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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by adoorme9

  1. adoorme9

    Cancel banding because of Migraines?

    Hi, your hormones can take you thur, a whirlpool of trips, and you're still young, but, eventually it will easy, off, and then you can enjoy life, just hang in there, the band and weight loss , will be such a relive that , when your migraines slow down , you will be able to enjoy life.. -------------------------------------- margie, 4/5/04 ny. dr. texeria 295lbs. till date 247lbs. slow but safe.
  2. adoorme9

    Migraines anyone????

    hi,becca congradulation, on your band, the group is right, your,have to check and see your doctor, and let him go thur a group of medicines that are for migraines, they do have them but, you must insists on it, there's frova, which is fairly new, imitrex,which is shown on tv. i've tried these two and they have help me so much, they have tablets and also , one that melts in your mouth, don't suffer with these migraines, they take half of your life away, is like living in a fish bowl, watching every one live, while you hide, in your little fish home, afraid to do anything cause, any thing will bring on a migraine, theirs foods , you have to watch our for, and sleep to much, to little, and smells, any kind, that trigers off a headach, noises, light, walking to fast, stress, and worse, it takes you away from your family, the ones you want to be close to the most... now that you have the band, you have a new chance to fight , this pain with a different, weapon... and that is determination as you lose weight , you want to go out more and see more things, and be more with the family, cause, you are starting to feel better about yourself, and that will push you to want to get better, and feel like a whole new person. So go for it,, and soon you'll live in a different world without and see it without , pain..... margie, ----------------------------------------------------------- margie 4/5/04 295/260.8/140gol montifiore hospt. bx. ny dr.texiriera
  3. hi, lauri my hearts go's out to you, every one so concern and worried for you and is saying the same thing,...and stay calm, stress can make you feel out of it and not to well, hope your doing ok, just like the rest of us ( are you doing ok?) margie --------------------------------------------------- margie 295/257/=? 4/5/04
  4. adoorme9

    Update on my Mom's condition

    hi, penni i really don't know you well. but, i hope i'm not out of place in , saying, that,my heart goes out to you and your family, with all the health problems, they are having, i'm so glad like the rest that is not cancer, and your ok yourself . at times when our family's are having health related problems, we suffer , very much, cause, we feel so helpless, and is nice to know, that , their are friends to share these times with, even as hard as they are, take care of yourself , cause , your mother is in very good hands, but, your in a fragile state, rest,and eat well, at times, we forget.even that ,because of the worries, best of health to you and your mother,sister... margie, ------------------------------------------------------- margie 295/259/+2lbs ARE FAMILY'S ARE ALWAYS THERE... BUT, WITH FRIENDS WE REALLY SHARE..
  5. adoorme9

    Pics, Before and After

    hi, leo your pictures look great,.... is helps so much in reaching for that goal, and your chart,.. that's neet, you really help me to keep pushing, and see what i have to look forward too. that plateau is the hardest to get out off,.. thank you for shareing that,.. you give us a hope that we can make it,too. in the last 20lbs at the finish line, we'll all be there saying;;; congradulation. :banana the best of health to you, take care ,becareful margie -------------------------------------------------------------- margie 4/5/04 295/259/+2lbs 140gol. SHAREING WILL ALWAYS MAKE YOU HAPPY....
  6. adoorme9

    Car accident

    hi, teresa sorry, for your pain, you really need to go to see the doctor, as the rest of the group are saying,.. because, when it starts to hurt and get discomfort, you don't know how long is going to take you to get well, and those injurys, are silent, sometimes weeks or months to show up, so becareful and get help, and get checked out, asap!... i know is different but, i had a fall and i suffered for 15yrs and it was the littless thing ,so i thought, took yrs off my family and me.. so please have yourself, checked out, so as not to be wondering for years,, should i have done something then,? take care , becareful , you've just started , a new outlook and a new way of life,with the band, make sure your ok there too. margie ---------------------------------------------------------- margie 295/259/140gol 4/5/04
  7. adoorme9

    The importance of Water

    hi, leo glad to hear from you, it sounds like you are really busy, a career change is a big move to make now a days. but, it give you a chance to look at things in a different light. which is really nice , new inspirations, to look forward too. i move to pa after yrs in n.y. and boy, it feels great, for my health and peace of mind, so i really hope all goes well, with you. i do have questions, why do people get stuck on a platu ? when it comes to eatting. with the small size of the stomach ? if you eat to much can you pop a stitch or just stretch it?, thanks for your reply. and your help... margie ------------------------------------------------------ margie 295/258./140gol 4/5/04
  8. adoorme9

