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Posts posted by shrinkinggrl

  1. yeah. I'm having NO problem sucking down large amounts of liquids. And I am now "liquids out" to prove it. Immodium is my new best friend.

    Guess I am still bloaty and stuff because I am only down like 2 lbs from my pre surgery weight. Annoying, but I know weight loss is not really the main focus right now.

    Am now having trouble getting Protein in because my tastes have changed and Isopure is no longer tolerable. And the New Whey Protein bullets ....ACK. That stuff is like syrup!!!! I gagged. I don't know what else to try. I had a sample packet of unjury chicken broth. I didn't think I had the Water too warm, but it turned into a solid and had to go down the disposal. URK.

    I am out of protein options. I'll have to go to the GNC tomorrow to see if they have anything else I can try.

    Any suggestions?

  2. no prob. Be sure if you do go to AA parking that you ask for a valid phone# in case the driver is MIA like he was for us. If i could have gotten thru to anyone and been told what was going on, I would not have had the whole taxi nightmare. the 888# on Nina's emails is the one I tried, and all I got was a menu loop where the line rang and rang and then robot picked up and said "thank you. to return to the main menu, press 1." and when I'd press 1 the whole thing started again. GRRRRR! but maybe it was because it was Sunday? Maybe the phones aren't manned on Sunday?????

    Check on it. You'll be glad you did.

  3. Alish,

    I never saw V8 listed anywhere in my packet of post op diet stuff? I wouldn't worry too much about the Protein just yet, though. I'm getting only about 20g a day. I can't stomach a whole bottle of Isopure but I can drink 4 oz or so at each "meal". So if a 20oz bottle has 40 grams and I'm drinking about 12 oz per day.... (if train A and train B both left the station at 9am heading in opposite directions) LOL. So I guess between that and beef and chix broths it's more like 27g Protein. I'm gonna have to find something besides the Isopure. I don't really like it much and I hate forcing it down. I feel ok after drinking it, but I hate drinking it. I might try some kind of unflavored Protein powder.

    Hope you find a solution that works for you!

  4. Alish...

    Sorry to hear you are having rough time! I know what you mean about the liquid Tylenol. I took some last night...wanted to see how it performed compared to the Supradol (which I didn't think worked all that great.) The liquid Tylenol BURNED going down. Holy cow! I got a little panicky but then the burn faded. And that stuff worked better than the supradol. Weird.

    As for the hunger thing...are you taking your nexium mups? Until I took my first nexium I felt like my tummy was folding in on itself or like someone was wringing it like a washcloth...and I thought that was hunger. But once I started the nexium I realized it must just be the acid "false hunger" people talk about.

    Best of luck to you, Alish. Hang in there. I was miserable in the hospital, but things are improving at a dramatic pace...and it all started for me when they took that god awful drain out. My body did NOT like that thing. Which makes me unexpressably relieved that I did NOT choose the band....because I am convinced that my body would not have tolerated THAT foreign body any better than the drain!

  5. lilmissdiva: I didn't tip Frederico because he forgot to pick my friend and I up at AA Parking in Calexico (we drove into Calexico) like he was supposed to. But I tipped Ernesto $5 when he took me across the border and dropped me at the same parking lot. If my friend had been with me for that ride (she left the day after my surgery, spent 2 days in San Diego, and met me back at the parking lot to drive home) it would have been $10 because I'd read $5 per person tip is appropriate for the driver.

  6. posting the same in both this forum and obesity help:

    Surgery went fine, though I was not one of the lucky people who had no pain and easily walked to the pharmacy and back, etc.


    I drove in to Calexico w/ a friend. The Mexicali Bariatric Center's driver was supposed to pick us up just before crossing the border and forgot. :angry: So there we are at 1:45 p.m. waiting and waiting (he was supposed to be there at 1p). We got upset and confused and scared, so we decided to call the hospital. We kept dialing and all we got was "Thank you. Press 1 to return to the main menu" over and over in a loop. And here I am looking like an A %S%S to my friend after assuring her everything was all researched and in place. So we took a taxi across not knowing what else to do and got raped for $40 US for the 5 minute ride.

