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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Shanny

  1. Just tried the Atkins Advantage Charamel Double Choclate Crunch Protein Bar. It's pretty good. Not as much protein as the peanut butter chocolate, but it's still 10 grams of protein and I needed a different taste!

  2. Just walked 10 miles in 2.5 hours! I'm getting faster. The bionic woman's got nothing on me!!!

  3. Kinda bumbed, all of my size 12s are too big now, so I got some 10s thinking I was ahead of the game. Now they are saggy in the butt and I need a belt. It's back to school time. I don't have money to buy size 8s!

  4. Left work early today, sick. Nauseous, dry heaves, dizzy, low grade fever. I feel like crap!

  5. Lifted too many weights, or did too many leg lifts. I am soooooooooo sore!

  6. Lord please take this ice cream away from me!

  7. Loving me some decaf hot tea! Man, it took me 35 years to fall in love with this stuff. Now I can't get enough of Earl Grey, or Vanilla Tea!

  8. Made lowfat chicken carbonara for dinner. Could only eat 3 oz of it, but it was YUMMY!!!

  9. Man, I'm having a sweets/carb craving today like nobody's business!!! I'm not eating things I shouldn't so why after 2.5 months post surgery is it just now kicking in?

  10. My 2012 plans - in no particular order: Save at least $5,000 to go toward plastic surgery. Pay off my bills. Move. Tell the people in my live that I love and appreciate them, everyday. Stop getting in my own way. Take care of myself, mind, body and spirit. Thank God everyday for His blessings. Love my son to death - he'll be 15 this year and has his own circle of friends (I just pray he stays a good boy). Continue to coupon like my life depends on it. Only shop the clearance...

  11. My baby just bought me the Zumba Exhilarate because I'm too shy to go to a class. I don't like working out in a group. Hell, my water aerobics class only has 5 people in it!

  12. My boss has Entemann's Cinnamon Buns on her desk. I ddin't get tempted until I smelled them when I just in there. I can NOT eat those. I can NOT eat those. Damn this food addiction!

  13. My coworker gave me a treadmill, even delivered it to my house! It's an older model, but it works just fine and will serve the purpose until Christmas when hopefully Santa gets me the one I've been eyeballing!

  14. My doctor asked me to speak to a group of people interested in the sleeve during his information session! He's proud of my weight loss and wants me to speak about my experience to other potential patients!!!

  15. My sinuses are trying to kill me! How am I supposed to workout when I feel like this?

  16. My sweetie is taking me out to dinner and a movie tonight. Why am I so nervous about the idea of going to a restuarant? I know what I can and can't have. I can do this...

  17. My waist has gone down 10 inches since May!

  18. Night sweats suck butts. Sweating during the day while exercising and at night while sleeping.

  19. Note to self: My sleeve does NOT like bananas!

  20. Oatmeal is the 2nd cirlce of hell.

  21. Oh God...so sleepy...can't make it....

  22. On my way to Atlantic City. Hopefully I'll win enough money to pay for a tummy tuck and lyposuction!

  23. One more pound and I'm just "overweight"! I never thought I'd be so happy to be overweight!

  24. Only 2 more days until surgery to repair this large incisional hernia with colon obstruction. I blame Jillian Michaels for it! My bariatric surgery says that he weakened the muscle with my sleeve surgery, but Jillian broke it :) Either way, it hurts, and I'm miserable. Just get it over with so I can get back to working out!

  25. Posted more photos to the before and after thread

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