    Losing my hair

    hi, sub3 i posted a similar question. i was worried too, and they reply, was very encouraging. they said, food , you need to eat protein, shakes, your protein shakes and vitmans, since you'll be eating small portions, you'll need to keep health, or your body healthly and fit. be careful. their are more reasons,too but, for now, these made sence to me.. you'll soon see new growth, stay healthly, best of health, margie ------------------------------------------- margie 4/5/04 295/258.8/140gol dr. texiria, bx ny. montifiore hospt. no fills
  9. congaulations; one of the best news you can give this site. happy for you, best of health. margie ------------------------------------- margie 4/5/04 295/258.8/fighting off 1pd. e-town, pa dr. texiria montifiorie hospt. bx. ny.
  10. hi, angle i aggree with all of what they say, if is your health, or your peace of mind, and feeling better, keeping looking for more info. till your satisfied, the difference in the two surgerys is one is reversable lapband , the other is not.gastrobypass. best of health,to you, margie ----------------------- margie 295/257/140gol 4/5/04 no fill yet.
  11. how can you stay reqular?, and what helps?, to relife you. how ,many days is normal?, when you don't go regularly,,, trying to find some answers to this question?. my doctor recommended stool softener, but, they make me sick , i think there to strong. and give me a nasty headach, what can you possible eat that can make a differences? or drink? with such a small tummy. would appreicate , your input. thank you....so much margie
  12. adoorme9

    How do you stay reqular? and what is normal..NOW..

    hi, tried the benifiber and only thing i find with benifiber is that you still feel it at the back of you thoart, and is like you gota keep swallowing to get it all cleared out.. and drink more water, so we went to the market, and got phillips soft chews,chocolate creme taste, bean's different kinds. but, am trying beans , is that bean salad? or bean's like within the rice?, or bean's and rice on side? ,or just plain beans?... i guess you have to keep trying till you feel comfortable with one of them, thank you, so much . it's been such a help to me,.. and if is bean salad, what dressing goes best with it,,(hope is not plain) : ).. thank you guys, margie -------------------------------------------- margie 295/258/140gol 4/5/04 dr. texiria, montifiore hospt. ny. ny. I READ ALL YOUR WEIGHT LOSSES AND YOU ARE ALL AN INSPRIRATION TO ME... THANKS,...
  13. adoorme9

    How do you stay reqular? and what is normal..NOW..

    thanks for the advice, i thought , you couldn't each leafy veggie's because, your little tummy couldn't mash it all up,..but, will try it, had not had veggie's since band 4/5/05. just canned veggies , cause there softer. and grapes lotssss of grapes..and i'd been thinking on mayo w/lettuce. but, haven't tryied it yet, well, back to the drawing broad. as they say, thank you guys, best of health to you.. --------------------------------------- margie 4/5/04 295/258/140gol ny. ny.
  14. adoorme9

    well iam back

    hi, glad everything went well, as far as the protein, question, only your doctor , can answer that one , cause , he has to make sure , your ok, feel better, and best of health to you, margie, -------------------------------------- margie 295/258/140gol ny. ny. dr. texiria, montieforie hosptial 4/5/04 band YOUR NEW JOURNEY IN LIFE HAS JUST BEGUN, PUT ON YOUR SNEAKERS, AND RUN ,TO LOSE.....
  15. adoorme9

    dec 8 wed its here

    hi, best of health, and soon you'll have a smile from ear to ear. good health to you .. margie -------------------------------------------- margie 295/258/140gol LIKE THEY SAY. BETTER LATE ,THEN NEVER
  16. adoorme9

    I Am A New Bandster....

    hey, n.y. glad you joined the club, i'm having withdurals from n.y. after 49 yrs of living there,..... i started losing weight, without a fill since , my band 2 1/2 lbs. every two days , i couldn't belive it, then when i started solids, things change and i'm strugling with the pounds. but, have learn so much, on this site. becareful how you eat. eat slowly, when the time comes, drink your proteins, and your waters, and any problems go to your doctor.. the best of health to you, feel better and is a joy you'll have for a long time... margie ------------------------------------------------------ margie 295/258/140gol 4/5/05 montiefiorie hospt. dr texiria bx. ny.(moved to pa.)
  17. adoorme9

