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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Supersweetums

  1. Supersweetums

    Do Sleevers Absorb Alcohol Faster?

    For sure! 2 drinks and I am done like dinner!
  2. Supersweetums

    Not Hungry Ever?!

    You are really early out, it is pretty normal. You are still healing and it is very difficult to get enough food in. I was really tired and weak for a while afterward. You really have to work at getting enough Protein in, and it is not easy in the beginning. But don't worry, as you get further out and heal, you will be able to eat more, and for most people, food starts to taste good again. I am 19 months post op and do feel hungry sometimes, but I can tell you it is not the same as before. It is not that starving, tummy rumbling feeling. And it usually only comes if I haven't eaten in a long time, like over 5 hours. The biggest battle is head hunger as you get further out.
  3. I agree with italianlady. You do not have to give up all the foods you love, that is the beauty of the sleeve. However, you have to learn to treat certain foods exactly as that, treats. I still have ice cream, but only once in a while, and I only have a small cone. Also, emotional eating is a big struggle for most of us, so it is important to get that under control. You do have to realize that you will have to change your eating habits or you will not be successful. The sleeve is an amazing tool, but it is a tool, and you can sabotage it if you try. I have to young children myself, they were 15 months and 3 when I went for my surgery, and I did it partly for them too. I wanted them to have a healthy Mommy. I know you are scared, but it really is worth it. You have to think about what is more important in life, the food you love, or your family and your health. When you look at it that way....
  4. Although it can happen, I don't think it happens too often. As for the number of calories, I just read on another thread the recent studies show that people that are overweight/formerly overweight, need to consume 20% less calories than an average person of the same weight to maintain. But, like someone else said, there are a lot of variables there. Men need more calories than women, and people that are very active need more calories. And when I say very active, I mean running races. I just read an article in Women's Health that unless you are doing more than 60 mins of strenuous activity everyday, you do not need to eat more and can actually end up stalling your weight loss by over estimating how many calories you need. I think another problem that comes into play is numbers. Some people set unrealistic goals and have to work extremely hard to get there. But once they get there, it is almost impossible to maintain. Then they are disappointed when they gain 5 or 10 lbs back, but that is where their body wants to be. PS, I am 19 months post op, and it is really easy to consume a lot of calories. Before 6 months, it is easy and eating 1200 calories seems almost impossible and so many people say "Oh, I can't imagine eating that much!". Trust me, it will happen. I still have great restriction and can't eat a lot at a sitting, but some things go down easier than others and I really have to watch what I eat. Like Many have said, the sleeve is a great tool, but you still have to change the way you eat. Sure you can loose eating crappy in the beginning, but once you get a couple of years out, those bad habits are going to catch up with you!
  5. Supersweetums


    It happens to everyone, you did not fail. The best thing about the sleeve is that it is really easy to get back on track. Today is a new day, so forget about yesterday and start fresh! I had a stint about 8 months after my sleeve that I really started slipping. One morning I woke up and had an epiphany...did I really spend all this money, fly to Mexico alone and have 80% of my stomach removed to fall back into old habits and let myself down! After that day, I started exercising more and making better food choices. Now, 18 months post op, I do have bad days, but the next day I just get back into my routine. And I also allow myself treats here and there without beating myself about. It is never too late to start over! And unlike the past where we would gain 20, 30, or 50lbs if we fell off the wagon, with the sleeve, you either don't gain, or you only gain a small amount and it is much easier to get rid of! Don't be so hard on yourself. It is that cycle of shame and guilt that will get you spiraling downward.
  6. Supersweetums

    No Carb Protein Bread!

