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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by StacyS

  1. StacyS

    April 2011 Sleevers

    Dlp, we on the same day! My liqud diet starts today, friday. Wish me luck...
  2. StacyS

    3 mos out, with pics!

    Wow...how awesome!!!! Keep working it
  3. StacyS


    Tiff, you said something about 4:1 protein vs carbs. Does that mean if you times the carbs by 4 it should be less than the protein?
  4. StacyS

    April 2011 Sleevers

    OMG, Last Supper syndrom.....just made my famous teriyaki chicken, sticky rice n broccoli for dinner....yummmm. Taking leftovers for lunch. Liquid diet starts on friday. What other yummy meal am I gonna make before friday?
  5. Thank you for posting this!! Im getting sleeved on monday and have the same goal weight as you!! Congrats!!
  6. What a difference!!! You look great!!!
  7. Why was it postponed? ((hugs n kisses for you))
  8. I have BCBS-Fed too and was approved on the first try. I know you don't want to hear that but a personal appeal letter might be your best option. I have 42 BMI with no co-morbidities, so it is possible to get it approved!!! Do your research and even call your insurance company and see why they denied you
  9. The time will fly by. I was a 3 month-er and am finally having surgey next monday!! Its all so surreal. Good luck to you June sleevers!!
  10. StacyS

    April 2011 Sleevers

    OMG, how exciting!! Wouldn't that be wonderful to meet up with your members from here!!!
  11. StacyS

    April 2011 Sleevers

    Northridge, ca on 25 April for me!
  12. StacyS


    I can't wait to be saying the same for you!!!!
  13. StacyS

    Important item for hospital!

    Didnt even consider something for the mouth! Thank you so much! I'm going to go get some for my surgery next Monday! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
  14. OMG, the wait is finally over! I have been APPROVED for surgery!! It's been a long journey, but the day has finally arrived and the wait for insurance is over!! My story: I began my journey to get the Band back in Oct'10 when I switched insurances so I could get it covered! I sought out a doctor that was in-network and had a Center of Excellence. At my first appt in Jan, it took literally 4 hours. Seminar, nutritionist, then consultation with the doctor. During this appt they told me I would have to pay $600 out of pocket for a "program fee" as well as $200 for the pysch eval. OMG, WTF? Why? My insurance pays for all diagnostic testing and 100% of the procedure! I was totally pissed!! (I have Fed-BCBS) Well, I stayed with this doctor because I didnt want to start the process all over again and have to wait for an appt. I did my psych eval, and they submitted to insurance for approval. I had a 3 month supervised diet with a "diet doctor" about a year back so I thought that would be sufficient for the 3 month supervised diet. I called everyday to insurance to see if I was approved. By day 3 insurance told me that they have been trying to get in contact with the doctor's office for 2 days w/out a response because the 3 month diet is too old! OMG, I was devistated! I called the doctor's office with no luck either! I called again the next morning and was only put on hold!! OMG, my blood is BOILING now! These people never took my phone call and never called me back!! (I hadnt paid the $600 yet!) Luckily I had a co-worker who actually had the sleeve done and she referred me to her doctor and told me to contact them and see if they could investigate this 3 month diet thing for me... I did and OMG, what a breath of fresh air this office was!! I wasnt even their patient and they are calling all over to see why I wasnt approved!! How awesome! So, she found out the 3 month supervised diet must be 3 months PRIOR to requesting surgery and must be with the surgeon's nutritionist! WTF??? I have to start all over and now have to wait 3 flippin months for the Band??? OMG, this fat is killing me!! Literally!! I took this oppertunity to do some research and discovered this site. I read ALL the posts about the revision from Band to Sleeve and read Tiffykins story, as well as others, and realized that maybe this 3 month postponement was actually a blessing!!! It actually saved me from having the Band installed!!! They say everything happens for a reason?! Well, this was my reason!! To decide on the Sleeve, a surgery that would actually be best for ME! Anyway, to conclude my long a$$ story, I switched doctors (obviously!) and completed all my requirements, submitted to insurance on 11April and waited in agony for 3 days, hoping I wouldnt get another set back from insurance!! Well, I got word yesterday that I have been approved!!! I am so relieved and happy and excited! I am scheduled to transform my life on the 26 of April!!!! Cheers to all...
  15. Make room Mini-Me..... Cuz here I come!!! Monday, 25 April 2011 is my date!
  16. StacyS


    I was approved for surgery yesterday!!!! My date is 25 April... I'm so flippin excited!!!
  17. My question is... how can you be approved but not approved? Who gave you the approval? Your surgeon or your insurance company? In order for me to be officially approved, I had to get a pre-authorization letter from my insurance company.
  18. I'VE BEEN APPROVED!!!!!!!

  19. I'm going to be sleeved on April 26 (pending my approval...which I should hear today or tomorrow) and was wondering what food trackers do you all use? Do you use a website? An App? A spreadsheet? A journal? I would love to know which one you use and why you like it so I may begin to use one!
  20. Thank you! I'll check both of them out!
  21. StacyS

    First Day Back At Work

    I'm sorry you're not feeling well. At least you get to go home at noon and get some rest! That's only a few hours away!! Yay!! You only took a week off and you're feeling pain sitting at the computer? I'm not sleeved yet and was also planning on taking a week and a couple days off but if you think you should've taken longer off, then maybe I should take a full 2 weeks?
  22. StacyS


    It will be July, not June. April-May= month 1 May-June= month 2 and June-July= 3 I know because I thought mine would have been Jan-Mar but NO.... Jan thru April. It sucks but that's what they require. BTW- I'm hoping today will be the day I get approval... They told me on Tues that it would be 24-48 hours and today = the 48 hours!! Please keep your fingers crossed for me!!!
  23. Still waiting for approval... I have a feeling in my bones that I'll get the call today that I'm approved!!

  24. StacyS

    Just gotta say

    Yeah!!!! Congrats!!! So happy for you. I'm waiting for approval and will be screaming just like you, I hope!!!

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