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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MommyTawnie

  1. Well all I am 1 year and almost 1 month post op. I am 3 lbs from loosing one hundred pounds, and I am feeling wonderful. However not so wonderful when I eat just about anything really. I can eat and within minutes to an hour I feel so sick that I gag and vomit on most occasions. I had complications in the begining and I am concerned that they are going to be long term if permanent complications. I am still only able to eat very little which is great, but that very little makes me feel like I have been hit by a Mack Truck and it sits and hurts until it comes back up. I hate that I am still going through so much, but you know what I look at the plus side of it. I am reaching my goal and I am loving the new me!!! Did you or are you having these problems??
  2. So I will be 5 months out on the 21st. I am down 70lbs from the day of surgery and at another stall.. 2nd one in the past 2 months.. I know they happen, and I know the scale will move again, I just wish it would start moving NOW!! I am able to eat more then I was a month ago "way more" However I am still getting in around 900-1000 calories a day. I still start with my meat first and if I am able to eat it all with out my full signal I move on to my greens. Usually after a couple of bites I am finished.. Where as a month ago I was barely able to get down 1/4 of a chicken breast.. I did have complications "leak, pneumonia, etc." and that did put me behind where I should have been at. So maybe eating as much as I'm eating now is normal who knows.. I just know this stall thing stinks!!! Loosing another pants size is a plus!! I just want to see the sale move again!!
  3. I to have been dealing with constipation and I sometimes go a week before I am able to "go" during that week I do notice a stall in the scale as well as my clothes fitting tighter. Once I am able to go it's as if I loose 2-3lbs over night. My clothes get loose on me and I am back on track with the weight loss. I see a surgeon on the 21st for the constipation as well as other problems that arise from it. Hopefully we figure something out so everything gets back to normal.
  4. MommyTawnie

    Food Quantity??

    I am 4 months out going on 5 months the 21st. I had many complications and for the first month could barely get anything down. Lots of feeling sick to my stomach and a whole lot of OMG why did I do this? After all that I went through I am lucky to be able to get down the amount I get down at times.. It feels like I'm eating more then I should, but I'm not and I realize that. My portions are way smaller then they were pre-surgery and I am able to sometimes finish off a portion. I feel so guilty after, but then I have to tell myself I finished it off without that full signal so it wasn't to much. Then I have times where I can barely take a few bites of chicken and I feel all choked up. I tried a sandwich and it felt like it was stuck with no where to go, but back up and out. It was horrible. Even though I am as far out as I am. I'm still in the beginning stages of everything. I had a leak at a month out and was hospitalized for 2 weeks at almost 2 months I was barely able to start back on solids. I'm at a place now that I should have been at a month or 2 ago. All people are different as are doctors. Some may not have the restriction that they need. Then again the ones that are barely able to take in a few bites may have to much restriction. I think I'm where I need to be. I am 1lb away from 70lbs since day of surgery and I am 34lbs from my goal!!!
  5. MommyTawnie


    From the album: before, during and eventually after..

    My 3 months out face shot
  6. MommyTawnie

    halloween 09 257

    From the album: before, during and eventually after..

    Me back in 2009
  7. Well I can only speak from experience. I developed a leak at 1 month out. Normally after the first couple of weeks the doctors assume you are in the clear for leaks or other complications. My case was one that had never been seen before meaning they had no record of anyone developing a leak that far out. Along with the leak I had pneumonia as well as a partially collapsed lung. However I started eating solid foods at 2 weeks out. I think you are fine with the little bit you ate, just be careful though. Bread is very filling that's why I stay away from it..
  8. I went through that as well for the first couple of weeks.. It got to the point of me wanting to just give up and never eat again. My doctor put me on Nexium and within a week I noticed a big HUGE difference. He also recommened drinking hot tea to help break up the foamy stuff.. I used the peppermint tea and it did wonderful.. You will get better over time, it's just getting you to that point before you decide to through in the towel.. Did your doctor scope you before surgery? I was scoped the day before and they found the H. Pylori bacteria in my stomach.. After surgery I had more then normal acid amounts in my stomach. He said it could have been caused from the acid trying to kill/breakup the bacteria.. I hope you get some relief soon. It's miserable I know from experience, but it DOES get better..
  9. I am going to appologize to anyone that had something rude or hurtful to say about my last post. I am sorry that I went on a rant about not getting a response. I was having a bad day and when those days come up I turn to this board for the support I need to get me past whatever is going on.. I do read other post and even more so now that people have made it known that I should do that before posting anything. This is a forum for support right? I needed support and I felt like it wasn't there when I needed it. Now that I look back at it. I shouldn't have posted something that was going to cause such a fit. My remark about "stupid questions" was just that a remark. We all say things that we don't mean to say at times "that's life". My stall has passed and I have lost 3 lbs over the past week. I changed NOTHING!! I kept doing what I had been doing since the beginning and it passed on it own. Thanks for the Positve Support from those of you that provided it.
  10. I posted a post the other day and not one response as to what to do to get the scales to start moving.. Thanks people I really need advise on this. My doctor told me to increase activities and up the calories, but I have done both and the scale is still sitting the same.. When I first came to this forum it was within minutes of posting a response would come back now I'm lucky if someone even reads it. Which is frustrating other people ask similar questions and boom responses. Stupid questions get asked and what do you think happens hint "they get answered". I'm really frustrated with being at a stall for so long and support from others is what I am seaking at this time. My dear sweet husband is trying but he doesn't know what's going on and what should be going on.. Anyway Later!!
  11. MommyTawnie


