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Posts posted by Sunshine

  1. You guys are the best. Seriously....the best.

    This has all happened very quickly. One day, I finally decided to have WLS. 1 month later, I had it. It was a very quick thing.

    I had surgery July 19th. No pre-op plan. From what I read on here, I would be considered a 'light weight'. That term is soooo foreign to me though. I am 5'6" and I weighed 242. To some, that's 'skinny'. To others, I am 'obese'. What did I think I was?.....miserable. I didn't care.

    During the last 2 months of my new 'life'....I have had lots of ups and downs. Regret, happiness, sadness, guilt, mourning, jealousy, anger.....You name it, and I felt it. The more I talk to people who have had the surgery, and the things I've read (on here, other forums, and books), apparently...these feelings are quite normal.

    My husband and son have been sooooo supportive. My husband is even starting to eat better. And my son,...well, he is eating better too,...but he is in karate for 3 hours each practice, 3x a week. So, he's fit...cut...gorgeous...at NINE years of age.

    he he he

    Anyhow, I am the original person who posted this thread (if you haven't already figured it out). I have had 1 major stall so far....and yes, it was at the 3 week mark. I honestly thought that I was the ONLY person that the surgery didn't work for. It was crazy. But, here I am....I've lost 33 pounds (as of today...34 now!!!). I'm proud of myself. I asked the question because I've read where some people have lost 50+ pounds by now. Yes, I know that everyone has their own journey and that everyone's body is different, and it depends on how you follow the plan, if you exercise and if you stay positive. But, I suppose I just needed to hear that I wasn't failing.

    My Dr. states that I'm right on track. That I'm going to be a star patient since I started with zero health issues (except my weight). He actually calls me his, "No Issue Patient". he he.

    You guys have lifted my spirit, as you always do. THANK YOU for taking the time to write. For giving me a moment of your time. For helping me. Ya'll are the best.

    I've read all of your posts and ya'll are also doing wonderful! Everyone needs to be proud of themselves.

    Again...THANK YOU. I am now smiling.

  2. Here I go...cover your ears: Woooooooohoooooooooooo! I am NOT alone in this BATTLE <<insert dramatic battle music>>.

    Fact: I have YET to get in 80g of Protein a day

    Fact: I must be a weirdo 'cuz I can't stand the Protein drinks, shakes, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese slices, unflavored powder, skim milk

    Fact: I get about 30-60g of protein a day. And that's IF I totally focus on it.

    Fact: I LOATHE the word 'protein'

    Fact: I'm only a month post-op and I'm FREAKING OUT that I will be BALD

    Fact: Again, I'm only a month post-op and I'm FREAKING out losing muscle mass

    Dream: that someday, some scientist will invent a GOOD TASTING protein that I can take in 1 gulp...once a day. I suppose the closes to that is the Bullets. 42g of protein in 3.5 ounces. But...OH MY GOODNESS....try smelling those and tasting those. VOMIT!!!!

    I eat chicken. The only fish I like is blackened fish...but have you ever had spicy fish and not allowed to drink with your meal? ON FIRE!! Apparently, my taste buds no longer like tuna (LOVED it before).

    BUT....I do like Peanut Butter. Some of you can put a spoon in it and eat it like that. I can't. I need a cracker. So, I do that and get at least 5-6 protein with a TBS and 2 crackers. (and I love it)

    You're not alone.

  3. I have no advice because I am only less than 5 weeks post op. But, I just wanted to make some comments.

    The first month, I lost 23 pounds. To me,...that was NOTHING because I had read where some people lost 50. 23 pounds???? Are you kidding? That's obviously not good. But I am slowly realizing that EVERY person is different. I can't compare my weight loss to someone else's.

    Frustration to me is different than your frustration. Someone else may be ecstatic for losing 2 pounds in a month, where for me...it would drive me insane.

    All I can say is...it's all relative. Best we can do is..our best. We're ALL eating better. We're ALL more conscious to what is going on with our bodies. Is it a little maddening and...dare I say...obsessive? Yes. It totally drives me crazy that I freaking dream about Protein and that the word 'Protein' rules my life.

    But....I am trying to stay positive. SOMEDAY I WILL BE THIN AGAIN.

    'Chin up' friends. We're in this together.

  4. Thanks for the support everyone. I don't want people to think I'm complaining or something similar to that. I have watched all sorts of videos on YouTube and they have all seemed to lose so much more than me. But....to be fair....they weighed much more than me. So...who knows. I'm just glad that I am 23 pounds lighter. I want to lose 20 pounds in the next month.

  5. Jane....I think you hit the nail on the head.

    My husband said I wasn't going a lot/barely because there was hardly any food (your 'volume' comment hit home).

    When I drunk 1/3 of the Mag Citrate, I went....but it was not a lot. Cleaned me out...but I was still like, "That's it?". And it was. he he

    I think my nerves were freaking me out a little. I bought some chewable Benefiber tablets (take one 3x a day) to keep me regular. I'll see how that works.

    Maybe I've just changed to where I don't need to go every day.

  6. Sooooo, I've been on here a a medium amount. Asking questinos, lurking, reading. Even tried to answer a few and be supportive to a few...although it feels that I still have no idea what I'm doing since I'm still new to all this.

    Yesterday was my month mark. I started at 242, only had a 1 day liquid diet pre-op plan (so no weight loss before surgery), ......and I have lost 23 pounds in one month.

    Now...to me, that totally blows. Because I have read where some people lose 50 pounds in one month.

    Should I be happy? Should I be disappointed? I mean, I know everyone is different......but still.

  7. Constipation. The word...there, I said it. And yes, I'm having issues. I have to admit, I thought I'd be the ONLY post-op pt to NOT have issues because I have been SO regular allll my life. But.....sure enough....I'm having issues.

    So......what do I do? I mean, I know to drink more. But, seriously.....what works the best? Will I have to be constipated the rest of my life? Do I take something to keep me regular the rest of my life? What do I do for RIGHT NOW since I am only going a very little bit every day (with 2 stool softeners already).

    I want to get a bottle of Mg. Citrate and just drink it and deal with the consequences.

    HELP!!! :cursing:

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