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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kris

  1. Kris

    StriVectin Neck Cream Review

    BeccaDawn, where do you buy your wraps? Do tell! And please let us know how well they work. Thanks!
  2. I eat a lot of beef Jerky -- pretty much I have some every day; it's my go-to snack or meal stand-in when I don't have time to grab something else. We are fortunate to live near a good butcher shop that makes their own fresh jerky, and that's our standard, but sometimes we can't make it to the butcher and then I need to find a substitute. Most commercially packaged jerky is just nasty (I've tried almost all brands), so when I was in costco over the weekend and saw a new Kirkland Signature Extra Thick Cut Steak Strips jerky package, I decided to try it. It's fabulous -- made with nice chunks of top round steak and seasonings. It's moist and chewy and delish. And the price is great too -- $8.99 for a 12 oz package, which is several dollars less than Jack's Links or other comparable brands, and way tastier. Nutrition info per one oz. serving: Calories: 60 Calories from fat: 5 Total fat: .5g (no saturated or trans fats) Cholesterol: 10mg Sodium: 330 mg (yep, it's kind of salty) Total Carbohydrate: 5g Protein: 9g
  3. Hi all, I saw this piece on yahoo! today and thought it was very interesting. Apparently sleeping on your left side helps reduce or eliminate nighttime acid reflux (as a right-side sleeper I guess I was never doing myself any favors!). Plus there's lots of other cool tips, like how to stop crying an an inopportune time, how to quickly get rid of brain freeze (I've had that a time or two sipping on Protein shakes made with ice), how to quickly stop hiccups, and a technique to reduce stress. If you try any of these and they work (or don't work) please let us know! http://health.yahoo.net/articles/healthcare/photos/human-bodys-talents
  4. Kris

    update on body image topics

    Oh ladies thank goodness for you! I have a goal to be at at 25- 26 BMI, and it will be a struggle to stay there (got very close briefly, then backslid a bit and now trying to get back). In my 20s I lost a lot of weight (70 lbs.) and got down to a 25 BMI (132 lbs) -- size 8P. I felt like I looked really good and was very healthy. I tried, but never could get below 130 lbs. So, when I had the surgery I set the goal to be at my lowest weight when I was in my 20s, even though it had me at the very top end of "normal BMI" range. I figured if I could just get back to that point -- some 20 years later -- I would be a great personal success. However, when I see so many sleevers setting goals (and many achieving them) of a BMI in the low 20s I wonder am I doing something wrong by setting a BMI goal that's higher than that? So when I see other sleevers set a target for a slightly higher BMI -- thank you, thank you! Makes me feel not so much like I'm doing something wrong! PLUS -- holy smokes girls your pictures are AMAZING!!!! You look fit and gorgeous!!!
  5. Well, good news is I lost 1.4 lbs. this week but man it was HARD -- I was like, "woot?! ONLY 1.4 lbs. after all that deprivation? It should have at least been 2 lbs!" I hate fighting hunger. I get hungry like clockwork every 3 hours, and even trying tips like drinking water or doing something to distract myself doesn't help much. I am so envious of sleevers who don't ever feel hungry ... that is so not me!
  6. Kick scootered to my haircut appt. today. Felt like a kid! Fun exercise!

  7. Kris

    Best way to tighten inner thighs !?!

