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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Supersweetums

  1. Supersweetums

    How Many Chips Can You Eat?

    You are doing great! I am glad you posted about "Gollum after the ring"...awesome quote by the way! I think that is where people begin to fail with the sleeve. They think it is a magic cure and they can still eat everything they were eating before and lose weight. Of course they will lose in the beginning, but it will catch up with them...just like a Bypass patient gains back their weight. I am like you with chips, so if I do buy them, I end up eating some and dumping the rest in the garbage (I know if I just rolled up the bag, I would literally dig them out and eat them...they're still good). Oh, and just so people know, I have literally eaten chips less than 5 times since I had my surgery almost 2 years ago. They are one thing I can't eat in moderation...I eat them until I am sick, so I will not keep them in my house. Hence the sleeve is not a cure, its a tool!
  2. Supersweetums

    How Many Chips Can You Eat?

    I really do agree with you. I went into this surgery looking to change HOW I eat, not necessarily WHAT I eat. I have changed drastically how I eat, and I have changed what I eat along the way with learning how to eat. I knew that I couldn't live the rest of my life on a strict diet...we have all tried that and failed. I personally feel that it is impossible to live your entire life without ever eating anything that might not be considered healthy. I also think that you are setting yourself up for disappointment if you do because the minute you eat anything "bad", you will beat yourself and thus begins the unhealthy cycle of shame and guilt that contributes to binge eating. Now, I eat healthy the majority of the time, BUT, I will have ice cream, I will have chips, I will have chocolate...in moderation and without guilt. Anywho...back to the chips. I am almost 2 years post op and could eat a small bag of chips no problem. Any more than that, and I feel sick. A small bag still has between 300 and 500 calories, so I try to stay clear as much as possible. If I end up caving and buying a big bag, I will eat some and throw the rest in the garbage (empty it out of the bag first so I can't go back and dig it out later!). I do love this experiment!! It reminds people that you still need to be careful. The sleeve isn't a green light to eat whatever you want and say...well, I can't eat as much [insert][chips][fries][greasy burgers].
  3. When I got mine done in 2010, I only had a 3 day pre-op, clear fluids only. I know where I went, they have upped it now to 2 weeks minimum though.
  4. Supersweetums

    7 Months Out With Pics

    A.MAZ.ING! You have done great! Be proud and show it off! Good Job!
  5. I had a very hard time with just plain water, and, in fact, almost 2 years post op, it just still tastes funny (which I have heard other sleevers say as well). I drink a lot of "add to water" things like Arizona Ice Tea Sticks sweetened with splenda, or MIO. If water isn't working, try a couple of different things to keep your fluids up.
  6. Supersweetums

    Getting Sleeve At 250 Pnds

    I was 5'3" and 220lbs when I had mine done and it was the best decision I have made for myself. I was self pay so I didn't have to "weigh" a certain amount to get approved, but I was still obese with a BMI of almost 40. I had tried a number of times to lose the weight the right way with watching what I ate and exercising. I always had to work extremely hard for every pound lost, and I always gained it back, which made me feel like a failure. It is not the losing that is the hard part, it is the keeping it off. We have all lost the weight. If we could keep it off, none of us would be here! I was 31 when I had the surgery and I am so excited that I get to go the rest of my life not being fat. It makes me sad that I lived most of my life overweight (I have been overweight since Kindergarten), but my struggles are what made me the person I am today. You are still young, so you do have time to think. You have to look deep and decide if you can really, honestly lose the weight on your own AND keep it off for a lifetime. If you answer yes, then start making the changes now and get on the right track. If you don't think you can, consider the surgery. It is not just about being thinner, it is about your health. I had no weight related illness when I had my surgery...in fact...I was in really good health (no diabetes, no high blood pressure, no high cholestrol, nothing). BUT, many of these diseases run in my family and I knew with my weight, I was a ticking time bomb. Speaking for myself, I wanted a permanent solution. I didn't want something that could be reversed, for what, so I could gain all my weight back again. Good luck with whatever decision you choose, just make sure it is the right one for you, not for everyone else. Everyone will have an opinion, but it is your body, not theirs.
  7. Thank you for this article, it should really get pinned so everyone can read it as I see this type of question several times a day. I knew about the stall, but never knew why! It was very interesting to read this and it makes sense! Thanks Again!
  8. Supersweetums

