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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by adoorme9

  1. adoorme9

    The importance of Water

    hi, leo enjoy your knowledge, and insite to the info. you put out. i make copy's of them,and you've done great, in your lost of 100lbs. you inspire me to do better. thank you, your great. it must have been a long and tough journey, to lose so must. i'm a beginner, but, i can learn from you, please, share. how long did you have to wait for the ok to get band? were you in poor health? was your recovery, long? did you lose weight right away,? margie, hope to hear from you. ------------------------------------ margie 295/257.8/-37 ny.to pa. bronx, montifiore host. dr. texirea THANKS FOR SHARING YOUR VERY KIND.
  2. adoorme9


    :Bunny hi, marie, i knew you were special by your, words and consern,care, of others, i understand very well,my husband is hearing impaired, and is very hard for him, i'm his secound voice, even thow is very, diffecult for me, at times, but, that's another story, even thow i'm new to this site, i've grown close, to you'll, and i think is very courages of you, to share something so dear and also frightening to you, thank you so much.. there are so many of us that have, so many fears, of what others think ,or say.. that we become, crippled inside of ourself. worring, and crying, and fearing, at the thought of it, to hear your, story and knowing you a little better, confirms, what alot of us belive, (YOU CAN'T JUGDE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER)... old saying but, true, may God Bless you, and take heart. you have lifted many,spirits to day.... and grt139 hope all goes well for you,in your test. margie ------------------------------- margie 295/257.8/-37 FEAR STOPS US ALL... BUT, LOVE GIVES US STRENGTH TO KEEP GOING.AND NEVER STOP...
  3. adoorme9


    hi, gagirl, all that is said is so true, be patient with yourself, there is so much you are going to learn about yourself. some things you'll like and somethings you won't like, and it take time. but, is to test your endurance, to what, you really want, and are willing to fight for, we've all gone thur this in one way or another, tears, pain, with jokes, with a smile on our faces, so no one would know, how ,really hard and difficult it really, it's ... they even think is a peice of cake, the weight just comes right off. but, we all know, is the hardest, test of our love for our own health, that's at stake here. and to see our family's and play with our kids, and enjoy just, one day , without been an outsider. to ourself... so please, hang in their, becareful, and eat slow very slow. that advise here. is like pearls, hang them around your neck and show that, you can do it, give it time, feel better,... margie.. -------------------------------------- 4/5/04 295/257.8/ -37 THUR PAIN AND SUFFERING WE LEARN ENDURANCE...AND WE GROW
  4. adoorme9

    Sleep Apnea

    hi, grt139,may God give you rest, hope the test comes out well, for you.. good nite and don't let the bed bug bite... margie ---------------- 4/5/04 295/257.8/- WITH FAITH ONE CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS..... you already have a head start...
  5. hi, hope every thing goes well, that' really the most info. we need. on the excess skin. how long is recovery?, is it painful?. do you need a lot of rest after words? did you have a long stay in the hosptial?. hope you feel better. margie ------------------------------------------------------------ margie 295/257.8/37 4/5/04
  6. adoorme9

    weekly scale challenge

    11/1/04 hi, didn't think i could, lose any weight, been stuck on 260 for a month, and finally, got it moving again, i was testing all my wants and what i thought, my needs as far as food, trying get that feeling of being comfortable with myself, but, i keep failing in the losing part, and i realized, that's old news, now, is a new page, and i needed to build up enough strength to let go. of old bad habbits,and of the old way of thinking , .... so i stopped trying for my comfort food. and started to lose. i also most broke my scale , i got on it so many times , to check .. so , i'm weight in at 257.8lbs.. still looking at it with one eye.just to make sure........ margie ----------------------------------------------------- margie 295/257.8/-37.2 PA.E-Town CHALLENGES AND DETERMENATION IS WHAT MAKES YOU SET GOALS....keep your eye on the prize......
  7. adoorme9


    hi, marie thank you, your reply, it's very encouraging to me, is been a long ride. but, the car still got gas.lol.. i will take you advice, there's so much i want to do, i can't keep still. thank you,. margie.
  8. adoorme9