    Try the kettlebell swing. Not only does it work the inner thighs, it works pretty much your entire body. When I stop using it for a few weeks and use it again, the next day I *always* feel it in my inner thighs and butt more than anywhere else. The higher weight you use, the more and faster you will tone. I have a 10, 15, and 20 lb kettlebell. The 10 lb kettlebell is what I do on my longer workouts; 15 is my standard for a good 30 minute workout (I alternate about 4 minutes or one fast song worth of kettlebell swing with 4 minutes of low impact aerobics). When I only have 15-20 minutes to work out, I use the 20 lb. kettlebell. After a few sets of 50 I am completely out of breath and every muscle in my body has been worked. Here's a link to an article about using the kettlebell to get fit and a video tutorial on how to do the kettlebell swing. http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/2011/01/08/kettlebell-swing/ Having said that, I have terrible, terrible granny thighs. Unless you are young and have elastic skin, NO exercise is going to tighten up loose skin.
  8. I agree, I really need to track my food, and I do track my food, but it can be really hard to pinpoint the calories -- and like you mentioned, oh so easy to forget to track the little bites here and there. I like to cook a lot, and many recipes do not have any nutritional information. For example, on Sunday I made a pot of Taco Soup. It's a great slow carb meal (lean ground beef, chili Beans, tomatoes, a can of kernel corn, and spices). However, trying to figure out the calories per serving is a colossal pain. I would basically have to find out the calories of each ingredient, tally them together, and divide by the number of servings. Seriously, I do not have time for that! So I guesstimate. If I guesstimate on the high end, all is well, but if I'm wrong then I just added 2-3 extra days of dieting to lose one lb. What I have cut out since getting back on track is all empty carbs (my weakness). No chips, crisps, crackers, pretzels, etc. I really developed a bad habit of eating baked Snacks and telling myself they're not so bad as fried ... NOT! They chew down to nothing, and it is truly astonishing and scary how many Trader Joe's baked O rings (snacky onion rings like Funyuns) one can consume without realizing. No Desserts, no chocolate, no candy. Really almost no sugar at all. No bread. I have had some Pasta but only a small amount (1/4 - 1/3 cup) to go with meat sauce (homemade, again hard to know the calorie count exactly) and I'm going to get rid of the pasta. Gosh I wish I had gotten serious about losing weight when the scale crept up 3 lbs. instead of 10. Now I have a couple months' slog to get back down to where I was ... and then a couple months beyond that to get to my ultimate goal.
  9. Kris


    OilSooner, in addition to the above good comments, I suggest you start tracking your food too and see if there are trigger foods that are causing your GI distress (look for patterns). I haven't had your symptoms, but I do find that my body really can't handle fats well. I always have to be careful eating anything fried or cooked in a lot of fat (i.e., shrimp scampi) because that sort of food really hurts in my sleeve (which is a good thing; keeps me from eating junk I shouldn't eat). Also, are you getting enough Fiber in your diet? Loose stools often means not enough fiber. I guess what I am suggesting it to pay attention to what you eat and see if you can find patterns/links, and make changes from there. BTW -- I'm also struggling with losing weight after some weight re-gain (and unfortunately I had never even gotten to goal before I started regaining). I also know I eat too much, too, especially when I see posts about what people are eating. I'm always shocked at how stringent most people are. Then again, that explains my lack of success! I keep my diet at 1,000 calories a day and find it to be very challenging most days to do that. Only eating 600 or 800 calories a day seems like an impossibly low amount, even considering my sleeve. I am sure I would lose weight faster being that strict, but holy moly I would be a hot mess too. I am not one of those lucky sleevers who has no hunger pains. I get hungry like clockwork every 3 hours or so. And while I definitely have some head hunger issues, it's not just head hunger -- it's real hunger pains. So, I find it a huge challenge to distribute 1,000 calories in a day where I'm having the physical need to eat every 3 hours or so (that's 4-5 meals in a typical day). Keep us posted on what you find out please!
  10. Kris

    Best Packaged Beef Jerky Evah!

    Hi, I guess I should have said the costco Steak Strips is the best mass-produced Jerky I've ever had. I agree, if you know how to make your own, or have access to a good butcher who makes their own fresh jerky, that's usually the best. It's been over a year since I started this thread, and still the Costco brand is my hands-down favorite. I go through a couple of bags of Costco Steak Strips a week (it's my primary snack, and a few times a week it's a meal replacement). The only downside with it is you really have to eat it all within 3 days of opening; it starts to degrade quickly once the package is opened. It needs to be refrigerated after opening, which I often forget to do, and if you go more than 3 days after opening w/o it being refrigerated, it gets very tough and loses its excellent flavor. But even with that, I find it to be a great value and super tasty.
  11. Survived V-Day calorie assaut at work! Skipped cupcakes, cookies, & candy galore. I was seriously tempted but didn't indulge. Chalk one up for willpower!