    Thank You for that I do get that alot of people on here are new to the sleeve and some are still in debate about the surgery.. I was super frustrated at the stall and I needed to vent. I wish now I wouldn't have done so considering some of the hateful hurtful things that are being said. I turn to the forum because I do not have a support group in my area that I can attend. We have bariatrics here yes, but unless you have surgery at this hospital the support groups are pretty much closed off from other surgeons patients. I had surgery an hour away that's not a drive I can make 2-3 times a month. This is my support group and to have certain things answered and others not is aggrivating. I am better now and my scales have started moving again on there own!!
  12. MommyTawnie


    Sry all I was having a bad day when I posted this. Not seeing the scales move for almost 3 weeks was driving me nuts.. I am getting in around 900-1000 calories a day. I am tracking my protein as well, some days I am getting well over the recommended amount. Other days I am lucky to get in 50grams. I am pleased to say that the scales have once again started moving and I have lost 3 lbs since I posted this post. And that's with no change to my diet.. My body just needed to catch up I guess. Anyway I am pushing well into the 170s and it feels AMAZING!! I actually fit into a size 11-12 skirt yesterday.. I haven't worn that size since the first few months of my pregnancy 6 years ago. Thank You all for your response!!
  13. The lab I went to first informed me that they did not have a contract with my insurance, and that I would be charged the full amount if they drew the blood.. I told them never mind and asked where I could go to have the blood work drawn and it not cost me an arm and a leg. They helped me find a place and thankfully insurance covered the total cost..
  14. I was back on solid foods by 4 weeks. I am sure you will be just fine with eating the little bit you ate..
  15. I am going on 3 1/2 months out and I just started using a straw a couple of weeks ago.. Up to that point I had tried using one a few times here and there "can't go to a restraunt and drink from a cup without a straw" however each time I tried I hurt for 20-30 minutes after.. Right at my 3 month mark I was just fine drinking from a straw..
  16. I haven't done the peanut butter thing, but I have started replacing my snacks with raw almond slivers and different nuts here and there that are high in protein, but lower in calories.
  17. My doctor had me taking Pepto every 6 hours for 2 weeks after my surgery.Not because of indigestion or anything like that, but because I had the H. Pylori bacteria. I don't think Pepto is harmful after the sleeve because if it was why in the world would my doctor put me on it?? Plus his office told me to take Imodium when I couldn't get the diarrhea to stop.
  18. Well I knew it would come sooner or later I was just hoping it would come much later then this.. I have hit a stall and it has lasted 2 almost 3 weeks now.. The scale isn't moving off of 183.. I hit that a few weeks ago and up to that point hadn't really had much of a stall until now. It's driving me crazy. I'm not weighing but once a week and to see it sit the same every week has been a bit disappointing. Atleast it's not going up is what I keep telling myself, and I am still loosing inches just not pounds.. I started taking a zumba class once a week, and once I am comfortable in that class I will move up to 2-3 classes a week.. I am still eating right and getting in my protein. Infact I just had my 3 month blood work done and got a call from the doctors office telling me everything looked perfect and the only thing they seen I needed to add to my diet was Vitamin D.. I didn't even have to go in for a visit which shocked me after all I went through in January and February with the leak/absess. I just wish this stall would pass already. Is there anything I can do to get the scale moving again?
  19. MommyTawnie

    Need to belch

    I have had that annoying feeling of needing to burp/belch as well. I have my dear sweet hubby pat my back until it comes out.. "kind of like burping a baby" I wouldn't try anything carbonated at just a month or so out. I am almost 3 months out and I will not be introducing anything with carbonation in it until I hit my 6 month mark.. I am following doctors orders on this one. I have already had enough complications and hospital trips to last a life time. I don't want to do something I'm not suppose to and risk harming myself or my new stomach..
  20. Thankfully my doctor starts his patiants back on liquids "anything that can fit through a straw" the day after surgery.. I never had to worry about clear liquids. However I can tell you from my experience I didn't feel like eating/drinking much of anything. I did a lot of sleeping the first few days and then a lot of walking "as much as I could without getting worn out" The hardest part was probably the drain I had...
  21. I was wondering where you have bought clothes while loosing weight? I went shopping the other day at Goodwill during there $.50 days, and found nothing not even a shirt that fit me right.. It's so hard knowing that if I buy something that cost more "regular jcpenny shopping trip" it will be to big for me within the month. Yes it might be worth it to have clothes that fit, but I can't seem to just let go and buy. I have already invested a lot of money into new bras so the clothes I feel if I can't get them for less then a $1 then I just don't need them.. Has anyone else gone through this? I am hitting yard sales this weekend so hopefully that will help with some clothes.. Thanks!!
  22. MommyTawnie

    Atkins protein bars

    I enjoy one almost every day. It's my snack in the afternoon if I'm out and about.. My favorite is the sweet and salty..
  23. MommyTawnie

    Broke the stall (slowly)

    I hit a stall at 2 1/2 months out. It was my first stall and it was very depressing. Yes I knew it would happen, but having it happen made it real. So I put away the scales and said forget you I'm not going to go by numbers for a while and see how that goes. I continued eating the way I had been eating the past 2 1/2 months and stepped up my activities. After 2 weeks of not weighing I decided to give it a go, and Holy cow I stepped on the scales and seen 183!! I finally broke through 190 without even realizing it. Don't stress yourself out over little things like stalls I know I won't. The scales will eventually start moving again have faith!! I'm ready for my 3 month post op visit now.. I want to see how much I have lost going by the doctors scales. Considering they show I weigh more then my home scales.. LoL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
