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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BriarRose

  1. I am over 10 years post gastric sleeve. I waited for my *** to do the sleeve vs an RNY because of medication I need to take orally and was not recommended to have the RNY. Weight loss surgery was the BEST THING I have ever done for myself. I was in my mid 50s. 5'3 and 320 pounds when I started. I lost a few pounds before I went in to start !!! I am now 65 years old. I lost 145 pounds. Yes, I am still overweight - but I lost 145 pounds. I work full time, have the same career for 40 years. I am active, I garden and keep chickens for fresh eggs, grow organic fruit and veggies. I rake and hoe and walk and am more active NOW at 65 then I was at 40. NOT one regret at all. Also, I eat beef on occasion; when I want to. And I eat chocolate every darn day. Mind you - not a lot. I have learned the value of a really good piece of chocolate. No hershey bars here. But a lovely piece of dove chocolate ? YUM. I re-learned how to feed my body. Protein and fresh veggies and fresh fruits. Healthy fats, and keep my carbs down. Instead of a "rice bowl" think of it as a chicken and veggie bowl. I might sprinkle rice on top as a garnish !!! Move your mindset to "HEALTHY". I went from a 4x plus size to wearing a 14/16 petite. I am thrilled. My doctors are thrilled. Find the RIGHT support team. Start with supportive doctors. Best Wishes.
  2. BriarRose

    Stats for petite people! I’m 5’0 with BMI 40

    I started at 5'3 and 320 pounds over BMI of 58 - I didn't go in to get weighed until I lost 10 lbs on my own! After 10 years, I am now 65 years old and am about 5'2" lost over 140 pounds and weigh 172 to 175. My BMI is (adjusted for age) 31. I am still considered overweight/obese. But this is as low in weight as I seem to be able to maintain and be healthy - My doctors are pleased. I am active and healthy ! I know, for some, this may not seem like a "VICTORY" - and I have been criticized even HERE for not losing more weight. I am more than thrilled with my results. I am as excited about buying size 14/16 petite clothing as someone buying size 2 clothing. (Well, I think I am as thrilled !!) I have zero desire to have plastic surgery to remove the extra skin - I have had enough surgeries to not want any more. I am over the moon thrilled with keeping it off and with my results. DO YOU.
  3. BriarRose

    gaining weight?

    She needs a major medical check up - All her blood levels like vitamins, Thyroid including all the specific ones, diabetes checked, metabolic rates, heart, kidney and liver values looked at. Then she needs to also be writing down everything she puts in her mouth for a week or longer and every thing she does physically. Calories in and Calories burned. I lost 145 pounds started at 320. I gained 45 over about 6 years. Got back into healthy lifestyle and better choices and lost 47 pounds. Did that slowly over 15 months. Maintaining for the last 9 months. But know that I have to control carbs and make choices. Frankly mine are to have a chocolate treat every day. And I do. But I eat plenty of protein, cheese, fun salads, vegetables, fruits and very little complex carbs other than my chocolate treats ! But the pounds CAN sneak back on.
  4. BriarRose

    Lying about not getting surgery is awful

    There is sharing with people who "need to know" - and sharing with those you feel will be supportive - and there is telling everyone you know and people who don't even want to know... really.... it's just something for them to talk about. I look at it this way. I was married for almost 20 years. Both my (now) ex and I worked in the same field in the same town. In the mental health field. He came to me about 6 months after we separated and were almost divorced. He told me that "everyone" tells him that I say the same thing when people ask which was/is " He is a great________. If you have the opportunity to work with him, I would take it, but I just would not marry him if I were you." Truth. Conversation stopper every time. I have lost a lot of weight - something I did a few years after that divorce. I only told the "need to knows" - When people ask me how I lost weight, I tell them " Less food, healthier lifestyle choices and working closely with my doctors. " Truth. Also conversation stopper. Then I compliment something about them. "Love your hair, adorable shirt, beautiful earrings...." Done.
  5. BriarRose

    Too old for plastics?

