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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by amw

  1. Thanks for posting all of this information! Sounds like you are doing great! Congratulations!I wonder if there's something wrong with me. I feel like I can eat a lot more than what you posted at a time. I seem to be getting more hungry these days. I wonder if it's because I've healed up some more and the swelling is going down. I still can't eat like I did before surgery, but I feel like I can eat more than I should be able to at one sitting.Amy

  2. I feel your boredom. I am a little bit over 2 weeks out from a gastric sleeve plication and am back to work. However, I wasn't up to going on Spring Break with my family, so they went without me. So I'm stuck here going to work and going home to an empty house. I am bored, bored, bored, and it's driving me crazy. They don't get back until late Saturday, so my monotony doesn't end for a few more days. Plus, I keep getting these updates on Facebook about what a fabulous and exciting time they are having without me.Yes, the surgery was my decision, and I don't regret it. However, the boredom is getting to me, and I"m feeling a tad bit bitter about being left home alone, although I didn't want them to have to miss a vacation due to my surgery. A bundle of contradictions, that's what I am today.Hang in there!Amy

  3. Did anyone watch the new show "Addicted to Food" on Oprah Winfrey network last night? It follows a group of people with eating disorders through an inpatient treatment center, including a few people who have compulsive overeating disorder. Two of them said that they had undergone gastric by-pass, but it hadn't worked and they were still morbidly obese. I was kind of surprised by this, because I thought gastric by-pass was supposed to be pretty much foolproof.

    Being my natural pessimistic self, I started worrying about maybe my plication won't work. I don't think I could stand the disappointment if it doesn't. This was my last chance effort to get healthy and skinny, and I don't know where I'd go if this were to fail.

    Anyone else have these worries? I swear, if I didn't come up with something to worry about, I don't think I'd be breathing. It's just my nature, and I hate it.

    On the plus side of things, I broke 200 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the first time in 2 years. Just barely at 199.8, but I did it!!! So excited. It gives me motiviation to try to up my walking routine so I can take even more off. That makes a little bit over 10 pounds in 2 weeks. Not the fastest weight loss I've seen on the boards, but better than my usual efforts, and I'll take it.


  4. Texas Diva, I'm so sorry! That's exactly how I felt when I wrote this post last Friday. I am not telling you to diss your doc's instructions, but I felt 150% better after I had some Carnation Instant Breakfast mixed with skim milk. Then some cream of chicken Soup for dinner later on. It tasted so good that you would have thought I was eating in a 5 star restaurant. I still get tired mid-day and had to leave work yesterday a bit early. But it's so much better than where I was when I wrote this.And my weight has started going down the right way. I've lost 15 pounds since I got home (9 of it being the weight I gained from fluids), so I am a total of 6 pounds below my pre-surgery weight. I'm okay with that. I'm probably going to be a slow loser because I have hypothyroidism, but that's okay. Slow and steady wins the race.Hang in there and let us know how you are doing!Amy

  5. Hang in there. I had the sleeve Plication 3/21, and I went through those same feelings. Once I got on full liquids and actually got on full liquid Friday, I felt much better. Who would have thought carnation sugar free Breakfast and cream of chicken Soup could lift my spirits so much. My post about it is on the Gastric Plication board and is titled the WTH have I done moment is here.

    I know how weak the Clear Liquids make you, and it sucks. I'm sending you positive thoughts and hoping you feel better soon.

    Take care,


  6. Ahh, Heather, that's so sweet! Thank you so much!

    I had a big post typed answering your question about pain, but I accidentally lost it before it posted. I will try to answer again tomorrow. But the short answer is that my pain has been very manageable. Dr. Oldham goes above and beyond for patient care and comfort. All the nurses who took care of him raved about him and how wonderful he is. I would have to agree, he has been awesome!


  7. Thanks, Heather! I saw your status updates, but haven't figured out how to reply to them from my phone yet. Yes, that psych questionnaire was waay long and very repetitive. Glad you made it through that stage. The EGD is a breeze. It's over before you know it. One second I was complaining to the anesthesiologist about the meds stinging as they went through my iv, the next I was waking up in recovery. Absolutely no awareness of it, with the exception of a mild sore throat. Dr. Oldham was great.....both with that day and my surgery. I feel so lucky to have found him.

    Are you being seen in E-town? I called Laura, the NP, today with a question, and they said she was there. So I'm guessing you did all of this today? I hope your insurance approval goes quickly. I'm sure my perspective will be better by then,

    Okay, I'm off to see if Cream of chicken Soup lifts my spirits as much as the carnation did,

    Thanks again everyone!


