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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Shanny

  1. I hate gardening. I gardened, raked, hoed, weeded, shoveled, turned soil and a bunch of other crap that I would NEVER do with my sweetie for 90 minutes today. I had just taken a shower before going over there. Needless to say I was DRENCHED by the time I was done. I think that should count as a workout, no? Muscles I didn't have hurt.

  2. I have got to take a nap at lunch. I've been nodding off at my desk all day. No more exercising at 10 at night. No wonder I couldn't sleep, I was too pumped. Now I'm too sleepy to keep my eyes open at my desk at work!

  3. I jogged for the first time! Granted it was only from 1/2 of the field to the car, but it was the first time I jogged since I was 14! It felt good but I need a better sports bra!

  4. I lost another 2.4 pounds since yesterday. Heartbroken is NOT the type of weightloss plan that I want to be on!

  5. I need more structure with eating on the weekends. I never make my calorie goals and forget to eat most of the time. During the work week I have a schedule during the weekend everything is out of whack.

  6. I need to get myself together and stop eating CRAP! I eat uber healthy during the day, then around 8 p.m. I get the munchies and eat horrible things. Tonight it was a 1/2 cup of ice cream, 5 Reese's Pieces and 6 French Fries. I wasn't even hungry. Any cure for the evening munchies?

  7. I need to staple my mouth shut. I have been eating like it's going out of style today!

  8. I swear I'm about press charges on Jillian Michaels for attempted murder. She is trying to KILL me!

  9. I think I'm drinking too much. I can't seem to drink water fast enough. My throat is sore, so I want to drink ice water to soothe it, but I can't drink it but so fast. Still when I drink it's not doing much but just sitting in my stomach, giving me a stomach ache, and sloshing around whenever I move.

  10. I think my body has decided that it doesn't want to lose these last 3 pounds so I reach my goal. I'm okay with that! 153 is a good weight.

  11. I walked 2.5 miles in 35 minutes!

  12. I'm no longer obese! Hello overweight, so nice to see you!!!!!!

  13. I've decided nothing good ever comes from the 7-11. I still want to buy junk when I'm in there, even if I don't eat it. First the gas station now 7-11. I will not be able to leave my house soon.

  14. I've discovered that I am an emotional eater. I got mad at my girlfriend last night so what did I do? I went to the store and bought a bag of Hot Fries, and a lemonade. I ate 3/4 of the bag of Hot Fries. I didn't eat dinner or anything remotely healthy or full of protein, I just wanted something that I wanted at that time. When am I going to learn that food is NOT a substitute for feeling what I'm feeling?

  15. I've lost 6.4 pounds in 7 days! Woo-hoo!!!!

  16. I've lost 70 pounds in less than 4 months! Now, if I can get these other 42 pounds off...

  17. I've lost over 5 pounds in 1 week just by eating like I'm supposed to! It's amazing that when you follow this sleeve plan like you should the results you can get out of it. I'm rocking my sleeve!

  18. Incision pain is still there but not as bad as it was yesterday. I think I might have pulled something gardening the other day. Note to self, apparently I cannot eat sausage, groundbeef, brocolli,or anything with Old Bay seasoning. It makes me sick. Oh well, I guess I'll eat chicken for the rest of my life.

  19. Incisional hernia repair surgery tomorrow morning. Thank God!

  20. It's after 2 am and I'm still up. Trying to decide if I'm going to order the Wen haircare products. I think I'll try the Hair One from Sally's first. It's only $10, compared to the outrageous cost of Wen. It's funny that now that I've lost weight I actually care about what I'm using on my hair, face, body, perfumes, clothes and shoes.. I never gave a crap before. When you start taking care of yourself, you want to do it all areas!

  21. It's my birthday! I'm going to have a lemon bar today as my birthday treat! I'm going to walk around the lake and eat like I'm supposed to, but then it's me and my yummy lemon bar...I can't wait!

  22. It's my surgiversary! Happy birthday sleeve!!!!

  23. It's pretty early, but I'm determined to get my 3 miles in this morning before it gets too hot. I thought I was going to melt walking yesterday - a mistake I will NOT duplicate today!

  24. Jillian Michaels is the devil and her 30 Day Shred is the 3rd Circle of Hell!

  25. Just had my first piece of pineapple since my surgery. Jesus that was the best thing I've ever tasted! Plus, I get to have salad this week too! I'm moving up in the world!!!!

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