    I am 65 years old. I started my journey at 55 years old. I weighed 320 when I started pre surgery weight loss. I have lost 145 and maintained a weight loss of 100 pounds, then a couple years ago I got back my mojo and relost the 45. I am still overweight. But I am HEALTHY. I move. I work full time. I eat healthfully and yes... I DO have skin hanging in places, and my belly could sure use it. But no more surgeries that are not medically necessary for me. Yes, a personal choice. And yes, if I had my arms done, I would probably lose 5 lbs off of each one !!! But no. I have had a few major surgeries in addition to my VSG and surgery is too hard on my body. And it is not covered by my health insurance. Absolutely not in the budget, now or ever. And I am kinda proud of the jiggling - reminds me how far I have come. To those who decide they want to, and understand that there are risks involved in every major surgery, can afford the expense, time off, have post op care options and have made an informed decision - great ! But not for this "senior".
  6. BriarRose

    Covid Vaccine

    I have had both moderna vaccines. I work as a social worker - and go in and out of people's homes. 1st vaccine my arm hurt after about 4 hours for about 2 days. Iced it. 2nd vaccine my arm hurt after about 4 hours. The next day about 24 hours after the vaccine I realized I was very cold. And didn't feel great. Was running 100.3 (f) took motrin, was working from home per plan, and laid down, took a 2 hour nap. Woke up feeling like I wanted more sleep. Drank apple juice. Ate crackers. Went back to sleep for another 2 hours. Woke up feeling better. That was it. Fever broke during nap #2. Arm hurt for about 3 days. But nothing more than a tetanus booster. I am 65 years old. And if they offer something for any of the variants coming out ... I will gladly take that too !!!
  7. BriarRose

    10 years out From Sleeve

    So, it is March.... and in a couple days I turn 65 years old. No retirement for me. Will still be working as a social work supervisor and hoping to touch a life in a positive way one kiddo, one family at a time. Still maintaining my weight - right at that 173 point. Maybe a pound or two up or down... but I will say this Eating my own cooking for a YEAR straight (thank you very much covid) I have learned this - even one meal out will put 3 pounds on me overnight from the salt content. Adult daughter and I ordered a family meal from Panda Express. It was pouring rain, and our power was out and we were tired and hungry. So we ordered it delivered. I got Chowmein and green bean chicken. Low calorie. Also ordered their "steamed veggies". Daughter got rice and two heavier calorie dishes.... I ate small portions of veggies, chicken and green beans and chow mien. Ate it again for lunch and dinner that night. I gained 5 pounds. HOW ? looked up sodium content. I use very little salt at home. I grow herbs and enjoy using fresh or dried herbs and lemon juice, vinegars, lime juice, a bit of olive oil .... freaked me out. And took a good week to come off of me. I would much rather indulge in chocolate or something FUN. Staying away from fast food for good. Got both vaccines in me - thank goodness. With my work, I am in and out of people's homes and the vaccine is another tool in the tool kit of health these days. Be safe out there !
  8. BriarRose


    Just wondering where you live that you can go these places ? Thrift shopping ? Our thrift stores are shuttered and have been for almost a year -
  9. BriarRose


    I love it when I can find petite clothing - and crops fit like regular length slacks !!!
  10. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately many years ago I was hospitalized because those artificial sweeteners caused me such a problem I developed colitis from the episode. This was some 40 years ago. Sorbitol is naturally occurring and present in apples and plums and concentrated in prunes and other dried fruits. IF it doesn't bother you, I can imagine those ingredients are great as they fill you up and don't add calories !
  11. I would not eat this - I have to be very very careful with artificial sweeteners. It has erythritol and sorbitol both which cause me to have the runs really really really badly. I cannot drink any of the weight loss shakes or meal replacers or these "diet bars" no zero calorie sweetened yogurt, no low cal/low sugar ice creams unless I read the ingerdients really carefully. Anyone with celiac disease of gluten intolerance also should be VERY careful with these.
  12. BriarRose

    Weight regain...I don't know where to start.

    I have found that the last couple weeks have been very stressful for me. And it showed on my scale. Nothing alarming, since I was aware that I was eating more and eating at odd times and felt more hungry. Between the take over of the Capitol and having extended family with Covid and them being in the hospital, and then losing one to Covid; and then as a healthcare community worker getting my first vaccination and yes, being worried, but relieved to start that process.... it was just so much. Inauguration night my adult daughter and I made strawberry margaritas (hey- with fresh strawberries and fresh lime) and I got back on track again. It was a good three weeks of anxiety that just did not go away. We are human. We react to situations in our lives. And we can recognize it, forgive ourselves and move on. Last night's dinner was fresh cauliflower rice, with chopped fresh carrots, brocolli, asparagus. I pre steamed those, sautéed shallots in a bit of olive oil then added all the chopped veggies, lemon pepper and some other herbs. A sprinkle of parm. cheese on top of my bowl of veggies and that was dinner. Steamed eggs this morning. Back on track.
  13. I just say “quite a bit”. Usually a conversation ender. If they are going to push it I will then compliment something on them “oh I love your ring /shoes/ bag. Get them to focus on themselves or something else. I lost weight to be healthy not to attract attention. Good friends know what I am doing/ have done. If someone asks with concern - as in are you alright you have lost so much weight - I smile and thank them for noticing and admire their ring/shoes....
  14. BriarRose

