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My Big Day 3/15/2011

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by My Big Day 3/15/2011

  1. I am hoping to be in the maintenance phase by next May. I will be more than a year out from surgery at that point and I have 87 more lbs to lose from this point to get to my goal weight. It seems so unreal to think of myself at 145 lbs but I know I will be there one day soon thanks to the sleeve. I have lost 39 lbs since I began my pre-op diet in mid Feb. I can't wait to say I have lost 50, 75, 100 lbs!

  2. I returned today from a short weekend get-a-way to Disney with my skinny husband and 3 yr old son. We spent one day at Magic Kingdom and one day at Typhoon Lagoon waterpark. Magic Kingdom was pure torture for a sleeve patient. Here I am only able to eat fruits, veggies, Protein, yogurt, and milk and everywhere you look there are tempting smells. popcorn was everywhere...I really wanted to attack the popcorn vendor and bury myself in the popcorn but I didn't. Then there were candy stores everywhere and icecream! Oh, and giant soft pretzels! I did not get near any of this stuff just thought about how much I would have eaten without the sleeve and how much money I would have spent on food. Instead I had milk and yogurt at Breakfast, cesar salad with grilled chicken at lunch, and in the afternoon a no sugar added whole fruit strawberry popsicle. Whoever said this surgery might be the easy way out was an idiot...it is not easy to pass up all of the wonderful smells at Disney...but I did it b/c I know my sleeve would not appreciate having any of those foods. For anyone who has not had surgery...this isn't easy. You still follow a diet post-op and have lots of restrictions, however you don't have that I'm starving feeling in your belly anymore. I am thankful I have the sleeve and am eating the right things instead of all the junk I was eating. Man though, that popcorn was killer!

  3. I had an off today...as in today there was no routine. Skipped all the Vitamins today...bad! No real exercise but was active at the beach and pool.

    B Half of Protein shake, half container greek yogurt, half banana

    L south beach diet nut mix, few chunks of chicken dipped in hummus

    D grilled sirloin steak 2 oz, 3 small bites cheesecake (yikes)

    I don't count calories only grams of Protein and I am slacking on protein today still need about 20 more grams to get in my range...but it's been an off day and tomorrow I will get back on track.

  4. Hang in there...its tough to slowly watch the pounds drop when you would love to just wake up tomorrow and be at goal. Just remember what life was like before the sleeve and that will make you appreciate even a 1 lbs loss. Before the sleeve I would never even weigh myself b/c it was going up everytime I got on the scale. By the way, 5 lbs a week is very unrealistic...too bad your doctor set you up for failure b/c it is realistic to lose 1-2 lbs a week after your intial Fluid loss weight loss. So you are doing awesome...keep up the good work.

  5. Great job girly on your weight loss so far...how much of that was pre-op? You are doing awesome. I am one month out today and was down 24 lbs since surgery at my last doctors visit which was Monday. He said I am right on track and that most patients lose between 20 and 30 lbs during the 1st month. I am hoping to keep losing weight at atleast 2 lbs a week and the doctor said he would imagine I should be down 40 lbs by 3 months. I am feeling well and definately have more energy these days. I am already receiving lots of compliments but don't really take them well as I am still so far from being a normal weight. Have you noticed much change in your clothes?

  6. What about Viactiv that is sold at any drug store/Target/Walmart? I am using the caramel flavor...it's 500mg. They also have chocolate flavor...it's a chew not hard tablet to chew up. Like having a piece of candy...but very small amount. I could not tolerate any of the chews or liquid from costco which I bought and wasted so I went to this one which is doable. I also use a gummi Vitamin for my multiple b/c I can't do the taste of the chalky chewables that I bought from building blocks. Good luck...do what works for you.

  7. Great job on your weight loss! I went for my two week post-op today as well and am down 19.6 lbs from last weight pre-op. They say that is the norm to lose between 20 to 30 lbs the first month post-op so I seem to be right on track. I was however lacking in the fluids department and need to up the Fluid intake. I wish my doctor would allow this list but I am on a strict low carb/no starch diet until I reach my goal. Only Protein, fruit, and veggies, milk and yogurt allowed. No oatmeal, cereal, mashed potatoes, etc! It's probably a good thing b/c those are the things I ate too much of before surgery. Keep up the good work and thanks for posting the food list.

  8. I am in the same boat...was looking forward to pureed and then did one day of it and said h__l no! I went back on liquids, mainly Protein Shakes and Soups but have been having some other things not pureed but in super tiny bites which I chew atleast 30 times. Tonight I ate one piece of bacon and took fingertip size bites and chewed them 30 times...wow it takes along time to eat a little of nothing but it is much better then the pureed crap. Last night I ate 2 oz of steak for dinner...once again fingertip size bites...and chewed 30 plus times ber bite. I had no problem with these items going down. Good luck and do what works for you...just stick to low carb whatever you do for the best results.

