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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by VIV121

  1. Hiya all,

    sorry i havent been around for a while, been really busy, but i thought i would let you know how things are going for me,

    i am just over 7weeks out now, and its been really great, had a stall for a couple of weeks which was frustrating but it seems to be a normal thing that happens about that time, i went to see my surgeon yesterday for my first check up and she was really pleased with me, and after i spoke to her i was really pleased too, i have lost a grand total of 29 pounds (2.1 stones) Yippee!!!! so pleased with myself, for a while i thought i was not going to lose anything but i am on the right track, i have gone down from a size 34 uk sizes, to a 22,

    i am amazed and really looking forward to the future. anyway i hope that you are all having the same kind of success as me but if things are difficult right now please Don't give up ok, take it day by day and look after yourselves

    viv XX

  2. Hi Helen, my name is Viv,

    i had my op on the 1st of feb, i'm in south wales, i agree there is not a lot of info in the UK, sorry to hear you are having pain, i was lucky the only real pain i had was from the gas which lasted about 2 days, in fact i was up and walking about within 3 or 4 hours of the op, so i was really lucky, i am eating solids now, but i feel as though i am still eating too much??? i've read on here that in the first month that people have lost huge amounts of weight but for me it is really slow going, i have to return to the hospital in 2 weeks, so hopefully i will find out if there is a problem, apart from that i feel really great, i am increasing my exercise now, so hopefully that will help.anyway i hope that you are doing ok and feeling good about yourself, i haven't found any support groups where i live but this site has been great, the information and support here has really helped me get through some tough time, i was cancelled 3 times before i finally got the op and i got really fed up, but the girls/guys were really supportive.

    anyway all the best


  3. Hi all,

    Thank god, i thought i was the only one this was happening to!! i haven't gained but i wasnt losing either, i am nearly 3 weeks out now and i for 5 days nothing was happening, i was begining to think why on earth did i go through all that for this, ha today i have lost another 2 pounds hopefully back on track now, i was worried at firstbecause i wasn't feeling much restriction and could get in plenty of liquids this didn't seem normal from what i read on the board but it seems to be settling down now, and now i can feel the restiction.


  4. Hi all,

    i am 11 days out and a little confused right now, i've lost about 10lbs and thought this is great, slow and steady right, well now i am on the soft foods and have stopped losing, is this normal?? im not feeling a lot of restriction but i am certainly not eating anything like i used to before i was sleeved, is this a stall do you think or should i be getting worried, after going through the surgery and if this is a stall it just seems to too soon, anyway any advice would be great.

    many thanks


  5. hi all, many thanks for your well wishes, great to here from you all, i had to stay in for 5 days because of my diabetes, there was no real complications, just needed to regulate my blood sugars, took a while, that was all, but here in the UK they are very careful about not letting you home too soon, they want to be sure you can manage when you get home

  6. Hiya guys, well i am sleeved at last, HOORAY!!!:D

    I am really pleased, everything went well, many thanks to those of you that reccomended that you need to walk after the surgery, that piece of advice was the best advice ever, i had little pain from the surgery itself but the gas pain was horrendes, didn't realise just how bad that could be, anyway spent 5 days in the hospital, came home last night have lost about 11 pounds so far, now it sip, sip, walk, walk, and take some time for me,

    thanks for all the support talk to you all soon


  7. :D Hi all, how's everyone doing, hope u a are all ok, well i started the yoghurt diet again,(4th time) on my second day, not gone too well, but this time i am eating better, although fed up with yoghurt already, plus i have a few carrot sticks to chew on which another surgeon said would be ok, just avoid all fats, anyway, i'm being sleeved on 1st of feb, i hope, after 3 cancellations i am a bit cautious about that date, but i am trying to stay positive and i am praying it will go right for me this time, bag is already packed, got a few things in there from the advice you all gave, like wipes, chap stick, something for gas, which i have to say is pretty hard to find here in the UK, been trying to find some Protein samples here in the UK as well, but not having too much, anyway i will let you guys know what happens


  8. Hi all :(

    just got a call to say the surgery has been cancelled yet again, 3rd time now, getting really fed up now, i feel as if it is never going to happen, been and bought all the stuff, had to start yoghurt diet yesterday, but now that it is cancelled i'll be eating yoghurt for the next month, so fed up with that, i can tell you, anyway just thought i would give you an up date, new date for surgery is the 31st, but too be honest i'm not getting my hopes up, i shall have to wait and see, i'm not going to give up on myself, but it is getting harder to stay positive, anyway hope you are all well.


  9. hi, i had a lump under my skin when i went in for gallbladder surgery this year, it was right under my left scar, wasn't painful, but kept getting bigger, then suddenly it burst out, turned out to be an infection, i would check it out with your doctor as i was sooooo scared when this happened that i thought that something had gone wrong inside, hoping this doesn't happen when i get sleeved in january

  10. Hi Brownbear, just wanted to say that you are not taking a shortcut at all, you've tried all the so called real diets and what happens, you lose then regain the weight plus more, i've been there myself, you certainly are not a coward for going for the surgery and don't let anyone tell you any different, this surgery will be the best thing, at least that is how i look at it, i'm having my sleeve on the 11th jan, yes i am a little scared but with the health issues i have i know having the surgery will drastically improve my health, you will find some great support on this site, the people on here are really great, so just to let you know that you are not alone, be strong and do this for yourself ok, you deserve it.

  11. Hi Angela, so sorry to hear about the cancellation, i know what you are feeling like, do yourself a favour and rant and rave for a few days, get it out of your system then phone the hospital and get them to give you a new date ASAP, i just got my new date, which is now 11th jan, if your new date is in the new year, then enjoy Xmas, and get back on the ride after that, believe me i know it is hard to cope with the decision, but i am on my 3rd date now and still waiting, we will get there, i truely believe that, take care, Viv xx

  12. Hi all, sorry been a while, but been bit busy with xmas coming up, anyway New date is no 11th January, HOOORAY!! just got the call today and back to being excited again, trying to stay calm but hey 3rd time lucky, i hope!! anyway just wanted to drop in and thank everyone for their support during my "crisis" a couple of weeks ago, you guys were really great, many thanks ton all of you, wish everyone who is due to have surgery in the next few weeks the best of luck and that i hope to be joing you all soon, viv

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