    Pinch me!

    hi, ryan your way with words are so soothing, and takes you to a different place all together, to forget of your worries, your pain, your health, and your fears, is a beautiful ride and when you've search every deepth of your being, you'll find that in all these years, you are the person every one knew, just more rested, more at peace with themself, and more loving, and happy, and comfortable inside, thank you for your thoughts and the quietness of your spirit, best of health.. margie -------------------------- margie 295/258/140 INNER PEACE IS A GIFT, NOT TO MANY PEOPLE HAVE, BUT, SEARCH TO FIND.....
  18. adoorme9

    Pre Op Diet

    hi, jen hang in there ,for just a couple of more days, and when your band ,you'll feel if you did it for a couple of days, you can do it. think as of now the places you would like to walk to after the band, walking is the best thing, before and after. keeps the mind refresh. and is a beautiful life style change that you made, for your health, and well being, your going to have a lot to look forward to concertate on those things. that will soon be at your reach. best of health. it will make the sacrifice of the food your eatting now taste so much better, margie ---------------------------------------------------- margie 4/5/04 295/258/140gol
  19. adoorme9


    hi, michelle so, glad you were able to know that it was the medicien. and you'll maybe feeling better soon, it must have been so stressful, just to go thur that pain, will you be sore, hope you recoup fast, best of health. margie ---------------------------------------------- margie 4/5/04 295/258/140gol
  20. adoorme9

    Scare to go to solids.

    hi , lisa because, your changing from liquids to solids, you can gain or stay in the same last weightin you took, but, remmber, if you chew your food well is like eatting puree.semisolids. and is true, you need the time to heal, and rest your insides, lea-g explained it very well, and michelle, look over your booklet and see what you can really eat, and what you can't eat , so you can make a speedy recover and graduate to solids, chew well and eat slowly, so you can enjoy each bite and your food. best of health, margie ------------------------------------------ margie 4/5/04 295/258/gol140
  21. hi ,lauri i'm so sorry they denied your band op., but, when my doc.'s helper ask to bring prove of my history , i didn't know what she was talking about,and i asked , and she said, when ever you went to your medical doc. and he weighted you. that was the history, and that was all that was needed all the times my doctor weight me,...he always weight me in and i didn't go to him for my weight but, my other medical problems for years.... if they have social service, i think that's the name, in you medical building or in the hosptial were you go to all the time , they have all the info. on your kind of insurance co. and what they accept or not and that mite help , their always willing to help..in what you can do.. best of health to you. margie ------------------------------------------------------- margie 295/258/-36 4/5/04 dr. texiria bx.ny montiefiorie hospt.
  22. adoorme9

    List of Protein rich foods/values

    hi, lea-g thanks, i just looked into it and it sure helps, the info, is really good to read,and figure, and plan with, thank you , been looking for something just like this, margie, ------------------------------------------------------- margie 4/5/04 295/258/140goal
  23. adoorme9

    new member

    hi, minny the best to you, your health is so important , without it , your lost is a sea of doctors and medicein, the information here, is great, and the people are sweet, your health will get better, but, you'll soon find out for yourself. you'll love it , best of health to you.. margie, ------------------------------------------------- margie 4/05/04 band 295/258/goal 140 dr.texiria, bx. ny. montefiorie hospt. no fills, WHEN YOU FEEL GOOD YOUR WHOLE BODY DANCES....
  24. adoorme9

    weekly scale challenge

    hi, weight in at 258 today, been out with a bout of migraine , trying to get the last 25%in control. so missed alot, take care margie ------------------------------------------------ margie 295/258/ -36 WHEN YOU HANG IN THERE FOR YOUR LIFE, YOU USALLY WIN...
  25. adoorme9

    Snack Suggestions

    hi, betty at the amount of food that goes in your tummy , everything is a snack, is not enough for a meal, so 4oz.4xaday plus 64.oz of liquids and protein, and still watching out for your calories, a must.. is trail and error. sometimes you can eat well during the day, some times you can't eat all your meal..or snacks, but is nothing compare to before, so each time you eat now, look at it as another day to enjoy , a walk in the park, and not as another day feeling full and can't go out to enjoy the day....just becareful in eating. some foods will go well and some won't... enjoy every bite, margie, ---------------------------------------------------------- margie 295/258/140

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
