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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by NancySmiles

  1. Hi Ladies....I was banded on 9/24/04 and have to say that the surgery is a piece of cake (low fat of course) :-) and the part abotu the tube....well they always intubate you when you have any kind of surgery where you will be asleep. It's inserted once you are asleep and removed before you even wake up, so you don't feel a thing! You're in for less than 24 hours and will not even be hungry after if you can believe that!!!

    I've lost 75 lbs so far and feel great!!! No regrets at all!!! It was the beast thing I did for myself!!! And this website is awesome!!! A great help!

    If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!


  2. I've been using a combination of all of it....prune juice, baby prunes, Benefiber, etc.; but normally one cup of coffee in the morning does it for me!!! Normally...is the key word...not anymore! Watch out with the laxatives.....You can be in some serious trouble with them.....not to mention PAINFUL!!! I called my gastro guy and he prescribed Glycolax which is a very mild, slow acting, laxative; kind of a mild Benefiber. It takes a few days...but when it finally works it is very easy...no pain at all. Good luck!

  3. I was told to have about 1200-1400 calories per day. Our Dietitian gives us a copy of the ADA diet so it is based on the number of grams of fats, carbs, and Proteins, and dairy you have per meal.

    I agree with you Pat. I have an easier time with crackers too!!! And I love crunchy so it's hard for me to control the portion; but my band lets me know! I've tried a half sandwich with turkey and whole wheat bread and still cannot make it through 2 bites.

    Good luck!

  4. Breakfast:

    coffee w/FF SF flavored cream

    1 Ensure High Protein

    (using 1 Liquid Protein per day per doc -

    too much restriction but he does not want

    to unfill me till I see him next week....may

    not need to now.)


    refried Beans - 1/2 cup

    1/2 cup canned spinach


    Snack (having late dinner)

    1 rice cake

    1 tsp peanut butter

    1/2 tsp SF jam


    not sure yet


    Water: 4-80z glasses so far

  5. I have a few questions:

    1) Will the gas ever go away? YES most definitely!!! Byt the time you read this it is probably gone!!!

    2) Has anyone used any of the scar therapy treatments to shrink/smooth the scars? If so, what brand and how soon should I begin using it? I've never tried them...was more concerned with them healing and the scab falling off so I could go back to Water aerobics back then....

    3) Does anyone know where I can get any good multi-Vitamins in liquid form? Try this site http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/search/query.jhtml?q=liquid+vitamins&x=16&y=15&intsource=main I've heard good things about the "Source of Life" Liquid....read the ingredients...it will amaze you!

    4) I am still debating over whether to tell friends and co-workers about the surgery (only my immediate family knows). Does anyone regret telling friends about it? The only people who knew BEFORE the surgery were my family and my boss (didn't want her to think it was a life-threatening surgery and she was/is very supportive!).... I was still in the "fat person" mind set...always thought that when I told people i was on a diet or anything, i was set up for immediate self-sabotage....soooooo...I waited till after...and when people started noticing that i was losing and I was convinced they would think of it as a good thing....if they asked how i did it...I told them...didn't want to lie....there is only one person I work with who i feel uncomfortable around...because she was convinced WW was the answer....and it worked...till i gained it all back and then some...well you know all that....but she kinda stays away....luckily i dont work closely with her. sweet gal and it makes me feel awkward....but that was the only one. now everyone who asked knows and I also speak at the seminars and am in charge of the support group so it keeps me motivated.....no regrets at all...was the best thing i could have done for myself!

    Thanks in advance for your support in answering any of my questions. This website has been a Godsend.

  6. only 15 more to go!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!!

    BigMom, some of the sypmtoms I was told by my Dr. os not having the ability to keep anything down without vomiting, however I know Leatha had her band slip and did not have that symptom. Chronic PBing can also aide in slippage. I would call your Dr. and let him know of your concerns. Maybe he can give you something to relieve the cough a bit :)

  7. I do the same as Babs....I can eat toasted wheat bread; have had only one or two half-sandwiches since banding as they are difficult; can eat crackers and breadsticks with no problem. I even tried lavash, pita, and tortillas and forget it....too doughy...

    I am fine with crunchy things too.....but i love crunchy anyway!!!


