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Posts posted by Paula78

  1. Thanks for the compliment. I do feel like I ROCK...but this too will pass. :)

    As for fills and restriction, I'm empty. I have restriction, in that if I eat too quickly I BP. But I can eat a big quanitity of food...I see my doctor tomorrow to talk about that. I keep my calories about 1400-1600, and I burn quite a bit, so I feel pretty okay with that. However, I'm fearfull that I might be doing damage to my pouch because of the quaintity...

    anyone have any thoughts about what I should do?

    I'm all about getting fills so I would defiantly get one if your Dr gives you the OK. It sounds like you could use one. I'm impressed that you haven't had one yet, and you have still lost so much weight! As for damaging the pouch I'm not sure about that. I've heard ppl mention it on here from time to time. But I've never actually talked to my Dr about it. You know like, How it can happen, what kinds of things will make it happen. or if it can happen easily etc... Probably something I would talk to my Dr about though just to get his educated opinion!

  2. Hello my fellow March 07 bandsters! I just want to start by saying you all rock. It seems like everyone is doing so well. I think its really cool to have others who are at the same stage I am to share stories with!

    I am still new to this thread so forgive me if its already been asked, but I'd like to know a few things:

    1. What date where you banded?

    2. How many fills have you had/how much do you currently have in it?

    3. What size of band?

    4. Do you feel any restrictions?

    I know that some of you have the info in your signature but not everone does and I think its cool to see it.

    I'll start by going first~

    ~ Banded 3-6-07

    ~ 4 fills im at 2.25

    ~ 4cc band

    ~ I still do not feel any real restrictions

  3. No lilnena, you are not the only one struggling! I fell off the wagon two weeks ago (I'm back on though). I think what really set off my bad spell is my stupid period! One piece of chocolate turns into the whole package...and before I know Ive dug myself into a 2 week binge. OK so binge isn't the right word but lets just say its been 2 weeks of over eating unhealthy foods. But its the start of a new week so here we go! we can do it!. I really need to start doing eggs for Breakfast again. I really need to be getting more Protein all around. That seemed to work well for me. Its just kinda hard because money is tight right now and I cant always buy boneless chicken breast all the time. I'm always up for new cheap suggestions.

  4. Paula I also have not lost much either around 30 lbs and I was banded march 20th. I have 2 cc in my 4cc band and still can eat way to much. I don't excerise as much as I should. I get my fourth fill next week on the 16th so I'm hoping for more restriction. I keep waiting for it to happen like I read, but I have only a small amount of restriction. I worry that I will stretch out my pouch while I'm waiting for more restriction. How much can you eat at a time right now. I worry that may I have a leak or something like that. I just wanted you not to feel alone in this process I think there is more of us out there going slow. We just don't speak up as much, because we feel if we do we will be seen as a failure. We are winner we have lost and we have not gained, so we are winner and it may just take us longer. I know that I feel like I want it gone now, not next week or next year, just now. It took a long time to get to where I am and it may take a little long to get it off, but I know we can do it. Good luck this week and keep us informed on how you're doing.



    I think I may have talked to you before, but I cant remember. Its been a while since Ive been in here. I was banded by Dr nigro also in overland park. Where do you have your fills done. Mine are done in Wichita. I just had my 4th fill and I'm at 2.25 in a 4 bander. I begged them to give me a .50 fill instead of a .25 and surprisingly they did! I truly feel that I may be getting close. I do notice some foods taking a little longer to go down if I don't chew well enough so I look at that as a good thing.

    Thank you so much for you words of encouragement. I will be coming in here much more! Feel free to send me a PM anytime too.

  5. I biked 60, SIXTY, six-zero, miles between Friday and today!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, that's right. I rode that bike.

    I'm having a great time and doing things I never thought I'd do. Being banded is one of the best decisions I've made, ever.

    Woo Hoo!

    Okay, I just woke up from the very NEEDED nap...:wof:

    Oh Julie,

    You rock. You are doing awesome! Im sure youve already said but Im going to ask again. How much do you have in your band and are you feeling restrictions. Rock on with your bad self!!! :rockon:

  6. Hi to all! I would like to say this is my first time in this thread, but Im so glad I'm here. Its a blessing to have the support of all of you. I have to admit it has been a while since Ive been to LB talk. Mostly because I have felt too guilty to come in here, LOL! I haven't been doing as well as I should. Ive lost about 40 pounds, but most of that was lost in the first two months. I have been fighting off hunger like crazy, and my will power is slipping away! I had my 4th fill the end of June and still have not felt much. I'm currently at 2.25 in a 4cc band, I think.

    I do put most of the blame on myself though~I haven't been exercising nearly as much as I should be. And I know that my eating habits are not nearly as good as they were the first few months either. But thats why I'm back, to get the motivation I need from all of you wonderful bandsters!!! So let the motivation begin......