    Rant/Vent: Failure

    I know how "set" some of us can be on a specific number "goal" or "I am going to lose 50 pounds in X months." May I suggest that instead of looking at a number that seem impossible - and having a constant reminder of what you HAVE NOT done... that instead, pick a really logical goal or EVEN (horrors) a goal that WE KNOW we can attain. I was inspired by an acquaintance on facebook who said he goal for that year was to lose 20 pounds. I thought about it, for a couple months......and decided that I was tired of my weight gain and MY goal could be to stop gaining weight, and maybe lose 10 pounds in a year. Reversing habits that had snuck back over 8 years.... and heck....it started working. And instead of setting myself up for failure... I was; to myself; an amazing success !!! Maybe I COULD lose 20 in a year ! I had lost that and more by 7 months. I also knew what weight I COULD NOT maintain back when and how miserable I was trying to continually FIGHT and never win. So I set MY GOAL for 5 pounds over where I had managed to maintain for several years. NO, I won't be a size small or even a medium. But I started at 5'3 (now 5'2) and 320 pounds at age 53. I have lost 147 pounds. I am good with that. This may not apply to you. This may not be you. It is me. I managed to do this as a full time working 64 year old human with some auto immune disease - exercise is not something I can do much of. I practice meditational yoga, actively garden a few times a week. I take care of a small flock of a couple dozen chickens, so I rake and hoe and haul things around. I have a teenager who comes and hauls 40 pound bags for me on the weekends. But I am active even in times of Covid, grow some of my own vegetables and fruit and salad greens .... life is good. Find your Good.
  15. BriarRose

    Rant/Vent: Failure

    AWWWW Jaelzion - Thank you for keeping me in your heart !!! Yes, I am still around ! More than 10 years later you CAN take some control back. If Depression is a problem, talk to your doctor - even your regular doc and ask about a referral for therapy or for some medication - antidepressants are a wonderful help - and although they take 6 to 8 weeks to kick in well, they can really help you to lift yourself out of a chemical imbalance that causes us to have depression. (yeah, I am a therapist/social worker too !!) But do not allow yourself to be depressed about YOURSELF. Take one thing. Just one thing and turn it positive. Mine was "no more fried potato food" I stopped eating french fries and potato chips. Then I added more healthy foods back to my diet. I remembered how much I really liked eating healthier .... and I added more and substituting a healthy choice for a not so healthy one is a VICTORY EVERY DAY. And not eating out ? I forgot how much added salt is in things. THAT took weight off me too. No, it isn't easy. But I did it. I have kept those 45 pounds off since October 2020 and here it is January 2021 and .... I have lost another 2 pounds. I know, not alot. But I had told myself that at 45 pounds I was stopping and going to maintain my weight. Maybe lose 5 pounds in the next year. Maybe not. And look at that. 4 months and down 2 more pounds ! YES AND WHOOPPEE for meeee !!!! Celebrate your victories like crazy ! I will be 65 years old this year - actually in a couple months... and I will weigh what I did in graduate school when I was .... 25 ! I am not thin. I won't ever be thin. I am "overweight" for my height and age. And you know what ? I am okay with that. Because I WAS SUPER MORBIDLY OBESE. I weighed over 300 pounds. I now weigh 173. My BMI WAS 58 - it is now 31. And IF i were to have the extra skin removed ? I would probably lose another 10 pounds easily. But I don't need to do that. Or want to. I'm good. Figure out where you can be "good" with yourself. Then start on the road. YOU CAN DO THIS.
  16. BriarRose

    10 years out From Sleeve

    January. 2021. Whoever thought we would still be doing COVID almost a year later ? So tired of this. Maintaining my weight between 172 and 173. Not concentrating on weight loss at all, mostly concentrating on staying heathy. Covid is rampant here. Doing as many of my own ranch and household repairs and things on my own... miss having my handyman able to come a few times a year. But the chickens are doing ok, vegetable garden planted and harvesting and replanting.... working too many hours, but that is the nature of social work and therapy today. Happily wearing my size 16 petite clothing. Jeans a bit big in places, but NOT buying anything until I can actually try things on again !
  17. BriarRose

    Weight regain...I don't know where to start.