    So A $3.50 "split Fee" In Our Favorite Restaurant

    That is ridiculous! So if you can't eat it all and get a take out container for the other half, are they going to charge a "split fee" as well?? I would at least complain and say that they have lost a loyal customer so that they realize the impact that their choice is having on business.
  9. Supersweetums

    The Stuff They Don't Tell You

    I agree with the above. And in particular, after the leak test, the drink they give you is awful and can cause the same "reaction". The constipation comes later on when you start eating solids. And, for me anyways, because I cannot eat the same and I can't eat as much (hard to get in enough fruits and veggies), it can be a struggle.
  10. Supersweetums

    I Miss Food

    I agree, talk to your doc. It really shouldn't be hurting by this point, especially liquids. You could be very swollen still as well. Provided everything is healed well and your sleeve is made correctly (I know someone that it was too tight on the bottom and she threw up almost all the time until they stretched it a little with an endoscopy), you will be able to eat again. I am almost 2 years post op and I can eat almost everything!
  11. Supersweetums

    Slider Foods

    Totally agree...if you can't stay away from them early out, you are going to have a hell of a time later on.
  12. Supersweetums

    Starting To Wonder!

    The first month is always to highest weight loss, and then, for most, it gradually slows down. If everyone lost 1-3lbs a day for the duration, everyone be at goal in 2 months. You are doing great, just try to look at it in perspective...would you lose 2-3 pounds a week on your own before surgery...
  13. Supersweetums

    The Stuff They Don't Tell You

    I am thinking its your hormones, not your stomach. When I ovulate, I crave food like there is no tomorrow, especially carbs. There is actually studies done that women not on birth control eat more during and right after ovulation (women on hormonal birth control do not change).
  14. Supersweetums

    Not Feeling Full!

    Yup, don't worry, once you are on soft foods, you won't be able to eat much!
  15. Your coordinator is right, they pump you full of fluids, you just had a major surgery, anesthetic, etc. I weighed more when I came home than when I left (had surgery on a Monday and flew home on the Friday), didn't lose anything for the first week being at home, then lost 17lbs my second week. It slowed down after that, but I kept slowly losing. Hang in there, it will come.
  16. Supersweetums

