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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by K'Bear

  1. I too don't like the taste of artificial sweetners. Splenda in certain things for me is tolerable. You have to taste the different things to see if you can tolerate them or not. There are however options out there. Xylitol is one and pure Stevia (if you have ever tasted a Stevia plant leaf, it is extremely sweet.. Some Stevia brands have a bitter after taste....so you may have to try a few different brands) "Truvia" is not pure it is a mixture of Stevia and another chemical. Another one is "Agave" which is made from the same catus plant as tequila but is suppose to be good on the glycymic index at keeping blod sugar levels even. Also like others have said your calorie intake in fairly low right now so a little honey/sugar in moderation can't be a very bad thing (but if sugar is an addiction for you you might have to rethink your strategy.) Key word is "moderation" and "little."


  2. Hi,

    I too have had laser eye surgery, and have been doing well for 13 years. After surgery I got blurry vision but not all the time. It seemed more often then not though. I have found when I have a bad Water day and am dehydrated my blurry vision gets worse. I drive for a living and the long hours takes a toll on the eyes being blurry as well. So maybe lack of hydration and sitting to long, looking at the puter or reading may affect the vision. I am 4 months out and still am having trouble with getting all my Water in, but was like that before the surgery...it has always been a struggle.

    Hope this might help...take a look at your hydration levels....and I also put tear gel into my eyes, especially at night before bed when oxygen to the eye is more limited...this has helped me.


  3. The laying on my left side feeling very wierd. This has been ever since I have been able to lay on it, after having my drain out. It feels hard yet hollow. The sharp pains (stitch like) on either side just below my rib cage have only started in the last couple of weeks. Could this just be gas pain any one else experiencing this? It seems ok if I am still but if I move or stretch it gives me a zing. Some days it is better then others. I have had reflux for over 15+ years and the tests that I have gone through have shown that I have a very lazy esophagus. The surgeon told me that having the surgery to fix the reflux would not be sucessful for me as the constriction of the esophagus would cause more issues with the food going down. I am thinking that the "bougie" size (the top part of the bannana shaped stomach) may be narrow enough to cause the food getting stuck and feeling hard and painful in the throat area, because my lazy esophagus can't keep up. People may have lazy (in other words the spasms that send the food down are weak) esophagus's and may not even know it unless they went through testing.


  4. I am just over three months out and have experienced some unusual pain sensations myself. Laying on my left side feels very wierd since surgery that is the side that my drain was in. Someone suggested that it is possibly connective tissue healing. The hard to swallow and feeling of food getting stuck was normal for me when I started on soft foods, and it continues for me. I have come to know this as a sign for me to stop eating. I find that doing smaller portions a little more often works better for me. Drier foods or eating to fast will also trigger this feeling for me. I also am getting sharp pains on either side just below my rib cage. Almost feels like a stitch in the side, I have sent an email off to my Doc in hopes to get this question possibly answered, as to why this is happening. If you find out any more info lets us know, and if anyone else has had any experience with these pains and sensations let us know please.


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