    I already need support on Day 2

    hi ,kim when i first got the band, and read all the information , the example of the meals i was to have , added up to 70 TO 90grams of protein more or less, aday, and that was breakfast ,lunch and dinner, 3 proteins, and i ask the doctor, he said , if you eat your meals, and the specified amouts, you will get the needed protein in the day, cause, your getting it with the food that you are eatting too , and in case, you miss a meal or you need more protein drink the shake, to fortify yourself.. that's why your meals are so important. and is not empty. calories, there are quite a few that taste good and you can make them with 1% low fat milk or water. to keep your health and your strength up. and your weight down, or drink one oz an hr. is not much. it goes down pretty well since is not 4oz. or 8oz. plan: your meals as of now. get a headstart at the foods and the amount you can have and eat and make a two or three day menue. and go to it when you are stuck on what to eat. write you favorites. just in an 1oz or 2oz protions. but, get a good start on a food planner....i put mines on the refrigator door. is a fight, is not easy, long days and nites.. but. you can do it. when , you do , you wil be telling us after the first week, the 2or 3lbs that you lose, and how better you are feeling. give yourself a chance to a new life and to be happy for the first time , trust your heart, it wants to be happy, but, your tummy is just thinking of it's self and just wants to be full and not run on empty... your heart, knows best, and forgive yourself for eatting an oz. or 2 over the line. margie --------------------------------------------- margie 295/259.8/-38 4/5/04 n.y. moved to PA TRUST YOUR HEART AND YOUR BODY WILL FOLLOW
  9. adoorme9


    hi, marie i really have to wait, my body, is getting stronger as the time goes by, i was bed bond for more then 20yr. from a fall, and from severe migraines,28days out of a month, and right now, i've move to PA. and my life has change,and my health, is sky rocking, in n.y. i heartly came out my 3flights of stairs apt. in PA. i open the door and walk to the deck, and see the trees, grass, sky, is mind boggaling, how, if you never lived in open air, and the beauty around you, you love it, and some people, live in the same beautyful place, and can't see beyone there pain and sorrow, i've laid in bed looking up for more the 15yrs. and cried to god to get out of their . now, i was blessed , with the area, and i walk , around, so i really need to get my muscels in shape. and when the lapband came up , my doctor, and my nurse pushed me to have it , diabites, hbp, migraines, back, and weight,to top off the cake. my life was one big pain... everday..pain in and pain out ..no relife .. till now, so i thank you from the bottom of my heart for your words and the help . that this web site, has given me, and learning the computer. it has given me a new lease on life at the age of 54yrs. my husband and i thought, nothing. else, could change in our lives to make a difference in the rout were in .when in N.Y. but, we were wrong thank God, our prayers were heard. and our cries, we love PA. we get lost, Every time, but, is an advanture now, and have fun. we don't have to come home early, because, our 4 daughter are grown and have their own childern, and i'm out and walking which has made a differance in his life too. to be walking hand in hand with your husband is a thrill to him. one that he thought would never happen....he tells me all the time, so it has made a big differance, when the rest of the family sees how much, life means to you, and your trying to grab every bit of it..i have so many goals set. i'm training in the winter months for the summer to see how much i can do... so thank you again, for your help and kind words and your care.it has been a godsent to me... margie. -------------------------------------------------------------- margie 295/259.8/-36 54yrs. dr,texiria FORGIVE YOUR MIND AND YOU HEART WILL FOLLOW.
  10. adoorme9

    Caution - highly addictive

    hey, lisa wow, you really got it bad , take a brake and go out , walking , bike riding, golfing, hand ball playing in the court yard or park. go bird watching , see how many you can find, go plane counting. there are a lot of diffent ones, my 3yr old granddaughter knows... we've been watching a woodpecker for a couple of days now is make a lot of holes in the neigbor next door tree. our fear, is in the winter it mite fall down. :nervous with the weight of the snow..... is not great :ermm but, is something to seee.. every other day little by little you try something new. hope your able to find, help..... margie, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- margie 4/5/04 295/259/- HEAL THE MIND AND THE BODY,AND HEART FOLLOWS
  11. adoorme9