    The Stuff They Don't Tell You

    A few things that I learned: I was told the surgery doesn't hurt. Whoever told me that lied! A lot of people feel great, I was not so lucky. I had a lot of pain (possibly from the gas) and dry heaved most of the night. By the next afternoon I was feel better, but, boy, it sucked! The barium swallow/leak test is HORRIBLE! It tastes horrible, makes you sick and can give you the runs! Where I had mine done, you got a sugar free popsicle afterward...it will be the best popsicle you have ever had. Your stomach will make noises you never knew it could You will belch like a man (especially when you eat a little too much)...I could out burp anyone! I never had trouble EVER with constipation before surgery, now it is a battle even almost 2 years out. Not sugar coating it, it can be very painful and I had an episode that I would say was almost worse then the night after my surgery. Chewing gum can cause pain...I never even thought of this. I can chew gum now, but a few months out, the air that I swallowed while chewing really hurt. I had to spit my gum out the first time I tried and didn't chew it again for a long time. Head Hunger is a b***h...the sleeve is not a magic cure and the further out you get, the more difficult it can get. Make sure that you make the changes early on so they are habit later on. By the time you will be able to eat more and tolerate more, you will have a good base of habits to lean on. A lot of people's tastes change, but don't be surprised if they don't. Chocolate still tastes just as good to me now as it did before. I forgot to ad this earlier...like someone else said, water doesn't taste good or sit good with me. I have no idea why, it just doesn't. For the most part, I drink sugar free drinks. I know they are not as good as just drinking water, but I still get in all my fluids. You CAN still have hunger, especially the further out you get. But let me reassure you that it is NOT the same as before surgery...it is not as intense, and for me, anyway, it takes many hours of not eating to even start to feel hungry (and don't get actual physical hunger confused with head hunger/cravings/emotional eating...they are not the same...learn the difference) You will become more obsessed with the scale then you ever have been in your life. Try not to let it rule you, you will have stalls, your weight will fluctuate. As a woman, I have noticed things about my body and weight that I never paid attention to when I was heavier...because who notices 1-2 lbs when you are 260lbs. When I ovulate, I gain 2-4lbs and bloat. When I have my period (sorry guys) I also bloat and gain weight. And I really notice it, my belly feels bigger. Your brain might have trouble keeping up with your weight loss...it is sometimes difficult to see the changes yourself, but others will notice. So many people say "I really can't see the change", but, trust me, your getting skinnier!! Everyone loses at different rates, try not to compare Set realistic goals...if you set goals that are virtually unattainable, you will never be happy. Try to go by the clothes you wear and how you feel, not the number on the scale. I know my list is long and a lot of different things, but they are all things that I have either learned along the way, or have struggled with and still do some days! Oh, one last thing, it is most likely going to be the best thing you have ever done for yourself, you will not regret it, and you will be happier than ever...pretty good outcome and worth the ride!
  17. Supersweetums

    Tip For Protein Ice Cream

    I had tried making Protein off Eggface's Blog before, and was so not happy with it. I tried to split it up into different little containers and freeze. I didn't want to have to thaw out a whole batch to eat some of it. Ended up having to falling out of my freeze, uneven melting, etc. So I gave up on it. That was until another another sleever told me "oh, I just pour mine in popsicle molds". Holy S**T, I said to myself, how come I never thought of that. So if you are having trouble with protein ice cream or storing it, try freezing it in popsicle molds. Then you just pop out one at a time. Portion control and a nice yummy, creamy treat!!
  18. Supersweetums


    I eat regular everything within reason. I have 2% milk, 2% greek yogurt, full fat cheese, and cook with Olive oil. I even eat sausage and bacon (in moderation). I think there is a big difference between healthy fats and bad fats. You cannot justify eating fried foods and potato chips because your body needs the fat. But I agree, healthy fats have their place. There was such a big fad with low fat crap..and all they did was replace it with salt and sugar to make up for the flavor, and people gained weight.
  19. Supersweetums

    2 Years X Out Any One?

    I will be 2 years in November, so almost there! I do not regret having the surgery done for a second. It was the best decision I have ever made for myself. I eat a normal diet...don't get me wrong, I made a lot of changes to what I eat and still follow a lot of the post op rules (protein first, no drinking with meals, no bad carbs...most of the time!). But I will also eat ice cream and not feel bad about it. I still have bad days where I eat too much junk, but I find it so easy to get back on track with the sleeve. I am extremely happy...happier with my body than I have ever been in my life! It might not be perfect, but I love going shopping and wearing normal sizes, not feeling embarrassed going anywhere...feeling like the fat Mom at school events... If you are concerned, make sure you keep in touch with your family doctor because you are right, depression is not uncommon after the surgery. I had always struggle with depression since having children (I have pretty severe post-partum) and a few months after my surgery, I went on an antidepressant.
  20. Supersweetums

    Wedding Ring Issues?

    I know it will sound crazy, but I used bandage/wound tape wrapped really tight (the kind I had to tape my incisions after surgery). I couldn't afford to keep getting my wedding rings sized as I lost weight (Where I am, it costs over $60). Because the tape is a little like plastic, it really didn't get yucky...and once in a while I would change it. I went from a size 9.5 to a size 6.5! At one point, before I taped it, I went to go point at something outside and flicked my wrist in the process...my ring flew right off!!
  21. Supersweetums

    How Is That Even Possible?

