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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Shanny

  1. Proud of myself...went to Golden Coral this morning with my sweetie and my son. I drank my protein shake, while EVERYONE else around me ate all they could eat. I didn't even want to eat that food. Actually, smelling all that food turned me off!

  2. Really need to figure out what I'm cooking for dinner tonight. Since chicken is the only thing that I can digest these days, chicken it is, but what kind? Everyone else is having speghetti. I like speghetti...oh well.

  3. Sleepy and don't want to work out. But, I'm going to do my 30 minutes on the treadmill even if I'm 1/2 asleep doing it!

  4. Something weird is going on with my stomach lately. I can only eat about 2-3 bites of food before I start to feel sick. It sustains me for about 2 hours, and then I can only eat about 2-3 bites again. I don't know what's wrong but my stomach is not liking me or food lately.

  5. Still haven't managed to clean anything but my closet. Got rid of all of my 24/22 clothes. It's pretty bear, but that's okay. I'll soon fill it up with much smaller sizes! I can't wait!

  6. Swam for 2 hours today, then walked for 2.5 hours. I'm tired but it was a great workout.

  7. Teaching my son how to fry chicken. Since I can't eat it anymore, I don't make it. He begged and begged so I told him HE has to make it. I think I've got a chef on my hands!

  8. Think I've finally hit a stall. It's been 1 week and I've not lost any weight. I think it's because I can't really exercise between my thumb being sprained and this pulled muscle in my stomach. How am I supposed to make my 4th of July challenge if I can't lose any weight?

  9. Those size 8/10 shirts that I thought I would be saving for a few weeks until the 12/14s got too big...guess I gotta bust those puppies open. All of my 12/14s shirts are too big now. I could wear them 2 weeks ago, now not so much.

  10. Today was the first dance aerobics class. Not only did I feel uncoordinated, but my body still is sore from yesterday. I need a day to recouperate!

  11. Tried to eat a fried chicken drummette last night. Didn't go so well. My sleeve does not like the consistency of fried chicken apparently. I'm heart broken because it's my favorite food. Maybe that's a good thing, huh? That's how I got in this mess in the first place!

  12. Tried Zumba at home yesterday. It was pretty fun except I almost danced myself out of my patio window. I think I'm going to try more tonight. I love to dance!

  13. Walked 10 miles this morning. I feel great, but I learned that I need new tennis shoes. These ones are too heavy for long distance walking! Looks like an excuse to go shopping to me!

  14. Walked 5 miles before dinner!

  15. Was able to walk 2.6 miles before the pulled muscle in my stomach started hurting...

  16. Wearing a dress today. People at work keep commenting on how nice I look, and how much weight I've lost. I haven't told anyone this dress is a size 14!!!!!! Woot!!! I feel pretty!

  17. Welch's fruit snacks...never a good idea, even in the little packets, I don't care if they are made with fruit juice!

  18. Went shopping at my favorite store - Dots. Not only did I have coupons, but I got some great deals on the clearance rack. I finally got to shop on the "other" side of the store. Size 11/12 pants, medium dresses. I actually got 2 dresses in a small, and they fit!

  19. Went to my doctor for my 1 year post op appointment (even though it's 2 weeks early). He's uber proud and asked me to speak to another group of potiential sleevers. I jumped at the chance! I've already refered 4 people to him - 2 of which got surgeries already (bypass & band), the other two are 2 months away from their 6 months before they get their sleeves. It is the best thing I've ever done for myself!

  20. Went to the doctor yesterday. I pulled a muscle along my permanent staple wall in my stomach. He told me to take it easy for a few days. If it's not better next week, I have to go for a CAT scan to see if I have a hernia.

  21. Went to the hand specialist - I have a particial tear of the ligment of my thumb. Have to wear a custom splint for 6-8 weeks, and still might need surgery. It's still particially attached to the bone, but if it doesn't grow back together I will need surgery. Worst part? No hand weights over 3 pounds. Now I can do that, but those weights in Water aerobics are hard with the water resistance. Gotta find a way to strap that sucker to my hand so I can work these flabby arms out!

  22. With it being the end of school year we're all kinds of receptions, and parties. Today was the senior's last day so there's cake, and all kinds of stuff in there. Plus I have to work this fancy reception tonight where they will have lemon bars. I'm only one person. It's too much temptation!

  23. Zumba kicked my butt today, but it was fun. Tomorrow is the dreaded weight training day. I hate Fridays because of those stupid weights!

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