  12. Hi all, Gosh, I remember joining VST a bit over 2 years ago, when I was seriously thinking of having surgery. At the time I weighed over 230 lbs., which when you're a little 5'1" woman, is a lot of excess weight (100 lbs. to be exact). It's been an amazing 2 years since the wonderful Dr. Aceves performed my surgery and helped me get to a healthier and happier life. I'll be honest, I've made mistakes. A lot of mistakes. I wasn't very strict with myself during the honeymoon phase after surgery, and as a result I didn't lose as much weight as I could have. Before I hit goal I started eating a lot of crap I never should have eaten and started grazing again. I stopped regularly checking in here and didn't take advantage of much-needed support. In the past year I've actually gained over 10 lbs., and am now working hard to get back towards goal. On the bright side, I'm still nearly 80 lbs. lighter than I was before surgery, and virtually all of my pre-op health issues have been successfully resolved. Even though I've made mistakes, I'm focusing on the future and not the past. In a way, I feel like I'm starting all over again ... but this time the journey is going to be much shorter and easier! I have before & after posted up on my blog if you'd care to look: http://curvygirlwellness.blogspot.com/2013/02/some-before-after-pictures.html Best, Kris
  13. Kris

    StriVectin Neck Cream Review

    Hey chickies, I will definitely come back and give an update once jar #2 is done. I've toyed with the idea of taking a picture of my neck now and then after the second jar is done, but ewww...I get depressed at the thought. It's not a pretty sight. I TOTALLY need a breast lift, too. I actually had consults with 2 different plastic surgeons and they both were like, "Your breasts are LONG!" One seemed rather impressed with how far they sagged, and then went on to say it would be a challenging surgery to figure out how to get rid of all the extra skin and reposition the remaining tissue. I was hoping they'd both say, "No worries, we can give you porn star boobs no problemo," but instead they both said they could improve my appearance, but there is only so much they can do (basically, don't get my hopes up for a great result). I spent many, many, many hours online looking at pics of breast surgery before & after pics prior to my PS consults, and have to admit not seeing many "before" shots that looked as bad as mine. Sigh....
  14. Hi everyone, thank you for the encouragement. It means a lot! I think at some point everyone who gets the sleeve will go through a period like I just went through, where you get comfortable with your new size and start testing the boundaries of what you can eat and not gain weight. I admit, after losing 90 lbs., I was feeling pretty confident that I could eat ANYTHING I wanted and not gain weight. Hubris is the word -- unwarranted confidence. I was like a kid who gets the keys to dad's Beemer and takes it on a joyride, then gets busted. It was fun while it lasted, but now there's a price to pay. Now that i've been back on a diet for two weeks, I realize afresh that it is SO much easier to gain weight than to lose it, even with a sleeve. Once I get to goal (and I know I will), I will know that maintenance requires just as much vigilance as the weight loss phase.
  15. This is a weird tip but I've been using the Premier Protein Vanilla in lieu of milk when I have cereal. It's a bit thicker than milk, but the flavor goes OK with most cereals. It helps me get it down. I am SO not a fan of drinking it straight from the carton!
  16. Kris


    I didn't drink until I was at least a year out after surgery. Then, around the holidays I started having cocktails on a regular basis (several times a week), and I really wish I hadn't done that; I know they contributed to some weight regain. Alcohol is totally empty calories and was the first thing to go when I got serious about losing the extra weight I've gained. If you MUST drink, wait until you're at or near goal, and make it a special occasion splurge, or you will risk weight re-gain.
  17. Kris