  7. OK i need some help. A while back I had seen someone talking about a pill they were taking to help control their type 2 diabetes. It was also suppose to be a weight loss "helper" I think? Anyway what is the name of it?

    Heres the reason I am wondering now. I have been type 1 diabetic since I was 12, I'm 29 years old now. Taking 4 shots a day! Well my doctor (Ive been seeing her for 2 years) decided to double check that I was indeed type 1. Well the results came back Friday and they show that I am actually type two!!! I am still in shock. I feel like Ive been living a lie for the past 17 years! How could no one have not figured this out before? I have so many questions. I go back to see her next week to decide what we will do from here. But i was curious to know what the name of that pill was so that I can do more research and maybe mention it to her while I'm there.

    Id be interested to hear anyone's opinion on this matter. I wasn't always over weight. In fact when i was diagnosed I was probably average weight.

  8. Wendell from another board refers to this as band farts. :)

    Thats funny!

    I started noticing it about a week after my second fill. Its almost as if it wants to be a hiccup and than I make a weird hicuppy sound and than a low sounding burp comes out. Does that sound like what you guys are experiencing? It was kinda funny at first but now its just annoying. It feels like you have to let it out or you cant hardly talk until you do.

  9. For those of you who have been banded for a while.... Was there an approx month (1-3 months, 3-6 months, 6 months etc...) when you felt you were really starting to lose weight. I've heard ppl say that its easiest to lose between the 6-12 month mark?? Just wondering. I do realize that everyone is going to lose a little differently but I just wondering if there was an average.

  10. Yeah I love the songs on the Shrek soundtracks so much that I bought the CD's! I also like it when they keep kids movies short. (unlike Pirates of the Caribbean!) I love the movies, but three hours, plus the fact that we showed up early to get good seats, was a bit long! Even for me!

  11. Did anyone go see SHREK THE THIRD this weekend? My daughter went with her father. Which is fine with me, because I am going to take her to see Pirates next week, MMMMMMMMMMMM :eyebrows: Johnny Depp...............break me off a piece of that, oh sorry was that out loud...hee hee hee!

  12. Ok I had seen someone ask what your favorite song is. Well I'd like to know what are your favorite songs to work out to. You know, the kind that get you movin:dance: and groovin:dance:. I am going to download them to my MP3 player so that I have some good songs to workout to! Dont be shy bring on the suggestions!!!

    P.S. No one will make fun of your song choice ....even if you say the Spice girls.. well maybe we will just a little!.... LOL

  13. I too am a sweets addict, and a type 1 diabetic, not a good combo. However what I have done since the surgery is simply eliminate sweets from the house entirely. I have replaced them with more fruits. This has really helped. If i get that sweet craving i reach for a banana instead. I also like the Smart Pop kettle corn 100 calorie bags. That hits the spot too. As for the rest of my family members, well they can bennefit from the no sweets rule too! (I know Im such a mean mom!) We still go out for ice cream once in a while but its better to have a single serving than a whole gallon. Also to avoid temptation at the store make sure your not hungry when you go and try to avoid the sweets isle.

  14. Lauraj- Did you stay overnight in the hospital? I didnt. They kicked me out as soon as I woke up, just about! That may have been the worse part about it, becaues I was still so groggy, and coming down from the pain meds. It was not fun. We stayed at a hotel in overland park Kansas. I didnt sleep much at all that night. I couldnt get comfortable. I dozed sitting up! Part of the problem was that when i did get my meds my DH misread the label and was only giving me half the dosage. NIce.

  15. Oh yeah one other thing. The fills are a breeze at least for me they seem to be. My nurse numbs me up first. And I never feel it or the fill needle. I'm diabetic and I take four shots a day though, so that probably helps. The actual procedure takes about 5 mins!

  16. I personally felt pretty crapy the first few days. Very weak! And sore. My advice is to make sure your taking your pain meds on schedulle. They do help. Make sure you try and get plenty of rest before surgery too. I had the worst day the day before surgery very stressfull, needless to say I didnt get to bed till around midnight and we had to be up by 430 to get there on time. I didnt think it would be a big deal, I'd be sleeping all day right? Wrong, I think it was harder on me because I WAS so exhauseted it took me longer to come around after surgery! But I managed. O yeah my throat hurt for a day or two after surgery, but chloroseptic spray helped alot!

  17. Im so excited for you all! I cant wait till im there again! It hasnt been that long that Ive been in the two's (about two years) so I still remember how it feels. Sometimes I stand on my scale with just one foot so that it will give the coveted 140 pound reading that I long to see! My DH laughed when I told him I did that.

    Congrats again! I hope to be there soon!

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