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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Estrellita

  1. I'm two months post-op, and haven't noticed hair loss. My quixotic thinking believes I will dodge it, but it doesn't sound like it from all the posts... My husband dealt with pretty darn bad hair loss about five years ago. Someone recommended aloe vera mixed into his shampoo. He blends, literally blends, half his shampoo bottle with all the gooey stuff inside the aloe vera. He opens up one large piece of aloe vera and scrapes all the goey stuff off and into the blender it goes. Once blended he lets it sit for about 20 minutes, then transfers it to the shampoo bottle. His hair didn't show much regrowth, but it definitley stopped falling out. He thinks he has managed to slow down the balding process, and I believe it. By the way, he uses Nora Ross's Garlic Shampoo. As for me, I plan to try it. I didn't buy Nora Ross because I have two huge bottles of Dove shampoo and conditioner stocked in the closet and think I shoud use them. I plan to mix both shampoo and conditioner with aloe vera. I'll also begin Biotin next week. I'll update on my efforts. I lost half my hair at 30 due to hormonal changes and stress. It's frightening to consider further hair loss, but we knew it was a huge possibility going into surgery. God help us and give us the peace we need. He will, just pray on it!
  2. Estrellita

    vitamin nausea

    I take the One a Day for women, but don't swallow them (I haven't even tried to do so). What works for me is pulverize it, and mix it into my EAS Myoplex protein shake. Good luck!
  3. Estrellita

    Popcorn safe to eat?

    Thank you all for your feedback on popcorn. I wasn't sure if it was safe, but delighted to hear it is. YEY!!!!!!! Many blessings to you all!
  4. Estrellita

    It's been a rough weekend.

    Hi April, I can't express how much I can relate to you. I dealt with serious anxiety post surgery and am still working to control it. Depression and anxiety come from a combination of factors: the surgery itself, the adjustment period, the hormonal changes that occur as we lose weight, our brain dealing with life without the numbing food, plus any existing emotional issues (for me there are several). We tend to feel alone and actually start withdrawing from the world. No one can cheer us up. Don't let this depression overtake you and keep you from enjoying life. One more habit we have to break is beating ourselves dead after overeating. It was part of the vicious addiction cycle. Beware of it and act against it. What I find works great for affirming myself, my life, my decisions, and cheers me up are daily affirmations, journaling, walking, and therapy. I am also joining OA this week. Remember the surgery helps us controls the addictive behavior, but not the mental/physical addiction itself. I hear OA helps much in this and is very supportive. Another resource I found that I'm just starting to work with is a book titled the Biology of Belief by Bruce H. Lipton. I picked it up because Wayne Dyer (Excuses be Gone author) recommends it. Biology of Belief addresses (I'm just starting) the physical state of thinking, and attempts to teach us how to think so that we are functioning, impacting, assertive humans. So far this is what I gather from it. I'm liking it. Wayne Dyer's audio CDs are also powerful. I play them in the car and keep saying I'm gonna get them on my cell from itunes to listen to as I walk. I haven't done this though... I'm not sure of your faith, but spiritual affirmations are powerful. My favorites come from "Jesus Calling" and "God Calling." Two little books that literally feed me and give me direction daily. I also include general affirmations and stream them into my cell. April I have learned so much since surgery. I found that this journey has been more about rediscovering myself, than the weight loss. Sometimes I wish I had started working on myself inside out instead of outside in, but deep down I think this was the only way to recenter my life. Don't give up on yourself, and please please please don't resort to withdrawl and apathy. This website has helped me tremendously. Personally it has been heaven sent. Reach out to people here, at home, your BF, God, therapy if necessary, and support groups. But please, please, please, don't beat yourself up. Give that up just as your body has given up on three bags of doritos at a sitting. God bless you!
  5. Estrellita

    problems eating

    I had the same symptoms when I started eating, and sometimes even when just on broth. I would get hot flashes and had a bit of nausea. Sometimes my heart would even speed up. The doctor said the hot sensation may have to do with acid, and it was normal. According to him the nausea might be to big bites, not chewing enough, or too much liquids soon after or before eating. Sometimes I'd get cold clammy hands, and that he said was due to eating less and my metabolism/body temperature feeling the change. I am 47 days post surgery, and all of those symptoms have gone away almost completely. I found that taking the time to chew, chew, chew, and being careful with not drinking too much Water before or after eating really helps in avoiding any nausea or uncomfortness while or after eating. Hopefully this helps. Good luck and God bless you!
  6. Hello everyone! I'ts been 38 days since my sleeve, and I've had no complications with my surgery, except for pretty darn bad anxiety. Today I decided I would try new foods. I've been on yogurt, oatmeal, malt o meal, and cooked (killed) vegetables since my first week. I've stuck to the meal plan faithfully, but today decided to try something new. I cooked a potatoe with olive oil (a bit of it), mixed in an egg white for Protein, and added a bit of salt. All these foods are approved in the meal plan for my stage. I didn't let the potatoe cook to mash consistency. It was soft, but did require chewing. I didn't weigh the ammount I ate, but I know it was adequate for my stomach (I think). Almost immediately after eating I felt something weird. I felt fatigued, a bit lightheaded, a bit shaky, a bit of nausea, and my heart a bit accelerated. I also had the urge to go the restroom, but nothing came out. All symptoms went away after about an hour and half. Right now I'm not sure what is attributed to my anxiety and what is connected to my new stomach. Has anyone ever experienced this? Did I eat the wrong thing? Did I not chew enough? Is it a normal body/mind reaction to the first solid, "real" meal? I'd appreciate any sharings. Thanks!
  7. Estrellita

    Did I eat the wrong thing?

