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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Paula78

  1. Paula78


    It comes as a pill not a capsule so you can't empty the contents. You can break it in half. As some ppl have mentioned.
  2. Paula78


    I am taking it right now and yes it works wonders! But i still have mixed emothions about the drug. HOnestley if I were you I wouldnt take it espically if you've had issues with addictions in the past. Most doctors (depending on the state) will not prescribe it for more than 3 months. Which is good. Just be very careful. In my opinion it can be an addictive drug. YOu WILL lose weight taking it but that can suck you in to wanting more! Let me know what you decide and how its going.
  3. Paula78

    I have sleep apnea! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    Ok so you had an irregular heart beat because of the sleep Apnea? Im asking because my husband is finally going on monday for an assesment. (I already know he has it). But i was thinking that the dr told him he had a slight irregular heart beat when he was at the dr. Has that gone away now that your being treated for the apnea? Can you tell me what the CPAP is and what it does. Im just as excited for him as he is. I hope this can really change our life. Can you tell me if this sounds typical and if so do your syptoms improve afterwards: He falls asleep very easily sitting up on the couch, recliner, toilet. Yet he is very restless at night and snores so loud I have a hard time sleeping. He also gasps for air where it sounds like hes choking. He also has acid reflux, can that be caused by it or is that something unrealated to the apnea. He is overweight and Ive tried to convince him to have the surgery but he wont. Hes scared of going under the knife as he says. Please any and all info is greatly appreciated. Thanks Paula
  4. Paula78

    Kind of Disgusting - - Sorry

    Thank you! Im really trying. I have to admit I have my days sometimes weeks. Usually right before my period starts I lose my will power! However when Im doing what Im suppose to heres what my daily meals are like. 2 Eggs in the morning, here lately Ive been doing toast with a dab of peanut butter on it. (Bread still doesnt bother me.) A healthy choice meal for lunch. Usually a banana for a snack. And than supper depends. Sometimes I eat what everyone else does. Sometimes Ill have grilled chicken with vegies or something. Mostly I just really watch my portions at dinner though if Im going to eat what everyone else does. Sometimes I'll have popcorn (smart pop, kettle corn) for a snack. I get the 100 calorie bags and that really does satisfy me. Most importantly though is that ive become active again. Before I put on my weight I use to walk alot. But than when i started gaining it hurt my back just to walk a block. Now Im happy to say that Im back to walking again I try to go every other day for at least a mile or two. My advice for walking Is ( if you have to do by yourself--which I do when my daughters at school) to get a MP3 player or something so that you can listen to tunes as you walk. It makes the biggest difference! The miles fly by...lol! HOpe this helps, sorry I know you werent expecting a book! Let me know if you have any other questions. When were you banded?
  5. Paula78

    Kind of Disgusting - - Sorry

    I was getting really constipatied there for a while. And what was coming out was small and round, and green (ewww, sorry for the visual). I couldnt figure out what was wrong. I was getting fiber and and lots of water. I finally discoverd it was the flinstones complete chewables.The iron in them can cause constipation and green stools. Once i cut those out my BM's have gotten better. Also bananas seem to help too!
  6. Paula78

    Help Finding Cute Clothes...

    Fashion Bug online is good. They are always having sales so they are reasonable. I would be carefull about purchasing clothes online though since the sizes always do seem to vary, but I suppose you could return them if they didnt fit right! I hate it though I always see cute things in the ads (bermuda shorts) and than i try them on and they look like S#$T on me! Good luck!
  7. Paula78

    Time to wait

    Hang in there! I know it sucks! I started the process in December and it took untill March before I had my surgery. But its worth it! Try to keep yourself busy it helps pass the time!
  8. Paula78

    American Idol 2007

    I dont think it has anything to do with being "youner" or "cute"! Look at Taylor Hicks, he was 28 when he won. They are all talented but Melinda's personality was nothing compared to Blake or Jordins!
  9. Paula78

    American Idol 2007

    :clap2:I am sooooo happy! Im glad Melinda got the boot! This almost makes up for Chris Daughtry getting kicked off last year, almost! Rock on Jordin and Blake. I'll be happy whoever wins now!
  10. So I am on my second fill, and I am begining to think that this surgery was for nothing. All the weight I have lost has not been because of the band. I have done it all on my own. I start getting worried "what if I never reach the "sweet spot"?" is that possible? Dont get me wrong I have lost weight but come on i ve done it all by myself. If i had to pay for this on my own I d be really pissed right now! Someone please tell me.Am i worring for nothing? I hope so. Does the growling stomach ever go away?
  11. Paula78

    American Idol 2007

  12. Paula78

    American Idol 2007

    Youre right Melinda rocked. She always does, but omg shes so boreing. Jordin though is still my fav! I just hope that the rest of america agrees with me, because she didnt do as well as I would have liked her to have. The thing is it doesnt really matter who wins, you know they'll all have an album out soon.
  13. Paula78

    hunger pains?