    I just made these the other day and then let them sit overnight in a container like the recipe online suggests. I made a pizza bun out of them, ham, onion, pizza sauce and mozza cheese. Not too bad at all. I haven't tried them yet like a bun, but I will! I got 9 out of the recipe.
  7. Supersweetums

    8 Weeks Out - Slow Scale Movement!

    Please do not compare yourself to others. Everyone loses differently, and people that are heavier lose it faster in the beginning as well. It just gets depressing if you start comparing. Try to look at it in perspective...do you think you would have ever lost 35lbs and 6-8 dress sizes in just 7 weeks!! You are doing amazing! It has taken me 18 months to reach my goal, and I couldn't be happier. It was slow going, but I just steadily lost little by little. And I know that I would have never lost 81lbs in 18 months on my own. I know because I had done it before, once losing 83lbs, once losing 70lbs. It took me over 2 years both times, and extreme dieting and extreme exercise to get there. With my sleeve as a tool, I can live my life fairly normally and still lose. I am like you, when I had my surgery done, my children were 14 months and 3 years. I find it hard to fit in exercise, so I aim for 2-3 times per week if I can, and I stay very active with my children. This is your own journey, so celebrate the amazing success that you have had!
  8. Supersweetums

    Hair Loss Solution

    I saw someone mention BIOSIL, and I would like the second that. You can get it in liquid drops or pill form. It is not the same as Biotin. It is a silicone supplement, and I found that it was the only thing that helped me. It also helped my eyelashes grow and my nails grow. The liquid is nasty, make sure to mix it well in a little bit of juice.
  9. Supersweetums

    For The Slow Losers

    Thank you for this post. It took me a long time to accept that I was a slower loser. It has taken me 18 months to reach my goal of losing 80lbs, and I couldn't be happier. I know I would have never lost that much in that amount of time without my sleeve. I have lost around the 80lbs mark before, but it took grueling works outs and strict dieting to the point to exhaustion. With my sleeve as a tool, I am able to watch what I eat and live an active lifestyle but not feel deprived! I know it is not easy, but try not to compare to others. Everyone loses at different rates, some people have more to lose and drop a lot more in the beginning than others (I know someone who has lost over 200lbs in the same amount of time that I have lost 80, but she still weighs more than I did when I started for example). This is your journey, so take the time to Celebrate your own victories and successes because they are yours and no one else's!
  10. Supersweetums

    This May Be Inappropriate, Forgive Me :)

    Ok, Sausage Wallet made me laugh out loud while my husband is sitting at the table. So I had to explain. He agreed that it is a good one! So now my 2 cents worth.... A little on the saggy side, I am 121 lbs lighter than my heaviest, 81 lbs lighter since surgery. I am hoping when I get a tummy tuck, it will help lift that area a little, especially just above there. AND... Skinny Sex is AMAZING!!! WOW is all I can say. I like me some good loving, and have always enjoyed it, but now! My husband and I can just get closer, try different positions, it is awesome!!! I always used to feel my fat getting in the way, not anymore!! I really did not think of it when I was getting the surgery. I was looking forward to feeling more confident, but the way everything feels has improved too! Something to look forward to everyone!!!
  11. It did this http://www.venusianglow.com/2010/07/tutorial-tightening-bra-band-without.html It doesn't work with cup size, but helps with band size. I also bought new hooks and made the band tighter that way for a little while. Your straps are closer together, but it makes them last a little longer!
  12. Supersweetums

    Iam I Doing Something Wrong

    It sounds like you are doing fine to me. It has not even been 2 months and you have lost 34lbs! You have to stop and think of how amazing that is and try not to compare to others. Stalls are totally normal. I have had stalls that last anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, especially the farther out you get (I am 18 months post op). People with less the lose a lot of times do not lose as fast, but you have to look at it percentage wise. I know someone that lost over 200 lbs in 1 year. That being said, she still weighs more than I did before my surgery. Lastly, do not get discouraged. I was a slow loser. I had 80lbs to lose. I lost the first 55lbs in the first 6 months, and I just reached my goal about week ago. I have learned not to compare. In the past I have lost weight, once 80lbs and once 70lbs on my own. It took me over 2 years of killing myself to do it. I would have never lost 80 lbs in 18months without the sleeve. Hang in there!
  13. I occasionally overeat and end up throwing up, but not that often. Does it just come up, or do you make yourself throw-up to help it feel better?? Sometimes I have pain, but I just wait it out and it usually goes away in a couple of minutes. I know one person that her sleeve was made to tight on the bottom, so she had lots of problems with vomiting because it would literally get clogged on the way down. She had an endoscopy done and they were able to open it up a little so that food could pass through a little easier. You might want to check into having a swallow done to check it all out.
  14. I was sleeved November 29, 2010 self pay in Mexico. I just reached my goal weight about a week ago, 81 lbs gone since surgery, 121lbs gone from my highest weight. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself and would do it all over again!!
  15. Supersweetums