    I am 10 years out from a sleeve. Sleeved at about 300 lbs. Started at 320. 5'3" and I was 54 years old. I lost total of 150 pounds to 170. Then life happened. Lost my mom, then my younger brother then my dad.... and divorced and single parenting and moving and working and well.... I gained back to 220. About a year and a half ago I decided I needed to make changes. Small ones. and little by little I got control back. I didn't do a major diet, I didn't do a fast or liquids only. I just started eliminating one lousy food and then another... and replacing one bad habit with a good and positive one. No cheap chocolate. Only good expensive chocolate. And one or two pieces is enough when it is really good chocolate. No potato chips. Air pop popcorn. Salads. Fruit. Veggies. Protein. More water. I have never been a soda drinker so that was not it for me. Just rebuilding good habits. I lost 45 pounds in 14 months. Not fast. But steady. And I took breaks to see what it would take to maintain that weight. Since September when I got back to 175 I have lost another 2 pounds. I will be 65 in two months. I know I will never be THIN. I don't need to be. But I am stronger, healthier, happier and maintaining my weight at a level that I can for the rest of my lifetime. Eating well. Moving more. You can do this. Figure out what will work for you. Then do it.
  18. I have also said "I am eating more healthfully" "I am eating less" "I am eating intentionally" All the truth. I lost the original 100 pounds 10 years ago with my sleeve, and this past year, I lost another 45. Every word of the above is the truth. No one needs to know what you consider private.
  19. If you had not had surgery and started this journey - you would not have lost 21 pounds in two months - so heck yes ! You are doing great. Cheer yourself every ounce you lose !!!!
  20. I have the same basic response - I say thank you for noticing - very sincerely - and maybe compliment something the person is wearing - oh and I love your bracelets they go perfectly with your shirt . I have one friend I can tell / talk with about weight - or I come here !
  21. BriarRose

    Too old for plastics?

    Uh I did. 28 years ago. well, I was 37. almost 65 now. In better shape and weigh less !!!
  22. Please check with the doc that prescribed the medication. Also, antidepressants/antanxiety meds take about 6 weeks to regulate your brain. A low dose SSRI should not make you feel so out of it. Hopefully they started you on a very low dose and work your way up rather than a higher dose and move down.....
  23. BriarRose

    update on 10 years out regain, and weight loss

    Thank you ! I am maintaining my weight loss now - my "goal" is to keep my weight at or under that 175 GOAL. I have been doing that comfortably now, for the last few months, and am feeling really good about it. Putting me first in just one part of my life has shown me the pay off... just in putting my needs first on the marketing list for a change. I appreciate your support ! And keep up your great work on YOU too !
  24. I posted a while ago about my weight loss, and regain and taking control again. Started at 320 or there abouts 5'2" and 54 years old 10 years ago. VSG. Lost weight and got to 180 pounds. Over 8 years I regained to 220. Started slow weight loss / getting back into control in mid July this past year. I have now lost 30 pounds. Back to 190. I started my weight loss with a BMI over 54 in the 300's. I am still considered obese at 190 and a BMI just under 34; but darn it, I am so flipping proud of myself. Yes, I am 64 years old. No, I can't really exercise ... but I do some short walks and I garden and vegetable garden, take care of my chickens. I had to get a local teen to help me lift 40 pound bags of feed this year; but I can still haul the 25 lb bags.... and I continue to work full time in my career. Life is good. In my weight loss journey this time out, I stopped at 20 pounds lost and took a break. I experimented with adding in more foods, and balancing out what I needed to do to maintain that 20 pound loss, and did that for a month, then decided to lose some more. I think that i never really paid all that much attention to how much, what kinds of foods how I Prepare them.... and exactly how my body reacts to it. I use very little salt at home. When I eat out, I gain weight from the added salt. Yes, it is water weight from the salt; but being on lock down at home and working from home, with no lunches out for meetings.... going to have to find places to lunch that cut the sodium out !!! Going to continue what I am doing. Taking breaks, slow weight loss and maybe make it down to overweight, or not.... but will be pleased to keep that 30 # off !!! Still using my VSG. 10 years later.
  25. I had surgery at 54 years old. I was kept for two nights at hospital -anesthesia and I do not do well together. Once I could hold down sips of water it got better. I had drains until day 3. Once those were out, I could move better. I sipped warm tea mostly for 5 days. It took me a couple weeks to be able to walk more than down the driveway and back. But once I got past actual surgical issues, I did really well. I am sure you will too. If you are not sure, contact your doctor and discuss. Best of luck !

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