  8. I've been stalled since the end of February and this morning I finally lost another pound!!

    I was stuck at 260 and really wanted to be in the 250s but my body wasn't having any of it. I increased my exercise, Water intake and Protein and that seemed to do the trick! I officially weighed in at 259.0 this morning. Yeah!! biggrin.gif

    YAY!!! Way to go, Genepha! That's awesome. Very happy for you.

    I'm having my surgery on 3/21/11. Wish me luck!!!

    Take care,


  9. After talking with Dr. Oldham, I've decided to go through with my plication surgery on 3/21. I do not believe that Dr. Oldham is a bottom feeder in any way. He is a very kind and compassionate person and has a great professional reputation from what I've read. He offers several different options, including the plication. He did not try to push plication on me in any way; it was completely my choice.

    I've talked with Dr. Oldham about this particular complication after reading this topic, and he admits that is is a possible complication. However, he does not feel it is probable and feel very confident with continuing to do plication. He also admits that all surgeries have possible complications. He has not tried to push me into this at all and only wants me to proceed if I feel like it's the right thing to do.

    So, I'm going ahead on Monday. I feel like if I don't, I will always wonder "what if?" I feel confident that Dr. Oldham will monitor closely for possible complications and will take good care of me. I will let you all know how it goes.

    Take care,


  10. After speaking with bariatric surgeons around the country I have learned about several reports of perforation due to gastric necrosis in patients that had plication surgery. These patients have presented within the first few days of surgery and complained of severe abdominal pain. To my knowledge, there are no reports of this presenting beyond the first few days after surgery. What is unclear is why this occurs in some patients and not others. The issue appears to involve impaired blood circulation in the crowded stomach tissue that has been folded in on itself. The cardia portion of the stomach (the upper part) seems to be susceptible to this. Since plication is a new procedure, at this stage it is important to know about this as a potential complication. I will continue to post updates on this forum as we learn new information.

    Dr. Watkins, do you plan to continue to recommend the Plication procedure in light of this information? My Plication surgery is scheduled for 3/21 with Dr. John Oldham. This makes me very nervous about going through with it.


  11. My Dr!!! YAY! So glad to see someone using Dr Oldham!! I am still in the approval phase. How long after you did intake did they schedule your surgery? I am super excited and so ready!! I am waiting on my intake appt.

    I have heard a lot of people say WALK WALK WALK after surgery. This will help to pass the gas and CO2 and speed healing - but be easy in bending. I am excited for you!! Please keep us all updated.


    YAY!!!! So glad to find someone else with my doctor, too. My experience isn't totally typical. I had my first appointment at Dr. Oldham's on 2/15. I rushed my pre-op testing with my PCP and called and bugged Angela about scheduling me for my scope. I am self-pay, so I know that really helped move my surgery date alot faster than most. No waiting for insurance approval, which is nice. But it would certainly be nice for some insurance help, but it's a specific exclusion with my insurance policy. :(

    I met with Dr. Oldham today, and he told me that if he needed WLS, he would have the gastric plication. That was very reassuring to me. I will be the third person he has done this procedure on, which makes me kind of nervous, but I really feel comfortable with him and I've heard excellent things about him.

    Are you in Louisville, too? I know they go all over Kentucky.

    Thanks for responding! Let's keep in touch!


  12. I saw my surgeon today for my final consult before surgery. I have completed all of my pre-op testing, including an endoscopy.

    I have surgery Monday, 3/21/11 with Dr. John Oldham in Louisville KY. I am terrified and excited all at the same time. I can't believe it's happening so quickly.

    My biggest concern is that I am supposed to go on spring break with the fam on 3/31 to San Francisco, which will require a lengthy plane ride. Dr. Oldham said it should be okay as long as I get up and move frequently. I'm not sure I will even be up to traveling 10 days post-op, but we will see. I would like to go with my family, but if I don't, it won't be the end of the world. I guess I can give up one vacation for a lifetime of better health and improved quality.


  13. Hi, I just now saw this, so I missed sending you good wishes yesterday. I hope everything went well for you today. Can't wait to hear from you from "the other side." I had my intake today: pschological evaluation, nutrititionist consult, meeting with insurance coordinator, and history and physical with nurse practitioner. I'm excited for the next step, but not really looking foward to the upper GI, consciously sedated or not. But I suppose it will all be worth it in the end.


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