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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jordien

  1. I'm also starting to feel it.. hungry and want something GOOD and something DIFFERENT. Man the choices are limited on the Clear Liquids stage. I see my doc tomorrow for my followup, so I'm going to see if there are any stage 2 foods that I could start early.. like... tomorrow! LOL! Even some new Soups. I'd be willing to puree them and eat them that way. I think it's normal we are really on a restricted diet!!! Try to get through. Be strong!

  2. p.s. congrats on your fast approval!!!!! Geez!!! My BCBS sent me around the ringer and all over before finally approving my sleeve 4 days before my surgery date. I had gone through pre-admission testing and everything before I got the approval. I did not give up. But that's another story. I'm relieved you don't have to go through the long waiting! Good Luck!

  3. Great list.. I agree. I was just very afraid of the dramatic re-routing of my digestive system. Skipping over an entire portion? And fine great not absorbing fat and calories, but what about all the nutrients that also don't get absorbed? I'm NOT a pill taker. I am fine with my chewable Vitamin once a day and that's it. The string of Vitamins and supplements I'd be on? Not for me. I'm only a week and a day out, but I already LOVE my sleeve. Wish I had gotten it first, not the damned band.

  4. Unjury is my choice of Protein Powder. I put 1/2 scoop of unflavored in my coffee in the morning. I put a scoop of unflavored in my fruit smoothies. I make chocolate shakes with the chocolate flavored. I have several recipes from support group members on variations of shakes too. I love shakes and they make me think I'm having dessert, so I try to experiment with the recipes. Chocolate Mint shake, Chocolate Peanut Butter shake, etc. I always come back to unjury and they ship so quickly and efficiently. For quick on the go shakes, I usually get the Kelloggs.. not the best thing, but easy to pick up at the grocery store and keep a few lying around just in case.

  5. I'm too afraid to stray from my doctor's orders. So if he says 2 weeks of Clear Liquids, I'm doing it. I learned that applesauce is a clear liquid. What if you have some of that. I'll tell you, I can only eat half of the little motts container, and I have to save the rest for another time. Last night I ate a little too much, and I felt uncomfortable, just overfull.. didn't like it. I think the object is we don't want to make our stomachs have to work too hard to digest. Right now it's healing. Maybe I'm just overly cautious, but I'm not even going to THINK about a yogurt or mashed potato until Sunday!! I am looking forward to my stage 2 for the variety!

    Also.. I found Crystal Light popsicles at Walmart. sugar free, cold, like a treat, I eat 2 a day usually. If your'e doing popsicles, make sure they are sugar free. and watch the ones in the grocery store that say no sugar added, cause even they have sugar alcohols in them, and you don't want that. Good luck!

  6. yeah, like acid reflux. you could take pepcid or get on nexium.. but I know people with acid reflux usually try to avoid Tomato foods, spicy foods, etc.. I would guess now that we have a small stomach, once it's full (which isn't on much) then the acid production happens more easily and can back up? I mean that happened to me a lot before when I was very overweight and overstuffing myself, lying down too soon, all that stuff... talk to your doc. maybe you could get on nexium or just try to avoid the trigger foods? good luck!

  7. Interesting. I was absolutely NOT interested in the shots, just hearing things about them and generally the disgustingness of how it sounded.. lol. This one was something new, and my bariatric coordinator included a pamphlet in my pre-surgery class packet. So I asked her about this, and she said yes it is whey Protein and a good choice. She also had Isopure, but that bottle was 40oz! I MIGHT get that down in a whole day. LOL! So I went to GNC to ask about it, but they didn't have it. Only found it online. I hope it's good and healthy! If not, I only have a week left. I much prefer my powdered Unjury whey protein, but it doesn't fall into the clear liquid category. chocolate shake anyday I'll take! lol.... neat site btw, comparing proteins! thanks!

  8. I was monitored by my physician. Had an elevated bp at a yearly checkup, so she started seeing me every 3 months to take it, and after a while she said she thought it was time I went on a medication. we tried a few different things until we found one that worked. as far as the sleeve, my surgeon said keep taking it and most likely with weight loss I could come off it. I'll go back to monitoring with my fam. doctor every 3 months and let her handle it. Being on BP medicine was one of the biggest reasons I qualified with my insurance company for surgery.

  9. Hi Dave! I usually follow the helpful links people post like Tiffy and also I read through posts and gather info. It's so amazing how much you can learn from other people!! Love this message board.

    Good luck with getting your surgery date! Please report back how it went!!!!

    For me, I am in the 2 weeks of Clear liquids stage right now. Here's what I've learned:

    First few days/hospital/first day home.. just sip when you can. Try to sip about an oz. or two per hour. Use the tiny little cups in the hospital they give you, and sip sip sip. Goal for first week to gradually add Fluid as you can. Things to sip on: juice, diluted 50/50 with Water, crystal light, Water.

    Once I was home and got through the first days, and found myself able to drink, I gradually increased liquids to 60oz. a day. This is my current goal. I try to jot down in my meal planner the approx. oz. I drink with each thing. Included in that, try to get 40g of Protein. I get this primarily from Protein Shots. Two I found that are tolerable are Healthy Shots by Hormel. Only available online at GNC site, or you can get them a bit cheaper on the Hormel site. Let me know I can post it for you. It's 2.5 oz, so not much but packs 25g of Protein in it. Peach flavored.. not great tasting, gotta be honest. BUT I can do it in a juice glass, over ice, diluted with some lemonade or water or something. I sip through it in about an hour and the protein is really helping me with my energy level, I am sure of it. The other type I have is like a bullet.. got it in RiteAid drugstore. Similar to other one.. but there's a fruit punch and a white grape, not So bad.. again, I dilute a little. They are 2.9oz and 25g of protein too. Other things I am having on my clear liquids: chicken broth warmed in micro, crystal light popsicles found them at Walmart, sugar free Jello cups, warm Decaf green tea with honey, applesauce. I have made up a little meal plan with all of this stuff, getting my protein, staying hydrated, and honestly by 5 days post-op, I was able to do this. In the beginning... no. Even my first day home from hospital, I could barely drink and had no desire. I was afraid of being dehydrated though, so that motivated me to start sipping and keep going. Take small sips and not gulps, or you will feel some pain. GOOD LUCK!

  10. Great topic. OMG I am ALWAYS hot and sweating and uncomfortable. I freeze everyone out in my house and classroom. I have to have my fans running all the time. One of the worst times is in the morning after getting out of the shower. I don't take hot showers at all, but all through doing my hair and makeup and getting ready, I'm sweating and so uncomfortable. I cannot WAIT for this to change. Now it's almost fall, so we're getting into cooler weather, which I love... but I'm anxious to see if there's a difference come Spring/early summer! I would imagine that lugging all this weight around on us of course offers extra insulation??? Be gone I say!!!

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