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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by StacyS

  1. You know, I've never thought about NOT drinking my Protein drinks, but now that you brought it up, it makes perfect sense! If I'm eating enough protein, why would I drink extra calories to get in my protein? BUT... I've read on the boards that when you're not losing, sometimes it's recommended that you increase your caloric intake a bit. So, again, I am back to being confused!!! UGH...... At this point, I'm willing to try anything.
  2. StacyS

    April Update from everyone

    Feeling a little discouraged and would like a head count.... Please list your surgery date: And exactly how many pounds you've lost Post-Op: Was sleeved 4/25 Down 25lbs
  3. I vow only to weigh myself on Mondays!!!

  4. StacyS

    Peanut Butter Cookies

    O I just love PB cookies. I make a simple batch I got from paula dean but made it WW friendly. Reduced fat PB, egg substitute, splenda, n a bit of vanilla and that's it!!! Sometimes, when I wasn't dieting of course, or was entertaining, I'd put a Hershey's kiss on top right when I pulled them out of the oven......ummm so good!!!
  5. StacyS

    2 weeks out- missing my Tabasco!

    Girl, I'm addicted to Tapatio n would never give it up!! I added it to my chicken broth immediately after surgery. I was never told it would be bad during the healing process...I'm 6wks out and am doing fine. I think its safe to use it whenever you want.
  6. StacyS


    TAKE A PIC!!
  7. StacyS

    Mushies question?

    I'm on mushies and made machaca for breakfast! It's shredded beef (left over from the crock pot) mixed with eggs and green chili sauce! Oh, and dont forget the cheese! I'm only able to eat about 4-5 small bites but it's loaded with Protein and it's so yummy! It's something I usually make for breakfast burritos but minus the tortilla! I also make enchilladas: left over shredded beef (2oz), cheese, enchillada sauce all blended together! It tastes just like my homemade enchilladas, again minus the tortilla!! (See a mexican theme here? My fav food!) There's a lot of other recipes out there that i've found on the eggface website! You might wanna check it out! http://www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ Let me know if you need any other recipes... I've got tons!!
  8. Ok... I'm finally 1 month out today! Yay!! My surgiversary!! I've lost a total of 24lbs (all post-op) and I still am wearing my size 18 pants?! ugh!! I've tried on 3 size 16 slacks and they are all still too tight to wear! How in the world can this be? I've lost a good amount of weight but am still in my "normal" size???? When can I expect to see the pounds drop enough so I can fit in my smaller pants??? How many months were you when you finally got to drop a size?
  9. The story is.... I gained about 25lbs in order to get this surgery. Before putting on the 25lbs I was a 16 petite (cuz I'm short 5'2). While I gained the 25lbs I refused to buy any bigger sizes!! Well, I ended up having to and purchased 1 pair of black slacks, which are a size 18 petite. The 16's still dont fit yet... So here I am, just waiting to get into the brown and black and hunter green slacks that are the only 3 16's in my closet (cuz I'm usually a size 14) and no luck!! I did have a 2wk stall that just ended on Saturday but even though my face looks a lot smaller and I know I've lost inches, my a$$ isnt fitting into the 16s. LOL...
  10. StacyS

    A delicious little protein bar!

    Hi Twin... I had my surgery on the same day as you and my doctor told me to keep the carbs to no more than 30g
  11. StacyS

    Approval Acquired

    I have bcbs-fed too...just make sure that the hospital gets an approval too once you get your date!!! Otherwise they will deduct $500 from their payment for the surgery and bill you!!! It happened to me!
  12. My stall has broken!! Thank you Magnesium Citrate!!!

  13. StacyS

    Started pureed food

    I started on pureed food last week and let me tell you, I've had no problems until today, when I tried chicken. I've been eating refried Beans, ricotta bake, blended enchilladas (w/out tortillas) and then today, I ate pureed chicken with ceasar dressing and parm cheese and it just didnt go down right. I think it's the chicken, cuz I blended it very fine and it just didnt work. I would definately start off by doing something simple like refried beans w/cheese, ricotta cheese bake (see recipe http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2007/08/pureed-foods.html) I've heard that chicken is pretty hard for us beginners.
  14. Hey Ya'll, I take the Bariatric Advanced chewable Multivitamin and without fail I vomit immediately after I take it. I've tried taking it w/food, w/out food, in the morning, in the afternoon, etc and nothing seems to be helping!! Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did you overcome it? It's not the taste nor the texture, I actually like them but my stomach certainly doesnt!! Please help!
  15. StacyS


    Ricotta is both mushy & soft. If you know it's consistancy, its in both categories. Mushies are different than soft b/c you may have scrambled eggs n mushy stage but not a hard boiled egg...that would be soft stage. You may have chicken in mushy only if its blended but may have crock pot chicken in soft. Does that help a little???
  16. I too remember the agony of waiting. I actually called them every day to check the status. I took 3 long days for me to finally be aoproved.
  17. StacyS


    Its so weird cuz my plan has pureed, mushy, n soft all in their own category. I'm on pureed now n love these few recipes I discovered. One is my own and the other from eggface: Enchilladas w/out tortillas. Blend 2oz of shreeded beef, grated cheese, n enchillada sauce. Heat for a min n top with sour cream!! Ricotta bake (eggface recipe) 8oz ricotta cheese mixed w/ 1egg, italian seasoning, 1/2c parm cheese. Spread in baking dish. Top with 1/2c marinara sauce n 1/2c grated mozzerella. Bake @ 450 for 20-25 mins. Makes about 4 servings I love both so much!!!!
  18. StacyS

    Healthy Eating for April Sleevers

    Tonight I made "enchilladas" and it was so delicious!!! I put 2oz of shredded beef, some grated cheese, enchillada sauce n sour cream in a food processor and gobbled up about 2oz of it!!! It looked gross but it tasted so yummy!!!! I'm on purees but this, I tell ya, made me feel like I was normal again!!!
  19. StacyS

    Magnesium citrate

    THE STALL HAS BROKEN!!!! Dropped 5lbs thanks to the magnesium citrate!!!!!!!
  20. I'm sorry girl. I know how you feel. I've been at a stall for 2 full weeks. Week 3-4....it'll get better soon!!! Keep your chin up and follow your doctors orders. Its all we can really do right now. Things will get better!!
  21. StacyS

    Magnesium citrate

    *pretty good, not better good....lol stupid swipe keypad....
  22. StacyS

    Magnesium citrate

    Ok....i was able to drink about half of the 10oz bottle before the pain from the carbonation took over. I have been going to the restroom better good now...lol....and left the rest open on the counter to let the thing get flat. I'll drink the rest tomorrow. But I've been uncomfortable from the fizz for about two hours now. Let's hope I don't need to do this again!!!
  23. OMG, I'm dying here!!!
  24. StacyS

    3 weks Post op

    Monday I'll be 4 wks out and I get to try chicken, beef, and turkey blended w/gravy!! I'm kinda scared to try it, but I'm gonna try a recipe I saw. I was a couple oz of cooked or canned chicken, a tbsp of ceasar dressing, a couple sprinkles of parm cheese and blended up!! Chicken Ceasar w/out the salad.... I'm curious to see how it goes down.
  25. StacyS

    creamed soups

    Cream of Mushroom and Cream of Potatoe are my favorite! I use a whole can of milk and blend it up so it's thin and creamy! It's so delicious!! I just love Campbell's soups! I also tried Progresso's Chicken Tortilla and blend that up with some Tapatio (hot sauce). Yumm-O!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