    Thanks for your suggestions and for sharing your personal experiences. I think it's a combination of everything you all said. I ate too fast, maybe too much, and I am definitley nervous about the next eating stage. I need to continue working on my anxiety issues. Thanks and many blessings to all!
  8. Hi all! I was sleeved 20 days ago, and am looking for a buddy. I've posted threads with questions and concerns, and the responses I've gotten are priceless. Thank you! I'm from Los Angeles, and am in the process of looking for a local support group. I need all the support I can get, so I'm reaching out to a buddy here too. I currently don't have a cell phone, but we can chat via email and facebook. Email: Brisamari@aol.com. You can look me up in facebook under Maria Carbajal. Thank you and God bless you all with much health and peace!
  9. Estrellita

    The Power of Anxiety

    I know your fears well Texas Diva. I'm terrified of abandoning my kids. I have an amazing 16 year old who is ready to take on the world and change it for the best, and I want to be around to encourage her and see it happen. I also have the most creative, curious, jolly, loving 8 year old I've ever met. Leaving them builds immense remorse, guilt, and regret about having had surgery. But I know this is emotional, because physically I have had NO complications. No infections, no leakage...no nothing. I've had weird sensations that are slowly fading, or becoming less recurrent. Cognitively I know I'm ok. I know I'm on my way to healing well, and being my old self again (a better version of it actually). However, the message hasn't reached my emotions. I'm struggling with feeling safe. I decided I will no longer read surgeries gone bad, unless complications arise. I'm reaching out to God, who unfortunately I didn't involve enough in my pre-op preparations. I'm trying to focus on the progress I see daily, because there is progress daily. I'm meditating and cherishing every moment with my kids and family. I'm lucky my job gives me the summer off (I teach middle school). You need to make sure you cool off before surgery. I'm nervous that stress from your job will carry into your surgery and after. Take a few days off before surgery and as many as possible after. The odds of dying in surgery are minimal. Fears are normal, but let them go. My advice would be to prepare the best for post-surgery. Have your support circle ready, your spiritual readings at hand, and definitely no work. Make that clear to your employer and to yourself. You've worked hard, and now it's time for you. In my sleepless nights I came across a passage that I wake up to every morning now: For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. -II Timothy 1:7 God's spirit is all this, and so is ours! How divine is this! You'll do great Texas Diva. We all will!
  10. Hi all! I already posted a message on the support group forum, but I'm doing it here also to reach more members. I just got sleeved 20 days ago, and am in desperate need of attendind a support group. I love this site and it's helped plenty, but I'd like to also join a support group in my area. I'm from downtown Los Angeles and am willing to travel 20-30 minutes to meet. Anyone know of support meetings? Thank you and God bless you all!
  11. Estrellita

    CA Sleevesters

    Hi all! I just got sleeved on July 8. I'm from Los Angeles, and looking for support groups that meet on a regular basis. I'd appreciate any leads. Thanks!
  12. Estrellita

    Getting 2nd Psych eval again

    I've never suffered from anxiety before, and boy is it hitting me hard now. I'm 20 days post-surgery. No physical complications (thank God), but many emotional ones. If you suffer from depression and anxiety now, please prepare for a possibility of emotional challenges post surgery. Tell the therapist about your meds, but demand higher quality and a thorough evaluation.
  13. Estrellita

