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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jordien

  1. hey vanishing... i was sleeved only one day before you, and yes, I am in a similar boat!!! I tried chili.. measured out a tiny 1/4 cup with a pinch of shredded cheese. yum, tasted great, felt good. an hour later I was puking. same with tuna. I had a little bit of tuna salad on a cracker or two. two hours later, had to pull over and puke in a bowl in my car. OMG! I hate it!!! today I saw my nutritionist and she told me that I am still early on and that my stomach needs time to heal. So.. dont' be afraid to try these foods again, but maybe take only 2 or 3 bites and wait a half an hour or something, see how I feel. Then maybe a little more. So I am trying to be patient and slow down. (maybe i just ate too fast?) It's such a guessing game. Did I eat too much? Too fast? The wrong thing? SO I guess stick with liquids again for a day and stuff that you do feel good on, and then try again. Maybe only measure out 1/8 cup?? That's what I'm going to try to do this week. And I hope for NO PUKING!!!

    Good luck!

  2. I almost did the same thing, just grabbed something out of habit. I think only 1 chip is okay. From what I understood, the stomach needs to heal.. not be jumping all around trying to digest food. I was on Clear Liquids for 2 weeks also.

    During my 2nd week, I was also sick of chicken broth. I started adding a little applesauce. The internet said it was a clear liquid. My doc told me (after the fact) that no it wasn't. oops! But it helped me get through. I could only eat half of the little container. (I get the Motts unsweetened for my kids) I also would have a Jello for dinner if I had to. Emeril makes a decent chicken broth and also a beef broth. Some times I'd change it up and have beef broth. (I know, not that creative) There just aren't many choices!

    Good luck!

  3. Great ideas, thanks!

    Tonight, I put a boneless skinless chicken thigh into a pot with some chicken broth. I added some chopped up carrots and celery and jane's crazy mixed up salt. I boiled it until the chicken was cooked through and shredding and the vegetables were SUPER soft. I sorta mashed it around a bit to shred everything more and I was just taking some tastes. YUM! I am going to divide this up into some little containers and hopefully use this as one of my little meals this week. I gotta get some real food going here!

  4. good! no sweat pants in public!!!

    I am happy to be getting into a few things I had hanging there in the "too tight" section.

    I saw my nutritionist today, so that was good. I am down a few inches in waist and hips according to her tape measure. She said it's perfectly normal for where I am right now to be still having some trouble with foods, to take it slow, don't be afraid to try things again, even if I threw up the first time. lol... She suggested some soft flaky fish, hardboiled egg/mayo in the magic bullet for egg salad and same with chicken salad, so I will try that more. Also I told her I was sick of the Protein drinks and shakes, and she suggested putting the unflavored Protein powder into some mashed potatoes. Will try that tonight. She also suggested making choc. pudding and sneaking some Protein Powder into that.

    I go back in 2 months to see her. I have tried to stay off the scale. My goal is to not get on again until Monday morning!! We'll see if I make it.

  5. Our surgery was the exact same day.. and I say there is a HUGE difference between 3 weeks out and 9 months out!!!

    Today I saw my nutritionist, and we talked about this. She said once I'm further out, I should be having 3 meals and maybe a snack. But for right now, I should be having 4-5 "meals" which really do not consist of a "meal," since I'm eating so little at a sitting.

    So I know what you mean, and for us right now.. I don't think grazing is a bad thing, though maybe we shouldn't call it that. We gotta get in what we can at this stage, and there is no way I can do it in 3 set meals. And my nutritionist said that was okay for right now. I see her again in 2 months, and she said things should be a lot different then. I should be able to sit down, have my "meal" of 2/3oz of chicken, a little veggies, and a little potato, and done. It lasts until the next meal.

    So anyway for now... this is what it is! I'm working on 1 oz. of sliced deli turkey right now, and by the time I chew it to death and manage to finish it, it'll be dinnertime! lol!

  6. It IS hard to get everything in. I never finish a "meal," so I just come back to it or eat more often. I also find that when I get hungry, I get starving.. suddenly. I try to make sure I have crackers in my purse as a last resort, in case I"m out and I suddenly get hungry. It's not like I get hungry and can eat a huge meal. Usually a little bit is all I need. I guess my stomach gets pretty empty! lol...

  7. just take a few bites and stop? then wait like 15 minutes and take a few more bites? that sort of thing? I could try. Today I had a cup of Water first thing in the morning, took my meds. Got down a Protein Shake (2 scoops choc Unjury and 1 cup milk) So.. I'm HAPPY that I have 40g Protein in already, and it was before noon. Then I've been sucking on my crystal light lemonade to try and meet my fluids quota. But now I'm starting to get a little hungry, and I WANT TO EAT SOMETHING! I may just have a potato. I've done well with a mashed up baked potato. Not great protein though. I am not trying the leftover chili that's in there waiting for me, though I would like to. ANd I'm not doing tuna again. Not sure if I have chicken in the house, I know I don't have thighs.. so maybe I'll wait on that until someone gets to the grocery store. I guess I'll just turn to my good ole Soup or something. lol.... Going back to work Monday and am NOT wanting to go running out of my classroom to puke while I have students there! Think I'll be having soup for lunch for a long time. haha...

  8. I hope not! I've thrown up several times. UGH!

    thanks diva... what do you think for chicken? do you think i still need to puree it? i'm really NOT into the idea of pureeing any kind of real food. maybe chicken thighs cooked in broth? or a chicken Soup? I could make that. Hmmm.....

    I am afraid to try real food stuff! I feel good after eating it, but 2 hours later, I am running to the bathroom. It's like my stomach just can't digest it. It's trying I guess??!!

    thanks for the Protein suggestions guys!

  9. It is FREAKY! It does not hurt like it will bring you to tears in pain. It is just weird. My doc. had me take a few deep breaths and then one deep breath in and he did it... I was like oh my god that was weird!!!! and they all laughed at me. It's also a very quick thing. FREAKY! That's all I have to say. But not painful. Good luck! Post back how you did!

  10. gena, your post had me worried too!!!! Take care of yourself girl!!

    juicy mouse... have you tried anything new lately? I had some cheese last night and did great with it. I bought the helluva good colby-jack (wish they had it in lowfat, but they didn't and it was the regular!!!) but I love it! Just a few pieces. Today I am trying some pineapple.. one of the little fruit cups type thing, you send in a kids' lunch box. I am chewing like crazy. lol!

  11. Stay off the scale! That is my advice. I'm 3 weeks out.. lost a huge amount the first 2 weeks, then kinda stayed the same for the 3rd week. It was frustrating, yes. But now.. I'm just focusing on tracking what I'm eating, counting my calories and Protein, making sure I get enough of everything I need IN... and I'll get on the scale in a few days, or maybe next week. Whatever! This is big for me too. I would usually get on the scale every day, morning and night, before shower and after a shower, etc...

    Good luck! Chin up! Stay positive!

  12. Hope you're feeling better after your day. I think you have a lot of great replies. My input.. I gave up soda a long long time ago. I like saying.. well we don't keep soda in the house, so bring your own if you want it (to family/friends coming over.) I like that my children don't like soda. We are all off soda! I say cut out the soda is #1, and after reading your post, that was my first reaction... that the worst thing was the soda. And yeah, might help to say no to all chips too! I am trying to cut out chips alltogether. After not having them for so long, I'm hoping they taste too salty and greasy and fatty for me. At least that's what I'm hoping! I'm still early out.....

    Good luck!

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