    I agree, at only 2 weeks out, eating those Cookies is not a good idea. sugar free Jello or popsicles are a great idea. Or sugar free pudding, it is sweet and rich so it will fill you up too. Also, if you find a Protein Shake that you like that is sweet, try that. I had a vanilla one that tasted like a vanilla milkshake, and a chocolate one that tasted like chocolate milk. By eating those cookies so early out, you are setting yourself up for a bad start. The first few months of the sleeve is the best time to help establish good new habits. The sleeve is an amazing tool, but remember, it is exactly that, a tool. It is not a magical cure, and you can eat a lot of things that are slider foods that will sabotage your efforts. It doesn't mean you will never get to eat any treats again, it just means you have to learn to treat them exactly for what they are, treats. Good luck finding something that you enjoy to replace those cookies!
  16. Supersweetums

    Pasta Swaps?

    I have tried the zucchini noodles with a julienne peeler. I used a little margarine and some salt on mine instead of pasta sauce. I really like zucchini, so I liked it. I also eat the real thing though, but in moderation. I couldn't eat pasta for the first at least 6 months, it made my stomach upset. Now I can eat a little, and I do enjoy it, just not very often. Treat the regular stuff like a treat. Good for you for looking for alternatives. As for the spaghetti squash, it sounds like you did not cook it long enough. I am not an expert though, but if it is tough, leave it a little longer. Good Luck!
  17. Supersweetums

    Not Trying To Be Grose But...

    Wow, does not sound right at all, not 14 months out. The only time I have vomitted is if I have eaten too much. And it has never been that I could never make it to the bathroom. That really sounds like she is either having some major issues that she needs to talk to a doctor about or she has develop a eating disorder. She really needs to discuss with her doctor though. I know one person that their sleeve was made too tight at the bottom and she threw up a lot. They did an endoscopy and were able to stretch it enough that food could pass through. Everything was getting stuck when it hit the narrow part and had no where to go but back up. I am 18 months out, and I know a lot of sleevers, and not many have that problem. Usually problems with vomitting are in the first couple of months due to swelling, acid, and adjusting eating habits.
  18. Supersweetums

    Anyone Lose 100+ & Not Need Plastics

    I have lost just over 120lbs and need a tummy tuck. It is not so bad that I get infections or anything like that, but it is pretty saggy. I also have had 2 children and gained and lost weight repeatedly. I also have been overweight since Kindergarten, so my tummy has been stretched for a lot longer than some that gained weight later in life. I think it just depends on the person. You have to see how you feel about it, whether you feel it is bad enough to warrent a tummy tuck and then go from there!
  19. Supersweetums

    Any Shorties?

    Oh, and if I can make one comment, and please, I am not trying to offend anyone. I think that we need to get away from setting extremely lofty, perhaps even unrealistic weight loss goals. I know we are a little women (under 5'3"), but that doesn't mean we have to weight 115lbs. I am afraid that some people are setting themselves up to be extremly frustrated and disappointed. Of course some people will get there, but some of us will not. What happens if you cannot reach that goal no matter how hard you try. Will you accept it, or will you continue to live a life of beating yourself up for not expercising enough, eating less, trying harder, etc....just like we did when we were at our heaviest. I set my goal so I would be just withing the normal BMI range, and even now I find it so frustrating that I cannot get the last couple of pounds off (my goal was 140lbs, even though I would love to see a 3 in that number for the first time in my life, ever). I would hate to see people struggle and berate themselves if they cannot reach a goal that perhaps is not physically attainable. I am working very hard on trying not to focus on the numbers, and instead focus on the fact that I have lost almost 120lbs all together and can wear a size 6, and even a size 4/5 depending on the clothes. Never in my dreams would I have thought it possible! Hang onto the big picture and this amazing experience and chance to start over and make things better rather than those last 10lbs! I think we would all be much happier (including myself).
  20. Supersweetums

    Any Shorties?