    racing heartbeat

    I'm 19 days post surgery, and I actually called my nurse yesterday for a similar sympton. My pulse was 105, when it's always been betwen 75-80. Besides the fast hearbeat, I had tingling sensations in my left arm. My nurse called back and said it sounds like anxiety. Based on the quesitons she asked she concluded it's not leakage, symptoms of a heart attack, blood pressure problems, thyroid problems or any other physical complication (thank God!). She believes it's anxiety related to depression, which may come from a rise in hormones which occurs normally after surgery. She recommended a lot of rest, liquids, and to make sure I'm taking my vitamins. She also recommended I go to my family physician and get my heart checked out. After our conversation I was much at ease to have eliminated physical complications. I did some meditation with my sister, had a long conversation with my mother about my fears and concerns, prayed, went to bed early, and had a great night! Today I feel much better and I'm working on my emotional stage. I haven't felt my heart speeed up at all today, so I think my nurse was right. For someone not used to depression or anxiety, and with no previous medical conditions, this is new and scary. I don't know how you've been doing emotionally, but if you're experiencing depression and/or anxiety, that may be the cause. I would still get your dr's or nurse's opinion. Hope you feel better.
  14. I'm 19 days post surgery, and I wouldn't go to the beach now. I do light driving, walking, and try to completely avoid lifting and bending. I have almost no pain and thank God, no leakage or other type of complications. However, I tire easily, especially in the sun and in crowded places. Too much noise, movement, action make me a bit dizzy and lightheaded. I went to the mall this past Saturday, and had to leave to the car 20 minutes after being inside. I wasn't like this before surgery, so I know it's part of the recuperation process. My body and mind are still in recovery, and I know I must be careful to what I expose them to. Another issue that has come up is depression, better yet: anxiety. This is something I wasn't familiar with either. Never had anxiety, only mild depression on PMS days. This time though, it's different! I panick easy, I become terrified and immensely emotional. It hits me at any moment. It's mindboggling and almost unbelievable given my pre-op personality. Be careful. I wasn't prepared for all the different physical changes and sensations. And I especially wasn't prepared for the emotional challenges. Given the way I've felt, I wouldn't go the beach on such a hot, crowded, noisy day. But, hopefully your experience will be different and you will be able to enjoy a day at the beach. Best wishes!
  15. Thanks for sharing. I'm 19 days post, having intense, mixed feelings about my decision to do this to my body. I'm nervous, terrified, yet also hopeful. I need to be patient. Best of luck in starting your excercise program. The five pounds will come off, no doubt. Thanks again for sharing.
  16. Hi All! I'm blesed to discover this site. I just had surgery July 8th. I can't complain because my wounds are healing well, and overall I feel strong. I know I'm ok, but can't help to freak out at all the new sensations my body is experiencing. I'd like to know if anyone shared my experiences and how you handled it. I'll see my dr in two weeks, but would like to know of other patient's experiences. To begin with, I experience lightheadedness in the morning. Not enough to feel like I'll faint, but enough to make me nervous. I try to eat no more than 30 minutes after I wake up to combat the occurence, but it still happens. Did anyone experience this? Is it still related to surgery, am I weak? Does it go away eventually? For the first time yesterday I experienced something stuck in my esophogus. I chewed through a piece of cauliflower, but guess not enough. It was one of the most unpleasant, frightening, nervewrecking experiences. I ddin't know if I'd vomit it, if it pass, or just stay there. Drinking Water didn't help much. I know we have to chew thoroughly, and thought I did. Will this happen often? What do you do when it happens?! Does this "stuck" sensation eventually go away with time? I was under the impression that our esophogus wouldn't change. Yet, mine is so delicate. I need to be careful with the thickness of food, gulps of water, I can't swallow soft gels, etc. Will this ever go away? I'm sorry if I sound hysterical and misinformed. I thought I researched the surgery enough, but honestly wasn't prepared for my new stomach. I'm not disregarding my progress: I feel strong, sleep well, stitches healed, 18 lbs down, NO LEAKAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet, I experience nervousness with these new sensations. I would love to hear from anyone that can shed light on this. Thanks!
  17. It's been 18 days since I was sleeved, and I'm experiencing an array of new sensations and emotions. Some I know are normal to my new stomach, but some frighten me deeply. I'd appreciate anyone who can shed some light on my experiences. Is it normal to feel your body hot? When I eat (veggies, yogurt, oatmeal), I get a hot sensation in my tummy that travels up and around my inside; at least that's how it feels. A couple of times I even broke into a minor sweat (that hasnt't happened since 5 days though). Has anyone experienced this heated sensations, and is it normal? The most frightening experience was last night. At 4 AM an inner hot sensation awoke me. I felt my tummy, my chest, my face, and my left arm hot. There was pressure around my heart area, and a fast hearbeat. Needless to say, I was terrified. I got up, tried hard to control my panic, but had a difficult time doing so. I had a major breakdown. I'm afraid of some complication that will lead to a heart attack or body paralysis. I know this sounds drastic, but I've never experienced these sensations before. I'm awaiting for a call back from my dr., but would love to hear from anyone who's experienced anything similar to this. I've taken my temperature, and the highest is 97.9. I don't have diabetes, blood pressure problems, or any existing condition that I can account for this. Help, please.
  18. Estrellita

    Help, Please

    Thanks for all your comments. It could be hormones because I am also an emotional wreck. Will continue observing myself and will keep you posted. Thanks again.
  19. Estrellita

    Help, Please

    In all the pre-op research I encountered, a heart attack or paralysis were never risks. That's why, I'm confused. My dr. still hasn't called back. I'm hoping this hot sensations are temporary and will diminish. Maybe they're just a normal, new tummy reaction. As for my heart, maybe I'm panicking and setting off a fast heartbeat. Mention this to your physician before surgery.
  20. Estrellita

    Would Appreciate Advice

    Thank you all for the advice. It makes sense that lightheadedness comes from a lack of sugar. I'll commence my days with some apple juice. Thanks for the advice! I'm so blessed to have found y'all! Best wishes.

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