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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Shanny

  1. Incisional hernia repair surgery tomorrow morning. Thank God!

  2. Still haven't managed to clean anything but my closet. Got rid of all of my 24/22 clothes. It's pretty bear, but that's okay. I'll soon fill it up with much smaller sizes! I can't wait!

  3. Oatmeal is the 2nd cirlce of hell.

  4. It's my birthday! I'm going to have a lemon bar today as my birthday treat! I'm going to walk around the lake and eat like I'm supposed to, but then it's me and my yummy lemon bar...I can't wait!

  5. Goodbye 180s! I won't miss you!!! Hello 170s, hope you won't stay too long!

  6. Ate some sirloin burger soup, as my intro to beef today. My sleeve still doesn't seem to like beef. I swear it's still sitting in my chest after 5 hours. Oh well, back to chicken I go!

  7. My 2012 plans - in no particular order: Save at least $5,000 to go toward plastic surgery. Pay off my bills. Move. Tell the people in my live that I love and appreciate them, everyday. Stop getting in my own way. Take care of myself, mind, body and spirit. Thank God everyday for His blessings. Love my son to death - he'll be 15 this year and has his own circle of friends (I just pray he stays a good boy). Continue to coupon like my life depends on it. Only shop the clearance...

  8. I need to staple my mouth shut. I have been eating like it's going out of style today!

  9. I broke my stall! I went back on my prescribed food plan, no snacking, no eating stuff I'm not supposed to have no matter how small the portions. I've lost 3.4 pounds in 4 days! Yea me!!!!

  10. Loving me some decaf hot tea! Man, it took me 35 years to fall in love with this stuff. Now I can't get enough of Earl Grey, or Vanilla Tea!

  11. Down to my goal pants size - an 8. Only 3 more pounds to lose and I'm at my goal weight. What a crazy ride these 7 months have been!

  12. Just had my first piece of pineapple since my surgery. Jesus that was the best thing I've ever tasted! Plus, I get to have salad this week too! I'm moving up in the world!!!!

  13. Tried Zumba at home yesterday. It was pretty fun except I almost danced myself out of my patio window. I think I'm going to try more tonight. I love to dance!

  14. I walked 2.5 miles in 35 minutes!

  15. One more pound and I'm just "overweight"! I never thought I'd be so happy to be overweight!

  16. Tried to eat a fried chicken drummette last night. Didn't go so well. My sleeve does not like the consistency of fried chicken apparently. I'm heart broken because it's my favorite food. Maybe that's a good thing, huh? That's how I got in this mess in the first place!

  17. Had my first advanced water aerobics class today. It was AWESOME, but lord I'm tired!

  18. Walked 10 miles this morning. I feel great, but I learned that I need new tennis shoes. These ones are too heavy for long distance walking! Looks like an excuse to go shopping to me!

  19. Sleepy and don't want to work out. But, I'm going to do my 30 minutes on the treadmill even if I'm 1/2 asleep doing it!

  20. On my way to Atlantic City. Hopefully I'll win enough money to pay for a tummy tuck and lyposuction!

  21. Went to the doctor yesterday. I pulled a muscle along my permanent staple wall in my stomach. He told me to take it easy for a few days. If it's not better next week, I have to go for a CAT scan to see if I have a hernia.

  22. Ate too much food at dinner. I feel awful! I hadn't tried pork before, but I only had an ounce. I also had 4 green and 2 slices 1/4 inch thick potatoes. Apparently that was WAYYYYYYY to much! Had to throw up to relieve the pressure in my tummy.

  23. 15 pounds away from my final goal! Don't think I'll make it by Labor Day, but I don't feel like pushing myself or "dieting" anymore. I'm losing weight the way my body wants to right now, and I'm okay with that. It's a little slower, but it's not a race. I'm doing it right and I'm healthy, so I'm okay with that!

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