    Don't be afraid ladies! Getting the sleeve was truly the best thing I ever did for my health. I successfully lost 90 lbs. in a year, which I never could have done without the sleeve, and all my stats (blood pressure, pulse, blood sugar, etc.) are normal now. Before surgery I had high blood pressure, was borderline diabetic, and had sleep apnea -- all were resolved within a few months after surgery. I am 2 years out and admittedly have had some weight re-regain, but only because I have been eating anything and everything, and am still dealing with some emotional eating issues. I am getting back on track now and the sleeve is a powerful tool to help me eat fewer calories and lose weight quickly. Trust me, you WILL lose weight with your sleeve ... lots of weight, and it will not be hard compared to traditional diets. By the end of this year, you will be much lighter and I guarantee you'll be glad you got the sleeve! Best to you in your weight loss journey!
  18. I bottomed out around 142 lbs. (90% to goal) in spring 2012 (about 15 months after surgery), but didn't sustain it long, and I ended up stabilizing in the mid 140s for several months. However, since the summer I've gotten very careless with what/how much I eat, and stopped participating in support groups. Now, a bit over 2 years out from surgery, I'm bouncing around between 153 and 155. Seriously, it is all too easy for me to eat at least 2,000 calories a day, which is several hundred above my maintenance caloric load (1,700 - 1,800). 300 extra calories a day X 30 days = 2.5 lb./month weight gain. I never thought of it that way, but it's just basic math. I learned how to eat around my sleeve, have been eating lots of crap, and am back to some nasty pre-surgery destructive eating behaviors. I feel scared, remorseful, and guilty. I must get some help with emotional eating issues, because clearly I haven't fully dealt with them. I started a "slow carb" diet last week and lost a bit over 1 lb., which was disappointing considering I really stuck to it. Then I realized I was still eating at least 1,200 calories a day on that diet. Time to get more serious and get below 1,000 calories a day, until I'm back on track, and once I'm back to the low 140s I must stay vigilant about what I eat. I'm going to take the positive view that this was a necessary (scary) wake up call for me to get back on track before things get further out of control.
  19. Hi Everyone, I'm back from my cruise to Mexico. It was nice, but unfortunately DH caught a stomach bug midway through the cruise and was really not feeling well for the last several days. I usually catch whatever he catches, but somehow escaped the stomach bug. In the days before he got sick we had a lot of fun. food was everywhere, and I certainly enjoyed it, but I know I was eating much less than pretty much everyone on the ship (based on what I observed was on peoples' plates in the Lido restaurant) and for the most part I ate a pretty healthy diet (I got in plenty of fruit and veggies along with Protein, but also indulged in dessert after lunch and dinner, and mid-afternoon snacks). When DH and I would share dinner each night, the steward always had this weird look on his face like he couldn't believe we would do that! I didn't see anyone else around us doing that so I guess it was a bit odd. I was also lightly active -- I exercised pretty much every day (but fun kinds of exercise -- walk/jog around the promenade deck, snorkeling in chilly Water, dancing, tai chi,etc. -- not as intense as the workouts I do at home) and I took the stairs a lot rather than wait for elevators, etc. When I got home the scale said I was within my normal 2 lb. "bounce" range and so I'm calling it even -- no weight gained or lost. The cruise director mentioned that on average people on a cruise gain 1 lb. for every day they are on the ship, so I feel very good about not having gained weight. It does make me go hmm, how did I not gain weight while having lots of indulgences and slacking off a bit on the regular vigorous exercising? Maybe if I stayed on ship a couple more days I would have gained weight ... who knows ... it does make me seriously wonder though if I've hit my new "set point" for my weight. The worst part of going on vacation is getting back into the swing of normal life! Whaddaya mean, I can't sleep until 7:30 every day, and have to do harder exercise, and people aren't cleaning my house and serving me fab meals I didn't have to cook??? LOL. Back to the regular grind ...
  20. Feedyoureye, This simulator is SO cool! Thank you for sharing! It makes me feel like I can really get to goal, as long as I keep my calories under control and keep exercising regularly. As Coops says, slow but steady wins the race!