    You proabably are hungry! I have been banded since 3-06-07 and I still deal with hunger pains. I go in for my third fill on the 29th. I hope that will do the trick but Im not holding my breath. As far as getting your 64 oz in it may be hard the first week to do that. In my opinion just do the best you can. Within a week you should have no problem getting it in. I remember I felt really thirsty but it took me forever just to drink a 20oz bottle of water those first few days. Just keep your head up! You'll do great! My best bit of advice is to always look forward and dont kick yourself too much if you fall off the wagon! Just get right back on. (dont wait till tomorrow to get back on either!)
  14. Paula78

    American Idol 2007

    As much as I hate to say it I do think he'll be the one to go home tonight. I believe it will be Jordin and Melinda for the final two. And I hope like hell that Jordin wins it.
  15. Paula78

    Breast lumps and ripples

    Boo you will be in our thoughts and prayers. :pray:
  16. Paula78

    American Idol 2007

    Ok so what is up with Barry Gibbs voice last night? He sounded like ass! Anyway I think the right person was picked to go home! Now it gets tough, because although Melinda is damn good she lacks personality. Every song she ever sings Ive never heard of. Anyway I would love for it to be Jordin! Blake would be ok too. Jordin is so young that she could have a great career. She could change it up enough to make her liked by alot of genere's. I dont think Melinda would do that!
  17. Paula78

    Wedding advice please help!!!!!

    Ok I have a problem. I would welcome any and all feedback. Here's the situation. My brother is about to get married. Great, right? Well Im not so sure. Heres the thing he is marring my ex best friend. We had been friends before him and her ever hooked up. (for about 5 years). Well back in October we had a fall out over her wedding. She is a very demanding person and within in a matter of a month she decided she was wanting to get married in july of the following year (her 2nd marriage) and have a med sized wedding. Well the thing is she expcected everyone to jump at her every demand. She wanted me to get my brides maid dress bought right away. She didnt care where I got it as long as it was yellow (yuck). So right away i was getting pissed off. To me why does it matter if I get it now or wait untill the first of the year when I had more money (heaven knows she wasnt going to pay for it) and maybe had lost weight. I hadnt been banded yet but was trying to lose weight. Well since she thought that I was not wanting to "jump" right away and buy my dress than she assumed that I didnt care about the wedding and that I must not want to be in it! So it was decieded that I wouldnt be in it. In most ways I was glad. I was dreading having to get a dress looking as bad as I did back in october. Talk about a blow to the self esteem! BUt in some ways i was sad this IS my only brother that shes marrying and I did want to be apart of his wedding. Anyway that was back in october and we have not said much to each other since. So now I received and invitation to her shower which is tomorrow, but I really dont want to go. Its mostly her friends from work. IM not sure if anyone in my family was invited or if theyre going. Im going to feel very awkard considering we havent talked in over 6 months. Not to mention its hosted by her new BFF who I was replaced with. UGGGGHHH I dont know what to do. I REALLY DONT WANT TO GO, but I dont want to be a bitch either. HELPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!
  18. OK everyone I need your help. I have fallen off the wagon this weekend!:Cry: I just havent cared about being good since friday. I havent hit my sweet spot and I am still able to eat like I use to so I took advantage of it this weekend! I ate lucky charms for breakfast a couple of big bowls! I drank with my meals! I need someone to kick my ass and help me get back on track. Luckily i go in for my second fill on Weds! One thing Ive noticed is that I avoided this site because I felt to guilty to read everyones posts!:cry Please Help!!!! you all are my greatest support team and I need it now!!
  19. Paula78

    Wedding advice please help!!!!!

    Thank you all for your advice. I did go! I actually rode over there with my cousin. So that helped! As for the party I did feel like an outsider. I felt kinda sad actually. Maybe even jealous. I didnt realize that I missed my friend untill I was there. But she acted as ifnothing had ever happened i think she has forgotten that we were ever best friends! She seems to have moved on. Up untill this weekend I didnt care. Untill she mentioned that her last name would be changing to my last name. Then it all hit me. We were best friends for so long. This is what you dream about when your little for you best friend to become your sister and now look at what it is......:cry
  20. Paula78

    Hungry After 1st Fill

    Yeah what I don't like about my dr is that I have to wait a month between each fill. That can seem like an eternity when you're hungry..lol!
  21. Paula78

    Hungry After 1st Fill

    I feel the same way Tnix. I just had my first fill on the 12th of april. I go in for my next fill on the 9th of May. I try not to get myself worked up but I keep worrying that its going to take too damn long to get there. I just dont want to ruin the hard work I've done so far (-37 pounds). As much as I've yo-yo'd over the years I know that gaining the weight back is a scary posibilty. I also worry that i'll never get my perfect fill. Anyway I try not to think about it too much and just take it one day at a time and hope that everything keeps going good.
  22. Is there anyone on here from Kansas? Id love to hear from you!
  23. Paula78

    Anyone from Kansas?

    I liked the staff ok. I've really only seen them twice in overland park. The nurse Joann comes here (wichita) once a month for fills and consults. As far as information goes I did a lot of research online. So honestly I didnt have too many questions for them. It looks like you and I were banded within a few weeks of each other. How are you doing? How did your first fill go?
  24. Paula78

    Anyone from Kansas?

    Dr Nigro did my surgery on the 6th of March. So how are you feeling? I was still pretty weak and sore at 2 days.
  25. Paula78

    Anyone from Kansas?

    carol1951, Where did you go to in Overland Park? I had mine in Overland Park at the Weight Loss Surgical Center.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