    marie, that was wild!!........ i have been wanting to bike ride for the longest time .. and but, not to sure because of the band so now ,not this year. next yr. in, 2005, i'll set my goal and be out there..... your warm and caring spirit and excitement ,comes out as you speak. that was great to do that, and loved every minute of it. when was the last time you got on a bike?. for me ,ummm :ermm had to really think on that one myself .i was 19. still remmber and still loved it. hearing, that some of you guys like to bike ride too, is so encourageing to me i can hardly wait!! to go ride. thank you, for you other reply, i wanted to reply sooner but, had family over and they wanted to walk with me and go every where i go to walk, it was fun. they have been so helpful these couple of days .. and, i'm so glad that there are so many things to still look forward too...even if we've been there , done that.. now, is so new and now, is so exciting . i'm so happy for you, you've made my day. thanks... marie -------------------------------------------------------------- margie, 295/259/-39 getting lost in PA. clear your mind and your body follows
  12. adoorme9


    hi again leah, marie, is right, sorry, i was caught up in the thrill of this site, that i completly for forgot . there were others in the net. sorry, and there is really loads of information out there, you need to look for, yourself. sorry, marie , just lost my mind there for a minute, was thinking with my heart not my head. thanks and sorry,
  13. adoorme9


    hi, leah yes, it works, but, it takes a lot of determantion on you part, but, you will love it, you will soul search yourself, and cry, and laugh at yourself, you'll see people in a different way, you'll will know who your friends really are, and as you lose the weight you will become more determan to keep losing the weight, know matter, how, up you are and how, down they are, you will find your strengths and your weakness. but, the weight will still be going down. you have come to the right web site. cause, here there are a bunch of bandsters as we call ourselfs. that care , and know were you are going and were you've been in this operation.... so i hope this helps you and you can make the right decision the bandsters will still be here. we care. and you will have a lot of other questions. still ... take good care of yourself and your health, we've been in your shoe...... :think ----------------------------------------------- margie band on4/5/04 295/259.4/-35.6 moved to PA HEAL THE MIND AND THE BODY WILL FOLLOW :Bunny
  14. adoorme9

    1 Year ago today~

    hi, Kyleigh,(SKY) i'll call you Sky, cause, that's what your going for. just like a pilot in his plane, when his in the sky that he can almost touch the clouds,and see the beauty of it all, is awesome inspirering. he feels free, now you are 70lbs :banana lighter and can reach for what ever you want, at 25yrs. you, can do so much, go to school and learn a trade or go hiking , go sking , go sky diving , go to see mickey mouse.to his house, go to sea world, discover your owe back yard as they say, in your owe town, see the empire state building , it will keep you busy, and , you'll feel great about yourself. also the excerise will be Great..... CONGRAD'S you did good girl... --------------------------------------------------- margie, 4/5/04 295/259.4/-35.4 new to PA just move. have fun.
  15. adoorme9

    My Dad has lukemia

    hi, Rica don't know much about leukemia, sorry , my prays and my thought are with your father, my dad is about the same age and i love the rascual. so i know is hard on you and the family right now....but,remmber, don't forget, to becareful in what you eat and drink, emoitions will run high and you need a level head about yourself, and your band. going out with the family to eat, and the stress of it, you might over eat, just an oz. or 2. you might be able to take it , but, your little tummy might not. so please, becareful, and you try to get better and get some rest you will need it in the days to come... ------------------------ margie, 4/5/04 295/-35.6
  16. adoorme9

    weekly scale challenge

    hi, weigth in 259.4 , thougth i was stuck , but, i guess i'm moving again, :Bunny -------------------------------------- margie 4/5/04 295/260/259.4 to date /-35.6 :banana yrs.54 finaly, got moved to PA
  17. adoorme9

    Back and Banded!