  21. I saw this article and it kind of blew my mind! http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1914974-1,00.html I really didn't exercise the first several months after getting sleeved (at that time I was losing weight effortlessly each month, and my energy was still low because of the ultra-low calories I was consuming). When my weight loss started slowing down at about the 5-6 month mark, I started exercising about 3-4 days a week (mostly walking with a little jogging). I continued to lose weight, but at a slower pace. I also started eating more calories as my sleeve capacity grew. Starting around the 9 month mark, I started exercising much more vigorously, 5-6 days a week. In the past 2 months my weight loss has pretty much leveled out and I'm eating more than ever (at full sleeve capacity). Unfortunately, I am still about 12 lbs. overweight. The good thing (for me) about exercising frequently is I can definitely see some toning happening, which I really need considering all the loose skin I've got, and there's no question my cardio-vascular health is vastly improved. But now I am wondering if the exercising has been either non-helpful, or possibly harmful, to my weight loss, since I *do* eat more than I did before I started exercising. I really have to think about this! This article really flies in the face of conventional wisdom regarding the role of exercise and weight loss. I am not sure I want to cut back on the exercise but maybe I need to re-think how often/how hard I exercise and how much I'm eating.
  22. Hey Meg, great story about your conference! And yay for you for enjoying your food and not gaining weight! And yay for the flirtation and the compliments and having a good time! Globetrotter, I have got you beaten today. I caved to temptation at a b-day celebration and ate a small slice of chocolate cheesecake and later had five pieces of red licorice and did it because "everyone else was having some" ... so stupid! I am mad, mad, mad at myself. That brutal Jillian Michaels workout I did this morning isn't going to undo that damage. I know I didn't eat enough calories from the cheesecake and licorice to gain weight, but I sure didn't help myself be in a position to lose weight!
  23. Hi all, hope everyone had a good weekend! I did my official weekly weigh-in on Sunday and did not lose any weight (but did not gain either -- gotta look on the bright side!). I was good about eating up to the weekend, then slacked off on the weekend. I am like Jekyll & Hyde when it comes to virtuous weekday behavior and letting it all hang out on the weekends. I neither exercised or watched what I put in my mouth all weekend. I spent the entire day at home on Sunday, which is unusual for me. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen puttering around and making food for the week. I made a batch of homemade salsa (delish and a good way to sneak in lots of veg -- not too many tortilla chips eaten, but I have to buy some baked chips rather than fried). I made a batch of white chicken chili (also delish and I have enough leftovers so that I will be eating it for several days and probably be thoroughly sick of white chicken chili by Thursday, LOL), and made up a marinade for barbacoa beef (it's a spicy Mexican shredded beef recipe -- a great way to get in Protein with almost no fat in the marinade) ... the barbacoa is in my slow cooker today and will have it for dinner tonight. Yum! DH and I are going on a cruise down the west coast of Mexico next weekend -- yippy! I tried on a couple of bathing suits I got from costco on Sunday. They fit OK, but I look a whole lot better w/long sleeves & long pants than in a bathing suit! I know I am going to get weird looks about my granny legs. C'est la vie. At least I am not so shy about being semi-clothed as I was before surgery. I hope everyone has a good week! Coops, I am sending happy thoughts your way!
  24. Kris


    Hey there Ourobourous, is there any chance it could be your mattress causing the aches and pains? If it's over 5 years old (and especially if it's the same mattress you had before beingsleeved) it might be the culprit ... your body may be doing weird contortions in the night due to the mattress. Just a thought.
  25. Kris

    Major Strength Reduction...

    Hey Gman, remember your body just went through major trauma a few weeks ago, you just got through dealing with a cold/flu, and you are literally on a starvation-level diet right now. Each week you'll be able to do more/harder exercise. It took me several months to build up stamina after my surgery and I think that is pretty common. You are doing great!

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