    Wow, let me affirm that you have had a really sh***y experience. I do not blame you for being pissed off and feeling very discouraged. I hope that things start to turn around (It sounds like the absolute worst is behind you). You are very strong and courageous and I know that you will do well with this. Feel Better soon!
  22. Supersweetums

    Do You Still Diet?

    Thanks! I got the sleeve done so I wouldn't have to diet anymore, and I don't! To me, making healthy changes is not dieting. I shudder when I think of the Cabbage Soup diet, the Grapefruit diet, slimfast, you name it! And many, many people still diet after the surgery "aka Atkins type of diet". I really do believe that there are many bad carbs out there, but I am not going to let it stop me from eating a banana. Of course, everyone has to do what works the best for them. I have chosen to take the path of a well-rounded diet with Protein, veggies, fruit, yogurt and milk products, and healthy fats (like nuts, 2% milk, 2%yogurt). I am glad that you have already made the changes with your band, and I am glad to see that you are going for a revision (sorry, but I have just heard so many horror stories about the band!). I had lost weight before I had the sleeve (70lbs and then got pregnant). I had gained some back, but not all, and had kept many of the healthy changes (no pop, 1 pork chop instead of 2!). So when I got the sleeve, I didn't feel deprived. I think you will have great success! Good Luck in your journey!
  23. Supersweetums

    Do You Still Diet?

    I really hate the word "diet". It has so many bad connotations around it. I am closing on 2 years post op, and I wouldn't say that I diet. I have made a lot of changes to my meals, but they are all second nature now. I believe that you need to make changes or you will not be successful, but they need to be changes you can live with. I eat very healthy now, always eat my Protein and veggies first, no drinking with meals, and I stay away from the white stuff for the most part. I will, however, have some ice cream or chocolate, and I don't feel bad about it. Some people take it to the extreme and have very strict "diets", but I choose to do something that I know I could live with for a lifetime. On the other hand, some people do not make changes, still eat all the same junk that they ate before, and then wonder why they either can't reach their goal or wonder why they start to gain weight. I always like Eggface's quote "Weight loss surgery is not a do-over (repeat the same mistakes = get a similar outcome.) Weight loss surgery is a do-better (make some lifestyle changes you can continue forever.) " Even with the sleeve, you will have to make changes, but I do not consider it a "diet". You can't expect to eat fries, chips, and milkshakes all the time and still lose the weight. The sleeve is a tool and an amazing one at that, but you have to work with it to be successful. I may have not been like others...I never tracked anything, never counted carbs, and I don't exercise like mad, but I made significant changes to what I eat. Because of this, I may have lost slower than others, but I reached my goal in 18 months, have went below goal since then, and know I can do what I am doing until I am a little old Lady and not feel like I am missing out.
  24. Supersweetums

    For The Kettlecorn Lovers

    They have a line if syrups (regular and sugar free) that a lot of coffee houses use to flavor specialty coffee. They are a sleevers best friend! Here is their site... http://www.torani.com/ There are other brands too, but this one is most available to me where I live. You can order directly from them, or on Amazon I think. I use them to flavor shakes, in Protein ice cream, to flavor plain greek yogurt, you name it! I used it in place of oil in the popcorn recipe..sweetens as well!
  25. Supersweetums

    Can't Afford Plastics :,(

    I know it can be discouraging. I am actually at my goal weight, and I have been for a number of months now. I find it a little frustrating because I have a lot of skin, especially on my stomach (2-8lb babies, a c-section and over a 120lb weight loss). I really want plastics, but I cannot afford it at the moment either, and won't be able to for a couple of more years yet. There are days that I get down because I have come so far with the weight loss, but still feel fat because of all the hanging skin. On the positive side, it is fairly easy to hide. And like someone had said on another post a while ago, I might look like an 80 year old naked, but with clothes on I look 25! Despite the frustrating days, I am still more happy with my body than I ever have been in my life and do not regret having this surgery done. I will take the lose skin over the extra 120 plus pounds any day!

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