    I am not quite 5'3". My highest weight was about 260lbs, my surgery weight was 220lbs. I had my surgery November 29, 2010. I now weigh 142-145, I fluctuate alot day to day, and I wear a size 6. I have a lot of skin (2 babies and almost 120lbs gone), so if I had a tummy tuck, I would probably lose a few more pounds and wear a smaller size. I would like to get below 140lbs, but right now I am just maintaining. If I actually watched what I ate more and got my butt moving, I could probably get it off! I love to read everyone's success stories, it is inspirational to me! Thanks for sharing!
  21. Ouroborous, I love that! I agree, so many people have an unreal expectation of what it is going to be like. Yes, some people drop the weight like no body's business, but I don't think a lot of those people never learn to eat properly and have an increase risk of weight gain later on. And ReallyRosy, it sounds like you are doing everything right! Just keep your head up and try to relax. It will come off! I have a friend that at 6 months out she had a 2 month stall. Partly because of poor eating, but partly because of her body resisting the loss. But it did come off! And you will be able to eat again, but just realize a lot of those foods still need to be eating consciously. I do eat rice, but I will only have a couple of tablespoons because I will eat my protein and veggies first. I have other treats too, like ice cream and popcorn, just not all the time. Some people eat a lot of carb rich foods, I try to avoid those. Things like chips are my weakness, so I never keep them in my house. Keep strong and you will do great!!
  22. Supersweetums

    Couch Potato to 5K

    Firstly, you are doing awesome. I frankly was lazy and didn't start an exercise program until I was about 9 months post op. I would use your own heart rate monitor. Those ones that are on treadmills, especially if you just have to hold on, are so unrealiable. That is great that you were able to go a little further than a mile. It will just get easier and easier. Good luck!!
  23. Supersweetums

    Couch Potato to 5K

    I would work on the walking first. You are doing awesome, and I would just work on getting to 3 miles first, and then work on speeding it up a little at a time. Running is very tough, and especially if you have had knee problems in the past, the impact might hurt them. Plus, if you get injured, then you will have to quit all together. Stick to the 2.4mph and just slowly increase your distance or time. Once you can walk the whole 3 miles at 2.4mph, increase your speed to 2.5 or 2.6 and see how you feel. Do that for a week, and then increase again. Once you are walking at a quicker pace, say 3 or 3.3 mph, then you could try adding in the jogging intervals at the start of the program. It is best to start off slowly. If you go too hard to fast, you will burn yourself out and hate doing it, or worse, get injured. You have done the right thing by getting active first! Keep it up!!
  24. Supersweetums

    Couch Potato to 5K

    So I thought I would give myself a little push for the last run of week 4. Since week 5 gets longer and longer, I thought I would see how long I could go. So I did the normal 3 min jog first, 90 sec rest, and then I started into my 5 minute run, thinking I would try for 7 minutes, I passed 7 minutes, and tried for 8, then once I got passed 8, I figured screw it, I am going for 10! And I did it! 10 minutes straight running, then 2.5 minutes walking, then another 3 minute run!! I was so excited. I am not going to push like that next run, let my body recover, but now, week 5 is not looking quite as scary!
  25. Supersweetums

    Couch Potato to 5K

    It is empowering! I am so determined to do this, and it is funny, but I am just as proud if not more of this achievement than having the courage to fly to Mexico alone and have the sleeve done. Good luck and keep us posted!

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