While I am ecstatic about this and hope this is a forever thing, has anyone else gone through the same and what was your long term outcome? Did you ever smoke again?

  4. Hi there, I'm sorry you're already experiencing the hair loss :-( However, I must say that I am incredibly impressed with your 70 lb weight loss in 2 months! Great job! Wish my weight loss was moving that quickly!! Kudos to you sweetie!

    Ive read that people who get enough Protein still lose hair. That your body is in shock so losing hair just happens because you dont need it to survive.

    I'm 2 months out and it's started :(

  5. Hi what are collagen caps and Nioxin Shampoo? Really? Never thought of that....hmmm

    Hi, It is not inevitable I am six months out I have always had very fine very thin hair so this was a major worry for me. I have heard Hair loss can start anytime after surgery up to six months so hopefully I am beyond it now. I was very careful to make sure I am getting enough Protein. I have been taking Biotin, a B complex, and collagen caps. I also have been using Nioxin shampoo and conditioner which I swear by.

  6. Can someone please tell me when I expect to start noticing the common side effect of hair loss! As I've read in previous comments, it's something inevitable :-( I am doing everything possible to prevent this from happening but it's my understanding that no matter what I do, it's bound to happen. I understand that the impact is more serious that others but my main concern is at what point after surgery, can I expect to experience this, if at all?

  7. Thanks. I think I got it...lol

    - Go to somewhere like www.TickerFactory.com

    - Once your ticker is configured there, back on VST clickon My Settings on the drop down under Signed in as (at the top left of yourscreen)

    - Then click the Profile tab (3rd one inafter the Settings and Forms tabs)

    - Click Change Signature (3rd one downon the left)

    - Paste in your tickerfactory link there

    - Click Save Changes at the bottom of screen.

  8. I am 6 weeks out from my surgery and everything seems to be going pretty well....except now I'm noticing an unusual amount of acne starting to appear around my face and neck. I find that extremely odd since I've rarely been prone to this at all! Has anyone else come across this situation after surgery and if so, any comforting words. Thanks!unsure.gif

  9. I guess my main frustration to all this is that I've had not one but two friends had this procedure done and have managed to loose between 20-22 lbs in the first month. I know everyone is different but c'mon...do I have to be that different???

    Well I weigh the same at week 2 and 3 and thats a little frustrating for me. Because I walked 5 days a week during my week 2 and after my 2 week post op I started working out. My doctor told me I could do everything but abs so I have burned 400 plus calories 5 days a week and I was still the same weight at wk 3. But I asked a question as well are there weeks where you stall?

  10. Julie, I can't even begin to tell u how much better you've made me feel! Thanks for the positive response and putting this all into perspective for me :-)

    quote name='juliarh' timestamp='1298138076' post='118329']

    Hey Chloe -- I'm sorry you're feeling so bad (hugs!) -- listen, don't beat yourself up. This is COMPLETELY NORMAL. You're in your first stall. In fact, most people hit a stall around the 3rd week or so. It happens because you've lost weight so fast that your body is saying, "Whoa!! I must be in a famine! I will conserve every bit of fat/weight I can so I won't die!" I think I've been through 3 stalls already -- and I might be in another -- but just so you know, ALL bodies hit this stage at one time or another -- it just happens -- if you were to graph out your weight loss, it would look like a stair step rather than a direct line downwards -- you lose a bunch, then nothing, then lose a bunch, then nothing.

    So, when you hit these stalls, start measuring yourself in a different way -- measure your inches, see if you have any non-scale victories, like doing something couldn't before -- OR even take up journaling your thoughts/emotions -- I do a vlog on YouTube that is really helpful to me -- and I get good feedback which is also a positive motivator.

    So, I hope that helps -- DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP!! You're not allowed! ;)

    Take care and big hugs!

  11. Yes you're absolutely right about that....just wish the process weren't so slow :-( Thanks for the reply Massinex!

    Everyone will lose at their own pace. Don't be frustrated and also don't be a slave to the scale. The reason we do this is make a lifestyle change, to live and be healther. Listen to your body and just be relaxed with the process. I know I feel healther because most of my joint pains are gone now. My clothes are starting to fit differently. I expect things will slow for me but I won't be concerned.

  12. Hello all,

    I'm 6 weeks out from my VSG surgery and am getting depressed by the second. While I was completely aware that the weight loss results were slower than the bypass...how much slower are we talking about? In the 1st 3 weeks, I've lost a total of about 15-17 lbs (scale varies from docs office to mine) and have been literally stuck there ever since. I have been following my physicians plan of introducing new foods when due and am wondering if the intake of the new solids in my diet could this be the culprit? Due to some incision complications, I have not been able to be as active as I would have wanted to be however as I read through blogs, most patients don't really start an exercise program until well after the 4-6 week mark. I spoke to my doc n he doesn't seem too concerned. Enough where he scheduled my next appt in 2 months! I need help from my fellow VGS's with any advise that could give my weight loss a boost! I don't regret my choice of surgery but please tell me that this is not the end and that maybe I am doing something wrong...Thanks! Chloe

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