    hi, congrad's, the first week is the hardess, and you've made it so well, walking is the best thing, for toning muscles and getting your circulation going ,also burning off the engery that you will get, then there is no stopping you, and get your 6to7hr. sleep to get strong. i didn't have stiches, i had 5 small holes in different areas of my belly ,and thur those holes the doctor, did and put the band , had 5 band aids on. it did hurt. but , recovery, was fast. rest is needed . cause you still will get tired, i have seen some of the band operation. and they need more recovery time, some how i thought all the lapband operations . were similar. take care, and becareful with yourself. you have alot. of joy and fun and tears and people to meet, that will keep you busy, and going still. ----------------------------- margie band,4/5/04 295/260/-35 to date. ny. ny. Dr. Texiria, Monteifiore host. bx.
  18. hi all, why, is the fill needed, and can you get to tight.? can it stop you from eatting altogether.? don't understand it? 4/5/04 295/260/-35 to date ny. ny. : :ermm
  19. hi marie, i think you are such a supportive,bandster, i didn't think the fill was that important. because , i haven't had time to put my own effort into losing the weight. so i needed to know what it concites of (the fill). so much was said, now i can get more info. from my doctor, and make a good decision , when the time comes, i still want to do, as much as i can, on my owe to make the band work, because, is not the band, is you. and all the habits that got you in the place you are now. so i'm going to work very hard to make it work. i'm not to fond of doctor or hosptials.and needles. but , i really needed help in understanding , all that was going on with me and my insides.. i reading , so much about , all the banders, and basically , the same problem as me, and all the ques. helps me to be stronger ,, and i hope it helps them all too.and each other. thank you, for your concern and support. margie...
  20. hi, zoe, when i got the appt. to go and ask, about the lapband, they take you in one room with about 12 people more or less, and give you a leaflet book that explains ,step by step the stages of the oper. the first week, liquids ,,the second week.. purree.. the third week soild foods... and if the doctor. thinks that you should stay longer on liquids for more then two weeks ..you do. they really explain alot till you understand ,, but, the fill is not metion too much. and as i think back .. they just didn't say much about the fill .. even in the July.. month i felt i was stuck on not losing weight.. the doctor said they would give me another month and my give me a fill but, not a deep explaintion of it. in Aug.. when i went back ,,i saw another doctor, still...that doctor ,did not want to go that way yet so i was glad, because for a whole month i worried , my head off. just wondering , what was going to be done ... it was scarey and i did not know what she fully ment. so i didn't want the fill or anthing i was not sure off .. but , i didn't tell her.. i told my husband i 'm just was not sure ....i needed to find out more info. on the fill they wanted to give me... so i looked for help and support in the net. and found this site .. and it was a god send to me.. so i'm learning so much and being able to speak to bandsters lol; to learn more and more.. and now i have to go back and ask some ques. about ( the fill) to my doctor and then ,take it from there.. but . thank you so much for asking and the rest of you guys, for your knowlegde and concern. and for a place like this that shares all your thoughts and experance... THANK YOU : ) :Bunny MARGIE
  21. thank you so much greg139 for your explaintion, it was very helpful in understanding the fill, all this time i thought it was filled ,from the time they put, it in you ,the first time, this really helps to ask my dr. more ? about it. thank you so much again, was very helpful. thanks to all and kaylee and newhope. you are so helpful to all. thanks. in a rush sorry. will write later sorry. ---------------------- ny. ny. margie lost 35lbs 54yrs 4/5/04 band have a good day you'll
  22. thank you , as i read your story, i had so many of those problems and ques. that it was hard to talk to any one about, yours is such an inspiration. and it helps so much, and take away, alot of the worries, for me personally, to think that alot of us have the same questions and fears, to explore still, you really look so good and so young, at that, thank you again,i'm still malling your letter over...
  23. adoorme9

    Caution - highly addictive

    hi , of course the good lord want you to be as health as you can possible be, so your family, can enjoy years, with you, and see you grow old with them, your friends can come over and enjoy your company and laugh , with a good belly laughs, thinking of the good old days, and all the trouble you guys went thur, to see yourself achive, and go traveling , to start hobby's ,and the best for you to walk and get around and enjoy life, he's a happy god , and all these things you do in good health will make you happy too. that's why we can keep in mind .(the beging of a new start in our lives..has just begone)
  24. adoorme9

    Caution - highly addictive

    you guys have one thing in common (the Band) , and is nice to talk to someone who has your same problems and fears. i'm just starting but, i hope to get to know you all. now,that i can deal with, alot of issues ,because of my weight and band. makes you talk and think. ---------------------------------------- margie 4/5/04 295/260/-35 (130lbs reach) Dr. texeria.bronx ,ny,
  25. adoorme9

    A beginner's guide to fills

    hi ,zoe, thanks so much ,for your intake of info. on the fill, it was scarey to me , but, worth , it, your pictures were great too. thank you for being so thougthful, to all the bansters. one question , how long did it take, to get fill , the whole thing. :nervous ,i may, be getting it done too. hope not. sincerely. margie

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