    When Sergio came out to get me and asked how I was, I burst into tears and blabbered out about the taxi and feeling taken advantage of and why the hell didn't their stupid driver pick us up?!!!:001_wub:

    They were VERY apologetic. Turns out the driver was chatting up all the San Diego airport people and just plain forgot us. He dropped them at the hospital and went back for us, but of course we had already left.

    So now I am having all sorts of 2nd thoughts and very nearly called the whole thing off thinking if they can't even do a simple thing like remember to pick someone up at the border, what the heck else would they be forgetting?

    But Sergio was just way too nice and apologetic and soothing. Testing went fine and when the driver arrived to take us to the hotel he was quite sheepish, hat in hand. "I'm thinking you don't even want to see me right now," he said with such chagrin that I was unable to stay angry. :thumbup1: Of course, it didn't hurt that the bariatric center kindly gave me the $40 US taxi fare back to make up for the mistake.

    I was somewhat bummed out that I was last in line for surgery. I'm not sure why or how they make those decisions, but I was. It gave me all that much more time to ask what the heck I was about to do to myself.

    But by the time they gave me the happy stuff I was ok. I remember a woman wrapping my legs up for the surgery and them poking me for the IV. After that I don't remember anything until waking up again. They were amused because up until then I was too rattled by the whole taxi thing to remember any spanish but started asking groggy questions in spanish:

    Que es el tiempo? Donde esta mi amiga? Dios mio...Tengo dolor!!!!! Me duele. Me duele.

    Hee hee.

    They gave me pain meds...probably to shut me up. And then they made me lift my legs and all that. They took me back to my room. Scooting into bed sucked royally. And the bed sucked royally. I don't think I slept two hours from the night before surgery until Tuesday night. My friend left to spend Tues and Wed in San Diego....I gave her my blessing on that because I knew she'd be bored and I was able to trust the hands I was in again. So I took the sofa around the middle of the night Tuesday and kept on for Wednesday. I just had way too much trouble getting out of bed.

    I am puzzled because NO ONE came to check on me the first night at all. I'm accustomed to several temp/bp checks in the night and I was definitely not asleep....yet no one came. I had no way to call for the nurse....no cord and the button on the bed that I thought was for the nurse bruoght no one. But I am a take charge sort of person so I managed to get out of bed although the resulting pain was atrocious. And I shuffled up and down the halls and breathed into the little thingy without anyone telling me to do so.

    Dr Aceves and Dr Campos visisted several times a day just as people have said. Dr Aceves always happened to catch me in bed so he was careful to ask if I was walking. In some cases I had just finished a walk and told him so.

    It wasn't until the drain came out that I turned the corner and started REALLY feeling better. Now that I am home I am sure the improvements will continue. I just walked to the mailbox and back, and it is some distance down the street from my house. I am worried that I am not getting enough nutrients and am dismayed to see the "fluids gain" that everyone talks about.

    But all in all I do not regret the trip to Mexico. And though I may have made it sound otherwise, I do feel I was in competent hands once I got to the hospital. Despite everythng I am considering going back there in 3months for the follow up. We'll see.

  7. :) Sorta getting scared now. :thumbup: Leave for Mexicali tomorrow. For surgery Monday. :eek: No longer can say it is "out there in the future".

    I'm worried about everything. I'll wake up sick. I won't get there on time. They'll do the pre-op testing and I'll find out something is wrong and I can't have surgery. I'll have a bad reaction to meds or anesthesia. I'll be Aceves' very first leak ever. I'll make it home ok only to experience complications later.

    I can't shut my mind off! :)

  8. after being cancelled 2 x for the lap band, I started feeling that maybe it was a sign I shouldn't have that surgery...and in the middle of the 2 cancellations I started reading about VSG. And then I found out my ins. co considers it experimental. I knew I could apply, get denied, and appeal, but I was just so fed up w/ all the waiting, the hassle, the red tape, the "just days before surgery cancellations" that I said screw it and found a way to pay in Mexico. LOL

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