  9. I am trying my best to do what the doctor asks which is 2 small pureed meals but it is almost impossible with no appetite. When I do sit down to make myself eat I am repelled by pureed foods. Yuck! Cannot stand pureed meats...I would have to be extremely hungry to eat that. I have reverted back to more liquids but even with that I am struggling to get those in b/c there is literally no appetite. I know this is the purpose of the surgery...but now I am struggling to eat anything at all. I hope this is a phase that passes b/c I would like to be able to eat enough to keep myself nourished. Before surgery I dreamed about having my appetite taken away and now that it is completely gone it is really really hard to eat anything!

  10. I am more than a week post-op now and am doing great with everything except for finding the energy to do everyday tasks and exercise. I really have to push myself to get up and do laundry, make the bed, sweep the floor, etc. Then I drag myself to the gym and force myself through the routine. I am not sure if this is normal or if I am just extremely lazy. That is exactly how I feel...LAZY! I know the fact that I can't have caffene is affecting me some because I was drinking a cup of strong coffee every morning before surgery. However, I am wondering if your energy returns at a certain time post-op? I really want to be energetic and clean my house and do the gym since I am not working right now but I have to push myself so hard to do these things. Is this all normal? I started all my Vitamins yesterday so I am hoping to see some difference once my Iron and potassium levels are affected by the vitamins. I am getting my ounces of fluids in everyday and the number of grams of Protein required...but still no energy. What do you think?

  11. I use Fage 0%, add two splendas and a splash of vanilla, then mix in 2 oz pureed fruit (baby food works fine)...then I find that the yogurt picks up the flavor of whatever else you add in it which is nice. You have to work with it b/c the first time I tried I thought I had wasted my money on the large tub and would have to throw it away...but I doctored it to where I can eat it. Also, before I was eating this plain one I was using the Chobani Greek with fruits in them (the individual cups) and my nutritionist told me no way get off of them because of all the added sugar you take in. I take the doctor and nutritionist seriously and know that I don't need the extra sugar! that is one of the main things that got me heavy in the first place.

  12. I want to give hope to the others of you about to go in for surgery. I had a rough time with nausea the day after my surgery but then it started to subside on Thurs morning and today I have had none. I walked for 45 mins twice, once outside and once on the treadmill. I also walked the dogs with my hubby for another 25 mins. I went shopping at Target and to the park with my son. I also did light cleaning and took two showers. I am not dragging around and am on the full liquid stage and the liquids are going down pretty good...just sipping them all slowly. I met my Protein and Fluid goal for the day and am very pleased with my progress. The pain is very little, only some at the largest incision on my left side. I expect that tomorrow I will feel even better and plan to go to the gym and to a birthday party in the afternoon. I had a bowel movement this morning after my first Protein Shake and it was completely liquid and came in spurts...I know TMI but lots of you worry about when to expect this. I am not weighing until I see the surgeon two weeks from now b/c don't want to know if the IV fluids put weight on me. Overall I would say I am a success story already and I hope other people have experiences similar to mine. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. Also...have to mention a wonder drug I was given for nausea called Emend...it is awesome. It is usually given to chemotherapy patients for severe nausea and my surgeon ordered it for me preop and postop...its the bomb!

  13. I am doing okay...came home from the hospital today. Had lots of nausea yesterday which kept me feeling pretty lousy and I had to stay until I got that under control. I have been home since 1230 and nausea has subsided. I have considerable pain on my left side where the largest incision is where they remove the stomach. I am eating Clear liquids...jello goes down easy and room temperature Water. I have no hunger pain! I fell my stomach rumbling but without the hunger feeling. I am looking forward to a good nights rest in my own bed. The gas-x strips were a life saver...I never even asked the doctor if I could take them...just went ahead and started taking them and felt so much better. If you think of anything else you want to know then just get back to me.

  14. Well here I am making my first postop post and it is around 2am. I have a morphine pcs pump so I am sleeping intermittently based on how many times I press the button. I have to say the pain is mainly on my left side at the port site where the Srimach was removed. The pain isn't too bad at all. I have been nauseous off and on but no vomiting thank the lord. I am using alcohol swabs under my nose for the nausea on between my doses of zofran which is every 6 hours. Ice chips only since surgery and they go down easily. I have the reds hose and scd boots going on and oxygen via nasal cannula. My roommate had the sleeve also and everything OS the same for her including pain level. Will post again to9morrow after upper gi series and switching to Clear Liquids. Goodnight to all

  15. I am freaking out b/c I took the magnesium citrate at 4 pm and it hasn't done its job yet! Am I going to be up all night going to the bathroom or does it just not work for some people? I was already nervous but now I am afraid the mag citrate isn't going to work for me and my bowels will not be prepped properly for surgery. Has anyone else had a hard time with this? The bottle says it works in 1/2 hr to 6 hrs. I am approaching the 6 hr mark with nothing to show for it. I don't want to be that patient who has a code brown (bm) on the OR table!!!

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