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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by JonathanS

  1. I am in the same boat as you. I'm up 10 lbs from my lowest weight. I was just a few pounds away from goal and felt a bit defeated. My skin didn't snap back as well as I wanted. I looked in the mirror and still felt fat.

    I started falling back into old habits of emotional eating, carbs before Protein, not tracking, eating out far too much.

    I know how to get the weight off, I lost over 160 of those pounds so 10 should be a breeze ... right? Ha!

    I have started taking my lunch to work again, tracking my micros, eating Protein first and increased the days I'm going to the gym. The hardest part for me has been the hunger. But the hunger isn't from my restriction decreasing, it is from the amount of carbs I was consuming. I have already noticed a large difference in the hunger from cleaning up my diet.

    I am down 4lbs and can feel the difference already. I'm debating on adjusting my goal weight even lower and going for plastics ... but I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

  2. <p>This is off topic to your question, but I'm not sure where else I might ask. How did you choose your surgeon? I am looking in to Dr. Smith in Marietta,&nbsp;and Dr. Johnson in Suwanee was also recommended. I did look at the surgeon reviews, there is just so much info. I would love to hear your opinions and how you chose your doctors. Your input would be greatly appreciated. I am new to the site, so if there is a better way to gather local opinions/info from others please let me know. Thanks so much!</p>

    I was sleeved by Dr. Smith almost 2 years ago. Fantastic surgeon, staff, and facilities. He gave me the best foundation to succeed in changing my life.

    He was the only surgeon I had a consultation with. I knew right away he was the best choice for me. I think meeting them and their staff is the most important step.

    Good luck!

  3. I had to share with my fellow veteran's that still have their wisdom teeth, having them removed is a fantastic weight loss plan! I had mine removed last Thursday and have lost 11 lbs since. I was on Protein shakes 3 times a day until Monday (600 calories) and then very soft food since.

    I have to say I'm very thankful for my sleeve. I never really felt hunger (other then head hunger) and it really helped get me through the pain. I did have an issue with the Hydrocodone / Loratab that I was prescribed. I ended up fainting about an hour after I had taken it, hit something on the way down, and broke my two front teeth. The oral surgeon couldn't believe that happened and suggested I switch to the Motrin he prescribed (which I never had filled as it is a NSAID which I told him I couldn't take, DOH!) I suggest caution to anyone that has to take Hydrocodone. I have no clue if it is because of my sleeve or that I weight so much less now that pain meds affect me differently.

    I do miss my front teeth! :( - Dentist can't fix them until Aug 4th.


  4. It is a group fitness class that my gym offers called Les Mills BodyPump. It is a low weight / high rep class. You are really able to tailor the class to your level of fitness based on the weight you use. There are a lot of gyms that offer it.

    It has really helped my thighs, arms, and chest.

    Now I am working towards more bulk so I have switched to a routine called 5x5. Pump really helped me build a good base for 5x5 as all of the routines in 5x5 are in pump.

  5. Luckily I do not have to worry about the breast reduction but my poor tummy needs severely tucked. I have been very pleased with the way everything else has snapped back into place with the assistance of working out. I hope as I transition from lean muscle building to more bulking that it will help the skin even more.

    I keep telling myself that I need to adjust my goal weight a little lower and reach it before I even consider a consult, we shall see.

  6. Just remember to just keep sipping and that each day will get better. The first month after is the hardest but you will see some great weight loss. The next few months you will be finding what your new normal looks like. Start finding an exercise program that works for you, the sooner you start the better.

    Water is your new friend! Find a way to drink it and a lot of it, ie calorie free powder packets or liquid drops. The more Water you can drink the better.

    Good luck on your upcoming journey!

  7. Fat does contain an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen which will lower your T level. As you lose weight you will lose that enzyme and have a higher T level.

    Exercise can also help boost T levels.

    There are a few threads here that discuss T levels post-op.

    Good luck!

  8. How far along in the process are you? Each process can be very different but I had multiple appointments and classes with the surgeon and then had to meet clearances (pulmonary, cardiovascular, mental health). It took a few months to coordinate all the appointments.

    If you are self pay then I understand the process can be much faster.

  9. Like you @@kathousefl, I waited for awhile after surgery to start the gym. I never cared for the gym or exercising in general. A good friend of mine turned me on to a weight based group fitness class and it has sparked something in me. I started going and gaining friendships with others that attended the class. After going enough I started seeing gains that actually made a visible difference in my body. That helped motivate me to take a true responsibility for my fitness.

    You just have to find what works for you.

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