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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Shanny

  1. Can't get enough sweets today. I just want to eat grapes all day long!!!!

  2. Kinda bumbed, all of my size 12s are too big now, so I got some 10s thinking I was ahead of the game. Now they are saggy in the butt and I need a belt. It's back to school time. I don't have money to buy size 8s!

  3. I've lost 6.4 pounds in 7 days! Woo-hoo!!!!

  4. Got a blister on my foot from walking 3 miles...ouch! Guess this is an excuse to by new shoes!

  5. Wearing a dress today. People at work keep commenting on how nice I look, and how much weight I've lost. I haven't told anyone this dress is a size 14!!!!!! Woot!!! I feel pretty!

  6. Got a new walking tracking app for my phone. I burned 1200 calories walking at a pace of 4.7 mph for 2 hours. Woot!

  7. Something weird is going on with my stomach lately. I can only eat about 2-3 bites of food before I start to feel sick. It sustains me for about 2 hours, and then I can only eat about 2-3 bites again. I don't know what's wrong but my stomach is not liking me or food lately.

  8. My boss has Entemann's Cinnamon Buns on her desk. I ddin't get tempted until I smelled them when I just in there. I can NOT eat those. I can NOT eat those. Damn this food addiction!

  9. With it being the end of school year we're all kinds of receptions, and parties. Today was the senior's last day so there's cake, and all kinds of stuff in there. Plus I have to work this fancy reception tonight where they will have lemon bars. I'm only one person. It's too much temptation!

  10. Man, I'm having a sweets/carb craving today like nobody's business!!! I'm not eating things I shouldn't so why after 2.5 months post surgery is it just now kicking in?

  11. Swam for 2 hours today, then walked for 2.5 hours. I'm tired but it was a great workout.

  12. Feeling mighty satisfied with my food choices today!

  13. Really need to figure out what I'm cooking for dinner tonight. Since chicken is the only thing that I can digest these days, chicken it is, but what kind? Everyone else is having speghetti. I like speghetti...oh well.

  14. Went shopping at my favorite store - Dots. Not only did I have coupons, but I got some great deals on the clearance rack. I finally got to shop on the "other" side of the store. Size 11/12 pants, medium dresses. I actually got 2 dresses in a small, and they fit!

  15. Debating if I'm going to workout today at lunch. My hamstrings are KILLING me! That's what I get for working out and watching Teen Mom 2 last night. I totally lost track of time because I was all engrossed in the show!

  16. My coworker gave me a treadmill, even delivered it to my house! It's an older model, but it works just fine and will serve the purpose until Christmas when hopefully Santa gets me the one I've been eyeballing!

  17. Oh God...so sleepy...can't make it....

  18. Gotta buy a swimsuit today. Should it be the size clothes I wear, or a size smaller?

  19. Didn't exercise today because I was at football camp with my son most of the day. If I was smart I would have worn work out clothes and worked out while he was training. My muscles ache, they need to be stretched out. Gotta make it up tonight!

  20. A woman I work with has been gaining weight lately. She gave me two big bags of size 16 and 14 clothes! They fit and look brand new. I just went through my closet and took out all of my 18s and 20s that I can no longer fit for her. I love clothes swapping!

  21. My sweetie is taking me out to dinner and a movie tonight. Why am I so nervous about the idea of going to a restuarant? I know what I can and can't have. I can do this...

  22. My waist has gone down 10 inches since May!

  23. Feeling fat and bloated today. I haven't even eaten that much today and worked out really well. I guess it was that damn Skinny Cow fudge pop I treated myself to. That's it - tomorrow I'm getting back on track. No snacks.

  24. Did I mention I hate Jillian Michaels

  25. Went to my doctor for my 1 year post op appointment (even though it's 2 weeks early). He's uber proud and asked me to speak to another group of potiential sleevers. I jumped at the chance! I've already refered 4 people to him - 2 of which got surgeries already (bypass & band), the other two are 2 months away from their 6 months before they get their sleeves. It is the best thing I've ever done for myself!

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