  8. Announcing the FIRST ANNUAL LAP BAND REUNION being held by Dr. Hawasli & Dr. Meguid of the Eastside Surgical Specialists.

    Wednesday, May 18, 2005

    6:00 - 9:00 PM

    St. John Hospital & Medical Center

    on Moross Rd at Mack in Detroit

    Auditorium & Lower Level Conference Room

    Please RSVP by May 6, 2005

    Please bring a guest of your choice

    Send your Before and After/Current Photos

    all 586-774-8811

    Join us to Celebrate our 1st year of healthy lifestyle changes.

    E-mail: NancySmiles@gmail.com

  9. I went to see my doc this past Monday because I had trouble with Proteins (meats mostly) going down and needed to get them in. chicken, beef, pork, anything. I chewed till I was blue in the face but they got stuck. I know at the beginning, they said that if you have a problem with sticking your esophagus will swell a little from the problem and to wait a bit before trying again. I have been losing consistently so he did not want to do an un-fill. He said to try Liquid Protein supplements once a day or so for another month...and see how that goes. Plus I really needed to take the time to eat....i was eating way too fast. I am so glad I waited....I have been taking more time eating (reading books or magazines while I eat) and i have been fine all week! I do drink a Boost when I need to. Also heard that you have lots more restriction in the morning for some reason, so I try to have oatmean or a yogurt, something that goes down easy. Good luck!

  10. Paula:

    You must have ESP or something!! I have been asking my daughters to help me choose a new scent. I love the one I wear right now and choosing a new one is so challenging!

    I purchase my perfumes on www.fragrancenet.com since they have great prices. I love it because they give a description of the KIND of scent it is. So when I look for a new one, I kinda stay in that same category because I like those types of scents.

    I work in a large health system and always kept my scents light so as not to offend patients, as we were always told. But I found it bothered me too, so I keep it light.

    Here is an example of my current fragrance from that site:

    DESIGN HOUSE - Jean Paul Gaultier


    FRAGRANCE NOTES - fresh spicy amber, vanilla and wood, an alluring scent

    RECOMMENDED USE - casual

    Hope this helps! Also, I get a weekly ad from Marshall Fields and they have samples in it; so I can test them out at my leisure.

    Good luck! If you find a nice oriental, woodsy, light kinda perfume let me know!!!


  11. Now I don't feel so RIDICULOUS!!! I have been so dry since surgery.....dry lips, dry skin.....wish the Water i drink all day would get absorbed in the right places!!! good to know it's normal...i think!

    OH, and lip gloss... how much lip gloss does a girl need? A tube used to last me a year, now they're everywhere. I just got to have them! There are 3 on my desk, 2 in my purse. Nine on my bathroom sink, one stuck like glue to my truck's console, one rolling around the back seat. They are in the washer, the dryer, and my dogs chew on them. What's with the lip gloss?

  12. Dear Philip ~ Nobody can even begin to understand the pain you are going through ~ but as you said, please feel comfort in knowing that Carolyn was doing exactly what she wanted to be doing on the last day here with you ~ and how many of us can say that? I looked again at her picture and her beautiful smile, happy eyes, and sunshine blonde hair and how young she was. "Blossom"....what a perfectly fitting name for a beautiful young woman who will remain in our hearts forever.....


    by William Stafford

    "It could happen any time, tornado,

    earthquake, Armageddon. It could happen.

    Or sunshine, love, salvation.

    It could, you know. That's why we wake

    and look out -- no guarantees

    in this life.

    But some bonuses, like morning,

    like right now, like noon,

    like evening."

    Like "Blossom", Like Carolyn........

  13. I am STUNNED....absolutely stunned!!! What a horrible tragic loss of a young beautiful life. Even though we have never met each other personally, I feel we all share a special kinship with each other...going through the same things, feeling the same emotions....and I know you join me in deep prayer for her husband in his time of pain. It's comforting to know that Blossom felt no pain, and was working on a lifelong dream as she fell to her death. We know she died doing what she loved best....LIVING her life to the fullest...full of hopes and dreams. We should all reflect on this and remind ourselves how precious a gift life is...and just as easily as it was given to us, it can be as quickly taken away....Rest in Peace beautiful Blossom....You are in our hearts and minds forever.......

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
